Amoco - 9. Engineering For Safe Operation - 1984

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for Safe Operation
Booklet Nine in a series designed to point out
potential hazards in refining and related
operations and suggest ways and means of
correcting or eliminating them.

Copyright 1964, © 1966, © 1981, © 1984 Amoco

Oil Company Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Copyright protected under Universal Copyright Convention
Copyright protected under International Copyright Union All rights
reserved under Pan-American Convention

First Edition, 1964

Revised Second Edition, 1966
Revised Third Edition, 1984

It should not be
necessary for each gen-
eration to rediscover prin-
ciples of safety which the
generation before already
discovered. We must learn
from the experience of
others rather than learn
the hard way. We must
pass on to the next
generation a record of
what we have learned.

-Jesse C. Ducommun

The cooperation of the following in
furnishing some of the data and illustrations
for this booklet is gratefully acknowledged:
Hills-McCanna Company Humble Oil &
Refining Company I-T-E Circuit Breaker
Company Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc.
OPW Division of Dover Corporation
Rockwell Manufacturing Company Shell Oil
U.S. GAUGE, a Division of

I. Introduction 7
II. Operating Practices and Requirements 10
A. Common Hazards to Avoid 11
Mixing Air or Oxygen with Hydrocarbons 11
Mixing Hydrocarbons with
Reactive Chemicals 14
Contact of Water and Hot Oil 16
Water in Storage Tanks 18
Disposal of Waste Gases 19
Toxic or Reactive Chemicals 21
Oxygen and Oxygen Handling Systems 22
B. Handling of Light Ends 23
C. Adequate Utility and Auxiliary Connections 24
D. Operating Procedures 29
///. Corrosion and Erosion 30
A. Liners and Wearing Surfaces 30
B. Dead-End Sections in Piping and Equipment 31
C. Use of Screwed Alloy Piping Plugs 32
D. Corrosion Inhibitors 33
E. Sentry Holes in Piping 34
F. Adequacy of Corrosion Protection 35
IV, Electrical 40
A. Area Classification 40
B. Static Electricity 41
C. Stray Currents 43
D. Lightning 44
E. Installation 45
F. Emergency Power 45
V. Fire and Safety Equipment 46
A. Turret Nozzles, Hydrants and
Other Protective Equipment 46
B. Escape Routes 46
C. Noise Level 47
D. Equipment Guards 48
E. Remote Shutdown Devices 48
F. Automatic Water-Deluge Systems 49
G. Pump Manifold Areas 49

VI. Foundations, Building, Structures and Stacks 50
A. Soil and Foundations 50
B. Buildings 50
C. Structures 51
D. Stacks 52
VII. Furnaces and Air Preheaters, Fired Reboilers,
Exchangers and Cooling Towers 54
A. Furnace Safety 54
B. Furnace Air-Preheater System Safety 56
C. Fired Reboilers 57
D. Air Heaters 57
E. Heat Exchangers 58
F. Cooling Towers 61
VIII. Instruments 62
A. General 62
B. Instrument Leads 63
C. Oxygen and Combustible Analyzers 63
D. Alarms 63
E. Orifices 64
F. Pressure Instruments 64
G. Glass Inserts 65
H. Sampling 65
IX. Insulation, Auxiliary Heating and Fireproofing 66
A. Insulation 66
B. Auxiliary Heating 67
C. Fireproofing 69
X. Piping 72
A. Water Pockets 72
B. Auxiliary Piping Facilities 74
C. Piping Materials 75
D. Expansion and Supports 76
E. Vibration 77
F. Valves 79
G. Pipe Joints 82
H. Water Hammer 83

XI. Relief Valve and Pressure-Relieving Systems 84
A. Thermal Expansion 84
B. Relief Valves 88
C. Relief-Valve Piping 91
D. Depressuring Systems . 92
XII. Plot Plans and Equipment Spacing 94
A. Spacing Between Units 94
B. Spacing Within Units 96
XIII. Storage Facilities 98
XIV. Vessels and Trays 102
A. Design 102
B. Drainability 102
C. Knockout Drums 103
D. Venting 103
E. Internals 105
F. Vacuum Systems 106
XV. Waste Disposal 108
XVI. Pumps and Compressors 110
XVII. Engineering Safety Checklist 116
XVIII. Reference Material 126

This booklet is intended as a safety supplement to operator training courses,

operating manuals, and operating procedures. It is provided to help the reader
better understand the "why" of safe operating practices and procedures in our
refineries. Important engineering design features are included. However,
technical advances and other changes made after its publication, while generally
not affecting the principles, could affect some suggestions made herein. The
reader is encouraged to examine such advances and changes when selecting
and implementing practices and procedures at his facility.
While the information in this booklet is intended to increase the storehouse of
knowledge in safe refining operations, it is important for the reader to recognize
that this material is generic in nature, that it is not unit specific, and, accordingly,
that its contents may not be subject to literal application. Instead, as noted
above, it is supplemental information for use in already established training
programs; and it should not be treated as a substitute for otherwise applicable
operator training courses, operating manuals, or operating procedures.
Amoco Oil Company and its parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates disclaim any
responsibility for specific application of any of this material by outside parties.
The aforesaid make no warranties or other claims as to the appropriateness of
these practices and procedures in specific operations. The suggestions should
be carefully evaluated before implementation.

I. Introduction
Process safety in oil refineries depends
on three main factors: ( 1 ) how a unit is
designed, (2) how it is constructed (i.e.,
the workmanship) and (3) how it is
operated. Just as it is virtually
impossible to build facilities that are
foolproof in the hands of improperly
trained operators, it is also impossible to
safely operate equipment that is
basically faulty in design. Thus, process
and design engineers must provide
properly designed facilities that can be
safely operated by following normal
operating procedures.

Failure to recognize and eliminate dramatizes the necessity for strict at-
hazardous situations has resulted in tention to details since many of the
serious injuries to personnel and costly accidents described in this booklet were
damage to key facilities, as illustrated caused by seemingly minor items.
by Figure 1. This booklet presents
While most hazardous operating
many of the engineering practices
situations can be avoided in the design
currently being used to design and
stage with little or no extra cost,
build facilities that promote operating
occasionally some hazards are just too
safety in our refineries. Although it
expensive to eliminate. In resolving
should not supplant individual thinking
such cases, the seriousness of the
and initiative, this booklet can serve as
hazard, the odds against the occurrence
a ready reference for engineers to use
of an accident, and the consequences if
as they consider each operational step
it does occur must
on a process unit. It also

Figure 1
This was a fluid hydroformer!
It was destroyed during
startup by a series of internal
detonations when air
accidentally entered the unit
and formed an explosive
mixture with circulating inert
gas and naphtha vapors. The
explosion threw a 65-ton
piece of steel 1,200 feet.

all be considered. Particularly where The simplified checklist in Section XVII
relatively large expenditures are re- of this booklet should be especially
quired to avoid a possible difficulty, the useful during the final design check and
cost versus risk must be evaluated in hazard review which are necessary
order to arrive at a practical as well as before engineering on any project can
economical solution. be considered complete.
Design engineers must be thoroughly This booklet is primarily concerned with
familiar with codes, specifications and good design practices. Others in this
standards; and they must be constantly process-safety series emphasize good
alert to assure adherence to them. The operating practices. You will profit from
information in this booklet is intended reading all of them.
only to supplement these governing

//. Operating Practices operating situations. Therefore, a
and Requirements continuous flow of information must be
There is no substitute for thoroughly maintained between operators and
informed and trained operators. Clear, engineers so that this experience c$n be
concise procedures and instructions are made available for use in the operation
essential for operating safety. The of other units and in the design of future
technical staff must present all projects. Operating manuals,
operating information —including the particularly startup and shutdown
safe operating limits for each specific procedures, must be frequently
processing unit —in simple, accurate reviewed and revised so that the latest
language that can be easily understood information is always available (Figure
by nontechnical personnel. 2).
Some of the common hazards that have
Many operating practices are
caused serious problems through faulty
developed from experience gained
design and poor operating practices are
during abnormal or anticipated
included in the following discussion.

Figure 2
"Are you sure this manual
is up-to-date?"

A. Common Hazards to Avoid elements in every process that cannot be
Mixing Air or Oxygen with rigidly controlled. Since a source of
ignition is usually present, air or oxygen
must be eliminated in most cases. Thus
Under certain conditions, vapors from the maxim: in general, avoid mixing air
most petroleum products will burn and or oxygen with hydrocarbons.
may even explode. This burning process
is frequently described by the use of the Since the flammable range of hydro-
fire triangle, illustrated in Figure 3. The carbons is considerably wider in oxygen
three sides represent fuel vapor, oxygen than in air, the presence of commercial
and a source of ignition. A fire can occur oxygen creates a much greater hazard.
only when all three are present. The For example, Figure 4 shows the
fuel-vapor side of the triangle is always flammable limits of propane vapor in all
assumed to be present in oil refineries. concentrations of oxygen and air at
Of course, it is impractical to eliminate atmospheric conditions. It is easily seen
all air (oxygen) or all sources of ignition that propane vapor has a much broader
from a refinery. flammable range in commercial oxygen
than in air. Also, as any propane-air
However, safe operation demands the mixture becomes enriched with oxygen,
elimination of one of these the flammable range increases.

Figure 3
If designers understand Figure 4
the fire triangle, fires can Fuels are much more
be avoided by designing flammable in commercial
to prevent the three sides oxygen than in air.
from getting together

When all
elements are
present, there
may be a fire!

If any one of
the three is
removed, fire
is impossible!

A number of processes require the use A: heavy oil known as torch oil is often
of air: for example, cracking catalyst injected into the catalyst bed of fluid
circulation, catalyst regeneration, catalytic cracking unit regenerators to
oxidation and treating (never use help maintain the unit heat balance. This
commercial oxygen for treating). is one case where the burning of
Remember, hydrocarbons must not be hydrocarbons in the presence of air in a
mixed with air in pressure vessels or closed vessel is: an integral part of a
lines except under rigorously controlled processing system. To ensure safe
conditions. Control usually depends on operation through immediate ignition
the measurement of conditions, such as and continued combustion, torch oil
oxygen content, pressure, temperature should not be admitted until the injection
and flow rate. These variable factors nozzle is submerged under at least 4|feet
must be kept within predetermined safe of catalyst which has been heated to
operating limits. Where ignition cannot 700 °F, as illustrated in Figure 5.
be tolerated, the vapor phase must be Thermocouples, used to determine if the
maintained either above or below the torch oil is burning,
flammable limits, i.e., too rich or too
lean to burn.

Figure 5
Safe torch-oil injection re-
quires special precautions.

Catalyst bed must be

hot enough to insure
instant ignition and
continuous burning.

must be located adjacent to the in- • Dissolved air in hydrocarbon feed
jection nozzle so that ignition can be streams
immediately detected.
• During agitation or oxidation of
There are many ways that air (oxygen) hydrocarbon process streams
can get into processing equipment. The
following are the most common: Figure 6 shows an alkylation unit that
was extensively damaged because of the
• Through open or defective lines, unrecognized introduction of oxygen
valves and equipment during shutdown into some propane storage drums
• During improper purging or line located on the unit. In this case, oxygen
blowing that was carried in solution with the
propane stream was slowly released and
• Leakage into equipment operating at concentrated in the vapor space of the
less than atmospheric pressure storage drums, where an explosive
• Dissolved air in water used for flushing mixture developed and detonated with
and process washing devastating effects.

Figure 6
This alkylation unit was
severely damaged when an
oxygen-propane mixture
detonated in three propane
storage drums. Ignition was
probably caused by iron

Arrows indicate
location of
storage drums

Figure 7 illustrates that it is impractical Therefore, inert-gas streams should be|
and virtually impossible to design and continuously monitored so that th0 true
build equipment strong enough to composition is always known.
withstand a detonation. The possibilities
of accidental development and ignition Mixing Hydrocarbons with
of explosive mixtures must therefore be Reactive Chemicals
recognized and eliminated in the design Certain hydrocarbon-chemical mix-
stage. tures can be as dangerous as hydro-
Inert gases, such as nitrogen and carbon carbon-air mixtures. For example, a
dioxide, are often used to purge air or chlorine-hydrocarbon mixture
vapors from vessels and equipment. It detonated in a conventional mixer-
must be remembered that these settler arrangement used to treat
gases will not remain inert if they naphtha with a hypochlorite solution.
become contaminated with air Fortunately, the damage was minor.
(oxygen) or hydrocarbon vapor.

Figure 7
These detonation fragments
from a 5’/a-inch-thick drum (8
times thicker than needed for
operating pressure) illustrate
that it is impractical to design
for detonative forces. A shell
that was 30 to 50 times
thicker than needed probably
could not have resisted the

A schematic diagram of the naphtha detonation had occurred at a natural
treating process is shown in Figure 8. gasoline treating plant, the mechanism
Investigation revealed that a liquid- of this reaction was confirmed by an
phase detonation probably occurred outdoor test. When gasoline was
when liquid chlorine came in contact introduced into a test cylinder of liquid
with the naphtha stream after it was chlorine, it detonated with enough force
injected batchwise to fortify the to fragment the cylinder and knock
hypochlorite solution. This was a down a 14-inch-diameter oak tree 20
violent chlorination reaction; no air or feet away!
oxygen was involved.
The chance development of dangerous
This accident, like many others, could hydrocarbon-chemical mixtures must
have been prevented if someone had be prevented by careful investigation of
carefully checked to see if this was a each process or process change before
safe operating procedure. As far back actual operation.
as 1925, after a similar, more damaging

Figure 8
Schematic diagram of
naphtha treating facilities
showing location of

Contact of Water and Hot Oil The trays in a vacuum tower were
At atmospheric pressure, a volume of seriously damaged during startup even
water expands about 1,600 times when though the tower had been purged and
it flashes to steam. Figure 9 illustrates drained before charging with oil. After
that the expansion is even greater when the temperature had been slowly raised
the pressure is less than atmospheric. to about 500° F by oil circulation, a valve
Gradual heating of water is normally was opened at the bottom of the tower
harmless because the steam-generation in preparation for starting normal oil flow.
rate is slow. However, if a quantity of Suddenly, pressure surged upward
water is heated rapidly, as it is when through the tower and upset the trays!
injected into hot oil or hot equipment, all Investigation revealed that an additional
of it will immediately flash to steam. The block valve in the charge line (valve B in
sudden formation of large quantities of Figure 10) had been installed during the
steam in process units —particularly in shutdown to provide double block valves
vacuum systems —causes a pressure for safety in maintenance work.
surge that is usually very damaging to However, no one realized that the
equipment. This is the reason why the second valve also created an undrained
contact of water and hot oil must be water pocket.

Figure 9
A small amount of water
can expand to a tremen-
dous quantity of steam
when heated.

The water that was trapped in this mitted into the system by proportioning
pocket caused the pressure surge when pumps; catalyst regenerators, where
it suddenly vaporized as it mixed with quench water is provided; desalters,
hot oil from the bottom of the tower. where water is used to facilitate salt
Aside from illustrating the damaging removal; and some light-ends streams,
effects of small amounts of water in where water is injected for corrosion
vacuum towers, this incident demon- control. In all cases, the amount of
strates the need for careful analysis of all water used must be closely controlled.
physical changes, even minor ones, to The danger lies in uncontrolled mixing
existing process units. In this case, the of water with hot oil.
addition of a single valve for Large quantities of steam condensate
maintenance safety created an unsafe should not be discharged to sewers,
startup condition. because sewers are not usually designed
In some cases, water is introduced into to handle hot liquids. Further,
heated oil or vapor at uniform and condensate will heat and vaporize most
carefully regulated rates. These light hydrocarbons present in sewers,
operations include catalytic polymeri- thereby creating the danger of an
zation, where water is carefully ad- explosion.

Figure 10
The tower temperature was
raised to 500°F, with water
trapped between valves "A"
and "B." Valve "A" was
opened, allowing hot oil to
mix with the water which
flashed to steam and upset
trays. The location of the
valve "C" connection
prevented draining.

Water in Storage Tanks Strangely enough, water droplets,
It is quite common to find water in the carried in as an emulsion, can exist in!
bottom of storage tanks. However, oil tanks at temperatures well above
water in the bottom of a tank of hot oil 212°F. Laboratory tests have
is a serious potential hazard. Even demonstrated that even a turbulent
when the tank is normally operated well layer of oil at 300°F can be maintained
below the vaporization temperature of over a water layer for a long period of
water, there is always the possibility of time. However, just a few degrees’ rise
accidental heating through failure of in temperature may upset these
temperature controls or insufficient seemingly stable conditions and trigger
cooling of feed to the tank. violent foaming as the water
immediately flashes to steam.
Violent foaming action, caused by
The vaporization of light hydrocarbons
vaporization of water, may result in
in stocks of wide boiling range can also
"boilovers" similar to the one shown in
cause boilover. As a case in point, a
Figure 1 1 .
water-free fuel-oil tank that

Figure 11
Hot asphalt and a leaking
steam coil caused this
boilover of 500,000 gallons
of product.

normally operated at temperatures of The viscosity of some heavy products,
170-180°F boiled over when the run- such as asphalt components and some
down-line temperature accidentally asphalts, may make higher storage
reached 300°F. temperatures, even above 300° F,
necessary. These cases must receive
To prevent tank boilovers due to
special attention, including
vaporization of accumulated water,
management Approval, and every
storage-tank temperatures should not
precaution must be taken to prevent
exceed 200°F, and adequate rundown
water contamination.
line and tank-heater temperature
controls must be provided. Steam Disposal of Waste Gases
supply lines to tank heaters should be Waste gases Should never be
equipped with positive shutoff valves discharged directly into furnace fire
that will automatically close when the boxes. Simply venting to fireboxes
tank temperature reaches a through open-end ducts or existing
predetermined set point. burners creates serious explosion

hazards because the waste gas may 4.! Waste gases must be introduced
continue to flow after furnace shut- through a separate burner that is used
down. Waste or sour gases from only for waste-gas disposal.
equipment such as sour-water strippers
5.; A separate pilot and pilot gas system
and vacuum-tower eductors can be
that is not associated with the regular
burned safely if the precautions listed
furnace pilot gas system must be
below and illustrated in Figure 12 are
provided for each waste-gas burner.
carefully observed:
6.: Waste gases must have an alternate
1. A liquid seal or equivalent flame-
arresting equipment must be provided means of disposal when the furnace is
in the waste-gas line. (Mechanical flame shut down.
arresters should not be used because Discharge to a conveniently located flare
plugging can make them unreliable.) is the most desirable method of Waste-
2. The waste gas must pass through a gas disposal. A flame-failure alarm must
knockout drum, equipped with a high- be provided for furnace burners and
level alarm, to prevent liquid slugs from flare pilots if the waste gas contains a
toxic material, such as hydrogen
entering the furnace.
sulfide. Certain nontoxic Waste gases
3. Waste-gas piping, downstream of may be discharged to the atmosphere
the knockout drum, must be equipped from a selected high point on the unit if
with a continuous steam or inert-gas this does not cause air pollution
purge to prevent flashback. problems.

Figure 12
Safe burning of waste
gases or vapors requires
extra equipment.

Of course, these precautions, which Piping, storage and processing
apply primarily to small volumes, may equipment for toxic chemicals —such as
not be practical for waste-heat recovery chlorine gas, acids, caustic and lead
units and other similar installations where compounds (tetraethyl and tetramethy)-
very large volumes of waste gases are j-must be specifically designed to
burned. These facilities are special cases prevent leakage and spills. Since many
and require thorough investigation and of these chemicals are corrosive alloys,
analysis. lining or other special materials may be
Toxic or Reactive Chemicals necessary. Generally, the chemical
manufacturer's handling instructions
Many additives and treating chemicals should be consulted before designing
used in refining processes are toxic and, any facilities that will use chemicals.
under certain conditions, some may
even react violently with themselves. Be Adequate personnel safety devices,
alert for chemicals (such as tetraethyl such as safety showers, eye-wash
lead) that decompose rapidly and fountains (Figure 13) and gas masks,
develop enough pressure to rupture must be provided in all areas where
containers with detonative forces. toxic chemicals are used. Use of a
Fireproofing, sprinkler systems, turret flushing agent in the showers, such as
nozzles and hydrants must be kerosene for removal of tetraethyl lead,
considered for installations where may be necessary because some of the
excessive heat input through external chemicals which can be absorbed
fire or other means can be hazardous. through the skin cannot be washed
away with water.

Figure 13
Provide safety showers and
eye-wash fountains in all
areas where dangerous
chemicals are used.

Connections for chemical cleaning of The handling of gaseous oxygen also
piping and equipment should be requires special precautions. Before
carefully located so that the disposal of starting to design oxygen-handling
cleaning chemicals does not constitute systems, engineers should review
a hazard. Recently, a stack painter, current literature and make a thorough
working about 40 feet in the air, study of the precautions necessary for
discovered that the rope supporting his safe handling, such as th0 following:
boatswain chair was damaged. The rope
• Carefully select materials. Carbon
had been stored on the ground in an area
where boiler cleaning chemical had been steel, stainless steel, copper and other
drained. Fortunately, the rope held until usual piping materials will burn in the
the painter could be lowered to the presence of commercial oxygen at very
ground. high temperatures even though normal
fuel sources are absent. Copper and
Oxygen and stainless-steel materials are preferred at
Oxygen-Handling Systems pressures above 450 pounds per square
inch (psi) because they have less
Oxygen —in either liquid or gaseous frictional resistance and melt prior to
form —must be handled with extreme ignition.
caution. Although liquid oxygen must
not be stored or piped inside buildings, it • Select valves and fittings for low
may be stored outdoors if all frictional resistance.
combustible materials are located a safe • The velocity in carbon steel piping—
distance away. particularly in valves and fit-

Figure 14
Light ends are more difficult
to contain than heavy

tings —must be carefully controlled Most light ends will vaporize rapidly at
because fast-moving impurities, such as room temperature and pressure. For
dirt and scale, may cause sparks which this reason, they are more difficult to
will in turn cause ignition. contain than heavier hydrocarbons and
are more hazardous if allowed to
• Eliminate all oil, grease, dirt, sand,
escape. The low viscosity of light ends
scale and other foreign materials from
(figure 14) also aggravates leakage and
the system.
sealing problems. Similar problems are
B. Handling of Light Ends encountered with heavy hydrocarbons
Skill and knowledge are required for the at high temperature because they act
safe handling of all hydrocarbons like light ends|(Figure 1 5).
whether at the well head, in the refinery Handling light ends in the liquid state
or at the service station. However, the requires confinement under pressure,
lower-boiling hydrocarbons, known as reduction in temperature or both. If a
light ends, have proved to be liquid light end leaks from a container, it
particularly hazardous. Pure will quickly vaporize, mix with air and
hydrocarbons or hydrocarbon mixtures almost certainly form a flammable
having a Reid vapor pressure (Rvp) of mixture. This is a serious explosion and
at least 18 psia-such as butane, fire hazard because most light-ends
propane, ethane, methane, liquified vapors are heavier
petroleum gas (LP-gas), natural gas and
fuel gas —are usually classified as light

Figure 15
Heavy hydrocarbons at high
temperatures act like light

than air and will spread along the ground was closed, the workmen had checked it
(Figure 1 6 ) where there are many several times and had opened the one-
sources of ignition. inch bleeder valve twice to check for oil
C, Adequate Utility and Auxiliary leakage. While the bolts holding the
paddle-blind flanges were being
loosened, there where a few oil drips
Adequate and properly located vent, from the paddle blind but none from the
drain, purge, steamout, pumpout and bleeder valve. When no more oil
waterwash connections must be appeared, the paddle blind was pulled
provided in the initial design. When part-way out. At first there were a few
these seemingly minor items are small oil spurts —then, a deluge of hot
overlooked, operators are forced to oil which vaporized and flashed at
improvise during operation. In one once.
case, the results were deadly!
Evidently, the workmen did not realize
Two men were killed and a serious fire that the bleeder was plugged or that the
erupted when a temporary 6-inch block valve which appeared to be closed
waterwash line for a forthcoming was actually open. Positive position-
shutdown was being connected to the indicating double block valves with a
fractionating tower on an operating bleeder in between or a permanent
catalytic cracking unit. Figure 17 is a waterwash line would have saved these
simplified sketch of the bottom of the men and prevented the ensuing fire.
fractionating tower and associated
equipment. To be certain that the 6- A coking unit operator was burned
inch waterwash valve on the bottom when hot condensate from a deaerator
head of the fractionator vent poured on him. The vent
Figure 16
Most light-ends vapors are
heavier than air.

was located so that it sprayed both jump down through the ladder cage
the platform where he was working to escape the Deluge of hot water,
and the only exit ladder. Fortunately, Although the control system was not
the operator was not seriously in- functioning correctly, proper vent
jured even though he was forced to design would have prevented this ac-

Figure 17
Two men were killed as they
attempted to install a 6-inch
waterwash line in
preparation for a forthcom-
ing unit shutdown.

cident. Vents and overflow connec- ment should be temporary unless they
tions must be located and oriented so serve as part of the process. These
that the safety of personnel and connections must be separated from the
equipment is not jeopardized when supply headers by at least two steel
these connections are in use. valves — one being a check valve-and
should be disconnected and blinded
To prevent accidents like those just
when not in; use.
described and at the same time reduce
the preparations necessary for In! a recent case, someone forgot to
maintenance and startup, adequate shut off the steam after purging a
auxiliary connections such as the vessel prior to startup. Since there was
following should be provided: no check valve in the steamout
connection and the vessel operated at!
1. Water filling, wash and overflow
a pressure higher than the purging-
steam pressure, oil backed into the
2. Pumpout equipment and steam line. This was not discovered
connections until an operator attempted to snuff out
a small flange fire with steam! Just
3. Steamout and purge connections
imagine the serious consequences that
Water and steam purging connec- could have oc-
tions on piping, vessels and equip-

Figure 18
Locate vents at high points
and drains at low points.

curred when the operator discovered he must be installed at high points and all
was holding a "lighted blow torch." All other locations where vapor may be
utility connections must be isolated trapped. Drains, vents and bleeders
(disconnected or blinded) from process should be blinded or plugged when not
streams and equipment when not in in use.
Water drainage from vessels in light-
4. Properly located drain and vent ends service can be complicated by the
connections (Figure 1 8). refrigeration effect of light-hydrocarbon
stocks that vaporize at atmospheric
To prevent undesirable liquid pockets,
pressure. Figure 19 shows how an ice
drains must be installed at low points in
plug, formed by this refrigeration effect,
lines, vessels and equipment.
can prevent proper valve closure. Of
Vessel drains and all other connections course, hazardous vapors wjll be
to closed drain systems must be double released when the ice melts if thjs valve
blocked, i.e., two block valves with a is not plugged.
bleeder or "telltale" between them. To In most cases, steam tracing or other
assure proper elimination of air and means of applying heat to drain lines and
gases, vents valves will prevent freezing. Spring-
loaded, self-closing valves,

Figure 19
Hazardous vapors can
escape if ice, formed while
draining light ends,
prevents complete closing
of drain valves.

sometimes called "dead-man" valves, connection. During depressurizing in
may be used on water drain lines. As preparation for shutdown, a stabilizer
these valves close automatically unless relflux drum was cooled below the
the operator holds them open, they give freezing point of water by the vapori-
reasonable assurance that drains will zation of butane in the-drum. As
not be left open by freezing or operator nothing could flow from the frozen
negligence. Where large quantities of drain, the operators assumed that all
water are drawn, an automatic system liquid was out of the drum and mis-
using an interface float arrangement takenly left the drain valve open. When
may be desirable. the drain later thawed, a large amount
of liquid butane escaped, vaporized and
A combination cracking unit was
ignited at a nearby furnace.
severely damaged by explosion and fire
because water froze in a drain

Figure 20
Key interlocks give positive
control over valve operating

Courtesy of I-T-E Circuit Breaker Company

D. Operating Procedures be operated improperly. Operating
Visual sequence annunciators or similar sequence procedures for interlock in-
devices are frequently needed to give stallations should be carefully prepared
better control over the sequence of in simple, easily understood terms;
operation of critical valves, motors and otherwise, as has happened, operators
special equipment. Key interlock may unintentionally operate the system
installations, as illustrated in Figure 20, improperly with unfortunate results.
are sometimes used on critical valves in Operating procedures, maintenance
feed, relief, blow-down and vent schedules and procedures for routine
systems to assure proper operating testing of automatic emergency devices
sequence. All key interlock components must be established for each unit and
should be clearly labeled. Spare keys then frequently reviewed and updated.
must not be available, or the system is
sure to

///. Corrosion and Erosion perience and available information will
Unanticipated corrosion can cause minimize most corrosion problems.
material failure which may result in
A. Liners and Wearing Surfaces
serious damage to valuable equipment
and even loss of life. Since many Metal, enamel, epoxy resin, and
processing streams contain corrosive fiberglass coatings and liners are often
elements, additional wall thickness, used for corrosion protection. For
corrosion-resistant materials, corrosion example, aluminized steels are
inhibitors or other means of protection frequently used for high-temperature
are used to lengthen equipment life. naphtha reformer piping. Stainless-
Replacement of corroded refinery steel cladding, lead liners or refractory
equipment and use of special materials linings may be required in very
to combat corrosion cost the American corrosive services. All lining material
petroleum industry many millions of must be suitable for the intended
dollars each year. This does not include service.
downtime and production losses or In Services where the flowing medium
damage to property. Good judgment contains abrasive material, erosion can
and prudent use of ex- cause serious problems,

as illustrated in Figure 2 1 . This is aged by steam erosion. Wet steam
especially true for equipment in catalyst should not be used in turbines unless
or slurry service. As erosion is usually they are specifically designed for this
most severe at points of high velocity type of service.
and changes in direction, proper
system layout can minimize many B. Dead-End Sections in
erosion problems. Refractory lining or Piping and Equipment
hard surfacing should be used to Corrosion is usually very high in locations
provide wearing surfaces where erosion where the flowing medium becomes
is expected. stagnant. Even in noncorrosive service,
Special protection, such as hard sur- condensation will accelerate corrosion in
facing, may be necessary where the these dead-end locations. Dead-end
prolonged use of wet steam is ex- sections in piping, such as caps and
pected, because the minute water blind flanges, should be avoided
droplets in wet steam act as an wherever possible. Particular attention
should be given to seldom-used lines,
such as startup lines and bypasses, to
Piping, fittings, valves and other assure that they are completely
equipment have been severely dam- drainable.

Figure 21
The seating surface on this
plug valve was severely
damaged by catalyst

C. Use of Screwed Alloy The failure of excessively corroded plugs
Piping Plugs has caused several serious fires and
Solid screwed piping plugs (Figure 22), accidents. Figure 23 shows the tapped
made of an alloy suitable for this opening in a pump casing where a
service, should be provided for all carbon steel plug blew out and caused a
tapped openings which will not be seal- serious fire. Corrosion of the plug
welded. Carbon-steel plugs are used in threads weakened the screwed joint and
carbon-steel seal-welded connections, allowed internal pressure to blow out the
such as test vents in piping, because plug.
there is less chance of weld cracking In another instance, high-temperature
and no need for post-weld heat sulfidic corrosion caused a high-nickel-
treatment. Generally, the use of tapped alloy plug to drop out of the bottom
openings should be minimized in cover plate on an alloy control valve in
equipment and particularly in piping hot reduced-crude service. A crude
containing hydrogen. distillation unit could have been seriously
damaged if this incident had caused a

Figure 22
Plugs for tapped openings
must be made of an alloy
suitable for the service.

Arrows indicate
solid plugs

Both of these accidents occurred harmful agents or controlling acidity.
because the plugs were made of the Both the corrosion inhibitor and the
wrong material. Plugs must be made point of injection must be carefully
of a material suitable for the service. selected.
Material requirements for plugs, as well An aqueous phase should be present for
as for piping and all other equipment in most inhibitors to be effective. In fact,
the system, must be carefully checked the addition of ammonia may even
before changing services. Plugs that accelerate corrosion by the deposition
are suitable for a certain set of of ammonium chloride in piping and
conditions may not be adequate when equipment operating above the dew
the flowing medium or operating point of water. If corrosion inhibitors
conditions are changed. are used in some systems, such as
fractionating-tower overhead systems,
D. Corrosion Inhibitors it may be necessary to recirculate air
It may be necessary to inject chemicals (oxygen) free receiver water to provide a
such as ammonia into process streams continuous aqueous phase.
to combat corrosion by forming
protective films, neutralizing

Figure 23
A serious fire resulted when a
screwed plug in the top
casing of this pump blew out
after corrosion had destroyed
the threads.

E. Sentry Holes in Piping piping systems from corrosion by in-
Sentry holes are very small holes, dicating unsafe sections before they
usually 1/8-inch in diameter, that have can be overstressed.
been drilled in the outer surface of piping Sentry holes should be considered for|
or equipment to a depth equal to the high-corrosion-rate services as defined
safe minimum wall thickness. Leakage in Engineering Specifications 54fc-8 and
from one of these holes is advance 54S-16. Vacuum lines must not be drilled
warning that excess metal has corroded because leakage would allow air
away and repair or replacement is contamination which mjght result in an
necessary. Strategically located sentry explosive mixture in the system. Relief-
holes may help prevent rupture or failure valve vent headers, lubricating-oil
of piping, utility pip-

Figure 24
There were no sentry holes
to give advance warning
before this corroded elbow in
a furnace outlet ruptured and
caused a serious fire. The
failure occurred between
points A and B in the upper
picture. The lower picture
shows the almost paper-thin
ruptured elbow matched to
the line A in the upper

ing and small secondary piping that is F. Adequacy of
not essential to the processing system Corrosion Protection
usually do not require sentry holes.
Materials selection, corrosion
Figure 24 shows a piping elbow that allowances, liners and wearing
failed from excessive corrosion and surfaces must be thoroughly checked
caused the fire damage shown in Figure to make sure that each refinery facility
25. If sentry holes had been drilled, they Is adequately protected against both
may have given advance warning and onstream and offstream corrosion.
enabled the operators to prevent this Since corrosipn rates are affected by
accident. many factors, such as stream com-
position, temperature and pressure,

Figure 25
General view of the fire
damage caused by the rup-
tured transfer-line elbow
shown in Figure 24.

corrosion probes to determine the rate cellent reference when selecting
of corrosion may be considered for materials to withstand hydrogen attack
most processing systems. at high temperatures and pressures. The
curves have been developed from actual
Figures 26 and 26A show a portion of operating expedience. Therefore,
the curves that G.A. Nelson of Shell Oil designers should apply good judgment,
Company has assembled to show the as well as a safety factor, when using
operating limits of carbon and alloy them.
steels when exposed to hydrogen.
These curves are an ex-

Figure 26
Operating limits for carb
and alloy steels in hydro

In most cases, protection against Chemical piping requires special
external corrosion is as important as precautions and materials. Each case
internal corrosion protection. Under- lshould be extensively reviewed for
ground pipe should be protected proper materials selection. For
against stray current corrosion and example, stress-relieved carbon steel or
corrosive agents —such as slag, cin- other materials that will resist caustic
ders and wood —in fill material. Con- embrittlement cracking must be used in
tact of dissimilar metals that can piping and equipment containing
cause corrosion through galvanic caustic solutions.
action must be avoided.

Figure 26A
Operating limits for steel in
hydrogen service showing
effect of trace alloying

IV. Electrical tities to produce ignitible or explosive
Electrical hazards—sparks and arcs that mixtures are called Class I, Group D,
start fires and shocks that injure or kill Division 1 or Division 2 locations. Areas
—can be greatly reduced by good that are always considered hazardous
design. The following discussion should because gases or vapors are! usually
be supplemented by reading Booklet present are classified as Division 1
No. 5 in this series, entitled Hazards of locations. Areas that are rarely
Electricity. hazardous because gases or vapors are
present only as the result of ;an accident
A. Area Classification or abnormal operation fall into the
The National Electrical Code (NEC) Division 2 category. For additional
classifies refinery areas that have been information about area classification,
made hazardous by the presence of consult the National Electrical Code and
flammable gases or vapors, and states American Petroleum Institute Bulletin
the type of equipment that is safe for No. RP-500A.
use in each. Designers are most The NEC requires that all electrical
concerned with locations which the NEC equipment in Division 1 locations be
calls Class I, Group D, Division 1 or 2. explosion-proof. In Division 2 loca-
Locations which contain or may contain tions, only equipment which sparks or
the usual flammable refinery gases or arcs during normal operation must have
vapors in sufficient quan- special enclosures, which can be either
explosion-proof, hermeti-

cally sealed or filled with oil. Design from the shell of an ungrounded
engineers must know the area classi- container (such as a tank truck) to
fication and must be sure that all earth, can be eliminated by grounding.
electrical equipment in each area meets The second and most dangerous,
NEC requirements. which cannot be removed by
grounding, is the sparking that can
B. Static Electricity
occur on the liquid surface. However,
The principal hazard of static electricity is the chance of surface sparking will
ignition by spark discharge. Gasoline, disappear after a period of time called
kerosene, jet fuels, fuel oils and similar "relaxation time," which is usually a
distilled products become charged with matter of seconds but may range up to
static electricity from pumping, flow hours.
through pipes, filtering, splash filling or
water separation, as shown in Figure 27. Loading facilities can be designed to
minimize the hazards of static electricity
Two static hazards may result when by careful attention to the following:
refined hydrocarbon liquids are
pumped into tanks. The first, which
is the chance of a spark discharge 1. Install adequate facilities for

Figure 27
Generation of static elec-
tricity occurs from oil flow
through filters, pumps, pipe
and fittings, and by splashing
and spraying.

*Since flow in a pipe

generates static electricity at
a relatively low rate, in-
creasing the length of
straight pipe downstream
from a filter or other high-
static-charge generator can
provide additional relaxation
time to reduce the high static

2. For refined products other than before loading high-flash-point prod-
gasoline, provide filling systems that ucts. Switch loading is suspected of
can be operated at low flow rates (3 feet being responsible for 9 out of 10 loading-
per second is safe) until loading spouts rack truck fires because (a) the high-
are submerged. A low flow rate greatly flash-point product absorbs some of
reduces the generation of static the rich, low-flash-point vapors,
electricity. creating an explosive mixture in the
compartment, and (b) the high-flash-
3. For refined product loading, provide
point product is an excellent static
loading spouts that will stay on the
compartment bottom during loading.
Spouts should have deflectors similar to 5. Locate loading-line filters as far as
that shown in Figure 28 to minimize jmpossible from the loading rack to
splash and spray and help counter provide maximum relaxation time to
reaction force. Asphalts, including minimize static in high-flash-point
cutbacks, have no static problem and products.
should be loaded with short spouts.
6. Static-charge reducers may be in-
4. Provide air-jet, steam-jet or other stalled in distillate-type product-load-
eduction equipment, such as shown in ing; piping, as close to the loading
Figure 29, for protection against switch- spouts as feasible, to substantially
loading accidents. This equipment is reduce static electricity accumulation.
used to free tank compartments of rich, They must be tested at annual or more
low-flash-point vapors frequent intervals to ensure proper

Figure 28 Figure 29
A simple deflector resting Switch-loading accidents
on the tank bottom reduces car be prevented by purg-
splashing and spraying and ing flammable gases with
helps counter reaction an aductor.

7. Additives to relax or substantially There is no single cure-all for the
reduce static-charge accumulation in static electricity problem, but careful
distillate-type products are available. observation of the above rules by
8. For positive protection when both designers and operators can
loading tankers and barges, it is greatly reduce the chances of static
necessary to eliminate flammable ignition.
mixtures. Blanketing the product C. Stray Currents
surface with carbon dioxide,
educting the compartments prior to Stray currents flow through piping,
loading with steam air-jet or steam- connected vessels or other metal
jet equipment, or purging the entire objects in contact with the ground.
compartment with scrubbed flue gas These currents result from power-line
are several of the methods used. leakage or from the battery action of
different kinds of soils and metals.
Belt-driven equipment should be Stray currents may cause ( 1 ) corro-
avoided in hazardous areas because sion of underground metallic objects,
belts ( 1 ) generate static electricity as shown in Figure 30, and (2) figures
and (2) sometimes start friction fires. or explosions from arcs when pipe
Conductive-rubber belts will control flanges are parted.
the static hazard, but frequent re- Corrosion occurs where stray direct
placement is required because they current flows from an underground
become less conductive with use. metallic object. This can be halted by
forcing direct current to flow to the

Figure 30
Even if new pipe is the same
material as the old, the fact
that the new is clean and the
old is rusty is enough
difference to produce current
and subsequent corrosion of
the new pipe.

object (cathodic protection) at that Objects can be shielded from lightning
point. An on-site survey will indicate by overhead ground wires, rod or masts
whether a cathodic-protection system which create a zone of protection as
is required. illustrated in Figure 31.
Stray-current arcs are an ignition Direct lightning strokes can ignite
hazard at tank-car loading racks. In- flammable contents of cone-roof tanks
sulated joints in both the rails and piping unless the tanks are protected by
entering and leaving the rack area will bonding the internal supporting
minimize the flow of stray currents. members to the roof at not more than
Bonding (metallically connecting) the 10-foot intervals. Floating-roof tanks
rails to the fill piping will eliminate arcs with seal hangers in the vapor space
between the fill pipe and tank-car may be ignited directly when bound
dome. Bonding and insulated joints are charges on the roof are released by
also used at ship loading docks for discharge of a nearby storm cloud
protection from stray-current arcs. (lightning stroke). These tanks can be
D. Lightning protected by ( 1 ) bonding the roof to the
seal shoes at 101-foot intervals, (2) use of
Lightning is a frequent hazard to insulating sections in the hanger
electric power lines, structures and linkages, (3) covering sharp points on
flammable liquid storage. A typical hangers with insulating material and (4)
lightning stroke may release —for a few installing short jumpers around each
millionths of a second —energy at the pinned hanger joint.
rate of a trillion horsepower.

Figure 31
Objects within the pro-
tected area will not be
struck by lightning.

E. Installation To provide safety for personnel working
Electrical apparatus should be grounded inside metal enclosures, such as tanks
for protection of both personnel and and vessels, circuits for extension-lamp
equipment. A permanent ground outlets at these locations should not
connection should be made to fixed exceed 12 volts. Equivalent personal
electrical equipment, and connections protection is provided by 120-volt
should be provided for temporary portable lights equipped with ground-
grounding of portable electrical fault circuit interrupters, as the GFI will
equipment. trip the circuit when current (4 to 6
milliamps) flows from the protected
Extreme caution must be observed circuit to ground. Do not use this system
when nonexplosion-proof equipment in where flammable liquids and/or vapors
a nonhazardous area is connected to may be present.
conduits which run underground or to
F. Emergency Power
hazardous areas, because flammable
gases or vapors can travel through The process unit design should provide
conduit and even pass through conduit for automatic switching of emergency
seals. lights, critical valves and critical
instruments to an alternate source of
For safety, equipment which sparks or
power if the normal source fails. The
arcs must be enclosed in explosion-
alternate power source can be a
proof housings—nor vapor-tight
separate feeder, a UPS system, or an
housings-when connected to such
engine or turbine-driven generator.
Provide a means to test the automatic
Adequate clearance must be provided switching and alternate power source.
between conduit and hot piping or
equipment to prevent damage to wiring
insulation. Generally, ambient
temperatures at conduits should not
exceed 100°F.

V. Fire and Safety telephones should be installed as
Equipment necessary for protection of furnaces,
Adequate fire and safety equipment, pumps, stacks, buildings, vessels and
readily accessible for immediate use in other equipment. Each unit must be
any emergency, must be provided in all provided with proper and conveniently
located emergency personnel-
refinery areas.
protection equipment, such as fire
A. Turret Nozzles, Hydrants and blankets, self-contained breathing
Other Protective Equipment equipment, safety showers and eye-
Turret nozzles should be located so that wash fountains.
they can be quickly and effectively B. Escape Routes
operated with minimum manpower. An
adequate number of fire hydrants Generally, an alternate escape route
should be installed in locations that will should be provided from all elevated
allow the most efficient use during a equipment and platforms. Of course,
fire or other emergency that requires this is not feasible for tall towers and
large quantities of water. other small, isolated platforms where
an additional exit would be too close to
Fire-water sprays, hose reels, steam for the source of danger to be useful. On
smothering, purging and cooling, heat- fired units where towers are very close
actuated devices, fire extinguishers, to furnaces, bridging to an adjacent
fire alarms and tower or structure may be justifiable if
the towers need to be climbed

Figure 32
If possible, stairways
and ladders should be
located on the outside of

Stairways and ladders should be To keep noise levels within tolerable
located entirely on the outside of limits, all items of noise producing
structures (Figure 32) wherever equipment should be investigated to see
possible. if special precautions are necessary. It is
Stairway designs that require escape usually more economical to engineer
traffic to pass through a process- noise control features into equipment
equipment structure to get from the during design as opposed to subsequent
end of one stairway to the beginning of
the next one must be avoided. 1. Silencers or other sound
Turnaround-type landings, similar to attenuation devices should be
that shown in Figure 33, should be considered for flue-gas stacks,
used. vents and outlets discharging to the
atmosphere; injection nozzles; jets;
All buildings and enclosures, except and sound-producing restrictions in
small storage or equipment areas that piping.
are rarely entered by personnel, must
have at least two exits. 2. Burner installations should be
designed to limit noise to a safe
C. Noise Level level.
Excessive noise can prevent alarms and 3. Permissable noise levels should be
other sounding devices from being specified for large items of rotating
heard and may even cause permanent equipment such as air-cooler fans,
damage to the human ear. motors, and motor-gear

Figure 33
Use stairway designs that
avoid the need for escape
traffic to pass through the
structure to get from the
end of one stairway to the
beginning of the next.

D. Equipment Guards rajlroad spur track was damaged when a
Guards and covers must be provided for railroad car was accidentally pushed
rotating shafts, couplings, fly wheels over an inadequate bumper guard. A
and other equipment with exposed small fire resulted, but the results could
moving parts. Fragile equipment, such have been serious. T0 prevent accidents
as sensitive instruments, should be like this, all dead-end railroad trackage
installed in protective enclosures. must be equipped with adequate railroad
Electrical start-stop pushbutton stations bumping posts. Critical processing
should be equipped with mechanical equipment and piping should not be’
guards similar to that shown in Figure located where it can be easily damaged
34, to prevent accidental operation. An by runaway or derailed railroad cars,
entire process unit was shut down heavy mobile equipment, trucks or even
when a painter accidentally bumped an automobiles.
unguarded pushbutton and stopped an
E. Remote Shutdown Devices
11,000-horsepower motor.
If .access to important areas on process
Figure 35 illustrates that large equip- units can be blocked during a fire or
ment may also need protection. In this other serious situation, vital equipment
case, piping at the end of a must have remote shutdown

Figure 35
Figure 34 Dead-end railroad trackage
Pushbutton guards may must be equipped with ade-
prevent accidental shutdown quate bumping posts to
of critical equipment. prevent accidents like this.

devices, and valves with remotely valve. A sloped berm is provided
controlled "operators" should be in- underneath the sphere to cause any
stalled in critical piping. Electrical hydrocarbon leakage to drain away and
conduit and air transmission lines that thus prevent flame envelopment. To
serve these remote devices must be minimize the possibility of liquid-
fireproofed in areas where they could be hydrocarbon overflow to adjacent
damaged by fire. Provide a means to areas, the diked area should contain at
test these shutdown devices. least the volume of the sphere.
F. Automatic Water-Deluge G. Pump Manifold Areas
Systems Fire and safety equipment for major
Automatic water-deluge systems, pump manifold areas should be as
similar to that illustrated in Figure 36, complete as that for processing areas.
should be considered for unfire-proofed Relief valves with vent lines discharging
pressure vessels in remote locations. In a safe distance away should be installed
this example, heat-actuated devices on on all headers that can be
the sphere surface detect any sudden overpressured. Turret nozzles and
temperature rise and open the remote remotely controlled foam lines should
deluge also be considered for manifold areas.

Figure 36
Typical fire protection for

VI. Foundations, Buildings, prevent washouts or unstable bearing
Structures and Stacks conditions. All major foundations must
A. Soil and Foundations extend below the soil frost line to protect
against settlement or displacement
Allowable soil-bearing loads for new from heaving. Foundations for pumps,
facilities should be established only after compressors and other machinery which
the soil at the proposed site has been produce vibration require special
investigated. In addition, at least one attention.
test boring should be made at the
foundation site for each major tower Foundations must be designed to be
or other tall structure, particularly if stable under all conditions of loading
there is history of uneven settlement or (Figure 37) including wind (hurricane
other uncertain soil conditions in the forces where applicable), vibration, test
vicinity. All test borings should be conditions, platforms, piping and
plotted in their entirety. Where soil bundle pulling. Normally, vessel
conditions require the use of piling, it foundations should be designed so that
may be necessary to drive test piles for the vessel can be water filled.
load tests. B. Buildings
The bearing plane of major footings At least two exits should be provided for
should not be higher than the invert all rooms, buildings and enclosed areas
elevation of nearby sewers or piping, on process units. Exterior doors for
unless special precautions, such as these enclosures must open outward
encasement in concrete, are taken to and must be equipped

Figure 37 Figure 38
Foundations must be stable This connection was in-
for all loading conditions. volved in the accident
shown in Figure 39.

with fusible-link closing devices that will C. Structures
cause them to close automatically when
Structures mist be designed for all
subjected to abnormal heating.
loading conditions that may be en-
A safe ventilation system, preferably of countered, including wind, vibration
the pressurized type, should be provided and testing. Particular attention should
for all control rooms. Spare pressurizing be given to critical support and bracing
fans, low-pressure alarms and a safe components and connections, and
source of air must be provided before to the overturning safety factors on tall
control-board atmospheres can be structures.
considered safe for the use of general-
Figure 38 shows one of the connections
purpose electrical equipment. Since
that failed during the collapse of the
pressurizing systems will not produce a
reactor-regenerator structure on a
safe atmosphere when exterior doors
are open, air conditioning should be catalytic cracking unit (Figure
considered for most pressurized control 39) being testing with a water load.
rooms. It is important that the structure design
The use of open floor drains in buildings provide for unequal distribution of loads
inside the unit areas should be limited. resulting from unequal deflection of
Open floor drains must be avoided in component supports. Eccentric
switchgear rooms and control rooms. connections should be avoided, if
possible. Each structural design must
be thoroughly analyzed.

Figure 39
This catalytic cracking unit
structure collapsed as the
reactor and regenerator
vessels were being filled
with water for a load test.

Sufficient ladders and platforms should accumulation and subsequent corro-
be installed to permit adequate access sion or freezing.
for normal operation and equipment
D. Stacks
maintenance. Ladders on tall towers
and structures should be offset at Distance from hazardous equipment,
intervals, usually 30 feet maximum. prevailing wind direction and terrain
Platforms and other elevated structures must all be considered when deter-
should have guards, such as toeplates, mining safe flare and blowdown stack
to prevent tools and other objects from locations (Figure 40). Flare stacks must
falling on personnel and equipment be high enough to prevent the flame
below. from acting as a source of ignition for
any other possible flammable mixtures
Unfireproofed steel structures should be
in the area of the flare. In general,
protected from external corrosion.
knockout drums should be installed
Galvanizing or other special protection
ahead of all blowdown stacks and
is the rule for structures subjected to
flares. Air should be kept out of all
salt-water mist or spray or other
collecting lines, flare headers and flare
corrosive atmospheres.
Structures that are constructed of
Generally, all stacks, except derrick-
hollow members, such as supports
type flare stacks, should be self-sup-
made of pipe, must be capped or
porting. Stacks must be designed to
otherwise sealed to prevent water

Figure 40
Locate flare and blowdown
stacks a safe distance from
equipment and personnel
areas so that the flame can-
not become an unintentional
source of ignition.

withstand all loading conditions, in- a reformer furnace stack was
cluding hurricane and earthquake found to be held in place by only one
forces where applicable. Stacks bolt. Fortunately, the prevailing wind
should also be investigated for vibra- placed that bolt in tension, and
tion behavior to see if additional rein- repairs were made before any damage
forcement is necessary. Supports for was done. Investigation revealed that
grade-mounted stacks must be fire- overstress together with some
proofed to at least 35 feet above corrosion probably caused the bolting
grade. failure.

All furnace stacks handling Lined steel stacks in congested areas

corrosive flue gas must be lined and most unlined steel stacks in proc-
with corrosion-resistant essing areas should be provided with
insulating concrete. Stacks water sprays for cooling. Seldom-
should be designed with butt- used spray devices with carbon-steel
welded joints rather than for water-supply piping frequently plug
bolted joint construction. In with corrosion deposits. If corrosion-
addition to eliminating external resistant piping or special "blow-out"
bolt corrosion problems, valves cannot be economically
welded construction also justified, frequent inspection and
prevents corrosion from internal flushing are mandatory to assure
leakage through the joint. As proper operation when the sprays are
an example of problems needed.
associated with bolted stacks,

VII. Furnaces and Air spills. Each encircled area must be
Preheaters, Fired Retailors, equipped with a water-sealed paving
Exchangers and Cooling drain. Floor-fired furnaces should be
Towers avoided, if possible, because split
tubes may release enough hot oil to spill
A. Furnace Safety out of the burner openings. Four-inch-
The design and location of each furnace high dams that completely encircle
installation require careful consideration each burner or group of burners must
to minimize the potential fire hazards be installed inside the furnace if floor-
associated with equipment using an fired furnaces are used.
open flame. The following discussion Furnace and boiler fire boxes must be
covers some of the principles that equipped with adequate facilities for
should be observed in safe furnace purging to prevent the development of
design. This information should be explosive mixtures when lighting fires.
supplemented by reading Booklet No. 3 All furnaces must be equipped with
in this series, Safe Furnace Firing. smothering-steam connections to
Furnace installations should have en- control possible tube rupture incidents.
circling curbs or dams or a depressed
area under the furnace to contain oil

Figure 41
Avoid liquid in fuel-gas
systems because it may
run out of the gas burners,
both inside and outside the

Generally, each furnace burner should shutdown devices —to assure a safe
be equipped with a separately supplied fuel supply.
gas pilot burner to prevent flame failure Although the prevention of flame im-
in case the main fuel supply is pingement is the primary responsibility
interrupted. Gas burners must be of operators, burners must be designed
designed to prevent flashback over the and located so that there
entire range of duties at design gas is no impingement on tubes, supports
pressures and compositions. The fuel- or refractory during normal operation
gas system must have enough from startup to 125 percent of design
condensation drums to prevent liquid heat release. Figure 42 illustrates the
slugs from entering burners (Figure 41). damaging effects of flame impinge-
It may be desirable to steam trace and nent. To give accurate outlet-stream
insulate fuel-gas lines downstream of temperature readings, temperature-
knockout drums to prevent condensation sensing equipment should be located
and hydrate formation in cold weather. as close as possible to the outlet tube.
Fuel-gas systems should be equipped Thermosouples, to measure the tube
with enough redundant alarms and skin temperature, should be considered
controls —such as low-pressure alarms, for installations where
high-liquid-level alarms and

Figure 42
Flame impingement causes
coking and tube damage.

considerable coking is expected. Low- can run "fuel rich." This may result in
flow alarms should be considered for a serious explosion.
furnace installations. Flue ducts should
The inlet to the emergency-air doors
be designed to prevent the
must be located so that an operator will
accumulation of water. Water
not be burned in the event that hot air
accumulation accelerates corrosion.
discharges from the inlet.
B. Furnace Air-Preheater The instrumentation system, which
System Safety allows the fired heater to return to
Air-preheat systems for fired heaters natural-draft operation in an emer-
must be designed to allow the heater to gency, also must be very reliable.
operate on natural draft in the event of Process measurements which actuate
fan failures, air-preheater failures, etc. transfer to natural draft on fuel
shutdown should be taken from their
Stack dampers and emergency-air own process taps and be isolated from
doors and their operators must be other measurements.
designed to be absolutely reliable. If
either of these dampers does not open Sulfuric-acid corrosion, where sulfur is
in an emergency transition to natural- present in the fuel, can occur
draft operation, the firebox downstream of the air preheater since
the flue gas may be near the acid
dewpoint temperature. The

ductwork, induced-draft fan and stack D. Air Heaters
must be designed to resist dilute
Some processes, such as fluid catalytic
sulfuric-acid corrosion. Failure of the
cracking, use preheated air for startup.
stack from corrosion could cause the
Since this requires the introduction of a
stack to fall, resulting in a serious
flammable mixture into the air heater,
accident to personnel and equipment,
special precautions and equipment are
and/or a fire.
required. Igniters must be designed to
C. Fired Reboilers give positive ignition as ignition failure
may produce an explosion mixture in the
In most cases, the precautions heater even in processing equipment.
necessary for furnaces are also Figure 43 shows a reliable igniter
applicable for fired reboilers. Fired design. Igniters must be retractable if
reboilers must be located a safe the spark-producing mechanism can be
distance from the processing area. damaged by heat.
However, this may require a large and
cumbersome inlet and return piping to Air heaters must be equipped with sight
give the low pressure needed in long glasses so that an operator can observe
reboiler lines. Generally, fired reboilers the flame at all times. The fuel-gas shut-
have limited application in oil refineries. off valve should be

Figure 43
Air-heater igniters must be
designed to give positive

within the reach of this operator so that Drains should also be provided in bonnet
he can light the burner while observing low points on floating-head exchangers,
the flame. Fuel-gas supply systems, in as water trapped here may contact hot
addition to meeting the requirements for oil during startup. Annular distributors
furnaces, must be equipped for blinding on exchangers should be provided with
when not in use. some means of draining and venting if
Air-heater outlets should be equipped liquid or vapor pockets can exist.
with high-temperature alarms to prevent Tube materials must be carefully
damage from overheating. selected to resist corrosion and fouling.
As corrosion conditions are usually
E. Heat Exchangers different on each side of the tube wall,
All areas in heat exchangers must be carbon steel or other relatively
drainable. Exchangers with diagonal inexpensive homogenous materials may
tube-side baffles should be avoided, if not be suitable for both conditions.
possible, as this arrangement usually Bimetallic or alloy tubes or tubes with
allows water to be trapped in some of bonded coatings may be necessary in
the tubes (Figure 44). A drain or weep very corrosive services.
hole (weep holes are not always
effective) must be provided in all
undrainable partitions.

Figure 44
A drain through the channel
cover or weep holes in the
baffles will prevent the trap-
ping of water in exchangers
with diagonal tube-side

Since most refinery cooling water by ( 1 ) end annealing treatment, (2)
causes fouling, tube materials with foreign material trapped between the
low-fouling coefficients, such as tube walls during fabrication or (3)
inhibited admirality or brass, are leakage into the space between the
usually used in cooling service. In tube walls as illustrated by Figure 46.
services that are corrosive to ad-
miralty, bimetallic tubes (such as The use of single tube-pass ex-
steel over admiralty) may be used. If changers in flammable or toxic ser-
hydrogen blistering has been ex- vices is usually undesirable unless
perienced or if the formation of multiple tube-pass units are not
atomic hydrogen by corrosion is economical. This is primarily due to
suspected, bimetallic tubes must be problems that have been experienced
vented. Otherwise, atomic hydogen with the expansion or packing joint
will penetrate the steel portion of the that is usually necessary at the bon-
tube and collect between the tube net end to allow for differential ex-
walls, where it will form molecular pansion. These expansion mechan-
hydrogen and cause collapse of the isms are prone to leak unless special
inner tube (Figure 45). Collapse of precautions are taken. In one case
bimetallic tubes may also be caused where a single tube-pass reboiler was
equipped with an internal bellow

Figure 45
Hydrogen may collect between
tube walls and cause the inner
tube to collapse.

Figure 46
Water entered the space
between the tube walls on this
bimetallic tube at Point 1,
flashed to steam, and caused
the inner tube to collapse.
Points 2 and 3 show scale
accumulation after the tube
collapsed. A section through an
undisturbed bimetallic tube is
shown at the bottom of the

type expansion joint, the bellow leaked Leaking exchanger tubes will usually
enough to raise the pressure in a release oil or vapor to the cooling-water
connecting tower. Complete failure of system because most cooling water is at
the bellows would have released enough a lower pressure than the process
material to exceed the relieving capacity stream. Since this may create serious fire
of the tower. hazards, gas detectors or gas separators
Although air-cooled exchangers are should be considered for cooling-water
economical in some services, they return lines. At one refinery, an entire
should be carefully considered before cooling tower was destroyed when light
being used to cool heavy products. With hydrocarbon vapor was ignited after it
the many parallel paths, tubes with low had leaked into the cooling-water
flow tend to be plugged by viscous system.
material. Double-pipe coolers and even
multiple tube-pass shell and tube
exchangers may also be subject to this
problem in similar services.

Figure 47
Cooling towers may pro-
duce dense fog in cold

F. Cooling Towers sufficient protection for most cooling-
Cooling towers must have adequate fire tower installations.
protection because they are usually built In cold weather, water vapor from
of flammable materials. Height or size of open drains, exhaust heads or cooling
the tower, proximity to an ignition towers may produce dense fog that can
source, or relative importance to refinery extend over large areas. Cooling
operations may justify special fire towers should be carefully located so
protection. Nonflammable materials or that prevailing winds will not cause
sprinkler systems can probably be fog to drift over process units or to
justified if cooling towers are exposed to obscure highways (Figure 47). If
a continuous hazard, such as a nearby temperatures are below freezing, fog
furnace. Turret nozzles, fire hydrants may cause roads, walks and stairways
and hose reels will usually provide to become slippery from ice

VIII. Instruments matically open, close, start, stop, re-
Safe and accurate operation of modern main in position or do whatever has been
refinery units depends, in a large predetermined as necessary to continue
measure, upon proper instrumentation. safe unit operation.
Design engineers must thoroughly 2. Avoid the use of instruments in dual
analyze each process and provide or multiple service if operator confusion
suitable instruments, alarms and can cause unsafe conditions. In any
controls for safe off-process conditions case, separate indicators must be used
as well as for startup, shutdown and for each specific danger point.
normal operation. In addition, the
design engineer must design the 3. Use visual-sequence annunciators
functions and limitations of each when it is necessary to know the
instrument and instrument system for sequence of failures of associated
operating personnel. Equipment for equipment.
automatic startup or shutdown 4. Instruments must be made of
sequences should be carefully reviewed materials suitable for the service, par-
for possible booby traps. ticularly when subjected to corrosive or
A. General erosive conditions.
The following precautions apply to 5. Generally, instruments should be
most instrument installations: located so that they can be operated
and serviced from a grade or a con-
1. All instruments must fail safe. That venient platform. Over paved areas,
is, instrument failure should cause instruments may be located overhead
controlled equipment to auto-

if they can be serviced from portable, stalled on the main control board for
rolling scaffolds. all inert-gas systems. These instru-
6. Control and/or computer rooms ments are necessary to sound a warning
should be protected by "halogenated ( 1 ) if the inert gas becomes
agent fire-suppression systems" when a contaminated with hydrocarbon vapors
fire inside the room could negate and (2) if the inert-gas stream goes off
automatic unit-shutdown procedures. specification. Remember, ordinary
combustible gas indicators (vapor
B. Instrument Leads testers) do not function in inert
Hydrocarbons or other flammable or atmospheres.
toxic fluids or vapors must not be piped D. Alarms
into control rooms for instrumentation
Alarms ( 1 ) should be loud enough to be
(Figure 48). In general, pneumatic or
heard in all parts of the unit and (2)
electrical signals should be used.
should sound long enough to ensure
Tubing bundles, instrument ducts, and
being heard. Extra-loud sounding
conduit must be equipped with vapor
devices may be necessary at furnaces
seals and vents to prevent process-area or other locations with high noise levels.
vapors from entering control rooms and In one case, an alarm that signaled tie
instrument cases. need for starting a fire-water pump
C. Oxygen and sounded only in the control room end
Combustible Analyzers for only 30 seconds. During a routine
fire drill, the operator happened to be
Oxygen and combustible recording
outside the control room end was never
analyzers, with alarms, should be in-
aware that the alarm had sounded. For-

Figure 48
Direct-pressure lines in
flammable or toxic service
must not be connected to
control-room instruments.

tunately, corrections were made before cause water pockets. Weep holes
the pump was needed in an actual should be drilled at the bottom of orifice
emergency. plates to eliminate these pockets and at
Generally, alarms should be provided on the top if vapor and non-condensibles
can collect there. In dirty service, it may
the main control board for the following
be necessary to install separate valved
unusual conditions:
drains or to use eccentric orifices that
1. Low pressure in instrument air, allow drainage because weep holes may
cooling water or fuel-gas systems. plug. However, it must be remembered
2. High liquid levels in fuel gas, com- that eccentric orifices are less accurate.
pressor suction, relief valve or blow- Valves with notched gates may be
down knockout drums. substituted for restriction orifices where
3. Failure of control-room ventilation in orifice plugging is a problem. A tag
must be attached to the valve handle to
pressurized control rooms.
indicate that the valve will not stop flow
4. All other system failures that can and must be opened occasionally to
affect safe and continuous operation. clear obstructions.
Low-flow alarms should be considered F. Pressure Instruments
for furnace feed streams. Cleanout-type protector systems
E. Orifices should be provided for pressure in-
Figure 49 shows how concentric orifice
plates in horizontal lines can

Figure 50
Pressure instruments must be
equipped with overpressure
Figure 49 protection. This pressure
Concentric orifice plates in gauge has a blow-out back.
horizontal lines can cause
water pockets.

struments if elements can corrode, plug inserts for level gauges in hydrocarbon
or freeze. All pressure instruments service should not be used under
should have blow-out backs (Figure 50) conditions more severe than one third of
or blow-out grommets in the case. the manufacturer’s pressure-
Instruments with blow-out protection temperature rating.
must not be mounted or otherwise
Figure 51 shows a glass-tube rotameter
located where the relief mechanism is
obstructed. Also, steam tracing or that failed when it was used at
insulation should not be installed over pressures above the manufacturer’s
parts that are designed to blow out. recommendations. Fortunately, no one
was injured by this accident.
G. Glass Inserts
H. Sampling
Since ordinary glass will fail under most
operating conditions found in Laboratory testing of hazardous
hydrocarbon processing equipment, it samples should be minimized because
certainly is not suitable for use in level gas chromatographs and other in-place
gauges and sight glasses. Glass inserts stream-analysis equipment are usually
must be made of a material, such as safer, quicker and more accurate.
tempered borosilicate glass, that is safe
at all conditions of the intended service.
As an added safety margin, it is
recommended that glass

Figure 51
This glass-tube rotameter
failed when it was used
at pressures above the

IX. Insulation, Auxiliary To avoid stress corrosion cracking in the
Heating and Fireproofing presence of soluble chlorides if moisture
is present, insulation for austenitic
A. Insulation
stainless steel must be a water-proofed,
Adequate insulation should be provided low-chloride material. Tests have
for heat conservation, temperature shown that moisture accumulation can
control, maintenance of cold dissolve enough chlorides out of many
temperatures, prevention of ice insulating materials, including some of
formation and control of corrosion. the resin-bound glass fiber insulations,
Climate and fuel costs should be to cause austenitic stainless-steel piping
considered in determining justifiable to crack. Insulation may even provide an
insulation thicknesses. absorbent medium for soluble chlorides
Since anti-sweat insulation for cool carried by moisture, such as salt-water
piping and equipment cannot be eco- spray or mist. Austenitic stainless-steel
nomically justified, it should be used piping operating at relatively low
only where condensed moisture will temperatures should be coated with a
damage equipment or create personnel waterproofing material before the
insulation is installed.
hazards, such as slippery walking
surfaces. Piping and equipment oper- In some cases, such as hot piping
ating above 150°F should be insulated containing hydrogen, it may be
or equipped with guards for burn necessary to omit flange insulation.
prevention where physical contact by Insulation on flanged joints in hot
operating personnel is likely.

piping allows the flanges to be heated, Freezing temperatures must not be
which in turn may loosen the joint and allowed to interrupt equipment oper-
cause leakage and possibly a fire. ations. Freeze protection for critical
B. Auxiliary Heating equipment may be necessary even in
locations where freezing temperatures
Auxiliary heat, normally furnished by rarely occur. Several processing units at
external steam companion piping (steam a southern refinery had to be shut down
tracing), may also be supplied by when an extended period of subnormal
electrical heating cables, internal steam temperatures caused freezing in
tracing or steam jacketing. Insulation is instruments and other critical
normally used in conjunction with equipment.
auxiliary heating to conserve the heat
that is being supplied. Some method of 2. Fluids with high viscosities at ambient
auxiliary heating is normally used in the temperature may need to be heated to
following situations: give better flow characteristics.
1. External heating should be used for 3. Auxiliary heating is necessary where
freeze protection where piping or fluid temperatures can drop below the
equipment contains or can collect water pour or or freeze points. Although this is
at temperatures near ambient (Figure usually required for asphalts and other
52). heavy hydrocarbons, certain chemicals
—such as

Figure 52
Unprotected vessel connec-
tions may collect water and
freeze during prolonged
periods of cold weather.

caustic and monoethanolamine (MEA)- out during normal operation. Even small
must also be heated to prevent quantities of ice may make instruments
freezing. inoperable or erratic. Discretion is
4. Steam tracing is generally needed for necessary in liquid light-ends service
hydrocarbon vapor and gas piping where heating of instruments and leads
where condensation and icing can affect may cause vaporization and subsequent
safety and operation by causing a erroneous readings on flow meters,
reduction in pressure at control, throttle level indicators and pressure
and relief valves. instruments.

5. Water seals on vacuum systems must Steam tracing for piping containing
be steam traced if freezing can interrupt acid, caustic or other chemicals that are
operation or permit air leakage through corrosive or dangerous at high
broken piping. temperatures must be separated from
the piping by spacers to prevent
6. All instruments that can be affected overheating of the contents. If the
by freezing must be protected by either piping contains tetraethyl lead (TEL) or
heated housings (Figure 53) or auxiliary other substances that are unsafe at
heating (Figure 54). temperatures above 250°F, steam
Instruments and instrument leads are tracing should not be used. Rather,
especially susceptible to freezing be- electrical heating or other means that
cause water pockets are not flushed can be rigidly controlled

Figure 53 Figure 54
Heated housings will keep Instrument leads usually
critical instruments from must be steam traced
freezing. and insulated to prevent

should be used for supplying auxiliary Fireproofing materials must be carefully
heat. selected. The use of low-fire-resistant
materials should be avoided. For
Magnesia insulation must not be used
example, some fiberglass insulating
for steam-traced piping if either the
blankets have half the fireproofing value
piping or tracer is aluminum, because it
of mineral wool. Metal jacketing must be
will cause severe corrosion.
used to protect all fireproofing insulation
C. Fireproofing that can be damaged by high-pressure
Properly located fireproof ing (non- water streams. Since it has a low melting
flammable protective coatings, such as point, aluminum should not be
light-weight concrete or insulation) will substituted for galvanized steel as a
reduce personnel hazards and jacketing material when fireproofing is
equipment losses from fire. In general, the requirement.
fireproofing is most important where it Adequate fireproofing, to a distance of at
confines a fire by protecting adjacent least 35 feet above grade or above a
sources of fuel, such as vessels or potential pool of burning fluid, should be
piping filled with flammable
provided for the following:
hydrocarbons. The fireproofing of
supports prevents overheating and 1. Furnace and stack structural supports.
subsequent weakening, as illustrated by
Figure 55.

Figure 55
This vessel fell during a fire
when the skirt buckled from
overheating. Fireproofing
would have prevented this

2. Steel supports for elevated proc- other supports for piping, such as
ess equipment, such as towers and hydraulic oil lines to control valves, that
spheres. are vital in case of fire. To prevent
3. Vessels containing flammable corrosion of the pipe at the point of
materials or dangerous chemicals. contact, bare piping should not be
Adequate fireproofing will slow down supported directly on concrete
heat input to a rate where economical fireproofing or other concrete surfaces.
relieving systems can control 5. Pipe supports for vital lines in haz-
overpressure. Without fireproofing, ardous areas outside the unit area
vessels that operate dry or with very limits.
little liquid in the vessel to wet the
surface may overheat and fail at 6. All instrument leads and control
pressures below relief-valve settings. equipment that are necessary during
(Generally, storage spheres are not safe off-process operations. As an il-
fireproofed if they are protected by lustration, the blowdown valve for a
water-deluge systems or other suitable furnace that was on fire from a split
means for controlling external heat furnace tube could not be operated
input.) because intense heat had melted parts
in the air motor operator. With the
4. All process unit pipe supports furnace blocked in, 34 additional
(Figure 56) in main pipeways and all

Figure 56
Fireproofing will prevent the
failure of most pipe supports
during a fire. (Arrow points to
an unfireproofed beam.’)

tubes ruptured and nearly destroyed the Fireproofing needs should be carefully
furnace. balanced between the cost of
7. Electrical conduit that contains fireproofing and the risk involved with
unfireproofed equipment. Although
wiring vital to safe off-process opera-
items to be fireproofed should be
tion of motor-operated valves and
emergency lighting circuits. Recently, a carefully selected during the engineering
small exchanger fire caused a unit stage, fireproofing needs should also be
shutdown when overhead conduits reviewed at the job site to be sure that all
critical items are protected.
were damaged enough to prevent
operation of essential control valves. Critical instrument and electrical leads
8. Relief and blow/down piping, in- should be routed to minimize their
damage from fire. Main instrument and
cluding small relief valve inlet piping,
electrical wiring and tubing runs should
containing flammable materials. This is
necessary to prevent relieving systems not be installed in the vicinity of hot oil
from being damaged by intense heat. pumps or other fire-prone areas.

9. Radioactive sources. (Locations of

radioactive material must be clearly

X. Piping A. Water Pockets
Many safety and operating problems Pockets must be avoided in all piping
have been associated with the layout and equipment where water can ac-
and design of piping systems. Although cumulate and ( 1 ) contact hot oil and
this section is primarily concerned with flash to steam, (2) freeze and cause
the elimination of hazards in piping, rupture, (3) mix with acid or caustic and
designers must also strive to develop cause corrosion or generate excessive
economical systems that contribute to heat, or (4) cause operating problems.
efficient unit operation. In general,
The following design practices will
piping is the most expensive single item
of equipment in a process unit. eliminate most water-trapping
Normally, all hydrocarbon-carrying
process lines are located above grade to 1. Use eccentric reducers with the
( 1 ) reduce initial installation costs, (2) straight side on the bottom in horizontal
reduce external corrosion, and (3) give lines except in pump suction lines where
access for inspection and maintenance. vapor pockets may cause cavitation in
Sewers, drains and pumpout systems the pump.
are usually located underground. 2. Avoid valves in vertical piping
wherever possible. Figure 57 shows

Figure 57
Water may collect above
valves in vertical piping. If
not drained, it may cause a
pressure surge that will
upset fractionator trays
when it contacts hot oil.

how water can accumulate above a to check for water accumulation dur-
valve during steaming, washing or ing operation, such as valved drains at
hydrotesting. low points and boots on accumu-
lator drums, must be provided. Special
3. Minimize the use of reduced port
attention should be given to piping
valves in horizontal piping if the piping
systems that are connected to hot
is not self-draining on each side of the
vessels and equipment like that
illustrated in figure 58.
4. Avoid dead-end sections, as they 7. Slowdown lines should slope away
tend to trap water and accelerate from the unit and toward blow-down
corrosion. drums.
5. Provide drainage for idle process 8. Compressor suction lines should slope
lines, such as bypasses, startup lines toward suction knockout drums. Where
and piping to spare pumps. Whenever this is not practical, suction lines should
possible, this piping should be be as short as possible, free From
designed so that sections on each side pockets, insulated and steam traced.
of block valves are self-draining.
9. Avoid pockets in vacuum lines
6. Piping must be designed for ease of because normal water drainage through
drainage during both startup and open |valves will introduce air
normal operation. Adequate means

Figure 58
Tower "A" was connected to
coke drum "B" by a long
horizontal line with a vertical
leg. When heated, tower "A"
expanded and lifted the
tower end of the line,
allowing condensation from
steam testing and water
from the gas oil to collect in
the line. When coke drum
"B" was heated, it expanded
and dumped the water into
tower "A," where it flashed
and damaged the internals.

unless special precautions are taken. perly designed. Attention to details,
Slope horizontal vacuum transfer lines such as those listed below, may prevent
generously. A substantial pressure the development of serious hazards.
surge experienced during startup of a 1. Steam for smothering, snuffing,
vacuum tower was traced to water service hoses, space heating and
trapped in horizontal sections in the protective heating should be connected
inlet transfer line. to a source that will not be shut off
Piping systems must be designed with during unit shutdown.
adequate connections for cleaning and 2. If a source of emergency cooling
water flushing prior to startup. water is required, the fire-water system
B. Auxiliary Piping Facilities can be connected to the cooling-water
In addition to the piping necessary to main at a point downstream of all
cooling-water pumps.
transport hydrocarbons for processing,
refining units must be equipped with 3. A condensate-collecting system
adequate auxiliary facilities—such as should be used when several steam
air, steam, water, gas, drains and traps are installed on a process unit
sewers —to meet normal as well as (Figure 59). A large number of steam
emergency situations. Even though traps venting to the atmosphere can
these facilities are usually of less cause fog and ice formation.
importance than process piping,
engineers must make sure that all 4. Instrument-air systems should be
auxiliary piping is pro- equipped with an air dryer to prevent

Figure 59
Grouping of steam traps
facilitates discharge of con-
densate to a collection

freezing and subsequent instrument coatings may be necessary ( 1 ) in cor-
failure. A local supplemental instrument- rosive or erosive services, (2) where very
pressure source (N2, plant air, auxiliary high or low temperatures are expected or
compressor, etc.) should be considered ($) when unusual operating conditions
where central systems are subject to are anticipated. Malleable, nodular and
frequent outages. cast-iron materials should not be used
for piping and components in
5. All process unit sewers should have
hydrocarbon or toxic services. These
gas-tight manhole covers with properly
materials, which are brittle and have a
identified vent lines to discharge vapors
low melting point, will frequently fail
safely. Process sewers must be
during a fire from excessive heat or con-
equipped with double-trap manholes at
tact with water. Generally, copper,
unit area limits.
aluminum and their alloys should not be
C. Piping Materials used for piping in hydrocarbon service.
Although carbon steel is the most Where salt water is the cooling
commonly used piping material, correct medium, carbon steel should not be
materials for each particular service used for cooling-water piping at pumps
must be determined for both normal and because it becomes plugged with
emergency conditions (Figure 60). deposits ;in a short time.
Special alloys, liners or

Figure 60
This equipment failed
because it was made of
a material that was
not suitable for emergency

Although copper or copper-alloy piping Figure 61 illustrates that improperly
is preferred in this service, precautions designed sliding supports can also cause
against electrolytic corrosion are problems. In this case, the sliding joints
necessary if copper contacts anything on the pipe support did not allow
made of steel. movement when the hot vessel attached
Chemical piping requires special pre- to the piping being supported was cooled
cautions and, usually, special materials during a shutdown. Evidently, the
because most chemicals are corrosive. sliding joint worked properly when the
Some materials, such as welded vessel was heated but later "froze" in
carbon-steel piping in caustic or MEA the hot position.
service at elevated temperatures, require Piping or other equipment attached to
stress relief to avoid caustic- vessels to be field stress-relieved must
embrittlement cracking. be disconnected if expansion during the
D. Expansion and Supports stress-relieving operation can cause
overstress in the piping. Even piping that
Piping systems, including supports, operates at relatively cool temperatures
must have adequate provisions for should be analyzed for flexibility if the
expansion or contraction during startup, system will be steam purged prior to
operation and shutdown. Hot piping startup.
attached to supports that do not expand
as much as the piping are often causes
of trouble.

Figure 61
Sliding supports that did
not slide caused this pipe-
support failure.

Piping systems should have enough pipe E. Vibration
supports, anchors, guides and spring Although most piping systems will
hangers (Figure 62) to allow trouble-free vibrate to some extent, piping layouts
operation. In addition to being designed that are conducive to vibration should
for all normal loadings, piping supports be avoided if possible. If stresses
—such as those for large overhead developed by vibration are greater than
vapor lines — should be designed to the fatigue strength, eventual failure is
permit purging of connected vessels and certain. Vibrations that are not
drums by water flooding. noticeable, such as low amplitude,
Piping that discharges to the at- high-frequency vibrations, often
mosphere must be firmly anchored to produce the most dangerous stresses.
counteract the reaction force of the As an illustration, a small flash fire
discharged fluid, especially if the piping developed when vibrations induced by
is screwed construction. A man was a malfunctioning relief valve caused the
killed when he opened a drain valve in a nipple for a 4-inch purge vent to fail.
line discharging to the sewer. The piping The vent was equipped with an
downstream of the valve included a oversize unsupported valve that acted
horizontal screwed elbow that loosened as a large mass at the end of the vent
and allowed the discharge pipe to swing and thus helped develop the fatigue
up and strike the operator. stresses that caused failure.

Figure 62
Spring hangers will provide
continuous support for pip-
ing that moves from

The exciting forces causing vibration in ists, piping should be supported at all
piping may be ( 1 ) mechanical vibration changes in direction, and cantilever
of connected equipment, such as sections must be avoided. In one case,
compressors, pumps and vessels, (2) compressor vibration caused a screwed
wind-produced vortices that form valve to loosen and release high-
alternately on opposite sides of pressure hydrocarbons. Although
cylindrical surfaces, (3) internal welded or bolted construction should
pulsations in flowing fluids, such as have been used, this instance illustrates
those set up by reciprocating pumps and the need for special attention
compressors or (4) slug flow, under everywhere vibration is anticipated.
mixed-phase flow conditions, from
partial condensers to overhead 3. Small branch connections should be
separators or reflux drums. The most avoided in vibrating systems. Additional
desirable solution to vibration problems supports, such as gusset plates, may
is the elimination or isolation of the help reduce vibration problems.
source of vibration. 4. In cases of pulsating flow, an
Where vibration is expected, good acoustical study should be made to
design should include the following: determine if dampening equipment is
1. Provide adequate foundations,
especially for reciprocating pumps and Failure can be caused by resonance of
compressors. some part of the system with the
pulsation frequency. Pulsation-snub-
2. Pipe guides and supports should be bing devices should be installed as
strategically located to reduce
vibration. Where pulsating flow ex-

close as possible to the pulsation- recent case, some 2-inch ball check
producing equipment. valves were found to cause over a 50-
F. Valves psi drop in pressure.
Although gate valves are generally used Valves, particularly plug valves, that do
in wide open or block service, lubricated not give an absolute indication of
or nonlubricated plug valves, butterfly or whether the valve is completely open or
ball valves also may be used. Strict closed must not be used under any
attention must be given to temperature circumstances. Several serious
restrictions and economic accidents have occurred while dis-
considerations when using plug, connecting piping downstream from
butterfly or ball valves. Process unit open valves. In all cases, the valves
valves with resilient seating surfaces, were thought to be closed but were
such as Teflon, that cannot withstand actually open!
high temperatures must be equipped All plug, butterfly or ball valves must be
with secondary metal seats to prevent constructed or equipped with visible
leakage during a fire. Brass or cast-iron positive position-indicators (Figure 63)
valves should not be used in that cannot be misassembled to give an
hydrocarbon or toxic service. incorrect indication of valve position.
Available pressure drop may prevent the These valves must not have an
use of some plug and ball valves because appearance that can be confused with
some of these valves have small port closed gate valves. Nonrising-stem gate
openings. Each type and brand of valve valves must not be used in hydrocarbon
must be thoroughly investigated for service.
pressure drop. In a

Figure 63
All plug and ball valves
must have visible position
indicators that cannot be

Courtesy of Hills-McCanna Company

Proper orientation of valve handles is pipe when the valve is in the open
essential. On one unit an operator, position.
who occasionally injured his knuckles
A small bypass should be considered for
when adjusting valve settings on the
large gate valves when the pressure
furnace burners, changed all the
differential across the gate is ap-
handles (valves were plug cocks with
proximately equal to the pressure rating
handles) without telling anyone else! An
of the valve. Opening the bypass valve
operator on the next shift thought the
will usually allow the pressure to equalize
setting had been changed and upset the
on each side of the gate and permit the
unit when he moved the valve settings
operators to quickly open valves that
to the old handle positions. Plug-valve
otherwise would require assistance or
handles should be orientated so that
considerable physical effort.
they are perpendicular to the line when
the valve is shut off and aligned with the

Figure 64
Avoid extension stems that
do not reveal the position of
the valve stem. With the
installation shown above,
operators cannot tell
whether the valve is open or

Extension stems for outside screw and operators, gear operators or extension
yoke gate valves should be designed so stems should be used for valve
that operators can determine whether handwheels that are inaccessible or are
the valve is open or closed by the more than 6 feet above an operating
position of the valve stem (Figure 64). area. Valve operator chains that hang in
This usually can be done by slotting the access ways must be avoided if they
stem extension so that the valve stem is cannot be stored out of the way. Chain
visible. However, if the extension operators should not be used on
passes through a wall, more elaborate screwed valves or on valves smaller than
provisions may be required. 2-inch size. Underground valves with
extension stems must be located so that
Valve handwheels should be operable hand-wheels are not tripping hazards
from grade or a convenient platform (Figure 65).
whenever possible. Chain

Figure 65
Provide barricades around
handwheels for under-
ground valves if they can
cause tripping hazards.

G. Pipe Joints in systems operating above about
Welded construction must be used for 850°F, consideration should be given to
( 1 ) all hydrogen piping, (2) all primary the possibility of carbon migration or
process piping on units, (3) all primary diffusion which may lead to em-
hydrocarbon piping outside unit area brittlement of the joint and consequent
limits and (4) most caustic, acid and cracking. Also, expansion
steam piping. Even where screwed characteristics of different metals in
piping is permissible, welded welded joints may, under temperature
construction is generally preferred cycling conditions, lead to fatigue
because screwed couplings and valves failure at the joint.
are more likely to fail when exposed to Flanges, gaskets and bolts for bolted
fire (Figure 66). Back-welded screwed joints should be carefully selected.
connections should be kept to a Gasket materials must be compatible
minimum and generally should not be with the intended service. For example,
substituted for socket-welded fittings. since Teflon deteriorates at higher
When welded joints are used to join temperatures, its use for gaskets and
piping of varying chromium contents packing must be avoided at
temperatures above 450°F. When

Figure 66
Screwed piping is more
likely to fail than welded
piping when exposed to

unusual gasket materials are used, the produce some degree of water hammer,
gasket seating-surface area should be in any case, the shock wave, which may
checked to make sure that there is be several times the normal pressure,
sufficient bolting force to seat the gasket will travel to the end of the line where it
and thus seal the joint. will be reflected back. This cycle will
repeat until all the energy is dissipated or
H. Water Hammer relieved.
All piping systems should be designed
Quick-closing valves and layouts that
to avoid water hammer, since this
are conducive to water hammer should
phenomenon can occur in all liquid lines
be avoided if possible. Surge tanks,
under pressure when there is an abrupt
pneumatic chambers, spring-operated
change in flow velocity or pressure
relief valves, or shock absorbers and
(Figure 67). Complete stoppage of flow,
arresters are sometimes used to help
such as quickly closing a plug, ball or
control this phenomenon.
butterfly valve, is not necessary because
any sudden change in flowing conditions

Figure 67
Water hammer may cause
failure of critical pipe lines.

XI. Relief Valves and A. Thermal Expansion
Pressure-Relieving Systems Thermal expansion of hydrocarbon
Most refining processes require the liquids can cause dangerously high
confinement of hydrocarbons under pressure —high enough to rupture
pressure, usually at elevated temper- almost any equipment not protected
atures. Since it is not economically with pressure-relieving devices — when
feasible to design all equipment for a blocked-in vessel, exchanger, pipe or
emergency pressure conditions, some other item of liquid-filled equipment is
method of pressure relief is necessary. heated. The destruction is even greater
The following discussion describes if the liquid is water or light
some of these emergency situations hydrocarbons at temperatures above
and some of the pressure-relieving their atmospheric boiling points (Figure
systems that can be used for 68).

Figure 68
Thermal expansion, particu-
larly in conjunction with
steam generation, can cause
substantial damage.

Figure 69 illustrates the pressure rise in sion of the water and compression of
typical water-filled vessels when they the vapor. The pressure rises slowly
are heated. A rise in temperature of until the vapor space is compressed into
only 50° F above ambient causes a a small volume or the vapor dissolves in
pressure of 2,500 psi or an average of the water. Thereafter, the pressure rises
50 psi for each degree rise in abruptly at the higher temperature level,
temperature. At higher temperatures, 100 to 160 psi per degree of temperature
the rate of pressure rise per degree is rise.
even greater because the expansion of
An exchanger with 1000°F hydrogen in
the water is greater.
the tubes and 400°F gas oil in the shell
When a vapor space is present (Figure was initially installed without a relief
69), warming causes expan- valve, as there was only one block valve
on the shell side of the

Figure 69
When water-filled vessels
are heated, a relatively small
increase in temperature
causes a large increase in

exchanger. Later, an additional block caused serious injuries and extensive
valve was installed to isolate the shell property damage. After hydrotesting
a n d —someone did just that—while the tubes in this condenser, steam was
1000°F hydrogen continued to flow injected into the shell side for testing
through the tubes. Rapid thermal before the water was drained from the
expansion of the blocked-in gas oil tubes. Thermal expansion, together
caused the shell to rupture into about 20 with the steam that was generated by
pieces! heating, ruptured the condenser and
Figure 70 shows the channel section of threw the channel section about 20
a condenser that blew off and feet.

Figure 70
Thermal expansion caused
serious injuries and extensive
property damage when this
channel section of a
condenser was blown off
during testing.

Heat from the sun can cause excessive Pump suction lines from vessels con-
pressures to build up in long blocked-in taining light stocks, such as butane and
lines full of liquid light ends. Serious propane, should be made as short as
fires have resulted when gaskets or possible. These stocks are highly
fittings failed under these conditions. If volatile, and very little warming of
relief valves are not provided to relieve suction lines may vaporize enough liquid
pressure buildup, block valves should to cause vapor binding in centrifugal
be slightly open to allow the pressure pumps (Figure 7 1 ) .
to relieve into a connecting tank or

Figure 71
The sun may provide
enough heat to vaporize
light stocks in pump suc-
tion lines.

B. Relief Valves handle the total capacity that might be
All drums, tanks, vessels, towers, ex- generated simultaneously from all
changers and other equipment subject equipment being protected.
to internal pressure must be protected The following are some of the criteria
from overpressure by adequate relieving that must be observed in developing
capacity (Figure 72). Generally, safe pressure-relieving capacity:
requirements for pressure-relieving
devices for both fired and unfired 1. Equipment must be protected against
pressure vessels are specified by overpressure caused by an external fire.
applicable codes and regulations. Of 2. Overpressure protection from thermal
course, unusual cases require special expansion is essential if any source of
attention. heat can raise the pressure of blocked-in
Equipment must be protected from all liquids above design pressures.
sources of overpressure. Where two or Additional relief capacity is necessary if
more sources can cause overpressure blocked-in conditions can generate
simultaneously, relieving devices must be steam or vapor.
sized for the combined effect. Separate 3. If practical, equipment downstream of
relief equipment is not required for pumps should be designed for at least
pressure vessels which cannot be pump shut-off pressure; otherwise,
isolated from a connecting vessel that is adequate relieving capacity must be
protected by a relief valve. However, the provided.
relieving device must be sized to

Figure 72
The bottom of this vessel
failed because of insuffi-
cient relieving capacity.

Courtesy of Wide World Photos

4. Where equipment operates below in a high-pressure gas cooler, may have
ambient temperature, overpressure sufficient energy to overpressure the
from loss of refrigeration must be containing equipment before ordinary
prevented. relieving devices can function. Waste-
heat boilers and reactors in certain
5. Heat exchangers and similar vessels
services also may require protection
should be protected against
against the failure of internal-pressure
overpressure from failure of internal
pressure components. Normally, the
flow of two tubes is considered as a 6. Adequate relieving capacity must be
design criterion for relief-valve sizing. provided for protection against
overpressure from control-equipment
When there is a large pressure dif- failures or loss of cooling capacity, such
ferential between the shell and tube side as failure of cooling water or tower
of exchangers, special attention is reflux.
necessary because ordinary relieving
devices may not be adequate for split- Safety and relief valves should be the full
tube failure. Tests have shown that nozzle, refinery type and must be
high-pressure shock waves are stamped in accordance with applicable
propagated at sonic velocity in a low- codes|. All safety and relief valves for
pressure liquid when it is suddenly hydrocarbon service must be flanged.
contacted with high-pressure gas. Balanced-type relief valves may be
These shock waves, which could be set considered for most conditions of
up by a split-tube failure variable back pressure.

Rupture discs should not be (Figure 73) that cannot have more than
substituted for safety valves. one port completely blocked at a time,
Relief and safety valves must be con- should be considered where failure of
structed of materials that are suitable for the relieving device can cause an
the intended service. Since most relief- unexpected unit shutdown. When
valve installations are dead ends, multiple-valve installations are
corrosion is a serious problem that can necessary, only one additional relief
cause valves to become inoperable. In valve is required. Due to lubricant
some cases, it may be desirable to install limitations at higher temperatures,
rupture discs under relief valves to locked-open gate valves should be
protect against corrosive materials. used instead of three-way cocks at
Where these combination rupture- temperatures above 350°F. For this
disc/relief-valve installations are used, installation, a simple chain and padlock
an atmospheric bleeder must be installed locking arrangement is preferred to key
to detect and release any leakage that interlock systems. (Car seal locking
might accumulate between the rupture devices must not be used.)
disc and the relief valve. This bleeder Valves, piping or other restrictions
must be equipped with a locked-open located between relief valves and
block valve that can be closed if the disc protected equipment must not limit
ruptures or corrodes away. relieving capacities.
Full-capacity duplicate relief valves,
connected by a three-way plug cock

Figure 73
Installation of full-capacity
duplicate relief valves con-
nected by a three-way plug
cock allows relieving devices
to be removed for
maintenance during operation
without sacrifice of
overpressure protection.

Courtesy of Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc.

Courtesy of Rockwell Manufacturing Company

C. Relief-Valve Piping damage, vents should discharge at a
Relief-valve discharge piping must be safe height above grade, above
designed to avoid excessive back operating platforms and away from
pressure from either liquid accumulation furnaces. Open piping or vents should
or pressure drop. A refrigerated never discharge toward equipment that
propane storage tank ruptured and can be damaged or overheated if the
caused a serious fire because liquid in a vent is accidentally ignited.
pocketed blowdown line prevented Excessive pressure drop should be
release of pressure through prevented in relief-valve inlet piping
autorefrigeration when the refrigeration because it will cause valve chatter
system was shut down for repairs. and hinder proper valve operation. Inlet
Discharge piping that vents to the piping must be self-draining. Both inlet
atmosphere should be drain-able to and discharge piping must be designed
prevent water accumulation and for all stresses that may
subsequent freezing. be developed when relief valves
On units, piping that vents flammable open. Provisions for expansion
vapors to the atmosphere should be (Figure 74) and vibration control
equipped with connections for snuffing are also essential.
steam because vapors from leaking Relief valves in low-temperature service
valves may be ignited by lightning. To must be protected from freezing if
protect personnel and minimize the condensed moisture can collect on
possibility of equipment

Figure 74
Relief-valve piping must be
designed for expansion
when relieving hot liquids
or vapor.

Courtesy of Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc.

seating surfaces. Auxiliary heating may portion of the vessel shell below the
be necessary if the temperature of liquid level remains close to the liquid
heavy material flowing in long discharge temperature while the remainder of the
lines can drop below the pour point and shell becomes heated. Since material
thus restrict flow. Fouling or plugging of strength at high temperatures (above
either inlet or discharge piping must be 700° F) decreases with temperature
prevented. increase, it is possible for heated
vessels to fail from over-stress before
D. Depressuring Systems the internal pressure reaches the relief-
When a vessel which is partially filled is valve set pressure. To protect against
exposed to an external fire, the this situation, a

vapor-depressuring system similar to any emergency exists. Remotely
that illustrated in Figure 75 may be operated valves must be used if it will
desirable. be necessary to depressure
A vapor-depressuring system designed equipment that may be enveloped
to reduce vessel pressures to one half of by fire.
the relief-valve set pressures in 10 to 15
minutes should eliminate most vessel-
failure hazards during a fire. Normally,
depressuring systems will be activated
as soon as

Figure 75
A vapor-depressuring
system will help protect
units containing large
volumes of light

XII. Plot Plans and balanced against the cost and
Equipment Spacing availability of additional real estate.
A. Spacing Between Units Generally, a distance of 250 feet be-
tween units or between units and
The spacing of process units within tankage has been used as a desirable
refineries requires careful consideration. spacing. Of course, this distance will
Access for fire fighting and fire-fighting vary with the potential hazards inherent
equipment is of prime importance. in each unit or facility.
Adequate access for maintenance and
normal traffic is also essential. The risk The grade elevation of a unit should be
and inconvenience of closely spaced high enough to prevent the spread of
units must be fires by the flow of spilled

Figure 76
Grade against oil-water flow.
If the unit deck is at normal
ground elevation, pipe alleys
should be below the unit
grade and the combination
firewall and road above unit

Figure 77
Locate operating units
above adjacent tankage.

oil from nearby facilities. Usually, units should be eliminated wherever
should be located above adjacent land possible. Figures 76, 77, 78
areas and below encircling access and 79 illustrate useful
roads which also serve as dikes or methods for minimizing the
firewalls (Figure 76). Drainage ditches, hazards of flooding from
roadways and pipe alleys must be laid adjacent areas or equipment.
out to prevent the transfer of fire For refineries located along the
between refinery areas. Trenches, seacoast or adjacent to rivers
sumps or other below-grade pockets and streams, consideration
where flammable vapors are prone to should be given to providing
collect protective dikes or to raising
unit grades above high-water

Figure 78
Isolate tankage by adequate

Figure 79
Provide curbs and sewer
capacity to take spills when
unit decks are above sur-
rounding areas.

B. Spacing Within Units from toxic gases, such as hydrogen
Safety, economy, operability and ease sulfide and sulfur dioxide.
of maintenance must all be considered in
The unit hydrocarbon inventory should
selecting a location for each item of
be held to a minimum to reduce the
equipment on a process unit. Actually,
amount of fuel available to feed possible
equipment spacing is as important as
fires. Surge drums and rundown tanks
spacing between units, and most of the
should be eliminated wherever practical,
unit spacing considerations are
and reflux drums should be located to
applicable to some degree. Of course,
avoid the concentration of large volumes
no single layout is satisfactory for all
of hydrocarbons in any one area.
units or even for similar units at different
refineries. The ends of horizontal vessels should
not face control rooms or other per-
Furnaces, stacks and blowdown vents
sonnel areas. Also, hydrants and turret
should be located in the safest place
nozzles should not be located at the
with respect to other hazardous
ends of, or in line with the ends of,
equipment, prevailing wind, grade and
horizontal vessels. Figure 80 illustrates
personnel areas. The proximity of cooling
how a horizontal vessel can act like a
towers and tankage should be
rocket if fire causes a circumferential
considered in the design and location of
seam to fail. Several firefighters were
refinery flare systems. Blowdown, flare
killed when this hap-
and furnace stacks should be designed
so that there is no pollution problem

Figure 80
Horizontal vessels, as
shown, or vertical vessels
may act like rockets if they
fail at circumferential

pened during a fire at some above- Wherever possible, equipment should
ground horizontal drums. be located at grade with clearance for
operation and maintenance. There must
In general, all hydrocarbon-handling be enough space between pieces of
equipment, such as pumps and equipment to avoid congestion after
compressors, should be located piping, valves and instruments have
outdoors. In some cases it may be been installed. Accessways should be
desirable to provide a roof over com- large enough to accommodate
pressors for easier maintenance. maintenance equipment. Where special
Process units should be designed so handling problems are expected,
that there is no need to lift heavy pieces additional clearances should be
of equipment over operating lines or provided.
equipment (Figure 8 1 ) . Equipment for The safety of operating and
lifting heavy items and procedures for maintenance personnel is of prime
erecting towers and structures should importance. The personnel area (control
be thoroughly checked to assure that room) should be separated from the
they are safe. Recently an improperly ignition (furnace) and process areas.
designed turnbuckle parted and caused Although located near the edge of the
tower erection equipment to fall across unit, personnel areas should be
operating lines. Fortunately, the convenient to important equipment
damage was minor. requiring attention.

Figure 81
This buckled crane boom il-
lustrates why heavy pieces
of equipment must not be
lifted over operating lines or

XIII. Storage Facilities Foam systems or portable foam-
The extensive facilities required for safe handling equipment should be provided
storage of the many hydrocarbons and for cone-roof tanks when the flash point
chemicals used in a petroleum refinery of the contents is below 120°F. Gas
must be carefully designed. Liquids are blanketing may be necessary when low-
usually stored at atmospheric pressure vapor-pressure stocks are stored in
in either cone or floating-roof tanks, vessels with a vapor space. However,
depending on the amount of for large tanks, a floating roof will
vaporization expected. Heavier gases, probably be more economical than
such as propane and butane, are often blanketing. Other fire-protection
stored under pressure as liquids in devices, such as automatic water-
spheres or drums. Light products, such deluge systems, are discussed in
as methane and ethane, are usually Section V of this booklet.
stored as gases, either at atmospheric Filling lines should discharge near the
pressure in gas holders or under bottom of storage tanks to eliminate the
pressure in vessels. Underground free fall of liquid and thereby reduce the
caverns, refrigerated tanks and generation of static electricity. Section
spheroids may be used for storage of IV of this booklet discusses some of the
some products. hazards of static electricity in storage
Adequate fire protection must be tanks.
provided for all storage facilities.

Many storage tanks accumulate a layer Generally, pressure-storage vessels,
of water below the oil. So that oil-not such as spheres and spheroids, should
water-is pumped from the tank, suction be kept under positive pressure, ever
nozzles (Figure 82) should be designed though the vapor pressures of some
so that the inlet section is above the stored liquids at reduced temperatures
water level in the tank bottom, are less than atmospheric. For
particularly where the tank supplies example, both butane (at temperatures
process units or other equipment below 31 °F) and pentane (at
sensitive to water. temperatures below 97°F) have vapor
pressures below atmospheric pressure.
To prevent tank boilover from vapori-
Where low temperatures may exist for
zation of accumulated water, oil should long periods, some method of admitting
be stored at temperatures below 200°F. an inert gas, such as nitrogen, to the
If higher storage temperatures are vapor space should be provided to
necessary, high-temperature alarms prevent air leakage into the vacuum
must be installed in rundown lines to created by the reduced ambient
warn operators of potential boilover temperatures. In any case, air must not
conditions. Problems associated with be allowed to enter! Although the
tank boilovers are discussed in more amount of air admitted at any one
detail in Section I of this booklet. time may be small, subsequent tem-
perature cycling will concentrate the

Figure 82
To prevent water contami-
nation of feed streams, the
inlet to storage-tank suction
nozzles must be located
above the water level.

oxygen and cause the development of vapors from a relief-valve-vent pipe
an explosive mixture in the vapor space. impinged on the shell of a partially filled
Spheres must be designed to withstand spheroid and weakened the metal in the
an absolute vacuum to prevent collapse top plate. When the vessel ruptured
if the internal pressure is accidentally (Figure 83), vapors from about 500,000
reduced below atmospheric. gallons of a mixture of pentane and
Vents and relief-valve-vent piping must hexane escaped as a huge ball of fire
be so arranged that, if vented vapors and killed 19 fire fighters.
are ignited, the flames cannot strike Storage vessels must be equipped with
vessels, piping or other equipment. At adequate water drain lines and valves
one refinery, burning that are protected from freez

Figure 83
The spheroid at "A" rup-
tured and caused this fire
when flame impingement
from a burning relief-valve
vent weakened the shell.
The spheroid at "B" is a
companion to the one at

Courtesy of Amarillo Daily News

ing. Frozen drains can ( 1 ) rupture, will be preceded by a slug of hydro-
(2) prevent drainage of water, and carbons. Similar drains can also be
(3) cause loss of stock when the ice used for draining water from tanks.
melts. Nonfreeze type drains, similar Firewalls should be provided around
to the one illustrated in Figure 84 for
all storage vessels. Foundations
spheres, are preferred. No external should be located at sufficient
means of freeze protection is needed heights above the surrounding area
because the water is drained away to provide proper drainage. Firewall
from all valves and piping exposed to enclosures can be equipped with
freezing temperatures. Operators valved and trapped drains if accumu-
must be sure that there is no source
lation of surface or fire-fighting
of ignition in the area before using
water can become a problem.
this type of drain because the water

Figure 84
To operate this internal water
drain: (1) open valves "A" and
"B" to let the liquid head push
out the water; (2) after the
water is drawn, close valve
"B" and open valve "C" to
clear the water from lines; and
(3) then close valves "A" and

XIV. Vessels and Trays quent overstress. For example, catalyst
A. Design regenerators and some reactors are
lined with refractory material to protect
Pressure vessels should be designed in the shells and other critical metal parts.
accordance with applicable codes,
specifications, state laws and regula- Skirts and vessel supports must be
tions. Design pressures and tempera- adequately designed for all loads.
tures should be selected to protect Vertical slots in skirts at the point of
against the worst combination of attachment to the shell should be
conditions that can be reasonably ex- considered for large vessels in cyclic
pected. In addition to pressure re- temperature service, such as fluid
quirements, vessels must be designed catalytic unit reactors and coke drums.
for all external loadings, such as Support lugs may be more desirable
platforms, piping, insulation, snow and than slotted skirts for smaller, thick-
ice, wind forces, and vibration. Also, walled vessels, such as reformer
excessive deflection in tall, thin vessels reactors.
must not be overlooked. All vessels must
B. Drainability
be stable under earthquake and
hurricane-induced forces in those areas Vessels must be completely drain-able.
where these phenomena can be Areas where liquid pockets can form,
expected. such as at intermediate heads on dual
or multiple-section towers, must be
In high-temperature service, insulating avoided (Figure 85).
vessel linings can be used to protect
against overheating and subse-

Avoid Use
Intermediate head Intermediate head
is hard to drain is self-draining
because irregularities

Figure 85
Intermediate heads must be
completely drainable.

will trap water

The trays in one dual-section tower blowdown stack or flare stack. To be
were upset because the trapout pan effective, these drums must reduce
was not drained. Vapor traveled up- the gas velocity sufficiently to allow
ward from the bottom stripping sec- separation of liquid particles. Entrain-
tion through a chimney into the frac- ment can be minimized by tangential
tionating section. The head of the inlet nozzles or internal downcomers
lower vessel served as a trapout pan on the inlet lines. Drums should be
for gas oil in the upper section (an equipped with high level alarms and
arrangement similar to that shown facilities for liquid removal.
for tower A in Figure 85). A ring of
D. Venting
water about 3 inches deep collected
on the trapout pan because the drain Vessel top outlets should be located
line did not leave the tower at the at high points (Figure 86) to permit
bottom of the pan. When hot oil purging with steam, inert gas or
mixed with this water, causing it to water. Additional vent connections
flash to steam, a pressure surge was must be provided at all pockets
created that upset the upper trays. where oil or vapor can be trapped
during purging operations.
C. Knockout Drums GenerallV, all vapor pockets should
Knockout drums should be installed be eliminated by proper location and
in all streams where liquid entrain- orientation of nozzles.
ment is undesirable or hazardous,
such as in the gas to a compressor.

Figure 86
Top outlets or vents on
vessels must be located at
the high point to prevent
undesirable vapor pockets.

A 45,000-barrel noded spheroid was oil and vapor provided the fuel. Figure
ruptured by an internal explosion as 87 shows that Trap 1 existed because
purging water was being drained. After the overhead vent nozzle was not
pumping out most of the oil in located at the high point. Traps 2 and 3
preparation for an inspection, the were caused by the manway and other
spheroid was water filled and over- nozzles. Trap 4 was a pocket running
flowed through the overhead vent until entirely around the spheroid in the space
the effluent was oil-free. After the enclosed by the node tie-plate
water level had drained down about 14 connection, the spheroid shell and the
feet, an internal explosion ripped rising water. Although the existing
through the shell. design of this vessel made it impossible
to eliminate all vapor and oil by
Investigation and sampling indicated overflowing with water, proper vent
that the probable source of ignition was connections would have permitted
iron sulfide. Air entered through the adequate purging and prevented this
open top manway, and trapped accident.

Figure 87
This schematic cross section
of a noded spheroid shows
how vapor was trapped even
though the vessel was
overflowed with water.

Vents or sample connections should be Most vessels should be equipped with
provided for all vapor spaces in all vents large enough to permit adequate
vessels where air or oxygen might air circulation for personnel during
accumulate. If possible, these vessels inspection and maintenance work.
should be provided with means to vent
E. Internals
vapors continuously from the top.
Venting of undesirable vapors to Vessels internals must be designed for
blowdown stacks or directly to the drainability Large horizontal baffles
atmosphere if environmentally accep- should be avoided in towers, if possible,
table may prevent the accumulation of because they may become distorted
hazardous compositions further along in and trap water. If process
the system. considerations prevent these baffles
from being sloped, weep holes and
Vents for vessels that are washed or stiffeners to prevent distortion must be
purged with water must be large
enough to prevent the development of a
vacuum when draining.

Tray sections must be provided with during startup, internals should function
weep holes or other positive means for sufficiently to allow an orderly and safe
draining. The bottom tray in each tower startup. Out-of-level and leakage
should be carefully checked for tolerances for trays, pans and shower
excessive drainability, which may decks must be practical.
cause operational difficulties. Excessive
liquid leakage through reboiler trap-out F. Vacuum Systems
trays can cause startup problems in Equipment must not be subjected to
towers because low flow to the reboiler pressures or vacuums greater than
will prevent it from producing enough those for which it is designed. This
vapor to seal the trays. applies to equipment of all sizes from
pressure gauges to complete tower and
Trays and other internals must be
vessel systems.
operable over a wide range of condi-
tions. Even though flows are low To remove catalyst from the reactor and
regenerator on a catalytic crack-

Figure 88
Too much vacuum dam-
aged this catalyst storage

ing unit, the fresh catalyst storage bin ble vacuum-limiting device, would have
was designed to be placed under a partial prevented this accident.
vacuum by use of a portable steam-jet
ejector. Although the system had been Steam ejectors for vacuum systems in
used twice without incident, the storage hydrocarbon service must have facilities
bin (Figure 88) collapsed when a larger for prevention of air contamination if the
evacuator, without a suitable vacuum- steam supply fails. Drains and vents in
limiting device, exceeded the partial vacuum systems should be minimized
vacuum for which the vessel was since each one is a possible source of air
designed. Fortunately, the steam contamination. To prevent the possibility
connection to the steam-jet ejector of air contamination through open
broke and thus prevented complete bleeders or utility stations, steam for
collapse of the vessel. Use of the vacuum-producing equipment should
equipment that was designed for this be supplied directly from steam mains
unit, or a suita- without any intermediate connections.

XV. Waste Disposal cals. Some refineries use two systems:
Safety demands the practice of good ( 1 ) a "dry oil system" that handles
housekeeping in refineries. Refuse and relatively water-free oil drainage and (2)
debris must be promptly removed to a water system that handles surface
avoid the creation of obstructions, fuel drainage and other relatively oil-free
sources and tripping hazards. Facilities streams. Trapped or sealed drains
must be designed to promote good should be provided for all paved areas on
housekeeping. units. Each process unit sewer should
have a compartmented gas trap, with
A separate sanitary sewer should be gas-tight manways and proper vents,
provided on each unit for water closets, located at or beyond the unit limits.
urinals, lavatories, showers and
drinking-water coolers. This sewer is Piping materials for sewers must be
usually a gravity type to the unit area carefully selected, with special attention
limits where tie-in to local refinery to joint details, especially in acid,
facilities is made. Septic tanks may be caustic or aromatic hydrocarbon
required at some refineries or in areas service. Sewers, although not usually
where sewer systems are inadequate. designed to withstand pressure, should
not leak during normal usage. They
Unit process sewers should be gravity- must be buried under enough cover to
type systems that normally receive prevent damage from heavy equipment
surface run-off water, oily-water (Figure 89).
streams, pump-gland cooling water,
wash water, and all other streams Flammable mixtures are difficult to avoid
containing oils and chemi- in sewers, and it is almost impossible to
eliminate all sources of ig-

Figure 89
Underground sewers must
have adequate cover or
other protection to prevent
damage from trucks and
heavy equipment.

nition. Thus, gas-tight systems must be Generally, open drain "telltale" systems
used. Avoid the discharge of steam, hot are used on most processing units. The
condensate or other hot material directly distance between the end of the
to the sewer system because any oil in "telltale;" and the drain cup should be no
the sewer probably will be vaporized. ignore than necessary to install drain
Recently, a serious fire erupted in a plugs. In most cases, a closed drain
refinery sewer system after a large system is also necessary to give safe
quantity of hot condensate had been operation.
dumped to the sewer. Presumably,
either static electricity or pyrophoric iron Where practical, facilities and equip-
sulfide ignited the flammable mixture ment should be provided within the
created by vapors that were released process unit to recover hydrocarbon
when the hot condensate came in drainage and Slop oil. Facilities or
contact with oil in the sewer. procedures to eliminate objectionable
chemical wastes and foul-water
An atmospheric flash drum with discharge to the sewer are required due
quench-water injection for cooling to environmental considerations.
should be used for disposal of large Odorous, toxic or noxious gases should
quantities of condensate. Sewer not be discharged to the atmosphere in
systems should be equipped with since quantities or in such a manner! as
adequate venting facilities that to cause air pollution problems. The
discharge vapors at safe locations. disposal of waste gases is discussed in
When it may be necessary to isolate more detail in Section I.
sections of a sewer system in case of
fire, devices such as traps or gates
should be considered.

XVI. Pumps and The following design practices should be
Compressors considered for most pump, compressor
In general, pumps, compressors and and associated equipment installations.
other items of special equipment should Generally, use pumps and compressors
be provided with valved vent and drain that are completely drain-able with a
connections. Where drains are minimum number of drains (Figure 90).
impractical, facilities or procedures for
water removal, such as ( 1 ) If equipment cannot be drained, it must
displacement by circulation, (2) gradual be designed to be flushed; i.e., all
heating during startup, (3) dry-gas undesirable liquids or gases can be
purging or (4) high-velocity gas purging, removed by flushing. Pumps with many
must be provided. Barrel type or separate drains should be avoided in
multistage pumps, furnace headers, hydrocarbon service because a large
control valves and horizontal pipe that number of drains presents an even
sags between supports are typical greater hazard from plugging, dead-end
locations where it is usually impractical corrosion and in-
to provide drains.

Figure 90
This pump froze and burst
because it was not properly

accessibility. Figure 91 shows the water most cases, it is possible), avoid bypass
box from a diaphragm water-cooled lines in air-compressor systems that
compressor that was damaged by connect suction and discharge piping.
freezing during shipment because it
could not be drained. Procurement of a Pump and compressor driver governors
new water box caused several weeks’ should fail safe whenever possible.
delay in completion of a major new Avoid total reliance on over-speed trips,
processing unit. and provide positive-shutoff trip valves
for steam engine and turbine drivers.
Avoid oil-accumulating pockets and Gas engines should be equipped with
traps in air-compressor systems. Air positive fuel shutoff valves that are
compressors should be designed to limit arranged to avoid explosions in exhaust
the discharge temperature from any manifolds. Inert gas, rather than air,
stage to less than 300°F and should be should be used for starting gas-engine
equipped with high-temperature alarms drivers.
on all discharge lines. "Closed loop"
operation of air compressors —even for
testing — must be avoided. Where
possible (in

Figure 91
This cast-iron water box
from a diaphragm water-
cooled centrifugal air
compressor was damaged
when water that could not
be drained froze during

Cast iron must not be used for support Each stage of multiple-stage equipment
parts, such as bearing housings on and even the suction side of single-
centrifugal pumps. Do not use cast-iron stage equipment, particularly
components to hold pressure in compressors, should be designed to
hydrocarbon or toxic service (Figure 92). contain the maximum pressure that can
Figure 93 illustrates that pumps, as well be expected under upset as well as
as all other items of equipment, must normal operating conditions. In one
be built of materials suitable for the case, a control valve in the bypass from
service. Protection against corrosion the discharge to the suction side of a
and erosion is essential in equipment high-pressure compressor failed and
with moving parts at close tolerances. opened rapidly, thus allowing the
suction side to be damaged when it
was over-pressured.
Figure 92
Pressure pulsation caused
this cast-iron pump to fail.
Proper material (a steel
case) would have prevented

Avoid labyrinth seals or eductors on tanks, special precautions must be
compressors handling flammable gases taken to prevent air leakage into the
if air can be drawn into the gas system. system.
Vents on gas-compressor suction lines,
Excessive pressure drops should be
and all other connections that may
avoided in pump suction lines. Ade-
provide a source of air contamination,
quate net positive suction head (NPSH)
should be avoided. Generally, pump
must be provided for all centrifugal
suction lines in hydrocarbon service
pumps. To prevent loss of suction and
should not be allowed to operate at
subsequent damage to the pump,
pressures below atmospheric. When
suction drums, tanks or vessels for
this is impossible, as in the case of
centrifugal pumps must have adequate
pumps that take suction from vacuum
holding time (usually 5 to 10 minutes).
towers and some storage

Figure 93
Pumps must be built
of materials suitable for
the service. This one
was damaged by catalyst

When necessary to use indoor pumps pressors with tail rods, a tail-rod-catcher
and compressors to handle propane, assembly, strong enough to withstand
butane or volatile liquids, each must cylinder discharge pressure (Figure 94),
be equipped with an appropriate must be used.
mechanical seal for the stuffing boxes.
Since foreign substances may damage
In general, avoid tail rods on wearing surfaces, lubrication-system
reciprocating compressors because piping and seal-oil systems for
failure may cause serious accidents. compressors and other similar
When it is necessary to use com- equipment should be pickled (acid
treated) to remove rust, scale and

Figure 94
Tail-rod catchers must be
installed if compressors
with tail rods cannot be

dirt. Pickling may be necessary also in Screens for these intakes must have
compressor suction piping, especially holes that are large enough to prevent
for reciprocating compressors. moisture from freezing in them and
Necessary connections for flushing and plugging the inlet.
cleaning must be provided.
Steam exhaust heads for turbine drivers
Inlets for air compressors should be and other equipment should not be
carefully located to avoid drawing dust, located where they can cause
dirt, steam or other undesirable personnel hazards either from spraying
substances into the compressor. droplets of hot water or causing icy or
wet surfaces.

XVII. Engineering Safety Checklist
Many safety engineering ideas have been discussed in this booklet. To make sure that
most of them are available for quick reference, the following simplified checklist has
been developed. Each new project, large or small, should be checked against this list at
least twice-at the start of design and at the completion of design. (Numbers that follow
each item indicate the page or pages in this booklet where additional information can
be found.)
A. General
1. Provide thorough operating instructions. (10)
2. Define the safe operating limits of the unit. ( 1 0 )
3. Carefully analyze all physical changes to existing processing
equipment. ( 1 6 )
4. Provide adequate and properly located utility and auxiliary
connections. (24, 74)
5. Locate drains at low points and vents at high points. (27)
6. Use special precautions when handling toxic or reactive chemicals. (21)
7. Recognize that inert gas may not remain inert if it can pick up
hydrocarbons or oxygen. (14)
8. Consider the refrigeration effect when draining equipment in light-ends service.
9. Consider an alternate source for cooling water. (74)
10. Consider key interlocked valves for critical systems. (29)
1 1 . Review automatic startup and shutdown equipment and procedures for possible
booby traps. (60)
12. Avoid the discharge of large quantities of steam to the atmosphere or to sewers.
(74, 109)
13. Eliminate pockets in equipment where dissolved air (oxygen) may be released and
concentrated. ( 1 3 )
14. Eliminate pockets where water can accumulate. (16, 72)
1 5. Prevent air leakage into vacuum equipment and systems. ( 1 3 , 73, 107)
16. Do not mix air or oxygen with hydrocarbons except under rigorously controlled
conditions. ( 1 1 )
17. Do not use pure oxygen with hydrocarbons except under rigorously controlled
conditions. ( 1 1 )
18. Do not pipe or store liquid oxygen in buildings. (22)
19. Do not mix reactive chemicals with hydrocarbons. ( 1 4 )
20. Do not allow uncontrolled amounts of water to be mixed with hot oil.
2 1 . Do not discharge toxic gases to the atmosphere in harmful
quantities. (20, 96, 109)

B. Corrosion (30)
1. Provide adequate corrosion protection. (35)
2. Use alloy plugs. (32)
3. Consider sentry holes in piping. (34)
4. Protect underground objects from corrosive agents in fill material. (39)
5. Consider corrosion probes. (35)
6. Consider corrosion inhibitors. (33)
7. Consider an aqueous phase of inhibitors. (33)
8. Consider the operating limits for steel in hydrogen service. (36)
9. Consider cathodic protection for control of stray-current corrosion. (43)
10. Consider protective coatings and linings. (30)
1 1 . Avoid dead ends in piping and equipment. ( 3 1 )
C. Erosion (30)
1. Provide adequate erosion protection. (30, 1 1 2 )
2. Consider protective linings. ( 3 1 )
3. Avoid the use of wet steam. ( 3 1 )
D. Electrical (40)
1. Provide adequate explosion-proof equipment. (40,45)
2. Provide grounding facilities. ( 4 1 , 4 5 )
3. Provide adequate clearance between conduit and hot piping or
equipment. (45)
4. Provide emergency power sources. (45)
5. Provide 12-volt outlets for extension lamp use inside metal enclosures. Equivalent
personnel-protection is provided by 120-volt GFI circuits. (45)
6. Use approved type loading-spout deflectors. (42)
7. Recognize the limitations of conduit seals. (45)
8. Consider eductors for evacuating hazardous vapors from shipping
containers. (42)
9. Consider lightning protection. (44)
10. Minimize the generation of static electricity in hazardous areas. (41)
1 1 . Minimize sparks and arcs from stray currents. (43)
1 2. Eliminate sparks and arcs in hazardous areas. (40)
13. Do not use belt-driven equipment in hazardous areas. (43)
14. Do not route main electrical runs through fire-prone areas. ( 7 1 )

E. Safety and Fire Protection (46)
1. Provide adequate fire protection devices and equipment. (46)
2. Provide adequate personnel protection equipment, such as fire blankets, safety
showers and respiratory equipment. (21, 46)
3. Provide alternate escape routes. (46)
4. Provide guards for protection of both personnel and fragile
equipment. (48, 8 1 )
5. Provide guards for motor start-stop pushbuttons. (48)
6. Provide adequate bumping posts for dead-end railroad trackage. (48)
7. Consider automatic water-deluge systems. (49)
8. Consider remote shutdown devices. (48)
9. Consider bridging between closely spaced towers on fired units. (46)
10. Avoid stairway landings that cause escape traffic to pass through process unit
structures. (47)
1 1 . Avoid equipment that provides excessive noise. (47)
F. Foundations (50)
1. Investigate soil conditions. (50)
2. Provide stable foundations for all possible loading conditions. (50)
3. Locate the bottoms of major foundations below the frost line. (50)
G. Buildings (50)
1. Provide safe ventilation. ( 5 1 )
2. Provide fusible-link door-closing devices. (50)
3. Avoid enclosures with only one exit. (50)
4. Do not install open drains in control rooms. ( 5 1 )
H. Structures (51)
1. Provide designs that are safe for all loadings. ( 5 1 )
2. Provide toe plates on elevated platforms. (52)
3. Avoid undrained water pockets in structural members. (52)
/. Stacks (52)
1. Provide stacks that are stable for all wind loadings. (52)
2. Consider water-spray systems for steel stacks. (53)
3. Avoid guyed stacks. (53)
4. Avoid bolted joints in furnace stacks. (53)
5. Avoid water pockets in flue-gas ducts. (56)

J. Furnaces and Air Preheaters (54)
1. Provide for the containment of oil spills. (54)
2. Provide burners that protect against flashback. (55)
3. Locate outlet-stream temperature-sensing equipment as close as possible to the
outlet tube. (55)
4. Provide adequate facilities for burning waste gases. (19)
5. Consider steam tracing for fuel-gas lines. (55)
6. Consider separate gas pilots for each burner. (55)
7. Avoid liquid slugs to gas burners. (55)
8. Avoid flame impingement on tubes. (55)
9. Avoid the use of mechanical flame arresters. (20)
10. Do not pipe waste gases directly to furnace fireboxes. (19)
1 1 . Isolate natural-draft transfer signals to their own process taps. (56)
1 2 . Ductwork must resist dilute sulfuric-acid attack. (57)
K. Fired Air Heaters (57)
1. Provide sight glasses. (57)
2. Provide igniters that give positive ignition. (57)
3. Provide permanent blinds for each fuel-gas supply. (58)
4. Consider retractable igniters. (57)
L. Exchangers (58)
1. Minimize the use of single tube-pass exchangers. (59)
2. Minimize the use of fired reboilers. (57)
3. Minimize the use of air coolers and double-pipe coolers in heavy-products
service. (60)
4. Avoid excessive tube fouling. (58)
5. Eliminate undrained pockets. (58)
6. Avoid collapse of bimetallic tubes. (59)
M. Cooling Towers (61)
1. Provide adequate fire protection. ( 6 1)
2. Consider sprinkler systems in hazardous areas. ( 6 1 )
3. Consider gas detectors or gas separators for cooling-water return lines.
4. Minimize the hazards from cooling-tower fog. ( 6 1 )

N. Instruments (62)
1. Provide instruments that fail safe. (62)
2. Provide separate indicators for each danger point. (62)
3. Provide adequate control-room alarms for critical processes and
equipment. (64)
4. Provide alarms that are audible. (63)
5. Provide vapor seals for ducts, tubing and conduit. (63)
6. Provide emergency instrument-air supplies. (74)
7. Provide blow-out protection for pressure instruments. (64)
8. Provide freeze protection. (68)
9. Provide thermocouples at torch-oil injection nozzles. ( 1 2 )
10. Provide glass inserts that are made of safe materials. (65)
1 1 . Consider oxygen and combustible analyzers. (63)
1 2 . Consider combustible range alarms in inert-gas systems. (63)
13. Consider visual-sequence annunciators. (29, 62)
14. Consider air dryers for instrument-air systems. (74)
15. Avoid vapor or liquid pocket at orifices. (64)
1 6 . Avoid vaporization in leads to liquid measuring instruments. (68)
17. Avoid laboratory testing of hazardous samples. (65)
1 8. Do not use multiple-service instruments if they can cause operator
confusion. (62)
19. Do not connect direct-pressure lines in flammable or toxic service to
control-room instruments. (63)
20. Keep main instrument runs out of fire-prone areas. (70)
0. Insulation (66)
1. Provide adequate freeze protection. (66)
2. Provide personnel burn protection. (66)
3. Protect austenitic stainless-steel piping from soluble chloride
deposition. (66)
4. Consider freeze protection for critical equipment in normally warm
climates. (67)
5. Consider anti-sweat insulation for cool piping and equipment. (66)
6. Consider auxiliary heating for fluids whose temperature may fall below the pour or
freeze point. (67)
7. Avoid insulated flanges in hydrogen piping. (66)

P. Fireproofing (69)
1. Provide adequate fireproofing for:
a. Furnace, stack and elevated equipment supports. (69)
b. Vessels. (70)
c. Pipe supports. (70)
d. Critical instrument leads, control equipment and conduit. (70)
e. Leads to remote shutdown devices. (70)
f. Relief valve and blowdown piping. ( 7 1 )
g. Radioactive sources. (71)
2. Do not use low-fire-resistance insulating materials for fireproofing. (69)
3. Do not use aluminum as a jacketing material for fireproofing. (69)

Q. Piping (72)
1. Locate hydrocarbon piping above grade. (72)
2. Slope compressor suction and flare lines toward knockout drums. (73)
3. Provide steamout connections for heavy-oil drain lines. (75)
4. Provide a separate source for utilities used during unit shutdowns if they are
normally shut off during these periods. (74)
5. Anchor piping that discharges to the atmosphere. (77)
6. Use valves that have positive-position indicators (open and closed.) (79)
7. Use extension stems that indicate the position of the valve. (81)
8. Orient valve handles properly. (80)
9. Make provisions for expansion and contraction of both piping and supports.
10. Make provisions for control or elimination of vibration. (77)
1 1 . Use special precautions for piping in oxygen service. (22)
12. Use special precautions for piping in chemical service. (21, 76)
13. Consider copper or copper-alloy materials for small piping in salt-water service.
14. Consider check valves for most utility connections to vessels and
equipment. (26)
15. Consider a condensate collection system for steam traps. (74)
16. Minimize vents and drains in vacuum piping. (73, 107)
17. Minimize the use of valves in vertical piping. (72)
18. Minimize the use of screwed piping. (82)
19. Avoid undrained pockets in piping. (72)
20. Avoid vents that can discharge toward operating or access areas. (24, 9 1 )
21 . Avoid excessive pressure drop across valves. (79)
22. Avoid the use of gaskets that cannot be seated with the available bolting force.
23. Avoid water hammer. (83)
24. Do not use cast, wrought, malleable and nodular iron materials in
hydrocarbon or toxic service. (75)
25. Do not use valves with position indicators that can be misassembled. (79)
26. Do not use chain operators on small and screwed valves. ( 81)
27. Do not substitute backwelded screwed joints for socket-welded
piping. (82)
28. Do not use Teflon gaskets, valve seats and packing at temperatures above
450°F. (82)
29. Do not use nonrising-stem gate valves in hydrocarbon service. (79)

R. Relief Valves (84)
1. Provide adequate pressure relief for all pressure vessels. (88)
2. Provide adequate facilities for relief of thermal expansion. (84)
3. Provide overpressure protection for heat exchangers and similar vessels subject to
internal failure. (89)
4. Provide a spare relief valve where relief-valve failure can cause a unit
shutdown. (90)
5. Provide snuffing-steam connections for atmospheric vents that discharge
hydrocarbons at high points. ( 91)
6. Protect against the freezing of moisture on relief-valve seats in low-
temperature service. (91)
7. Design both relief-valve inlet and discharge piping to avoid excessive
pressure drop. (91)
8. Consider designing equipment downstream of pumps for pump shutoff pressure.
9. Consider corrosion protection for relief valves. (90)
10. Consider balanced-type relief valves for variable back-pressure
conditions. (89)
1 1 . Consider depressuring systems for units containing large volumes of light
hydrocarbons. (92)
12. Exercise care in the use of rupture discs. (90)
13. Avoid the use of three-way plug cocks under relief valves at temperatures above
350°F (use regular gate valves). (90)
14. Avoid liquid accumulation in relief-valve discharge piping. (91)
15. Avoid fouling or plugging in long relief-valve discharge lines. (92)
5. Equipment Spacing (94)
1. Provide adequate spacing between units. (94)
2. Set grade elevation of operating units above adjacent land and below surrounding
roadways. (94)
3. Locate operating units above the base elevation of tankage. (94)
4. Provide adequate firewalls. (95)
5. Provide curbs to contain spills if the unit grade is above the surrounding area. (95)
6. Protect against high water in areas subject to flooding. (95)
7. Provide safe locations for furnaces, stacks and vents. (96)
8. Separate the personnel, ignition and process areas. (97)
9. Provide adequate accessways. (97)
10. Locate all hydrocarbon-handling equipment outside buildings whenever possible.
1 1 . Minimize hydrocarbon inventories on units. (96)
12. Avoid open drainage paths through refineries. (95)
13. Avoid the location of several reflux drums within a small area. (96)
14. Avoid the need for lifting heavy items over operating equipment and
piping. (97)
15. Eliminate open ditches, pits and pockets where vapors can collect. (95)
16. Do not face the ends of horizontal drums toward control rooms. (96)

T. Storage (98)
1. Locate tank suction nozzle inlets above the water level. (99)
2. Provide freeze protection for water drains. (100)
3. Provide foam systems or portable foam-handling equipment for low-flashpoint
stocks. (98)
4. Provide adequate firewalls. ( 1 0 1 )
5. Provide adequate fire protection. (98)
6. Consider automatic high-temperature shutoff valves for steam-supply lines to tank
heaters in hot-oil service. ( 1 9 , 99)
7. Consider means to continuously vent vapors from the top of vessels.
8. Consider gas blanketing or floating roofs for low-vapor-pressure
stocks. (98)
9. Consider means to keep spheres and spheroids under positive
pressure. (99)
10. Consider lightning protection for both cone and floating-roof tanks. (44)
1 1 . Consider drains for firewall enclosures. ( 1 0 1 )
12. Minimize water in storage tanks and vessels. ( 1 8 )
13. Avoid free fall of liquid into tankage. (98)
14. Avoid unvented vapor pockets. (103)
15. Avoid pressure-vessel vents that discharge directly upon the vessel
surface. (100)
16 . Avoid hot-oil storage (over 200°F). ( 1 9 , 99)
U. Vessels (102)
1. Provide adequate knockout drums for elimination of liquid
entrainment. (103)
2. Provide high liquid-level alarms for knockout drums. (103)
3. Provide steamout connections. (26)
4. Provide drainage for trapout pans and internal heads. (103)
5. Provide drainable vessel internals. (105)
6. Provide vents that are large enough to prevent the development of a
vacuum when draining. (105)
7. Locate the top outlet at the high point. (103)
8. Protect vacuum vessels from excess vacuum. (106)
9. Consider the use of insulating linings in high-temperature service. (102)
10. Consider support lugs, or vertical slots in skirts, for vessels in high-
temperature cyclic service. (102)
1 1 . Consider permanent water-wash connections. (24)
12. Consider sample connections for vapor spaces where oxygen might
accumulate. (105)
13. Minimize the use of large horizontal plate internals. (105)
14. Avoid instability under hurricane and seismic loadings. (102)
15. Avoid unvented vapor pockets. (103)
16. Eliminate liquid pockets. (102)

V. Sewers (108)
1. Provide double manhole gas traps in process sewers at unit area limits. (75,
2. Provide gas-tight covers and vents for sewers inside process units.
(75, 108)
3. Provide trapped or sealed drains for all unit paving. (108)
4. Provide adequate cover for underground sewers. (108)
5. Minimize explosive mixtures in sewers. (108)
6. Avoid open sewer connections in control rooms. (51)
7. Do not discharge steam or hot liquids to sewers. (17, 109)
W. Pumps and Compressors ( 1 10)
1. Provide high-temperature alarms in air compressor discharge piping. ( 1 1 1 )
2. Provide facilities or procedures for removal of water where drains are impractical.
( 110)
3. Provide positive shutoff trip valves on steam engine and turbine
drivers. ( 1 1 1 )
4. Provide inert gas for starting gas engine drivers. ( 1 1 1 )
5. Provide appropriate mechanical seals at each stuffing box on indoor
compressors and pumps handling light ends. ( 1 1 4 )
6. Design equipment for the maximum pressure that can be expected under
emergency conditions. ( 1 1 2 )
7. Arrange positive fuel-shutoff valves on gas engines to avoid explosions in the
exhaust manifold. ( 1 1 1 )
8. Provide adequate NPSH for centrifugal pumps. ( 1 1 3 )
9. Provide adequate suction capacity for centrifugal pumps. (113 )
10. Use fail-safe governors for pump and compressor drivers. ( 1 1 1 )
1 1 . Design to eliminate vibration in piping attached to reciprocating pumps and
compressors. (78)
12. Consider pickling of lubricating oil and compressor suction piping. ( 1 1 4 )
13. Consider proper locations for air-compressor inlets and steam exhaust heads.
14. Consider pulsation dampeners for reciprocating compressors. (78)
15. Avoid water pockets. ( 1 1 0 )
16. Avoid air compressor bypass piping (discharge to suction). ( 1 1 1 )
17. Avoid vents in gas-compressor suction piping. ( 1 1 3 )
18. Avoid labyrinth seals on flammable gas compressors if air can be drawn into the
gas system. ( 1 1 3 )
19. Avoid indoor pumps and compressors. (97, 1 1 4 )
20. Avoid tail rods on reciprocating compressors, if possible. ( 1 1 4 )
21. Avoid hydrocarbon pumps with many drains. ( 1 1 0 )
22. Avoid long pump-suction lines, particularly in light-ends service. (87)
23. Avoid pump-suction lines that operate at pressures below
atmospheric. ( 1 1 3 )
24. Avoid cast-iron pressure-carrying components in flammable or toxic
service. ( 1 1 2 )
25. Eliminate oil pockets in air-compressor systems. ( 1 1 1 )

XVIII. Reference Material
A. Nationally Accepted Codes, Specifications and Standards
This listing, although not intended to be complete, is presented so that
designers can become familiar with some of the more important codes,
specifications and standards.
1. Buildings
American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards American
Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Code American
Standards Association (ASA) standards American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
(material specifications) American Welding Society
(AWS) Code National Fire Codes (NFPA), Vol. Ill
Local and state building codes and regulations
2. Electrical Equipment
American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) standards
American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletins RP-500and RP-2003
American Standards Association (ASA) standards
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards
National Electrical Code (NFPA-70)
National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (NEMA) standards
National Electric Safety Code NBS Handbook H30
National Fire Codes (NFPA), Vol. V
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Bulletins NFPA-77
and NFPA-78 Local and state codes and
3. Exchangers
American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 640
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (Sects. II, VIII and IX)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications Heat
Exchanger Institute (HEI) standards
Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers’ Association (TEMA) standards Local
and state codes and regulations
4. Fire Prevention and Safety Equipment
American National Standards (hose threads)
Chicago Fire Department standards (hose threads)
American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletins RP-2001 and RP-2002
American Standards Association (ASA) (standards on fire-protection
systems and equipment) American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) (standards on
National Fire Codes (NFPA), Vols. I through X Local
safety regulations

5. Foundations and Substructures
American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards
Amerian Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Code (for structural steel)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (material
American Welding Society (AWS) codes American Wood
Preservers Association Standard P2
6. Furnaces
American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletin RP-530 (heater-tube
thickness calculations)
American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 630 (tubes and headers) American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (Sects. I, II, VIII and IX)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications American
Standards Association (ASA) Standards A57.1, A58.1, B16.5
and B31.3 American Welding Society (AWS)
7. Instruments
American Gas Association (AGA) Report No. 3
American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletins RP-520, RP-525 and RP-550
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (Sect. VIII)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications
American Standards Association (ASA) standards Instrument Society of
America (ISA) Bulletin RP-5.1
8. Piping
American Petroleum Institute (API) Specification 5L
American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletin RP-520
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications
American Standards Association (ASA) Standard B31.3-Petroleum
Refinery Piping American Standards Association (ASA) Standards B16, B31
and B36
9. Pumps and Compressors
American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 610 (centrifugal pumps) American
Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 617 (centrifugal
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications American
Standards Association (ASA) standards

10. Stacks and Chimneys
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Bulletin 318-56 American Petroleum
Institute (API) Standard 650 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications
American Standards Association (ASA) standards American Welding
Society (AWS) codes
11. Structures
American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Code
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications
American Standards Association (ASA) standards
American Welding Society (AWS) specifications
Research Council Bulletin on Riveted and Bolted Structures
Local and state codes and regulations
12. Storage Facilities
American Petroleum Institute (API) Standards 620 and 650
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (Sects. II, VIII and IX)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications
American Welding Society (AWS) specifications
13. Transportation Facilities
American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications
(road materials) State regulations governing
track clearances
14. Turbines and Other Drivers
American Gear Manufacturers’ Association (AGMA) Bulletin 421 American
Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 615 American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) specifications American Standards Association (ASA)
standards National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (NEMA)
Publication SM20-1958 and TU4-1952
15. Vessels
American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletin RP-510
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (Sects. II, VIII and IX)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications
American Standards Association (ASA) standards American Welding
Society (AWS) specifications Local and state codes and regulations

16. Wastes and Drainage
American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletin RP-520
American Petroleum Institute (API) (manuals on disposal of refinery
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (Sect. VIII)
American Standards Association (ASA) standards (piping codes)
B. Electrical Hazards
1. American Petroleum Institute. "Classification of Areas for Electrical Installations in
Petroleum Refineries." Bulletin No. RP-500, New York, 1957.
2. American Petroleum Institute. "Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static,
Lightning and Stray Currents," Bulletin No. RP-2003, New York, 1956.
3. Bustin, W.M., Culbertson, T.L. and Schleckser, C.E., Jr. "General
Considerations of Static Electricity in Petroleum Products." American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings, 37 (III), 24 (1957).
4. Croft, Terrell. American Electrician’s Handbook. McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1953.
5. Howard, J.C. "Static Electricity in the Petroleum Industry." Electrical
Engineering, 77, No. 7, 610 (1958).
6. Howard, J.C. "The Hazards of Static Electricity." Petroleum Refiner, 38, No.
1 1 , 3 6 7 (1959).
7. Klinkenberg, A. and Van der Minne, J.L. Electrostatics in the Petroleum Industry.
Elsevier Publishing Company, New York, 1958.
8. Lewis, W.W. Protection of Transmission Systems Against Lightning.
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1950.
9. National Fire Protection Association. NFPA No. 70, "National Electrical Code,"
Boston, 1962.
10. National Fire Protection Association. NFPA No. 77M, "Static Electricity," Boston,
1 96 1.
1 1 . National Fire Protection Association. NFPA No. 78, "Code for Protection
Against Lightning," Boston, 1963.
12. Rogers, D.T. and Schleckser, C.E., Jr. "Engineering and Theoretical Studies
of Static Electricity in Fuels." Paper presented at Fifth World Petroleum
Congress (Section VIII, Paper No. 1 0), New York, May 30-June 5, 1959.
13. Rogers, D.T., McDermott, J.P. and Munday, J.C. "Static Electricity in Petroleum
Products." Oil and Gas Journal, 55, No. 46, 166 (1957).
14. Rogers, D.T., McDermott, J.P. and Munday, J.C. "Theoretical and Experimental
Observations of Static Electricity in Petroleum Products." American Petroleum
Institute Proceedings, 37 (III), 44 (1957).

C. ABC’s of Light Ends
1. Anfinger, M.B. and Johnson, O.W. "Characteristics of Liquefied
Petroleum Gas That Affect Its Fire Hazard." American Petroleum Institute
Proceedings, 22 (I), 50 (1944).
2. Griswold, J. Fuels, Combustion and Furnaces. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
3. Maxwell, J.B. Data Book on Hydrocarbons. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York,
4. Rohman, A. and Keappe, J.M. "Handbook: Butane-Propane Gases." Western
Business Papers Inc., Los Angeles, 1942.
5. University of Texas. LP-Gas Service, Training Course, Book I. Austin, Texas,
D. Storage, Loading and Shipping of Light Ends
1. American Petroleum Institute. "Design and Installation: Pressure-Relieving Systems
in Refineries, Part I." Bulletin No. RP-520, New York, 1963.
2. Anon. "Five Fire Protection Lessons Proved by Tank Farm Blaze."
Petroleum Processing, 6, No. 10, 1 1 1 7 ( 1 9 5 1 ).
3. Anon. "This Truck Loading Rack Fights Fire Hazards." Oil and Gas
Journal, 55, No. 24, 100 (1957).
4. Factory Insurance Association. "Recommended Good Practices for the Storage and
Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Fuel Gases." Hartford, Conn., 1950.
5. Fuller, H.T. and Bristline, R.E. "Safe Operation of Spheres." American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings, 41 (III), 180 ( 1 9 6 1 ) .
6. Jacobs, R.B. and Upson, F.A. "Hazards Associated with the Storage of LPG."
Paper presented at Annual Meeting of ASME, New York, Dec. 2, 1958.
7. National Fire Protection Association. "The National Fire Codes, Vol. I."
Boston, 1963-1964.
8. National Fire Protection Association. "The National Fire Codes, Vol. VI."
Boston, 1963-1964.
9. National Fire Protection Association. "LP-Gas Fires and Explosions." Pamphlet
No. Q46-1, 62 July (1952).
10. National Fire Protection Association. "LP-Gas Fires and Explosions." Pamphlet
No. Q46-1, 81 July (1952).
1 1 . National Fire Protection Association. "Fire Fotos —Contest Results,"
Pamphlet No. Q46-4, 325 April (1953).
12. National Fire Protection Association. "Railroad and Ship Fires." Pamphlet No.
Q48-3, January (1955).
13. University of Texas. "LP-Gas Service, Training Course, Book II." Austin,
Texas, 1959.
1 4. Woodworth, M.E. "Texas Refinery Tragedy." National Fire Protection
Association, Pamphlet No. Q50-2, Oct. (1956 ).
15. Woodworth, M.E. "Inadequate Vents on Flammable Liquid Tanks." National Fire
Protection Association, Pamphlet No. Q53-3, Jan. (1960).

E. Standard Procedures and Purging Practices
1. American Gas Association. "Purging Principles and Practices " New York,
2. Bluhm, W.C. "Protective Facilities for Refinery Process Units." American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings, 39 (III), 507 (1959).
3. Bonnell, W.S. and Burns, J.A. "Startup Shutdown Procedures for a Large
Crude Oil Distillation Unit." American Petroleum Institute Proceedings, 40
(III), 285 (1960).
4. Blunck, F.H., Jacobs, R.B. and Scheineman, F.W. "Beware Process Explosion
Hazards." Petroleum Refiner, 38, No. 9, 361 (1959).
5. Coates, J.J. "Safety in Process Operations." American Petroleum Institute
Proceedings. 39 (III), 496 (1959).
6. Ducommun, J.C. "A Pattern for Process Safety," American Petroleum Institute
Proceedings. 40 (III), 21 (1960).
7. Hayes, A.M. and Melaven, P.M. "Safe Ups and Downs for Refinery Units."
American Petroleum Institute Proceedings. 40 (III), 270 (1960).
8. Howard, J.R. "Are Standard Procedures the Whole Answer?" American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings. 39 (III), 502 (1959).
9. National Board of Fire Underwriters. "Inerting for Fire and Explosion
Prevention." Pamphlet No. 69, New York, July (1956).
10. Oriolo, D.J. "How Clear Are Those Instructions." Oil and Gas Journal, 56, No.
47, 93 (1958).
1 1 . Steinhoff, R.C., Jr. "Development of Safe Procedures." American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings. 39 (III), 499 (1959).
F. Mists, Sprays and Dusts
1. Burgoyne, J.M. "Mist and Spray Explosions." Chemical Engineering
Progress. 53, 1 2 1 - M (1957).
2. Eichhorn, J. "Careful! Mists Can Explode." Petroleum Refiner. 34, No. 1 1 ,
3. Hartman, I. "Recent Findings on Dust Explosions." Chemical Engineering
Progress. 53, 107-M (1957).
G. Hydrocarbon Flammability Data
1. Coward, H.F. and Jones, G.W. "Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapors."
U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 503, 1952.
2. National Fire Protection Association. "Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable
Liquids, Gases and Volatile Solids." Pamphlet No. 325, Boston, 1954.
3. Swarts, D.E. and Orchin, M. "Spontaneous Ignition Temperature of
Hydrocarbons." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 49, 432 (1957).
4. Zabetakis, M.G., Furno, A.L. and Jones, G.W. "Minimum Spontaneous
Ignition Temperature of Hydrocarbons." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
46, 2173 (1954).
5. Zabetakis, M.G. "Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and
Vapors." U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 627, 1965.

H. Detonations
1. American Petroleum Institute. "No. 1 Dubbs Dephlegmator Explosion." Fire
Protection Circular No. 152, New York (1959).
2. Anon. "What Happened at Whiting." Petroleum Processing. 1 1 , No. 1, 39 (1956).
3. Brooks, B.T. "The Detonation of Gasoline and Liquid Chlorine Mixtures." Industrial
and Engineering Chemistry. 17, No. 7, 752-753, July (1925).
4. Ducommun, J.C. "6:12 at the FHU-700." American Petroleum Institute
Proceedings. 36 (VI), 144 (1956).
5. Ghormley, E.L. "Guard Against Detonation Hazards." Petroleum Refiner. 37,
No. 1, 185 (1958).
6. Ginsburgh, I. and Bulkley, W.L. "Multiple Detonations in Piping." Oil and
Gas Journal. 60, No. 45, 1 1 5 (1962).
7. Ginsburgh, I. and Bulkley, W.L. "Hydrocarbon-Air Detonation —Industrial
Aspects." Chemical Engineering Progress. 59, No. 2, 82 (1963).
8. Jacobs, R.B., Bulkley, W.L., Rhodes, J.C. and Speer, T.L. "Destruction of a
Large Refinery Unit by Gaseous Detonation." Chemical Engineering Progress. 53,
565 (1957).
9. Jacobs, R.B. "Occurrence and Nature of Hydrocarbon-Air Detonations."
American Petroleum Institute Proceedings. 39 (III), 15 (1959).
10. Johnsen, J.H. and Yahnke, R.L. "Chlorine-Naphtha Detonation."
Chemical Engineering Progress. 58, No. 6, 71 (1962).
1 1 . Kistiakowsky, G.B. "Initiation of Detonations in Gases." Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry. 43, 279 (1 9 5 1) .
12. Morrison, R.B. "A Shock Tube Investigation of Detonative Combustion."
Engineering Research Institute, University of Michigan, 1955.
13. Pipkin, O.A. "Detonation-Old Processes Are Not Immune." American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings, 39 (III), 21 (1959).
14. Randall, P.N., Blank, J., Dudley, W.M. and Jacobs, R.B. "Effects of
Gaseous Detonation Upon Vessels and Piping." Chemical Engineering
Progress. 53, No. 12, 574 (1957).

/. Industrial Explosions and Accidents
1. American Petroleum Institute. "Explosion and Fire in Naphtha Treating Plant."
Fire Protection Circular No. 125, New York, January 15, 1952.
2. American Petroleum Institute. "Fire in Thermal Cracking Unit." Fire Protection
Circular No. 129, New York, September 15, 1952.
3. American Petroleum Institute. "Tank Failure at Bottom Seam." Fire Protection
Circular No. 1 4 1 , New York, March 19, 1956.
4. American Petroleum Institute. "Report of JP-4 Jet Fuel Tank Explosion and
Fire," Fire Protection Circular No. 143, New York, June 6, 1956.
5. American Petroleum Institute. "Description of an Explosion in Propane Storage
Facilities and the Resulting Fire." Fire Protection Circular No. 148, New York,
May 20, 1957.
6. American Petroleum Institute. "Gasoline Agitator Fire." Fire Protection Circular
No. 149, New York, February 6, 1958.
7. American Petroleum Institute. "Fire in Combination Unit Pump Room." Fire
Protection Circular No. 150, New York, June 12, 1958.
8. Ducommun, J.C. "Sample Bombs Can Be Bombs," Petroleum Refiner. 39, No.
6, 231 (1960).
9. National Fire Protection Association. "Gas Explosions." Pamphlet No.
Q43-11, Boston, April, 1950.
10. Schmitt, D.W. "Compressor Test Facility Explosion." American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings. 39 (III), 34 (1959).
1 1 . Smith, T.L. "Explosion at the Aberdeen Wind Tunnels Laboratory."
American Petroleum Institute Proceedings. 39 (III), 42 (1959).
12. Woodworth, M.E. "Oil Froth Fire at Signal Hill Refinery." National Fire
Protection Association. Pamphlet No. Q52-5, Boston, 1958.

J. General
1. Adamson, T.C. and Morrison, R.B. "On the Classification of Normal Detonation
Waves." Jet Propulsion Journal. American Rocket Society. 400 (1955).
2. Alvey, R . R . "Vessel Design for Explosive Mixtures." Holmes and Nawer, Inc., Los
3. American National Red Cross. "First Aid Textbook." Doubleday and Co., Inc.,
Garden City, New York, 4th Ed., 1957.
4. Anon. "Explosion —Water in Process Systems." Petroleum Refiner. 34,
No. 8, 92, (1955).
5. Armistead, Geo., Jr. "Safety in Petroleum Refining and Related
Industries." John G. Simmonds and Co., 2nd Ed., 1959.
6. Austin, C.H. "Risk Analysis and Safety." American Petroleum Institute
Proceedings. 40 (III), 18 (1960).
7. Ballmar, R.W. "Towers Are Touchy," American Petroleum Institute
Proceedings. 40 (III), 279 (1960).
8. Becker, R. "Impact Waves and Detonation, Part I." NACA-TM 505 (1929),
Part II, NACA-TM 506 (1929).
9. Berets, D.J., Greene, E.F. and Kistiakowsky, G.B. "Gaseous Detonation. I.
Stationary Waves in Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixtures." Journal, American Chemical
Society. 72, 1080 (1950).
10. Blume, W.C. "Safe Operation of Refinery Flare Systems." American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings. 41 (III), 169 ( 1 9 6 1 ) .
1 1 . Bodurtha, F.T. "Flare Stacks-How Tall." Chemical Engineering. 65, No. 25, 177
12. Bone, W.A. and Townend, D.T.A. "Flame and Combustion in Gases." pp. 48,
49, 103-163, 165, 167-180, 186, 51 6. Longman, Green and Co., London (1927).
13. Bulkley, W.L. "Torch Oil for Cat Cracker Startup." Oil and Gas Journal. 59, No.
37, 1 1 8 ( 1 9 6 1 ) .
14. Cousins, E.W. and Cotton, P.E. "Design Closed Vessels to Withstand
Internal Explosion." Chemical Engineering. 58, No. 8, 133 ( 1 9 5 1 ) .
15. Driskell, L.R. "Instrumentation and Plant Start-up." Petro/Chem
Engineer. 30, No. 3, 36 (1962).
16. Driskell, L.R. "Piping of Pressure Relieving Devices." Petroleum Refiner. 39,
No. 7, 127 (1960).
17. Ducommun, J.C. "How to Use Sample Bombs Safely." Petroleum Refiner.
39, No. 12, 1 7 1 (1960).
18. Ducommun, J.C. Progress in Process Safety." American Petroleum Institute
Proceedings. 42 (III), 16 (1962).
19. Ducommun, J.C. "Stop Disaster!-Major Goal of Newest API
Committee." World Petroleum. 32, No. 4, 48 ( 1 9 6 1 ) .
20. Hajek, J.D. and Ludwig, E.E. "Safe Flare Stacks." Petro/Chem Engineer. 32, No.
6, C-31 (1960).

2 1 . Hajek, J.D. and Ludwig, E.E. "How to Design Safe Flare Stacks."
Petroi’Chem Engineer. 32, No. 7, C-44 (1960).
22. Henderson, E. "Combustible Gas Mixtures in Pipe Lines." Procedures,
Pacific Coast Gas Association. 32, 98 (1941).
23. Jost, W. "Explosion and Combustion Processes in Gases." McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 1946.
24. Kayser, J.N. and Williams, R.W. "Safer Operations Through Committee Action."
American Petroleum institute Proceedings. 41 (III), 164 ( 1961) .
25. Kennedy, R.E., Scott, G.S., and Zabetakis, G.W. "Gas Explosions and Their
Prevention." U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1 . C , 7601 (19 51).
26. Lauderbaugh, A.B. "The Fundamentals of Galvanic Corrosion." Paper
presented at 43rd Annual Meeting, Canadian Gas Association, Murray Bay,
P.O., Canada, June 17-23, 1950.
27. Lewis, B. and von Elbe, G. "Combustion Flames and Explosions of Gases."
Academic Press, New York, 1 9 5 1 .
28. Moyle, M.P. and Churchill, S.W. "Impact Pressures Developed in
Hydrogen-Oxygen Detonations." Symposium on Shock Waves. Annual Meeting,
AlChE, Chicago, Decembers, 1957.
29. National Safety Council. "Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial
Operations." Chicago, 4th Ed., 1959.
30. Pappas, M.A. "The Human Factor in Operating Practice." American
Petroleum Institute Proceedings. May 14, 1962,
3 1 . Parker, M.F. "Pipe Line Corrosion and Cathodic Protection." Gulf
Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, 1954.
32. Samans, C.H. "Results of the Survey of the Study Group on Oil Storage Tank
Failures." American Petroleum Institute Proceedings, 34 (III), (1954).
33. Shnidman, L. "Gaseous Fuels." American Gas Association, New York, 1954.
34. Steel, A.B. and Duggan, J.J. "Safe Handling of Reactive Chemicals."
Chemical Engineering. 157, April 20, 1959.
35. Weir, A. Jr. and Morrison, R.B. "Equilibrium Temperatures and
Compositions Behind a Detonation Wave." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,
46, 1056 (1946).
36. Zeldovich, Y.B. "Theory of Combustion and Detonation in
Gases."Technical Report No. R-Ts-1226-IH (Translation from Russian prepared by
Brown University).

K. Films
1. American Oil Company. "The Fire at Whiting." Chicago, Illinois.
2. American Oil Company. "Detonations." Chicago, Illinois.
3. E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc. Safe Handling of Light Ends. Wilmington,
Delaware. This movie is based on information from the first edition of the
booklet "Safe Handling of Light Ends," published by The American Oil Company.
4. Ethyl Corporation. "Danger! —Air!" New York, New York. This movie is based
on information from the fourth edition of the booklet "Hazard of Air in Refinery
Process Systems," published by The American Oil Company.
5. Ethyl Corporation. "Danger! —Water!" New York, New York. This movie is
based on information from the second edition of the booklet "Hazard of Water in
Refinery Process Systems," published by The American Oil Company.
6. Ethyl Corporation. "Safe Ups and Downs for Refinery Units." New York, New
York. This movie is based on the revised second edition of the booklet "Safe Ups
and Downs for Refinery Units," published by The American Oil Company.
7. Humble Oil and Refining Company. "Thermal Forces." Baytown, Texas.
8. Shell Oil Company. "Electrostatics and Explosion Hazards." Products Application
Dept., 50 West 50th Street, New York, 50, New York.


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