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Strategic Planning

Final Exam

1. The importance of having a School Improvement Plan because schools

battle many difficulties in their efforts to give all students needed education,
the achievement gap has long been a topic of conversation for those striving
for equity in education. Today, schools struggle to address academic
achievement disparities between students from low-income homes or minority
backgrounds and students from high-income homes or nonminority
backgrounds. Stagnant funding can choke a school’s ability to reduce
classroom sizes, purchase needed resources, and provide teachers with
valuable training. Schools also contend with meeting the needs of students
living in poverty. According to a study from the Center for American Progress,
nearly 10 million children attend schools in which 75% of the students live in
poverty.Solving such formidable challenges calls for innovation, which is why
school leaders are turning to school improvement plans (SIPs). These
comprehensive agendas are designed to ensure that all students, regardless
of race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other demographic distinction,
can study in learning environments that are equitable and deliver effective
education. SIPs identify the hurdles students face, such as a lack of access to
technology, and develop a plan to overcome those hurdles. School
Improvement Plan combines the concepts constituting the foundation for
positive improvement results: meaningful teamwork; measurable clear goals;
and the regular collection and analysis of performance data.” This highlights
the importance of the school community to work together in developing,
monitoring and evaluating achievement results. Since it is a continuous
process, after the initial school improvement plan is completed and submitted,
the plan becomes a blueprint that should be carried out for the next three
cycle years that is dynamic with changes and adjustments throughout the

2. How does irrefutable laws of leadership helps for an improve strategic plan.


Irrefutable laws irrefutable laws of leadership helps an improve strategic plan

by  Each law is like a ready-made tool to be used to add value to other people and to
help us achieve our dreams. As you review the Laws, you’ll find that you practice
some very effectively, while others can be used as learning experiences. I don’t think
anyone does all 21 laws well, but getting better at any of them will make us better
As a “leader in the making”, I found his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of
Leadership, invaluable. It was practical, clear, and very applicable to any level/ area
of leadership. Maxwell’s laws are grounded in strong ethics and truly reflect core
leadership truths that must be imprinted on the heart of every leader. He uses real-
life examples and stories from his own life, and the lives of other leaders. He shares
his personal successes and failures (and those of others), candidly expressing what
he has learned about leadership through reflection on each situation. The laws,
leadership stories and life-lessons Maxwell shared allow for tremendous leadership
development. He included practical suggestions for applying each law to personal
leadership situations . Maxwell’s book is a worthwhile investment for any leader. As
leaders, or those who desire a leadership role, it is vital that value-based leadership
development be passionately pursued. When reading this book, one could easily
read one chapter per week (or more) and make a goal/challenge to apply what has
beenlearned the following week. This book was an opportunity to be mentored one
on one by Maxwell—it was a valuable investment and tool for personal and
leadership growth.

3. Every institution is vulnerable, no matter how great. No matter how much

you’ve achieved, no matter how far you’ve gone, no matter how much power
you’ve garnered, you are vulnerable to decline. There is no law of nature that
the most powerful will inevitably remain at the top. Anyone can fall and most
eventually do.” Do you agree? Why ?


Yes I agree, but because in hope of providing a guide to leaders on reducing their
risks of falling all the way to the bottom. Through How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins
offers leaders a well-founded hope that they can learn to prevent decline . They still
have options to fix the mess they’ve gotten themselves into. When we find ourselves
in trouble or on the cusp of falling, our fear and survival instinct can evoke lurching,
reactive behaviour absolutely contrary to survival. At the very moment when we need
to take calm and deliberate action, we run the risk of doing the exact opposite and
bringing about the very outcomes we fear most. The decline that many of these
large corporations face is largely self-inflicted. The path to recovery lies first and
foremost in returning to sound management practices and rigorous strategic thinking.
A lack of management discipline correlates with decline while passionate adherence
to management discipline correlates with recovery and ascent. How the Mighty
Fall reveals that you can reverse from declining further—as long as you have
enough resources to get out of the cycle of grasping and have the discipline to
rebuild, one step at a time.
Any company, no matter how big and powerful, can experience failure and decline. A
nd often, when decline sets in, it’s exacerbated by the company’s panic-driven action
s. To avoid this, leaders must stick to good business practices, try to stay calm, and 
continue to do what the company does best.

4. Explain the 3 major content in school improvement plan.

Answer :

The 3 major content in School Improvement Plan are Assess, Plan, and Act.
The Asses phase- is where the identification of the PIAs is done and the
general objectives of the SIP are set. This phase includes listening to the voice
of the learners and other stakeholders and analyzing the school data and
processes to determine the root cause of each PIA.

The Plan phase- involves the preparation and writing of the SIP and AIP. It is
when the formulation of solutions and development of project designs are

The Act phase involves small-scale testing then implementation of the

solutions. Constant checking of the implementation progress is done in this
phase as well.

5. Make a simple short analysis in a certain program.


Simple short analysis in a certain program

1. Choose your argument

The first step is to determine the argument you are making. The topic you analyze
should be specific so you can present a clear, focused argument. This argument
should take a strong stance so readers understand exactly what your claim is.

Example: "School should provide more work-from-home opportunities."

This statement specifically refers to work-from-home opportunities and takes a

strong stance on the topic.

2. Define your thesis

Once you have your argument, you can begin crafting your thesis statement. A
thesis statement is normally one sentence that summarizes the claims you make in
your analysis. The claims should be narrow enough to fit the scope of your
argument. The thesis builds on the argument by providing specific claims which you
can back up with evidence in the body paragraphs of the analysis.

Example: "School should provide more work-from-home opportunities because it

creates better work-life balance, increases productivity and improves staff retention."

3. Write the introduction

Your introduction is a guide for your reader to understand what information you will
discuss in the analysis and in what order. Introduce the topic in broader terms in the
first few sentences, then state your thesis.

Example: "Every year, more school are adopting work-from-home days and seeing
incredible benefits. Studies have shown that this is one of the most desired job perks
for employees and one of the most advantageous for employers. Corporations
should provide more work from home opportunities because it creates better work-
life balance, increases productivity and improves staff retention."

4. Write the body paragraphs

Once you have your introduction, you now have a guide for the rest of your analysis.
Each component of your thesis statement should have its own body paragraph and
include evidence to validate each claim. Discuss one argument per paragraph. Each
paragraph will begin with a topic sentence that clearly presents the specific argument
you will discuss. Make sure you back up each claim with evidence from a trustworthy
source. You can use a journal, book or statistics from a reputable online source. Cite
your resources to give the proper credit.

5. Add a conclusion

The conclusion should include a rephrased version of your thesis statement and
reiterate your main arguments. Explain the larger implications of your findings and
answer any remaining questions your reader might have.

Example: "Working from home is shown to decrease employee stress, increase

their productivity and boost job satisfaction. Many employers understand these
benefits and have adopted more flexible working schedules. With satisfaction rates
at their lowest in the last two decades and job-related stress at its peak, it's
important for more companies to start considering the benefits of work-from-home

6. Give at least 3 implications of having strategic plan.


1. The strategic plan is important in the development of any business

organization. The strategic plan provides basis for the activities in the
business, thereby significantly impacting the performance of these activities
and the performance of the entire organization. Some of the most important
aspects of strategic planning include the vision, mission, values and the
strategy used in the organization of interest.
2. The strategic implications are the major consequences arising from not
understanding and tackling the multitudinous impact of forces and dynamics
of change that can often impact a business from various angles

3. Strategic planning is a critical factor that influences the success on the

organization and the long-term. Strategic planning affects the performance of
managers. Strategic planning also influences the performance of individual
workers in the organization. Strategic planning also influences the
attractiveness of the organization to employees and potential investors.
Moreover, strategic planning also affects the flexibility of the organization to
address Larry’s changes in the market, such as changes in the preferences
of consumers. Therefore, strategic planning determines the long-term
success of the business.

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