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TOPIC: Implementing of a promotional campaign for Unilever

Course: MKT304_SU22

Group members: 5

Instructor: Tran Nguyen Dang Khoa

Name of group member Code Contribution


1.Tran Ba Loc(leader) CS161021 20

2.Tran Nguyen Tuong Vi CS161135 20

3.Tran Thi Kieu My CS161056 20

4.Duong Minh Trung CS161126 20

5.Nguyen Thi Thuy Vy CS161054

Cần Thơ, 5/2022

Table of contents

I. Introduction Unilever company. 3
a) Unilever’s established history. 3
b) Unilever’s passion. 3
c) Version. 3
d) Unilever's development strategy. 3
e) Unilever’s product. 4
f) Unilever full year results 2021. 4
II. Marketing strategy. 5
a) Unilever’s segmentation. 5
b) Positioning 6
c) Markerting mix 4Ps 7
⮚ Product. 7
⮚ Price. 8
⮚ Place/Distribution. 8
⮚ Promotion. 9
d) Unilever bussiness market. 9
e) Market target 10
III. Channels 10
a) Television 10
❖ The advantages that advertising on TV: 11
❖ The most common forms of advertising on TV are: 12
b) Social media 12
a) Strengh 13
b) Weeknesses 14
c) Oppotunities 14
d) Threats 15
V. Budget 16
VI. Timeline 16
VII. Indicators 17
a) ISM 17
b) UMSCI 18
c) IR% 20
f) PPI ALL 26
g) PPI CORE 27
h) NFP 29
i) Liquidity 31
j) US 10 Year Treasury Benchmark 33
k) CB Balance Sheet as % of GDP 34
L) Annualised Real GDP Growth 35
M) Government S/D % GDP 37
N) Interest / GDP: 38
VIII. Conclusion 39
IX. List of references 39

I. Introducing Unilever company.
a) Unilever’s established history.
Unilever was established in the 1890s. It is a British multinational firm that manufactures
consumer goods such as cosmetics, cleaning chemicals, toothpaste, sham-poo, etc. The
company is rated sixth in Europe in terms of valuation. With products marketed in over 190
countries, Unilever is one of the world's oldest global enterprises.
b) Unilever’s passion.
At the time of the company's founding, the founders of that time set out Unilever's mission as
"To add vitality to life." The meaning of this mission is that Unilever wants to bring a better life
to people through my product. Until now, that mission has become increasingly evident in
each of Unilever's products when all products of this group are aimed at the same purpose,
which is to bring health, beauty and comfort to children. Proof of this is that Unilever's famous
brands are very diverse from washing powder, shampoo, toothpaste to tea such as Omo, Dove,
Close-up, Lipton Unilever’s
c) Version.
Unilever's vision will vary from country to country but it is built on the common Unilever
global vision. Regarding Unilever's global vision, it is to make sustainable living popular, or
more specifically, to develop in parallel between business and social activities on reducing
harm to the environment. Unilever believes that doing useful things will help businesses
become better and a business that thrives in the future must be a business capable of serving
society. This also explains the formation of the Sustainable Development Plan that Unilever
implemented 10 years ago, in which Unilever tries to separate the development of the
business from the impact on the environment, and at the same time positive influence on
d) Unilever's development strategy.
Like other fast-growing consumer goods companies, Unilever Vietnam's marketing strategy has
two main areas in its marketing strategy system: "Above-the-Line" and "Below the-Line”. new
products, product manuals, etc. It is thanks to the timely, appropriate and timely direct
advertising campaign that Unilever Vietnam has made great strides in unilever's target market
in a short time.

And Below-the-Line is "all promotional activities not through the media" (according to
M.Christopher, Marketing Below-the-Lines, George Allen & Urwin, London) or in other words
"activities" sub-selling, combining personal selling and advertising into one powerful force of
persuasion” (J.F. Engel, H.G. Wales and M.R. Warshaw, in Promotional Strategy, R.D Irwin,
Homewood, Illinois) .But in reality, the Below-the-Line Promotion program must rely on
advertising in the mass media and must be based on targets, the nature of the product, the
type of distribution channel used and unilever's target customers. Specifically, these are
common forms such as discounts, coupons, bundled gifts in many forms, exchange of one
product shell to receive another product, free trial samples for customers, lottery promotions

or rake in valuable gifts, sponsor contests and TV shows, etc. Such activities have built the
image of Unilever's brand image among consumers.
Along with diversifying production and business activities, Unilever always attaches importance
to human resource development as a qualitative breakthrough for long-term sustainable
development, even when society enters the "knowledge economy". knowledge” or
“Bioeconomy”. In order to “understand the consumer thoroughly” and to develop the “root
system” to help the company penetrate deeply into the market, Unilever has built a
professional team of local employees and regularly focuses on staff training programs.
Unilever's point of view is "Development through people", so the company always cares about
the interests of employees and is ready to support them in all areas of work. Currently, the
management team has replaced key positions previously held by foreign experts.
e) Unilever’s product.
Unilever's products include cosmetics and personal care, food and refreshment, and
homecare. Lifebuoy brand hand soap, hand sanitizer, and shower gel are among the products
we chose from Unilever's product catalog. Lifebuoy is one of the Unilever group's oldest
brands, a truly "global" brand long before the term "global brand" was born. In 1894, Lifebuoy
Royal Disinfectant Soap was introduced as a product that could be easily purchased to improve
everyone's hygiene circumstances. Throughout Lifebuoy's 110-year existence, the company
has always prioritized consumer health protection through hygiene. When your health is at
risk, Lifebuoy has always honored its basic promise of preserving your health and is committed
to supporting consumers' lives as an assurance. Hand soap and hand sanitizer are essential
items for keeping hands clean during the covid 19 pandemic. The world's leading germicidal
brand Lifebuoy has created a hand sanitizer solution to satisfy the needs of washing hands at
all times and thoroughly preserving users' health, especially in the absence of soap and clean
water. Furthermore, the new Lifebuoy shower gel with silver ion formula +, which contains
silver ions, thymol, and terpineol, three of nature's most potent antibacterial compounds, not
only protects you from disease-causing germs, but also keeps your skin healthy.
f) Unilever full year results 2021.
The Group generated €52.4 billion in revenue, €8.7 billion in operating profit, €6.6 billion in
net profit, and €6.4 billion in free cash flow. The turnover rate increased by 3.4 percent.
Underlying sales increased by 4.5 percent, with a net positive impact of 1.3 percent from
acquisitions and dispositions and a negative currency impact of 2.4 percent due to currency
weakness in important areas such as the United States, Turkey, Brazil, and India. Their
competitive growth was achieved by focusing on our strategic choices. Our thirteen €1 billion
brands increased by 6.4%. Three of our main growth markets, the United States, India, and
China, rose at 3.7 percent, 13.4 percent, and 14.3 percent, respectively. In eCommerce(a), our
underlying sales growth was 44 percent. The considerable increase in input costs was the key
challenge for 2021.We responded with pricing actions, resulting in 2.9 percent underlying price
growth. The operating environment was still being impacted by Covid-19, with additional
versions causing limits in some of our important countries, affecting customer and channel
Acquisition and disposal activities contributed 1.3 percent to overall turnover. Paula's Choice
and Onnit were among our 2021 purchases, helping to reshape our portfolio into the high-
growth areas of prestige beauty and functional nutrition, respectively. We agreed to sell our
worldwide tea business, ekaterra, to CVC Capital Partners Fund VIII for €4.5 billion on a cash-
free, debt-free basis on November 18, 2021. Note 21 on pages 161 to 163 has more information
on acquisitions and dispositions. Underlying sales in emerging markets increased by 6.7 percent,
led by India and China. Latin America rose by double digits, led by price increases. Throughout
the year, South East Asia suffered from severe Covid-19 restrictions. The €8.7 billion operating
profit comprised €0.9 billion in non-underlying charges, notably restructuring and acquisition
and disposal expenditures. Supply chain optimization programs to boost gross margin and
network agility, as well as organizational reform projects to decrease overheads, total €0.6
billion in restructuring expenditures. The underlying operating profit increased by 2.9 percent to
€9.6 billion. This included a 4.3 percent negative currency impact. The underlying operating

margin shrank by 10 basis points. The gross margin shrank by 120 basis points due to global
raw material, packaging, and distribution cost escalation. Overheads and brand and marketing
investment each contributed 90 basis points to the underlying operating margin. When currency
impact is removed, the underlying operating margin improves. We delivered in accordance with
our multi-year financial plan.
II. Marketing strategy.

a) Unilever’s segmentation.
All actions and programs designed and implemented by FMCG 1 marketers to provide value to
FMCG consumers and win their loyalty are related to one or more of the components. The
marketing mix in the FMCG industry can be defined as a mixture of the product, pricing,
distribution network, and promotional methods (Alhawsawi, 2016). Markets can be segmented
on the basis of demographic characteristics, psychographic characteristics, behavioral
characteristics, income characteristics, and geographic characteristics (Wilson, 2009).Unilever's
customers can be segmented into different categories in terms of demographic, behavior,
geography, psychographics, and what Unilever can offer them. Unilever's customers are of all

Fast-moving consumer goods.
The individual and family segments have a 15-50 age group and a middle to high-income level.
Unilever's target segment is health and beauty-conscious people. Most of Unilever's products
receive great
attention Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1Market Segmentation of Unilever from
who visit
regular stores
such as groceries,

Unilever employs market segmentation to combat its competitors. Unilever sells its products in
over 190 countries throughout the world as a global enterprise. People in these countries have
varying levels of purchasing power and tastes. Market segmentation allows Unilever to address
all of their needs. Consumers in emerging markets, for example, are more concerned with the
product's pricing (Nisen, 2013). Unilever reacts by putting in place a strategy to ensure that their
products are affordable in these nations, providing them a competitive advantage (Mittal, 2013).
Unilever divides its market in a variety of ways. For example, it introduced male toothpaste
(Perreau, 2015), while goods like Dove with a floral aroma are aimed towards women
(Clements, 2013). Furthermore, Unilever makes its products appealing to local communities by
including a local touch that appeals to local people's interests. Unilever has been able to
determine whether a product is appropriate for a specific group, age, gender, or ethnicity by
carefully considering each customer's wants and preferences (Unilever).
b) Positioning

Unilever is a long-standing brand with home care product lines such as Omo, domestic; or
personal care like Dove, Sunsilk, and also food. Talking about Unilever's popularity, this is a
brand that appears in almost every home, a friend of local people. Just as Unilever has shared its
mission: “To add vitality to life” ( according to Unilever ) as the focus in brand positioning,
they continue to research and launch products for home and personal care and especially
personal care. The goal that they always aim for is the day-to-day needs of the environment that
anticipates their needs and fulfills their aspirations, typically the product of dry hand sanitizer,

when the epidemic occurs and becomes complicated. The need for antibacterial hygiene
becomes a problem. leading topic. Understanding that problem, Unilever focuses on developing
and producing water and dry hand sanitizer products to meet the needs of users and once again
position its brand. Unilever is a big brand and is segmented into many countries depending on
each country Unilever has different visions. For example, when segmenting in the Vietnam
market, Unilever's vision is to "make Vietnamese people's lives better" but in general, in terms
of global vision, they focus on "making sustainable living popular" or developing businesses in
parallel with social activities to reduce harm to the environment.

Every business, when doing business, cannot avoid competition from other competitors.
Unilever is also the same, the competitor that is considered the most worrisome for Unilever is
P&G. Both are famous brands in the field of fast-moving consumer goods, so it can be said that
these are the two brands that appear most in every household today. Back to water and dry hand
sanitizer products, as mentioned, although Unilever has grasped the demand and launched dry
hand sanitizer and gel products, it still cannot avoid competition with other brands such as P&G
or Green gross hand sanitizer products in the Vietnam market. To position its brand in the
market of water and dry hand sanitizer gel, Unilever has not forgotten to stick to the usage
criteria and the psychology of users such as not only cleaning and disinfecting hands to protect
the health of users but also moisturizing to keep hands soft and smooth does not dry the skin and
has a pleasant scent derived from nature. Unilever has gradually become the number one brand
in taking care of people's lives. Not only that, they have gradually positioned their brand through
campaigns, visions, and goals. Currently, when it comes to Unilever, no one does not know that
this is a brand specializing in taking care of users' daily lives and being a companion in
customers' lives.

One major issue that Unilever confronts is that its products can be replaced with considerably
cheaper local alternatives. As a result, Unilever has had to spend a lot of money on advertising
and promotions to keep its brands relevant to its customer base. Understanding the nature of
one's competition and using that knowledge to improve one's offerings following the target
market is key to effective positioning. As a result, Unilever spends a lot of money on campaigns
and advertising, and they always pay attention to what their customers want. Competitive
positioning ensures that your items are distinct in such a way that consumers will value them
(Moderandi Inc., 2013). Unilever has been successful in promoting its brand and gaining
devoted customers who believe in its quality. Pricing, quality, service, packaging, and
distribution are all major criteria of positioning that Unilever has met.

c) Marketing mix 4Ps

⮚ Product.

The Unilever Group has a variety of different products in the Vietnamese market and always
focuses on improving the quality of its products. At the same time, it expands and promotes its
products in the Vietnamese market. Rands of all kinds of products are famous, attract customers,
and are first considered when Vietnamese buy personal care and family care consumer goods.
Some outstanding Unilever products such as:
● Food products for processing and consumption: Wall's Ice Cream, Knorr, Lipton.+
Hygiene and personal care products: Vaseline, Sunsilk, Lifebuoy, P/s, etc.
● Line of detergents for clothes and household items: Omo, Comfort, Sunlight, etc.
In terms of product quality, Unilever has applied international product standards but adapted to
the needs of the Vietnamese. Unilever has been buying well-known brands like Viso washing
powder and P/S toothpaste from its partners in Vietnam for many years, then the company
improved its packaging and marketing formula to increase consumption of these brands.
Furthermore, the company understands the needs of Vietnamese consumers and that its products
must be "Vietnamese".
In particular, the company also focuses on anti-counterfeiting to protect consumer interests,
intellectual property, and brand reputation. The company's products now have an additional
FAKE LOGO" to help customers identify genuine fake products.
● Price.
Aware that 80% of Vietnamese consumers have relatively low incomes, Unilever Vietnam has
developed a pricing strategy that reduces production costs and provides consumers with
reasonable prices. The company has relied on small businesses to source materials locally rather
than importing them. That helps the company reduce production costs and pay fewer tariffs.
Since its inception, the company has implemented a flexible pricing policy according to market
fluctuations, in line with competitors. The pricing strategy and in the direction of falling
prices.Example: To compete in supplying laundry detergent to the market before PandG reduced
the price of Tide laundry detergent products by 20%. From VND 14,500 for a 1.5kg packet to
VND 11,000, Unilever Vietnam immediately reduced the price of 1/2 kg of its washing powder
from VND7,500 to VND 5,500.
Prices are subject to change based on market conditions. Unilever has a wide range of products
for all cost segments, from low prices to high prices. They have created a prestigious department
that sells high-quality personal care products. In addition, the company also distributes the
production and packaging of satellites in the North, Central, and South regions to reduce
transportation and storage costs. Unilever has also implemented a financial support policy to
help local businesses modernize production facilities, transfer technology and organize
production training programs.
● Place/Distribution.
According to MBA SKOOL (2021), Unilever's global activities demonstrate the company's
extensive consumer product footprint. The venues or locations where the company transacts
with clients or target consumers are identified as part of the marketing mix. Unilever's products
are distributed through the following channels:
● Retailers (primary)
● Kiosks
● Stores
The majority of Unilever's products are sold through stores. One of the main merchants in
charge of providing these consumer goods is Walmart. In addition to personal selling, Unilever
uses kiosks to expose products to customers directly. In collaboration with retailers, the
company offers a limited variety of products through these kiosks. Several of Unilever's
products, notably those created by its subsidiary Ben & Jerry's, are also available in stores. This
part of the marketing mix is aligned with Unilever's general strategy and product development
intensive growth goal.
According to DBAV (2021) Unilever - is a company with more than 350 major distributors in
Vietnam and over 300,000 retail stores nationwide, a name that is no longer too unfamiliar to
Vietnamese consumers. At the retail points, the company will provide the display cabinets every
year to partly promote the brand but also make the most of the space. The warehouses will be
located in different locations. In an important strategic position, then the agents will transport
the goods to the warehouses and finally to the retailers. Not only that, but Unilever also supports
the distributors with a loan to buy services. for travel, management training, and sales
organization, which are also the reasons for the success of Unilever's distribution marketing

● Promotion.
Given the fierce rivalry in the global consumer goods market, Unilever must sell its products
aggressively. The company's strategy and strategies for advertising its products to target
customers are detailed in this section of the marketing mix. The following promotional
methods are used by Unilever, in order of importance: purpose.
● Advertising (primary)
● Sales Promotion
● Public Relations
● Personal Selling
● Direct Marketing.
Unilever's products are mostly promoted through advertising. Many of the company's brands
have television and web commercials. The company also uses sales promotions like discounts
and product bundles on occasion. Lifebuoy soap bars, for example, are occasionally sold in
three-packs at a reduced price. The Unilever Foundation's initiatives improve business image
and brand strength in terms of public relations. Personal selling is also used in partnership with
merchants to run kiosks for special occasions or promotional events. In Unilever's marketing
mix, direct marketing is the least important promotional approach. This strategy entails
working directly with clients to market appropriate products. Unilever heavily relies on
advertising as the primary component that drives consumer perceptions of the company's
consumer goods.
1. Unilever business market.

According to the economic time (Sagar Malviya,2021), Unilever's global chief executive Alan
Jope remarked that while the Indian business is recovering from the pandemic, mobility and
consumer sentiment remain poor. "We are emerging stronger from the pandemic with over
75% of the business winning market share and household penetration continuing to grow well.
Mobility and consumer sentiments remain below 2019 levels but are strongly positioned to
grow as the Indian economy continues to recover, "Alan Jope(2019). After the United States,
India is Unilever's second-largest market, accounting for roughly 9% of global sales. According
to the firm, the United States, India, and China account for roughly 35% of its revenue and are
predicted to contribute to 60% of global economic growth by 2030. Unilever plc, located in
London, and Unilever NV, headquartered in Rotterdam, are both publicly traded companies.
The two businesses are run as one and have the same board of directors. It has facilities in the
United Kingdom (two), the Netherlands, China, India, and the United States for research and

Like in the market in other countries Unilever is also facing a huge challenge in how to
compete successfully with this company. With the entry into the Vietnamese market earlier
than P&G, it means a deeper understanding of the Vietnamese market and a deeper business
environment. With the advantage of the first mover, the company believes that it will win the
battle with P&G. Another point that makes the company confident that it will win the battle
with P&G in the Vietnamese market is that P&G pursues a strategy of serving higher-income
market segments, while as the company has analyzed is that this market segment in Vietnam is
not much and the company pursues the strategy of serving the vast majority of consumers in
society, which is something that P&G does not realize in the Vietnamese market. In addition to
P&G, the company also has to deal with many competitors.

d) Market target
Unilever products appeal to a wide range of consumers, from little toddlers to the elderly.
Unilever products are found in practically every household as one of their five products.
Unilever has accomplished this through investing in a diverse range of items, including
personal care, food & beverage, and cleaning supplies. Their main goal is to address the daily
needs of people all around the world and to help them enjoy life through good products. They
have also succeeded to tap into the healthy market with their high-quality, healthy products.
Unilever thus has a broad market that includes everybody with spending power (Nisen, 2013).
III. Channels
In recent years, when Vietnam joined the WTO, the competition between Vietnamese goods
and foreign goods took place very fiercely, especially products originating from national
companies today. present and dominating the Vietnamese market. Unilever Vietnam is also
one of the big "giants" in the consumer goods market, annually providing a large amount of
essential goods for daily life of Vietnamese consumers such as: omo washing powder,
toothpaste,P/S, lifebuoy, etc. This is not only a threat to domestic manufacturers but also an
example for domestic enterprises to learn from the marketing experience of famous
enterprises like Unilever. Here are the channel that unilever uses to advertise their products.
a) Television
Since TV appeared in Vietnam, TV advertising quickly occupied a unique position, becoming
the preferred type of advertising to this day. Over time, advertising has been developed into
many different types with different prices, giving businesses more options. TV advertising is
commercial images, banners, movies, TVCs, and commercials. Promote products and brands
shown on TV. When shown on television, ads can quickly reach all audiences who are watching
TV channels at the same time. Advertising content is very diverse, can be business information,
products, services, production processes or related stories. Currently, this type is not only
popular in Vietnam, but many developed countries such as the US, UK and China still apply it.
For potential customers that Unilever targets, TV advertising is a very important thing.
important. According to the Q&Me website, they conducted a survey and said that 50% of
respondents spend more than 1 hour a day watching TV, mainly the elderly group watch more
TV than the younger group. Only 33% of people watch. TV likes to watch commercials on TV.
However, up to 44% of people agree that TV advertising is a good source of information to
refer to. 64% of respondents have talked about advertising in the past 3 months and 52% of
people found out more information about advertising on websites/internet. Older people and
people who watch a lot of TV (more than 1 hour per day) prefer watching TVC. People who
don't like watching ads still talk about ads, which shows the strong influence of TVC.

❖ The advantages that advertising on TV:

● REACHING MANY POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: The TV audience is very accessible

because everyone has a need to watch entertainment movies every day. If the program
is for children, you are not only reaching children, but also parents and grandparents
who see the ad. This is very beneficial to influence their purchasing decision.
● HELP TRANSFER MESSAGES EFFICIENTLY, FAST: Try to imagine at the same time
hundreds of thousands of other people are watching your ad (especially during peak
seasons like World Cup, Tet, etc., the number will be even more. again). Then, a large

number of audiences are hearing about your message as soon as the ad pops up. This
will be faster and more effective than distributing leaflets, catalogs, etc.
that always appears after an attractive TV program is to attract the attention of the
audience. When they are nervously watching the plot of the movie, your ad appears.
Unknowingly or not, they will notice your ad and will remember a few basic


more pictures and information are repeated, the easier it will be for people to
remember. When you broadcast ads in multiple time frames a day, the audience will
remember the brand longer.
❖ The most common forms of advertising on TV are:

● POP-UP ADVERTISING: This type of advertising is displayed in the form of a small

window that parallels the TV program. Viewers can watch the program while watching
the ad below. Therefore, they are not interrupted, do not feel uncomfortable when
watching ads.
● ADVERTISING TVC: This is a form of advertising
film with attractive images, vivid sound, and
catchy ears. Each promotional video has a very
short duration, only 15-30 seconds. The longer the
duration, the higher the cost. In order for TVC to
be most effective, businesses often buy repeat
screening packages in many time frames.
● SPONSORING TV PROGRAMS: In programs, game
shows, sponsors are needed to organize the program. If the business sponsors, the
business will be able to introduce themselves or run ads and display the logo when the
program takes place.

b) Social media
Social networking is one of the important sales and brand development channels for many
businesses and sellers, not only in traditional business but also in online business. However,
building and developing a brand on social networks is not an easy thing. Sometimes, the best
way to find inspiration is to learn from the online marketing strategies of big brands. These
brands, through sharing information or quickly grasping user trends by research, all have

something in common in their strategies. It is a strategic choice that aligns with customers,
values, and brand image.
Unilever uses attractive and eye-catching images in all social media updates. This creates a
viral effect in the online community every time Unilever posts their information and products.
With each campaign preparing to launch, a series of media images will be released, from cover
photos, avatars, articles of various sizes. Unilever will focus on providing valuable content
through posts and through customer service. Therefore, we will respond to customers'
contributions and feedback in a friendly and warm manner to receive favors from customers.
Taking advantage of social media (social network) is also an effective Marketing strategy of
Unilever to attract customers and advertise its products. Contests will be created for young
people to tell their stories and show off. express their creative thinking directly on the
packaging of products that are already familiar to every household such as OMO laundry
detergent, P/S toothpaste, Unilever's Lifebuoy shower gel bottle. Participants can then share
their designs on social media to spread the message more widely. Especially, with each
like/share for the designs, Unilever will contribute to the funds of Vietnam. By attracting young
people to participate in the contest as well as taking advantage of the social networking
platform, Unilever's campaign has further strengthened its brand awareness to attract
customers, while also being associated with life. everyday life of Vietnamese people, while
helping to spread humane and positive life values.


a) Strength
One of the largest global brands Unilever is present in more than 190 countries and it would
be impossible to find a single consumer who is not using the brand's products. According to
the financial report for 2020, Unilever is proud to be one of the largest companies globally with
strengths in expertise and production capacity in the field of consumer goods. Unilever is the
only company with an incredibly diverse portfolio of brands and products. The top 13 brands
accounted for more than 1 billion euros in revenue as of 2016. More than half of Unilever's
growth came from brands such as Dove, Lifebuoy brands that have a strong impact on the
environment and society festival.
Unilever is one of the brands that bring many deep impressions to users. At Unilever,
consumers can find all the products to suit their needs. It is the satisfaction in terms of quality
as well as product variety that makes Unilever always the first choice of consumers. Unilever is
also in an extremely strong financial position to invest heavily in research and development
(R&D) of new products. Unilever always strives to research and come up with innovative

products, in line with the changing requirements of customers, helping this brand become one
of the most loved companies by consumers worldwide. As a retailer of consumer goods,
Unilever is able to develop its distribution channels to every geographical corner around the
world. It can be said that every geographical area in the world covers Unilever brand products,
this is really a great strength of this brand.
With a large product portfolio, Unilever has the right to apply pricing policies flexibly, from
time to time, depending on the willingness to pay the cost of products of all classes of
customers. This helps Unilever never lose market share to competitors who are "thirsty" for
market share, ready to cut prices to win customers. Unilever is a major brand in the world and
is leading in consumer products. This gives Unilever the power to create trends for consumers.
In other words, the popular trends in society that consumers are aiming for are in Unilever's
business plan, making this brand stronger than ever. Unilever has been famous for its global,
macro-strategies. But even with business strategies targeting each local area, Unilever tries to
research thoroughly, trying to incorporate cultural values into products. This makes all Unilever
products very close to consumers.
Unilever's growth is fully dependent on both internal and external analysis. The company's
dominance in the consumer products sector may be attributed to its internal strengths and
ability to capitalize on external possibilities. Diversification of consumer products in markets
throughout the world is a significant strength for Unilever's worldwide market penetration.
Diversification is the manufacturing of a wide range of products with the goal of expanding to
capture the majority of product customers in various places (Graham, 2007).
The concept of diversity empowered product managers in various locations to make
judgments on product marketing strategy. This allowed for effective product distribution
because the managers on the ground were aware of the most popular goods, hence improving
supply in the regions. Unilever's capacity to anticipate customers' product buying and
consumption habits is another source of strength for the corporation. This allows them to
deliver items based on market demand and client wants.
b) Weaknesses
Despite its strong position in the market, Unilever also has weaknesses that limit the
company's development potential such as products that are easy to imitate, limited market
diversification, and dependence on retailers. Let's analyze each issue in detail. Like other
manufacturers of consumer goods, Unilever is dependent on a network of retailers to
distribute its products. So buyer behavior, buyer's decision is heavily influenced by the advice
of retailers. Unilever provides consumer products, so its products are easy to replace.
Especially in African and Asian markets, in localities, consumers tend to use cheap, traditional,
natural products. Unilever is a big company, but it operates within the reach of a host of other

giants like P&G and Nestle. Not to mention a host of other local companies, which are
challenging Unilever's dominance in small and retail markets.
c) Opportunities
In terms of opportunities, Unilever is constantly taking advantage of every growth
opportunity in consumer markets around the world. Factors such as business diversification,
environmental and consumer health protection, emerging markets... are factors that Unilever
is still considering seriously and cautiously. Unilever is one of the companies. As the world's
largest company in consumer goods, Unilever can utilize its financial strength to carry out a
strategy of diversification, mergers and acquisitions to seek new opportunities as well as
reduce risks. replace. The process of globalization, the penetration of global media has led to
the promotion of western lifestyle in Asia. This means Unilever can use its position to become
a successful brand, giving locals access to internationally branded items. On the other hand,
China and India, emerging markets that are trying to imitate consumerism in the West, will
become potential "promising lands" for multinational corporations like Unilever.
Consumers in the developed world are becoming more conscious than ever about their own
health, as well as the trend towards healthy, environmentally sustainable products. This means
that Unilever can seize the opportunity to market this emerging market segment, especially
the market for health conscious consumers and green products. During the days when the
SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic was still spreading on a large scale, Unilever collaborated with
Microbac laboratory to conduct research and create a mouthwash that can reduce the load by
99.9% virus. With pioneering health products for consumers, Unilever will surely become even
more famous in terms of brands and products. Unilever has long been known as a brand with
responsible activities. with society and the environment. This has become a business
opportunity for Unilever when this brand can have marketing strategies aimed at consumers
who prefer to buy products from manufacturers that are responsible for environmental
protection and development. sustainable development.
The global ready market for consumer goods purchases provides a huge potential for
Unilever firm items. According to Fletcher (2010), new markets offer a higher opportunity for
massive expansion in product sales. As a result, the introduction of Unilever products into new
areas gives the chance for future sales development. Such chances provide the benefit of
having the product's worldwide market share before other firms in the same category.
d) Threats
Besides opportunities, there are still many external factors that can limit Unilever's business
performance. Counterfeit products, competitive markets, independence of retailers… are all
factors that Unilever has to face in the near future. The global economic crisis is unfolding and
made worse by the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This seriously affects many

companies, including large corporations like Unilever. With global consumer incomes falling,
Unilever is facing pressure from declining revenue and increasing costs. This is a potential
danger called “Double Whammy”. Large retail stores are tending to build their own brands
instead of depending on many suppliers. Unilever depends on these retailers to generate
profits so this is a big threat for the company in the near term.
Unilever's competitors such as Nestle or P&G are still continuously researching and
launching new products at competitive prices. It is this that makes Unilever constantly race on
the way to conquer the world market. Although Unilever has been paying great attention to
environmental and social aspects. However, the increasing awareness of global consumers has
turned into spearheads and attacks on every strategic move that the company makes. So in
any situation, Unilever must ensure to maintain its focus on environmental awareness and turn
it into a safe fulcrum but also a lever for the company's development.
With a globally competitive operating area, Unilever also faces Asian multinational
companies in the global game to dominate the consumer goods market segment. This means
that Unilever is not only facing financial downturns, but also emerging threats from new
corporations that are starting to expand internationally.
Unilever's SWOT matrix analysis provides four elements of the analysis of the internal and
external characteristics of the global consumer goods group Unilever. Despite its strong brand
names, financial resources, and product coverage in all geographical locations in the world,
Unilever is still facing many challenges from competitors, retailers and consumers. These are
inevitable threats to any company, and Unilever is no exception. Therefore, making a SWOT
matrix analysis will help Unilever take firmer steps in the future.

V. Budget
To carry out a campaign to promote products for unilever company, we offer a budget
ranging from 700 million to 1 billion dong. In terms of budget allocation for this campaign, we
allocate 50% to product advertising on platforms such as TV and on social networking sites for
the purpose of attracting customers and increasing brand awareness. brand. Next, we allocate
20% to strategies to expand sales, reach more customers. By implementing activities for
consumers to join hands with the brand to build 1 brand sustainably and further develop. For
example, customer-co creation strategy or generated content.
10% of the total budget will focus on sponsoring activities for programs that are loved and
desired by everyone. The purpose of this is to increase brand recognition for customers, create
trust for customers. The remaining 20% we will allocate to product testing activities. With the

goal that customers are the ones who will make comments on these products, the company
will give ideas and strategies to develop products better.
⮚ Social media
• Facebook: 100,000,000 VND (run ads; collaborate with artists, athletes, nutritionists,
and social influencers to write product reviews)
• Tiktok: 50,000,000 VND (combined with some hot tiktoker; reviewer, etc product
• Youtube: 150,000,000 VND (sponsor for hot programs to appeal to a lot of audiences
such as Running man Viet Nam, On Gioi Cau Day Roi, etc)
⮚ TV advertisement:
Ads will be broadcast on channels VTV3 and HTV7 in the frames before and after hit TV shows
in frame time like 19 pm-21 pm or 11 am to 1 pm
• VTV3: 300,000,000 VND (2 times/week) before and after hit TV shows.
• HTV7: 200,000,000 VND (1 time/week) in the middle of the game show.
VI. Timeline
In this project, we will divide it into 8 phases starting from July 15, 2022 to January 20, 2023.
● In the initial stage from 15/7-30/7/2022 at this stage we will discuss and make outlines
for this project.
● In the second phase from August 1 to August 30, 2022 at this stage we will cooperate
with KOLs so that they can join us in promoting and advertising this campaign to
● In the 3rd phase 2/9 -20/9/2022 at this stage we will advertise this product and
campaign on social networking platforms so that everyone can join us in this campaign.
● In the fourth phase, September 30, October 20, 2022, we will implement a customer co-
creation campaign for customers to develop products with us and develop brands in a
better way.
● In the 5th period, October 22-October 28, 2022, we will summarize the results from the
customer co-creation campaign and give rewards to customers.
● In the 6th period, October 30-30, 2022 at this stage, we will advertise our products on TV
and the 2 channels that we will advertise are VTV3 and HTV7 in different markets. main
time frame 11 am -1 pm and 19 pm - 21 pm.
● In the 7th phase 1/12-15/12/2022 at this stage we will expand the business market by
combining with retailers and partners to further expand the business scale of the

● In the final stage of December 20, 2022, January 20, 2023, at this stage, I will combine
and sponsor "Tet" programs to improve the brand's awareness to everyone.

VII. Indicators
a) ISM
The Manufacturing PMI® registered 53 percent in June, 3.1 percentage points lower than the
May figure of 56.1 percent. Three of the five subindices that directly influence the
Manufacturing PMI® were in expansion territory.
Computer and electronic products, machinery,
transportation equipment, petroleum and coal
products, food, beverage and tobacco products,
and chemical products all had moderate-to-strong
rises in June.
Do not mix this national report with the many
regional purchase reports available across the country. The material in the national report
pertains to the whole United States, but the regional reports largely comprise regional data
from their respective vicinities. Furthermore, the information in the regional reports is not
used to calculate the national report's outcomes. The information given here comes from a
poll of manufacturing and service supplier executives based on information gathered within
their individual firms. ISM® makes no representations about individual firm data gathering
processes other than those indicated in this release. When utilized in decision-making, the
data should be compared to all other economic data sources.
The current month's survey results reflect any changes from the preceding month. The
responses are unaltered raw data. The diffusion index takes into account the percentage of
favorable replies as well as one-half of those who responded similarly (considered positive).
The resulting single index number for those meeting the seasonal adjustment criteria (for
Manufacturing: New Orders, Production, Employment, and Inventories) (for Services: Business
Activity, New Orders, Employment, and Prices) is then seasonally adjusted to account for the
effects of repetitive intra-year variations primarily due to normal differences in weather
conditions, various institutional arrangements, and differences attributable to non-moveable
holiday periods. The remaining indices have not shown any signs of seasonality. All seasonal
adjustment parameters are subject to very slight modifications on a yearly basis, as situations
A Manufacturing PMI® value above 50% indicates that the manufacturing economy is
generally growing; a reading below 50% shows that the manufacturing sector is generally
declining. Over time, a Manufacturing PMI® more than 48.7 percent indicates that the whole
economy, or GDP, is growing; less than 48.7 percent indicates that it is falling. The distance
from 50% or 48.7% illustrates the amount of the expansion or contraction. A Services PMI®
result above 50% indicates that the services economy is generally growing; a reading below
50% shows that the services industry is generally declining. Over time, a Services PMI® more
than 50.1 percent indicates that the whole economy, or GDP, is growing; less than 50.1
percent indicates that it is falling.
The Manufacturing and Services Business Survey Committee respondents get the Report on
Business® questionnaires in the first half of each month. Respondents are asked to provide
information regarding the current month's operations in the United States exclusively. ISM
collects survey responses throughout the bulk of each month, with the majority of
respondents often waiting until the end of the month to provide the most accurate picture of
current business activity. According to the monthly statistics, the industries reporting growth
are listed in the order of greatest increase to least growth. The industries reporting contraction
or reductions are given in descending order from the most contraction/decrease to the least
The Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) provides services to supply management
professionals in over 90 countries. Its 50,000 members worldwide handle over US$1 trillion in
corporate and government supply chain procurement each year. Founded in 1915 as the
world's first supply management institution, ISM is dedicated to promoting supply
management practice to produce value and competitive advantage for its members, therefore
contributing to a successful and sustainable world. Through the ISM® Report On Business®, its
highly recognized certification programs, and the ISM AdvanceTM Digital Platform, ISM leads
the profession. The organization has published this report since 1931, with the exception of a
four-year hiatus during World War II.
The final June data corresponded to the early-June dip in consumer sentiment, concluding
0.2 Index points lower than the preliminary reading and 14.4 percent lower than the previous
month for the lowest level on record. Income, age, education, geographic region, political
affiliation, stock ownership, and homeownership status all fell dramatically among consumers.
Around 79% of respondents projected unfavorable business conditions in the following year,
the highest proportion since 2009. Consumers were concerned about inflation; 47 percent
blamed it for lowering their quality of living, just one point short of the all-time high set during
the Great Recession. The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates by 75 basis points since the
preliminary reading, above the previously stated 50 basis point rise. The end June measurement
of the median predicted year-ahead inflation rate was 5.3 percent, scarcely altered from the mid-
month or previous four-month readings. Long-run forecasts, on the other hand, fell from a mid-
month reading of 3.3 percent to 3.1 percent, returning to the 2.9-3.1 percent range witnessed

over the previous ten months. Consumers also showed the greatest degree of concern about
long-run inflation since 1991, extending a strong rise that began in 2021.
c) IR%
The effective federal funds rate is the rate
banks charge each other on overnight loans
to meet their reserve requirements. Also
known as the federal funds rate, the
effective federal funds rate is set by the
Federal Open Market Committee, or FOMC.
The effective federal funds rate is the interest rate that has the greatest effect on a nation's
economy. It affects employment, growth and inflation. Banks and other depository institutions
in the United States maintain accounts at the Federal Reserve. These accounts are largely how
banks and other lending institutions make payments for themselves or on behalf of their
customers. Only the most trusted institutions can borrow money overnight at the federal funds
rate in effect.
The Federal Reserve sets reserve requirements for its accounts. Banks typically keep their
reserves at the Federal Reserve. If an institution has a closing balance greater than the
required amount, it will lend to other institutions with overnight funding needs at the effective
federal funds rate.
The Federal Reserve can increase liquidity by buying government bonds, reducing the
federal funds rate because banks have excess liquidity for trading. Whether the Federal
Reserve wants to buy or sell bonds depends on the state of the economy. If the FOMC
considers that the economy is growing too quickly and inflationary pressures are not
consistent with the Federal Reserve's dual mandate, the Committee may set a higher federal
funds rate target to correct economic movement. In the opposite scenario, the FOMC could set
a lower federal funds rate target to spur greater economic activity. Therefore, the FOMC must
observe the current state of the economy to determine the best course of monetary policy
that will maximize economic growth while adhering to the dual mandate set forth by Congress.
When making its monetary policy decisions, the FOMC looks at a variety of economic data,
such as: trends in prices and wages, employment, consumer spending and income, investment,
and investment. trading and the foreign exchange market. The federal funds rate is the central
interest rate on the US financial markets. It affects other interest rates such as the prime rate,
which is the rate banks charge their customers with higher credit ratings. In addition, the
federal funds rate indirectly affects long-term interest rates such as mortgages, loans, and
savings, all of which are crucial to consumer wealth and confidence. The federal funds market
consists of domestic unsecured loans in U.S dollars by depository institutions from other

depository institutions and certain other institutions, primarily government-financed
businesses aid.
The effective federal funds rate (EFFR) is calculated as a volume-weighted average of the
overnight federal funds transactions reported in FR Report 2420 on Selected Money Market
Rates. The New York Fed publishes the EFFR for the previous business day on the New York
Fed website at around 9:00 am. The Federal Open Market Committee establishes the target
rate, or range, for trading in the federal funds market. Over the longer term, the policy
committee's outlook is largely in line with market projections that suggest a series of hikes
ahead will take fund rates to around 3.8%, their highest since late last year. 2007.The
statement was approved by all FOMC members except Kansas City Fed President Esther
George, who preferred a smaller half-point increase.
Banks use exchange rates as a benchmark for what they charge each other for short-term
loans. However, it directly powers a multitude of consumer debt products, such as adjustable-
rate mortgages, credit cards, and auto loans. Fund rates can also drive rates on savings
accounts and CDs higher, although the process to fund them often takes longer.
The effective federal funds rate peaked at 20% in the 1980s and fell to 0% in 2008. Since
2005, the
rate has
to about
5.3% in
2007 and
has fallen
since in
2008, the
rate for
each year from 2009 to 2015 was only between 0.07%-0.21%. A low federal funds rate
indicates expansionary monetary policy and occurs during periods of relatively high inflation.
To enact monetary policy, the Fed typically engages in open market operations, sets the
federal discount rate, and sets reserve requirements. Open market operations, which buy and
sell government bonds and other securities, are the most commonly used tool by the Fed. The
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) executes these transactions to achieve a targeted
money supply.

Under an expansionary policy, the FOMC buys government securities, which increases the
supply of money circulating in the economy and ensures an efficient banking system. The
higher money supply leads to higher inflation, which pushes down the federal funds rate. A low
federal funds rate can also be achieved if the Fed offers a lower discount rate. If banks can
borrow funds from the central government at a lower interest rate, the percentage of banks
that can borrow each other's reserves is also lower. The Fed can also change banks' reserve
requirements, which affects how much cash banks are legally required to hold. By reducing
reserve requirements, banks can lend a larger percentage of their cash. This increases the
money supply, leading to higher inflation and a lower federal funds rate.


CPI based on prices of food, clothing, shelter and fuel; transportation fare; service charges
(water supply and drainage services) and sales tax. Prices are collected monthly from
approximately 4,000 housing units and approximately 26,000 retail establishments across 87
metropolitan areas. To calculate the index, price changes are averaged with weights that
represent their importance in a particular group's spending. The index measures the change in
price (as a percentage change) from a predetermined reference date. In addition to the
original unadjusted index distributed, the Bureau of Labor Statistics also releases a seasonally
adjusted index. The unadjusted series reflects all factors that can affect price changes.
However, it can be very helpful to look at the seasonally adjusted CPI, removing the effects of
seasonal changes, such as weather, school years, production cycles, and holidays.
The CPI can be used to identify periods of inflation and deflation. A significant increase in CPI
over a short time frame may indicate a period of inflation, and a significant decrease in CPI
over a short time frame may indicate a period of deflation. However, because the CPI includes
volatile food and oil prices, it may not be a reliable gauge for periods of inflation and deflation.
For more accurate detection, core CPI (CPILFESL) is often used. The "Consumer Price Index for
All Urban Consumers: All Goods Less Food and Energy" is a composite of the prices urban
consumers pay for a typical basket of goods, excluding food and energy. This measurement,
known as the "Core CPI", is widely used by economists because food and energy prices are
highly volatile.
The Producer indicator (PPI) could be a family of indexes that lives the common amendment
over time in commercialism costs received by domestic producers of products and services. PPIs
measure value change from the attitude of the seller. This contrasts with alternative measures,
adore the patron indicator (CPI), that measure price change from the purchaser' perspective.
Sellers' and purchasers' prices might take issue thanks to government subsidies, sales and excise
taxes, and distribution costs.

There are three main PPI classification structures based on the same pricing information
provided to the BLS by contributing company reporters:

Industry classification. A producer price index for an industry is a measure of the price
changes achieved for the industry's output sold outside of the industry (i.e. its net output). The
PPI publishes approximately 535 industry price indices combined with more than 4,000
product-line and category-specific sub-indices and about 500 industry grouping indices. North
American Industrial Classification System and No. 40; NAICS 2017 and No. 41; The index
codes provide comparability with various industry-based data for other economic programs,
including productivity, output, employment, wages, and profits.

Commodity Classification. The IPP commodity classification structure organizes products

and services based on similarity or material composition, regardless of the industry
classification of the manufacturing company. This system is unique to the PPI and does not
conform to any other standard coding structure. The PPI publishes more than 3,700 commodity
price indices for goods and around 800 for services (seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally
adjusted), classified by product, service, and final consumption.

Final demand-intermediate demand system (FD-ID) based on raw materials. The FD-ID
Commodity-Based Price Indices group commodity indices for goods, services, and construction
at the by-product class level (six-digit) based on the type of buyer and the amount of physical
processing or assembly the products have suffered. The PPI publishes more than 600 FD-ID
indices (seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted) that measure the fluctuations in the
prices of goods, services, and works sold to retail demand and to wholesale demand. The FD-
ID system replaced the PPI Stage of Processing (SOP) system as the primary PPI aggregation
model with the January 2014 data release. The FD-ID system extends coverage in its aggregate
measures beyond the SOP system by including indices for services, construction, exports and
government purchases.


National Employment, Hours, and Earnings: The Employment and Earnings Database carries
month-to-month and annual common nonfarm payrolls for all white-collar workers, guide
workers, production workers, common weekly hours, common hourly earnings, and common
weekly earnings, and common additional time hours. All facts are to be unadjusted and a few
facts are to be had seasonally adjusted. This device permits customers to question the BLS
databases for unique facts collection. For every survey and program, make a choice for every
characteristic withinside the order listed. As you're making your choice, the final capabilities
are filtered to expose most effectively the alternatives for which facts are to be had. After
deciding on the collection, click on Add to Selection. If you want a greater facts collection,
repeat the stairs to choose the preferred facts collection. Once you've got the facts collection
you want, click on the Get Data button to retrieve the facts and an HTML desk will seem with
the facts for the closing 10 years. If you need a one-of-a-kind term or format, you could
extrude the alternatives at the facts viewing a web page or click on the More Format Options
button for added alternatives to refine the facts restoration results. Note: Users can't retrieve
greater than two hundred facts strings in a single question. Employment, Hours, and Earnings
from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)

e) Liquidity

Liquidity refers to the degree to which any asset can be bought or sold in the market quickly
without greatly affecting the market price of that asset. In other words, liquidity depicts the
degree to which an resource can be rapidly bought or sold within the advertise at a cost
reflecting its inherent esteem. Cash is all around considered the foremost fluid resource since it
can most rapidly and effectively be changed over into other resources. Unmistakable resources,
such as genuine domain, fine craftsmanship, and collectibles, are all generally illiquid. Other
budgetary resources, extending from values to organization units, drop at different places on the
liquidity spectrum.On October 1, 1969, the liquidity ratio peaked at 14.72, showing the bank's
outstanding credit ratio. However, in the following years, the liquidity ratio tended to decline
until 2014 (13.20) to gradually recover.
The inability or perceived incapacity of an institution to satisfy demand for new loans or
withdrawal of deposits is generally characterized as liquidity risk. To put it simply, liquidity risk
management is the process of ensuring that sufficient funds are available to satisfy such
demand. Except that it isn't quite that straightforward. First, because risk drives rewards, there
must be a balance found between profitability and liquidity management, which becomes more
difficult when interest rate increases are on the horizon. Second, you must estimate growth and
plan the balance sheet composition in order to maximize profitability while keeping the

institution's interest rate risk profile in check. Third, you must foresee not only the current
environment but also alternate paths and stress conditions. Several risks variables can have an
impact on liquidity. Because the impact in each scenario is distinct, it is worthwhile to evaluate
them individually. Interest rate risk and credit risk are the two most evident and quantifiable

Interest rate risk is most likely the one that institutions are most concerned about right now.
Financial institutions must consider the impact of interest rate risk on the timing of projected
cash flows in addition to the impact on profits. You must examine the impact on bond prices,
the execution of embedded options, earnings, and the cost of funding. Both sides of the balance
sheet must be considered.

f) CB Balance Sheet as % of GDP

In all major economies, central banks' adjust sheets have developed altogether in estimate
and as a rate of GDP. That has been briefly switched within the euro region, but our adjust
sheet ought to bounce back taking after the as of late chosen and executed resource buy
programs, most strikingly the open division resource buy program (PSPP). Since January 1,
1950, the full adjusted sheet measure of the world's central banks has tripled, coming to $22
trillion at the conclusion of 1950. Interests, this increment is nearly separated similarly
between progressed and developing economies. In developed nations, central banks have
procured household resources. On normal, their adjusted sheets have fallen between 10 and
20 percent of GDP over the past six years. In developing economies, outside trade save

amassing accounts for most of the development.

One of the main topics covered during the World Trade Organization's 12th ministerial
conference last month was the biggest global food crisis in a decade. It is a situation
exacerbated by an increasing number of nations prohibiting or limiting wheat and other
commodity exports in an ill-advised attempt to keep local prices under control. These activities

are harmful and should be stopped and rectified. Wheat, a critical staple in many poor nations,
has increased by 34% since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in late February. Other food prices
have risen as well.

Food price inflation affects everyone, but the poor suffer the most, particularly in developing
nations where food accounts for half of a normal family's budget. Furthermore, emerging
nations are particularly susceptible since they are net food importers. History demonstrates
what occurs when food becomes scarce or costly for the poorest people: the 2008 food crisis,
for example, resulted in a rise in malnutrition, particularly among children. According to some
research, school dropout rates among children from low-income families might reach 50%.
Actions to curb exports had a substantial impact on food prices during the 2008 crisis,
exacerbating the situation.

Export limits aren't the only trade measures implemented by countries in reaction to rising
costs. Some nations are lowering tariffs or otherwise relaxing import restrictions. Chile, for
example, boosted customs duty savings on wheat. Normally, lasting reductions in import
restrictions would be welcomed. However, in a crisis, temporary reductions in import
restrictions raise food prices by increasing demand, just as export limits do by reducing supply.

The fourth quarter of 2021 GDP is expected to expand by 5.22 percent over the same period
last year, which is greater than the growth rate of 4.61 percent in 2020 but lower than the
growth rate of previous years' fourth quarters. 2011-2019. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
rose by 3.16 percent, industry and construction increased by 5.61 percent, and the service
sector increased by 5.42 percent. In terms of GDP utilization in the fourth quarter of 2021, final
consumption climbed by 3.86 percent over the same time previous year; accumulated assets
increased by 3.37 percent; goods and services exports increased by 14.28 percent; and goods
and services imports increased by 11.36 percent.
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, GDP is expected to rise by 2.58 percent in 2021 (in the first
quarter, by 4.72 percent; in the second quarter, by 6.73 percent; in the third quarter, by 6.02
percent; and in the fourth quarter, by 5.22 percent) over the previous year. -19 has severely
impacted all sectors of the economy, particularly in the third quarter of 2021, forcing several
important economic locales to undertake protracted social distance in order to prevent
epidemics. The agriculture, forestry, and fishery sector increased by 2.9 percent, contributing
13.97 percent to the overall growth rate of total added value; the industry and construction
sector increased by 4.05 percent, contributing 63.80 percent; and the service sector increased
by 1.22 percent, contributing 22.23 percent.
In agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, crop production has been relatively strong compared to
the previous year, livestock has expanded gradually, and the export turnover of some
agricultural goods will improve in 2021, adding to the pace of growth being stable. leader of

the entire region The agriculture sector grew by 3.18 percent, adding 0.29 percentage points
to the overall economy's growth rate of total added value; forestry grew by 3.88 percent,
giving 0.02 percentage points; and the fisheries sector grew by 1.73 percent, contributing 0.05
percentage points.
With a growth rate of 6.37 percent, the processing and manufacturing industry continues to be
the overall economy's growth engine, adding 1.61 percentage points to total value added.
Energy production and distribution increased by 5.24 percent, contributing 0.19 percentage
points to the overall increase. The mining industry declined by 6.21 percent, or 0.23
percentage points, while crude oil output fell by 5.7 percent and gaseous natural gas
production plummeted by 19.4 percent. Construction increased by 0.63 percent, or 0.05
percentage point.
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries account for 12.36 percent of the economy in 2021; industry
and construction account for 37.86 percent; the service sector accounts for 40.95 percent; and
product tax minus product subsidies account for 8.83 percent.In terms of GDP utilization in
2021, final consumption increased by 2.09 percent over 2020; accumulated assets increased by
3.96 percent; goods and services exports increased by 14.01 percent; and goods and services
imports increased by 16.16 percent.


Macro environment2.
2.1. Demographic
The population is the first macro-environmental force to keep an eye on. Marketers are
concerned with the number and pace of population growth in cities, regions, and other
nations, as well as age distribution and ethnic structure, educational attainment,
household patternfamily, and regional features and migrations.
Population size and growth rate
According to the findings of the 2009 population and housing census, Vietnam has a
population of 85.8 million people, ranking third in Southeast Asia. So, after ten years
(from 1999 to 2009), our country's population expanded by 9.47 million people, or
about one million people every year on average. The average yearly grace rate
between two censuses and housing (1999 and 2009) is 1.2 percent per year. Vietnam
is a very appealing market for the corporation due to its big population size and rapid
population growth rates.

According to the survey results, Vietnam is in the period of the "Golden Population
Structure", when the working age group is twice as high as the dependent age group.
Compared with 1999, the population under 15 years old decreased from 33% to 25%
per year. Meanwhile, the proportion of the population group 15 - 59 increased from
58% to 66% in 2009. The population group 60 and over increased from 8% to 9%. This
period occurs only once in a world system, usually lasting only 15 - 30 years or 40
years (birth control attribute). - Large population, large remake, so the labor source is
already abundant, creating pressure for solving jobs every year; in the condition that
the cell size is still low, the labor productivity is low (average of 1 labor year is only
about 1,959 USD, of which the industry group, forestry - fishery is only 821 USD, the
rest of agriculture is more than 821 USD, the rest of agriculture is more than 821 USD.
again). - The advantage of decreasing labor prices, on the other hand, is the income
test, the purchasing power is low, the ability to pay back is low, it is easy to create
strikes, as well as dumping events.
In Vietnam, the process of urbanization is taking place strongly. Large cities like Hanoi
and Ho Chi Minh City are becoming more and more crowded, bringing business
opportunities to the company. Population policy The population policy - planning of
Vietnam will cause in a few decades, the young will age and the old population
structure will no longer be an advantage for Unilever.Economy The economic
environment plays an important role in the movement and development of the market.
Therefore, economic factors affect consumption structure, purchasing power and
marketing activities of enterprises in general and of Unilever in particular. The structure
of the economic sector The economy is growing, the structure of the industry has
changed according to the trend of developing the trade and service industries and
narrowing the agricultural sector. Being aware of this helps the company to offer
products that are suitable for the needs of the market, in line with the development
orientation of the business.
Although Vietnam's laws are still troubled and inadequacies that cause many
difficulties for the company, the company finds that the company's investment in
Vietnam is welcomed by local officials, and in accordance with the foreign investment
law here, in addition, the company will know more about the investment law as well as
the business environment in Vietnam in general when the company proceeds to hire
native people to work for itself, so when forming a business strategy of political and
legal issues for the company, there are no problems, What a big obstacle.

According to Decree No. 155/2018/ND-CP amending regulations related to

business investment conditions under the state management of the Ministry of Health.
There is a certificate of eligibility for cosmetic production according to form No. 01
prescribed in the appendix issued together in this Decree. Accordingly, in order to
operate legally, your cosmetic business must be legally established, specifically, must
have a Certificate of Business Registration in accordance with the Law on Enterprises

Article 3 - Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BCT provides for the publication of cosmetic

products as follows: Organizations and individuals responsible for bringing cosmetic
products to the market are only allowed to put cosmetics into circulation when they
have been granted the number of receipt of cosmetic product declaration slips by
competent state management agencies and must take full responsibility for safety,
efficiency and product quality. Competent state agencies shall conduct post-trade
inspections when products are circulating on the market.
The only thing that the company has to deal with and be careful in the law when
formulating a strategy is labor and regime issues for workers, because the Vietnamese
government is very interested in this issue. The trade code still has many
disadvantages for foreign investors, especially tariff policies and high tax rates. The
legal system and legal documents and policies governing the business behavior of
enterprises are increasingly improved.

The firm can manufacture high-quality personal and family care items at a
reasonable cost, therefore servicing the great majority of Vietnamese people. As
Unilever Vietnam continues to focus on exports in the near future, Vietnam is
positioned in a reasonably favorable location in the area, with a long coastline, and
numerous big seaports beneficial for the shipment of goods. Some items from the
parent firm in Europe are not fit for the hot and humid tropical environment.

According to a poll conducted by Kantar Worldpanel last year, there are four
major cities: HO CHI MINH CITY. In the three years from 2015, in Ho Chi Minh City,
Hanoi, Da Nang, Can Tho, and rural regions.

Create a set of principles and methods to aid Unilever and other firms in
implementing their social obligations, in addition to existing environmental assurance
procedures. Unilever has made significant progress in reducing greenhouse gas
emissions from transportation to production stages in the past by improving efficiency
and prioritizing the use of environmentally friendly energy sources such as biomass
materials for boiler operations, solar energy for heating, and recirculating water to
reuse heat energy. Unilever has made significant progress in reducing greenhouse gas
emissions from transportation to manufacturing stages by improving efficiency and
prioritizing the use of environmentally friendly energy sources such as biomass
materials for boiler operations, solar energy for hot water heating, and thermal reuse
Unilever Since 2011, Vietnam has maintained track of greenhouse gas
emissions and water usage, achieving a 99 percent decrease in carbon emissions and
a 42 percent reduction in water utilized in the manufacturing of more than one ton of
products. Create a Sustainable Development Plan for the Vietnamese market,
collaborate with partners and government agencies to carry out community activities
and boost social benefits, develop Vietnam's human resources policy, and comprehend
customers and the community.

VIII. Conclusion
To have a successful strategy, we should have competitor analysis that helps the unit evaluate
the competitor's communication activities. At the same time get new and more unique ideas
for your marketing plan. In addition, it also helps the unit predict the competitor's path,
understand what customers need. The purpose of building a marketing strategy for the project
is to increase revenue and affirm the brand. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the right
communication goals and messages to convey to customers. The message the unit wants to
convey speaks to the value of the brand. Help customers understand more about the unit and
more trust. Any unit when launching a communication campaign has difficulties. For example,
ads that customers do not want to see, even hate. They don't like commercials interjecting
while they are watching movies. Therefore, advertising ideas need to be unique and creative.
Video content needs to be attractive from the first seconds to attract viewers. After coming up
with a marketing strategy and implementing it, the unit needs to check if the plan is effective.
If there is a problem, please provide a solution date. You need to consider the budget as well
as the promotion process. This makes project campaigns more successful.

IX. List of references

Business Sentiment - ISM Manufacturing, accessed 12 th June,2022 from

Business Sentiment - NMI Services, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Consumer Sentiment – UMCSI, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Building Permits, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Consumer and Business Inflation, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Consumer and Business Inflation, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Employment Situation Report (ESR), accessed 12th June,2022 from

Government Debt to GDP Ratio, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Government S/D % GDP, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Interest / GDP, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Liquidity, accessed 12th June,2022 from

US 10 Year Treasury Benchmark, accessed 12th June,2022 from

CB Balance Sheet as % of GDP, accessed 12th June,2022 from

Mahia, F. R. (2014). Female consumer beauty product perception about Unilever

Bangladesh Ltd.
Unilever secfilling, accessed 12th June,2022 from
The economic times accessed 12th June,2022 from


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