SQA Plan

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Version 2.2

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Document History

Version Date Prepared/ Modified Approved By Changes

0.1 Aug 10’ Laika Nishat Kesavan Initial draft
1.0 Sep 15’ Ravikumar Kesavan Base lined
2.0 Oct 28’ 2015 Ravikumar Kesavan Roles and responsibilities, SQA
process plan and training details
added, QA Resource Details
2.1 Sep 5’ 2016 Ravikumar Kesavan SQA Team meeting frequency
change from six months to
2.2 May 10’ Ravikumar Kesavan Reviewed and updated
3.0 Dec 31’ Ravikumar Suresh Review for V2.0 changes and
2019 updated the plan.

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................4
1.1 PURPOSE:.........................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 SCOPE:.............................................................................................................................................................4
1.3 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................................4
2 Project Quality Activities.....................................................................................................4
2.1 REVIEWS:.........................................................................................................................................................4
2.2 INTERNAL QUALITY AUDITS:..........................................................................................................................4
2.3 MEETINGS CHART FOR SQA............................................................................................................................4
2.4 SQA RESOURCES.............................................................................................................................................5
2.5 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES........................................................................................................................5
3 SQA Process Plan................................................................................................................5

4 Training..............................................................................................................................5

5 Configuration Management Plan........................................................................................5

5.1 LIST OF CONFIGURABLE ITEMS AND CONTROLLED ITEMS...............................................................................5
5.2 TOOLS IDENTIFICATION FOR CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT:......................................................................6
5.3 ACCESS RIGHTS:..............................................................................................................................................6
5.4 BACKUP MECHANISM:.....................................................................................................................................6
5.5 FOLDER STRUCTURE:.......................................................................................................................................6
6 Monitoring and Control plan...............................................................................................6

7 Measurement Plan.............................................................................................................6

8 Audit Plan/ Audit Schedule.................................................................................................6

9 Management review Plan...........................................................................................................6

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1 Introduction
The objective of this document provides an overview of the SQA plan and the functional activities involved in the
Quality assurance processes at madras security printers.

1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this SQA plan is to establish the goals, processes, and responsibilities required to implement an
effective quality assurance functions, the SQA plan also describes how the project will be audited to ensure that
the polices, standards, practices, procedures, and processes applicable to the project are followed

1.2 Scope:
This Plan is applicable for all types of projects, internal testing, ot, and SEPG functions at madras security printers
SQA process

1.3 References
 Project Management Plan
 SEPG Plan
 Process and Product Quality Assurance

2 Project Quality Activities

2.1 Reviews:
All projects are allocated a PQA within the project who looks after quality activities of the project

2.2 Internal Quality Audits:

Quality Audit is a systematic and independent examination to determine whether the quality activities and related
results comply with the planned arrangements.
The purpose of the internal audit is monitor conformance, to both the documented quality system in operation
and subsequently, to the requirements of any standard upon which the system is based. It provides the
mechanism for discovering non- conformances within the operating quality management system by
 ensuring that appropriate corrective action is planned
 ensuring that appropriate action is implemented
 monitoring the effectiveness of the action

Audit Schedule.xls

2.3 Meetings chart for SQA

This section briefs about the list of meeting will be conducted in various stages of the software development cycle,
in which the SQA team have to participate

Sl. No. Meeting Frequency

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1 Kick off meeting Project start
2 Milestone reviews End of each phase
3 Management Review Meeting As published by Management/Project
4 Project Closure Meeting End of project
5 SQA Team Meeting Monthly
6 SEPG Meetings Monthly

2.4 SQA Resources

The lists of the SQA team resources is given in the below table

Sl. No. SQA Member Name Role Email

1 Ravikumar S QA Manager qms@madrassecurityprinters.com

2.5 Roles and Responsibilities

Sl. No. Roles Responsibilities

1 QA- Lead
Process Implementation Support
2 SQA  Briefs / conducts training sessions on the process improvement and
the tools to be used after the QMS release
 Supports the projects in identifying the changes to be made in the
process to incorporate the process improvement
 Facilitates piloting of new process or technology within the product
team / project/ function

Process Implementation Monitoring

 Monitors and verifies various activities of the product

team/project/function and identifies process adherence issues
 Assists the projects in identifying best practices, lessons learned, tools
and techniques applied in other product activity/projects.
 Identifies and reports process improvement, new tools and techniques
that could be considered for inclusion in process database for
organization wide implementation

Quality Audits

 Preparing for the audit by studying the relevant procedures,

documents and other deliverables of the project/function that is to be
audited alone or jointly with other auditors
 Conducting internal quality audit by obtaining objective evidence of
implementation and effectiveness of the quality system.
 Documenting the observations and reporting audit results through a
formal report.
 Monitors the process implementation in the product team/
project/function by conducting periodic process adherence verifications
 Focuses on the process and judges process adequacy

Quality Assurance Guidance

 Guides projects and functions in metrics collection and analysis.
Reports metrics and customer complaints
 Provides support for improvement activities of the project and
 Organizes for piloting new processes or technology in projects and
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 Analyzes and reports QMS deviations

3 SQA Process Plan

PPQA process will be followed by SQA Group with the following tailoring activities
Sl. No. Process Element Description of Remarks
Tailored changes made
1 Audit Schedule Audit Schedule Approved by SEPG
will be planned
quarterly instead
of annually

4 Training
 Training will be conducted for SQA members
 Skill Assessment of SQA members will be carried out

5 Configuration Management Plan

5.1 List of Configurable items and controlled items

Sl. Item Name Type Location in the Repository

1 Internal Audit reports Controlled SCAMPI-MSP/SQA/Audit Reports
2 NC Trends Controlled SCAMPI-MSP/SQA/ NC Trends
3 SQA audit summary report Controlled SCAMPI-MSP/SQA/Report
4 Audit Schedule Configurable SCAMPI-MSP/SQA/Plans
5 SQA Plan Configurable SCAMPI-MSP/SQA/Plans
6 Management Team meeting - MOM Controlled SCAMPI-MSP/SQA/MOM
7 SQA Team meeting- MOM Controlled SCAMPI-MSP/SQA/MOM

5.2 Tools Identification for Configuration Management:

The tool will be used to store all the versions of the software and track changes and baselines of the project
QMS in Drive share is identified as the configuration management tool in which all the documents are stored

5.3 Access Rights:

All the SEPG team members have the read and write access rights for the backup server folder

5.4 Backup Mechanism:

Sl. No. Back up item Monitoring frequency Backup Type Frequency responsibility
1 QMS-Server Monthly Full Monthly IT Team
2 SQA System Monthly Full Monthly IT Team

5.5 Folder Structure:

6 Monitoring and Control plan

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QMS will be monitored throughout the process and will be controlled whenever there is a
process improvement and if any changes.

 Project Process documents

 Metrics
Metrics such as the following are collected during project phases and audit phases;
a) Number of audits conducted Vs. planned
b) Effort spent on audits,
c) Percentage of project covered in each audit cycle,
d) NC Trends

 Audits and Audit Reports

Audits will be conducted as planed and the reports will be submitted to Director.

7 Measurement Plan
As per the Audit Plan metrics will be collected on quarterly basis. The following metrics will be collected and
submitted to the SEPG

 No of audit planned vs. conducted

 Efforts spent on Audit
 Percentage of Project covered in each audit cycle
 NC Trends

SQA Metrics Reports

8 Audit Plan/ Audit Schedule

The Audit Plan is a specification of the planned activities for a specific audit. It will identify the names of the
auditors and the audited, the audit dates, frequency .and scope The audit team should follow the audit plan while
conducting the audit activities audits will be conducted for all projects, SEPG, SQA and OT

Audit Schedule

9 Management review Plan

The Audit report will be submitted to Director regarding the project status after each audit cycle and MRM will be

Paste MRM

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