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Teacher: Ibraeva Nasiba

Date: 16.02.2022
Form: 6 «A»
Topic: Internet safety,
Grammar: Imperative sentences

Aim of the lesson: Students will be able to:

Objectives: -recognize potentially unsafe,
dangerous or risky online
situations and behaviours;
-identify rules for avoiding
unsafe online situations;
-provide examples of
information that should not be
shared online;
-learn grammar: imperative
Room arrangements: Desks are placed in a row,
students sit facing teacher.

Visual aids, equipment: Pictures,Board,chalk

Steps Teacher: Students Time
Warm up Teacher greets with students and Students will greet with
activity: asks questions such as: teacher and try to answer
Good morning! all questions of teacher.
How are you doing?
What is the weather like today?
What date is it today?
Do you have cellphones?
Do you use social networking
Checking up Teacher checks the homework: Students will show their 5
the Exercise 6 a) and sentences with homework to the teacher. min
homework: the modal verb «Can».
Presentation: Teacher asks questions like: Students pay attention 15
What are your favourite things to carefully. They will min
do online? answer all questions of
How do you understand the the teacher and learn new
phrase Internet safety? words.
What is personal information?
and explains new theme.
Teacher teaches new words:to

Teacher explains grammar:An

imperative sentence is a sentence
that expresses a direct command,
request, invitations, warning, or
Practice: Exercise 3. Read the rules about Students will read the 15
how to be safe online. Which of text and learn how to be min
the rules do you follow? safe online.
Exercise 4 a),b). Look at more They will complete all
examples of imperative classroom assignments.
Exercise 6.Complete the phrases
with the verbs from the box.
Assessment: Teacher evaluates the students and puts marks. 5
Homework: Teacher gives homework: Exercise 7. Complete the
classroomrules with imperative,page 150.

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