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Name/s:______________________________________________Strand and Section :________________________

Subject Teacher:_______________________________________Date:___________________________________


1. Determine whether the speed of a falling object increase as much as the increase in its weight;
2. Describe how air affects the speed of the falling object; and
3. Explain the acceleration of the freely falling bodies.


 Pencil  Stopwatch
 Ruler  Notebook
 Tape measure  Pieces of paper


1. Hold one notebook in one hand and the set of two notebooks on the other hand. The hands must be at the
same height from the floor.
2. Drop the notebooks from the same height at exactly the same time. As the set of two notebooks touched the
floor, was other notebook halfway from the floor?
3. Repeat the procedures, but this time one hand hold three notebooks. The other hand still has one notebook.
Drop it at the same height at exactly the same time, and observe
4. Tear off a sheet from one notebook. Hold the sheet of paper in one hand and notebook in the other hand; be
sure that there is no moving air (wind) around. Will meet the same time?
5. Tear off another sheet of notebook. The two sheets have more or less the same weight. If you drop the two
sheets at the same time, will they reach the ground at the same time?
6. Make a one sheet into a tightly compact ball; is the weight of the paper ball still the same as the sheet of paper?
7. Drop the paper ball and sheet of paper from same height and time, which fell faster? Why?


Data and Result:

Table 1.0

Distance Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

(m) Object(quantity) time Object(quantity) time Object(quantity) time




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