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2) United States Patent Parera (64) BLADE FOR WIND TURBIN (76) Inventor: Jorge Parera, 86 Pequot La, New (Cana, CT (US) 06840 (8). Notice: Subject to any diselaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 33 USC. 154(b) by 425 days, (21) Appl. Nos 11/179,982 Filed: 3, 2008 Prior Publication Data US 200710014657. A1 Jan, 18, 2007, GI) meen BosH 128 (2006.01) (2) US.CL 416/231 R; 416/232: 415/81 (58) Fleld of Classification Search 416/232, 416/231 R, 231 B, 175,203, 146 R, 120: 415/62, 63, 80, 81 ‘See application file for complete search history. USO0: S0S7B2 US 7,435,057 B2 Oct. 14, 2008 7743505 (10) Patent No. 4s) Date of Patent: 66) Refere US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 1s Cited 5226805. * 71993 Proven ‘tis 2oodtn3i321 AL 22001 Ort Tao son4nr012% AL* 102004 Andersca sa 2ooiat * cited by examinee Edward Look Asefeh Hemmati Marvin N, Gordon. Primary Examiner Assistant (74) Atornes, Agent, oF Firm on ABSTRACT A blade fora wind turbine ineludes a device for causing at at fn inereased velocity and/or pressure to escape from exit ‘openings in the blade, thereby to apply a force. Pressure and ‘Gamiter adjustable valves may be providedal each exitope ing or orifice tallow the sito ext from the blade only when the air pressure within the blade exceeds a preset level. Also isclosed is the provision of valves atthe exit openings or ‘orifices on an opposite edge of the blade that allows air to ‘escape fom the blade to slow down but not stop rotation ofthe blade when a dangerous wind condition is detected 11 Claims, § Drawing Sheets Entry of air by the rear or Tateral “sid6 oF the blade ind direction air by the roar or ‘side of the blade Wind direction U.S. Patent Oct. 14,2008 Sheet 1 of 5 US 7,435,057 B2 FG.) US 7,435,057 B2 Sheet 2 of 5 Oct. 14, 2008 U.S. Patent Af Zora Wo] }9941P PUK ape}q ay} jo apis [21372] JO 1Pas 94} Aq J1e yO AsqUy US 7,435,057 B2 sheet 3 of 5 SI Oct. 14, 2008 U.S. Patent <9. uo! }9aJ1p pur ape|q ayy jo apis [e1937e] 40 4ea1 AY} AG JIB Jo AsyUR N uy US 7,435,057 B2 Sheet 4 of 5 Oct. 14, 2008 U.S. Patent 4 ord uo1j9as 1p pul_ ape}q ey} jo apis |esaye} JO seas ayy Aq 41e 4O AsqUy U.S. Patent Oct. 14,2008 Sheet Sof 5 US 7,435,057 B2 FIGS US 7,435,057 B2 1 BLADE FOR WIND TURBINE, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION |. Field ofthe Invention Tike present invention relates generally to wind turbine technology, and more particularly to able for use ina wind turbine having increase efficiency and uty 2. Description of the Prioe Art Particularly within the past decade or so, itis becoming increasingly clear that altematives to Tosi fuels to generate ‘elecricity are needed and that this need is becoming more ‘rtieal with each passing year. The pollution caused by the bbuming of fossil fuels to generate electricity has already ‘created significant destruction othe environment resulting ‘global warming. which if not stopped or reduced signii- ‘cantly, could wel ead t disastrous declines inthe quality of lie of billions of people around the worl. The supply of ‘sil fuels is constantly being depleted, and as the demand Jor electieity continues 0 surge dramatically in counties such as China, thecost of fossil uel wil continue to riseand the supply of fossil fools will Become more scarce. ‘In addition to nuclear and solar energy the use of wind ‘energy to generate electricity has long been considered and has already found widespread use. The supply of wind is unlimited, re in cost, widely available and free of polfutants. ‘Theconventional wind turbine electrical penertorinclades 3 ‘roup, typically three, of aerodynamically shaped Blades ‘mounted for rotation atop a tower The blades are mounted at ‘oneof theiends oahu, which, in tim, drives the rotor oF a ‘eleczical generator, As the prevailing wind passes over the blades they are caused to rotate, which, in tur, causes the rotor to turn inthe generator, thereby to generate electricity in ‘a knovn manper. The electricity thus generated is collected or tansmission to a local facility for further tansmission slong power lines tothe consumers of the electricity Although it has clearadvantagescover fossil el such a its unlimited supply and freedom from pollutants, the use of ‘wind power has thus far been limited as a resul of the rela- tively high cost of generation of electricity and the relatively low vield for the moaies invested in building wind turbines ‘One problem in the use of wind turhine technology to gener. ‘ateelecticty ooeurs when the velocity oftheambient wind is too law to drive the turbine Blades To generate a sulicient mount of energy. A second problem arises when the wind velocity is too great, which eotld result in the damage reven esiustion of the wind turbine. When the latter condition, ‘occurs, the Wind turbine i typically shut down ual the wind, Velocity rtuens to noemal levels, I thus mot unusual for @ Wind turbine to achieve only about 30% ofits enempy-eners- tion capacity. Moreover, even at normal wind velocities, the ‘llciency of conventional wind turbines to produce signifi- ‘cant amounts of electricity at competitively low cost is fim ited by the current technologies. ‘As a result of the inherent advantages of wind turbine technology numerous aitempis have been made over the past ‘decals to inyprove the various clement othe wind turbine, Particularly to improve the blade design, nckading the use of blades having hollow interiors. Although the elfiency of generation of eleciricity by wind turbines has steadily {increased it has not yet reached levels at which wind turbine technology can compete widely with fossil fuels, “There Unis remains need for an improved Wind turbine that can operate more elliciently all levels of wind velocity, thereby to greatly increase these of wind turbine technology ‘a8 an economically viable allemative o fossil fuels in the eneration of electricity. Ibis thus an object ofthe present invention fo provide a blade for wind turbine that allows the turbine to operate ata higher efficiency and at a reduced unit cos. 2 11 is another object of the invention to provide @ wind turbine blade that allows the wind turbine t be used more effectively over a wide range of wind velocities, thereby Increasing the yield and utility of the turbine over greater periods of usage Tisalso an objectof the invention oproviden wind wrbine blade that allows the turine tobe used to generate electricity inthe event of dangerously high wind conditions as wells at low wind velocities, tis a further object of the invention to provide a wind turbine design in which the blade interior space is converted Jnloa pressurized sirchambergivingexit of tc from te blade interior through valves located along one edge of the blade 30 that streams of air are expelled from the Blade at high speed SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION “The present invention s directed to an improved design of the blade used in a wind turbine electrical generator. In this design the speed andlor the pressure of the arin the hollows interior of the blade is increased such that when the air is released through openings in the blade wall from the blade ‘interior itereates an increase thrust to the blade causingitto ‘late at a greater speed, therchy producing more eletscal {energy ina more efficient manner none embodiment ofthe invention, the velocity ofthe air within the blade interior is increased by the provision ofa fan or vacwum at an ir inlet. The air at an increased velocity escapes from the Blade inte- rior through an ext port or orifice or though a longitudinal exit por. In another embodiment of the invention, the air ‘within the blade interior is compressed to an increased pre sure, When the compressed ar teaches a preset level, valves Jocatedat the outlet orext ports ofthe blade open to alow the sirat he inreased pressure to escape from the blade interioe Ina furtherembodiment ofthe invention, a sensor in response to an excessively high wind velocity opens another set of valves to rene air from the interior of the Blade in the ‘opposite direction wo slow down the blade oa sae velocity. "To the accomplishment of the above and such further objects as may hereinaRer appear, the present invention relates to a wind turbine blade substantially as defined in the ‘appended claims as considered in canjunetion with the fl- lowing detailed deseription of preferrd embodiments thereof ‘long wit the accompanying drawings in which: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OP THE DRAWINGS. PIG. 1isaperspectiveofa wind turbine employing turbine biades in accordance withthe present invention; FIG. 2 is a cross-section of a wind turbine blade in aceor- dance with an embodiment of the inventions FIG. 3 is a cross-section of a wind trbine blade in accor: «dance with a second embodiment of the invention: FIG. 4 isa cross-section of a wind trbine blade in aeor- dance witha third embodiment of the invention: FIG. isa perspective similar to FIG. 1 showing festuresof the present invention; and PIG. 6 is an end view of a fan or vacuum that can be employed inthe Wind turbine blade ofthe iavention, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS, Referring to the drawings there is shown in FIG. La wind turbine supported on a tower 10. Mountedon top ofthe tosser isa nacelle 12, which houses, asi conventional, generator (not shown) whose rotor ( shown) is bearing mounted to the nacelle. blade hb 14s secured to the free end ofthe US 7,435,057 B2 3 rotor and three equiangulary spaced turbine blades 16 are secured at their lnver ends tothe blade ub 14 Tae blades 16 in FIG. 1 are, for purposes of illustration, ofthe configuration described beiow with respect tothe embodimentoftheinwen- tion ilusteated in FIG. 3. Asis conventions, the blades 16 are jin the shape ofan airfoil so that asthe ambient wind passes ‘over the blade surface, the blades are caused to rotate and to ‘emise the rotor to rotate in the generator so as to generate ‘electricity, also ina conventional manner. In accordance with the present invention, the turbine blades 16 are designed to prodve a greater amount of electricity for a given ambient Wind velocity and w operate effectively overa preter range ‘of wind velocities than has heretofore been achievable, Asshown in IG. 2,theblade 16a includes an outer Wall 17 ‘which defines within ian inner hollow sr pressure chamber 18 that communicates with an aie inlet 20a the ear oF lateral side ofthe blade. high-capacity fan or vacuum 22 (se also FIG. 6) is mounted tothe blade wall tthe location of airinlet 20 and funetions wo inerease the velocity ofthe air within the pressure chamber 18 toward the direction of one-way’ exit Yalve 24 located at an exit port 26 formed at the tip of the blade. Valve 24 communicates tits inlet with sir ehamber 18 and atits outlet with ext port 26. Operating voltage forthe fan 22 is provided to the fan by a conductor (oot shown) that ‘extends toa suitable voltage souree housed inthe nacelle. In ‘operation, high-velocity ar ereated bythe operation ofthe f in the airchamber 18 is passed through valve 24 and escapes ‘ata high velocity through exit port 26, thereby to create an increased impetis or tongue on the blade casing an increase ‘nthe rotational velocity ofthe Blade, The exit diameter ofthe valve 24 is advantageously adjustable to allow for a modifi cation of the ext speed of the air from the interior ofthe Blade to allow fora control of blade speed. Inthe turbine blade 166 shown ia FIG. 3, a fa or vacuum 22s mounted tothe blade wall nea aa ar inlet 205 loeted ‘ear one end oF an intemal ae chamber 18.A series of spaced pressure valves 26) are arranged along the leeward edge of the blade 16, Valves 266 communicateat their inputs with ie ‘chamber 18) and at their outlets with a plurality of exit ports 27. The pressure valves 26 are normally closed and open ‘only whch the pressure ofthe compressed air within chamber 18) exceeds a preset value. When that occurs, air under increased pressure and velocity. inthe form of i jets, escapes through now open valves 26bin the direction of the arrows 29 in FIG. 3. The exit diameter of valves 260 are preferable adjustable wallow forconteol ofthe exit speed of the aie fom, the blade interior “The air within chamber 18 may be advantageously com- pressed in two ways. In one arrangement, sn extractor OF aspirator 32 (FIG. 3) is housed within thea inlet 206 ofeach blade. This device includes a one-way valve which allows twenterthe air inlet butnot wo exit omit, thereby to cause the ‘calering the ar chamber 18B o be compressed toa igher pressure within the chamber until the ar pressure within the pressure chamber exceeds the contro pressure ofthe presse valves 26, at which time the valves 265 willopenallowing the ‘compres air to exit the air chamber 188 through the now ‘open valves 264 and exit ports 275. As in the previously ‘described embodiment of FIG. 2, the exit diameters of valves 26h are variable or adjustable to establish an ext air velocity that is dependent on the location of the wind curbine, the ‘current wind conditions, or both. In an altemative arrange ‘ment anaie compressor 28 (FIG, §) is housed inthe nacelle 12 and is connected by air tubes 30 (FIG. 8) to the interior a ‘chambers 18 of eich ofthe blades 16h “The turbine blade L6cilhstrated in FIG, 4a tothe blade 165 of FIG. 3 plurality of electrically controlled valves 34 0 o 4 Jocated at corresponding plurality of exit ports 38 formed slong the windward edge of the blade, A wind velocity sensor ‘36 housed inthe nacelle 12 seases the ambient wind velocity, ‘nd when the sensed wind veloity exceeds a predetermined ‘safe maximum value, the sensor sends an eletrical contol Signa to open allorasclectd number of the normally closed ‘windward valves 34 to allow arto escape from chamber 18 {through valves M and exit ports 35 i the direction of arcs 36. This airflow escaping fom the blade interior is opposite to the direction of tear flow through the pressure valves 26e ‘and windward ext ports 27e in the opposite direction showa by arrows 29, thereby 1 reduce the rotational velocity ofthe biades 180 toa safe level while sill allowing operation ofthe blades to generate electricity through the duration of the {dangeroosly high wind conditions Tt will be appreciated from the foregoing description of a presently prefered embodiments thatthe wind turbine blade fof the invention oflers numerous advantages in terms of ei ciency of elecrieal generation, upwards of as much 38 40 percent grealer ouput of electiiy for w given wind condi- fion as compared to current wind turbine generators. It wil also he appreciated hy those of ordinary skill in the at that ‘modifications may be made othe embiments of te inven- tion specifically deseribed above, such as the inclusion of ‘means for heating the air within the blade air chamber, with- ‘out necessarily departing from the spirit and scope of the ‘Wiha is elaimed is 1. wind turbine blade comprising an outer wall defining ‘hollow interior aie chamber, ana inlet in communication ‘with said air chamber, means located within said ai chamber {or increasing the velocity of the ar within suid air chamber, a least one exit opening in said blade wall, means located ‘near said ar inlet for increasing the pressure of the ai within said ir chamber, and. pressure-responsive valve means ‘arranged adjacent said exit opening for allowing airin said air ‘chamber to escape from std at least one exit opening when the pressure of the ait within said air chamber reaches a predetermined valve 2, The wind turbine lade of claim 1, in which said veloc- fiysinereasing means comprises a fan arranged adjacent said air inlet and further comprising a one-way valve at said ext ‘pening penmittig arto enter but not leave sid air earner, ‘3. The wind turbine blade of claim 1, in which said pres sure-inereasing means comprises a compressor and i Gon- {uit means extending from the outlet of said compressor to sid air chamber 4.The wind turbine blade of claim 1, comprising a plurality fsa exit openings spaced from one another along one edge of said blade wall and a plurality of said pressure-esponsive valve means arranged respectively adjacent said plurality of exit openings. '5. The wind turbine blade of elaim 4, ia which te sizes of theoutltsof said valvemeans are edustableto vary the iat velocity of air escaping through sid ext openings. 6. The wind turbine blade of elaim I, further comprising second plurality of ext openings aranged and spaced along fan oppasite edge of said blade wall, 2 second plurality of ‘normally closed valve means arranged respectively at said second plurality of ext openings and means for opening sid second plurality of valve means when the ambient wind velocity excoeds a predetermined valu, thereby to allow air {rom said airchamber to escape from said second plurality of exit openings and to reduce the rotational veloeity of the blade 7A wind turbine blade comprising an oter wal defining hollow interior air chamber, a fist plurality of exitopenings US 7,435,057 B2 5 ‘arranged and spaced along one ede of said blade wall, 2 second plurality of ext openings arrangeland spaced slong a second opposing edge of said Blade wall frst valve means intermediate said first plurality of exit openings and sid ‘chamber for allowing, when open, air from suid air chamber to exit from sad fist plurality of exit openings to proace @ diving impetus to the blade, nomally elosed second valve ‘means intermediate said sir chamber ad said second plural ity of exit openings, and ambient wind-velocity sensing rican couples said second valve means and effective uper the detection of an ambient wind velocity exeveding a prede- termined level © open stid second valve means, thereby 10 allow ai from sid air chamber o escape through seid second plurality of exit openings, ubereby 10 reduce the blade rota- tional velocity. 6 8, The wind turbine of elaim 7, further comprising mea {or inercasing the pressure ofthe at within sai ai chamber, sid fist valve means being caused to open when the pressure ofthe air within sid ai chamber excoeds a predetermined value to cause ait from said air chamber to eseape through sd frst plurality of ext openings at an increased velocity '9. The wind turbine blade of claim 8, in which the sizes of the outlets of sid frst and second valve means areadjustable toallow forthorespoctive varying a theescape velocity of air ‘through said frst and second ext openings. 10, A wind turbine including three equiangularly spaced turbine blades as elimed in clan 1 11, A wind turbine including three equiangularly space turbine blades as eaimed in claim 7

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