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“World Literature” as a concept is self-contradictory because of its two possible definitions that
contradict one another. One definition is about the literary production of the world. However
the second definition only deems the best of world literature. It accepts all literary works but
only chooses those who are the best that represents “World Literature”.
2. Globalization helped update existing definition of “World Literature” because of people
travelling all over the world and sharing their stories and culture.
3. Damrosch is saying that the world literature should not be kept and ungraspable works to the
public. But it should be shared to everyone. Each literary work must be used for reading from
different people. World literature should be read by all people across the world.
4. The forces that can affect a literary work’s circulation and reception is when the literary work is
popular that is has been made into a movie or series. It may be because the literary work won
an award or because the work is from an influential and known country.
5. The forces that can affect a literary work global is when it is very popular because the work won
an award, or a film was made or because it is from an influential or known country.
6. World Literature are literary works around the world. However, global literature are about the
readers all over the world, reading a literary work outside from their own country.
7. Personally, I think the reason is because Shakespeare's works are written in English. And English
is a language that the majority of the world understand. And English was also the original
language of the literary work. However since Tagore's works are written in Indian and not a lot
of people around the world does not know how to read the original language. And maybe
because Shakespeare was from the United Kingdom which is more influential than India.

1. The story's conflict is external conflict. Specifically, the external conflict of the story is person vs
2. The story's conflict is that the narrator is struggling to deal with sudden social forces of people
demanding what they want from him by threatening him.
3. Yes, because there are still many people who use brute force or violence to reach their aims. As
in the story, the man appeared out of nowhere in the narrator's life and demanded a story or
else they would shoot.
4. One way a reader can better understand the literary work is to do research on the author and
the culture. Nowadays, it is simple to conduct research on a topic that the reader is unfamiliar
with and wishes to learn more about. One can now use any search engine, such as Google, to
find information about the culture of literary works and read it from reliable sources on the

1. The Chinese man's daughter is the speaker and persona in the poem.
2. The man's situation is that he works in various countries to support his family and daughters.
3. The poem's tone is nostalgic.
4. Imagery is the figurative language used. It is imagery because the poem includes physical
sensations and internal emotions in addition to visual representations or mental images.
5. The poem's theme evident is family.

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