Converting From S5 To S7 - PLCS - Net - Interactive Q & A

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Converting from S5 to S7 - PLCS.

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Thread Tools October 11th, 2005, 02:33 AM

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John Gaunt

Converting from S5 to S7

Join Date: Nov 2004 Location: Tasmania, Australia Posts: 328

I have been asked to look into replacing four existing S5 PLC's with four new S7-300 PLC's. I have some files which I am told are the program. The program was originally written by a company in Germany that no longer exists. I assume it is written in S5 Statement List with some comments but all in German. I have Step7 V5.3 but nothing for programming S5 I have several questions. 1. How can I obtain S5 programming tools?

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7/12/2011 3:48 PM

Converting from S5 to S7 - - Interactive Q & A

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3. Can I somehow import this code into Step7 V5.3? 4. Can I convert this code automatically into S7 code? Regards...............John Gaunt

October 11th, 2005, 02:46 AM



John, I'll try to answer all of your questions.


1. How can I obtain S5 programming tools? 2. How can I look at the S5 code? A good tool could be S5 for Windows. Because you don't need it over a longer period of time, you'll probably find the demo sufficient. This software uses a different format to store the S5 programs, but you can import and import Siemens style Step5 files without any problem.

Join Date: Apr 2002 Location: Menen Posts: 1,733

3. Can I somehow import this code into Step7 V5.3? 4. Can I convert this code automatically into S7 code? Well yes. There is a tool in the STEP7 package called 'Converting S5 Files'. I have found that this tool can translate about 80% of the programs I have used automatically. If not everything is translated, the tools gives guidance on how to fix it manually. Only a small number of instructions has no translation or no tips on how to translate to S7. I hope this info will get you on your way. Good luck with the translation. Kind regards, __________________ Jean Pierre Vandecandelaere Trainer nautical sector Webcoach intro telemaintenance VDAB Competentiecentrum L. Blondeellaan 9 B-8380 Zeebrugge Belgium

October 11th, 2005, 02:53 AM



John, In answer to one your questions.. 2. Ask some kindly sole who has Step5 to print out the program

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7/12/2011 3:48 PM

Converting from S5 to S7 - - Interactive Q & A

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Join Date: Apr 2002 Location: Gillingham Kent Posts: 1,737

I did edit this message as I see Jean Pierre answered while I was busy typing, so rather than duplicate the answer he has given, I just gave you one answer Paul __________________ There are 10 types of people in this world.. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

October 11th, 2005, 05:02 PM


John Gaunt

Thanks jvdcande and PLucas for your posts, I will try to find somebody with the S5 programming tools. jvdcande - I tried to download "S5 for Windows" but was unable to find exactly that name. I downloaded "S5 S7DEMO ENG.exe" but got a message saying it was not executable (PC is XP PRO) Did I pick the wrong download? Regards............John Gaunt

Join Date: Nov 2004 Location: Tasmania, Australia Posts: 328

October 11th, 2005, 05:27 PM

#5 Quote:

Eric Nelson
Lifetime Supporting Member

Originally Posted by John Gaunt jvdcande - I tried to download "S5 for Windows" but was unable to find exactly that name. I downloaded "S5 S7DEMO ENG.exe" but got a message saying it was not executable (PC is XP PRO) Did I pick the wrong download? That's the correct program. I just tried it myself on my laptop with XP Pro and it works fine. The file you download is a self-extracting zip file. You can extract it with Winzip if you prefer.

Join Date: Apr 2002 Location: Randolph, NJ Posts: 3,571


October 11th, 2005, 11:44 PM

#6 Quote:


Originally Posted by jvdcande John, 7/12/2011 3:48 PM

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Converting from S5 to S7 - - Interactive Q & A

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Join Date: Aug 2004 Posts: 25

I'll try to answer all of your questions. A good tool could be S5 for Windows. Because you don't need it over a longer period of time, you'll probably find the demo sufficient. This software uses a different format to store the S5 programs, but you can import and import Siemens style Step5 files without any problem. Well yes. There is a tool in the STEP7 package called 'Converting S5 Files'. I have found that this tool can translate about 80% of the programs I have used automatically. If not everything is translated, the tools gives guidance on how to fix it manually. Only a small number of instructions has no translation or no tips on how to translate to S7. I hope this info will get you on your way. Good luck with the translation. Kind regards, 'Converting S5 Files' Is this function available in Simatic manager. If so where can I find it Thank you

October 11th, 2005, 11:56 PM

#7 Quote:


Originally Posted by Krish 'Converting S5 Files' Is this function available in Simatic manager. If so where can I find it Thank you Krish Converting S5 to S7 is part of the Simatic software. Select Start->Simatic->Step7->Converting S5 Files Paul __________________ There are 10 types of people in this world.. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

Join Date: Apr 2002 Location: Gillingham Kent Posts: 1,737

October 12th, 2005, 03:14 AM

#8 S5 to S7

John Gaunt

Thanks Eric Nelson, I downloaded it again - This time it worked fine. Regards..............John Gaunt 7/12/2011 3:48 PM

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Converting from S5 to S7 - - Interactive Q & A

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Join Date: Nov 2004 Location: Tasmania, Australia Posts: 328

October 12th, 2005, 03:52 AM



Thanx PLucas

Join Date: Aug 2004 Posts: 25

October 12th, 2005, 02:14 PM



Hello guys? Sorry I didn't reply to the questions directed at me, but I have been away for a seminar all day. My fingers are itching like hell because I didn't touch a keyboard all day long. Eric and Paul: many, many thanks for taking over. Kind regards, __________________ Jean Pierre Vandecandelaere Trainer nautical sector Webcoach intro telemaintenance VDAB Competentiecentrum L. Blondeellaan 9 B-8380 Zeebrugge Belgium

Join Date: Apr 2002 Location: Menen Posts: 1,733

October 12th, 2005, 10:42 PM

#11 S5 to S7 conversion

John Gaunt

Join Date: Nov 2004 Location: Tasmania, Australia Posts: 328

I now have a pdf of the S5 program (via Siemens contact in Singapore). I have tried the Step7 S5 to S7 conversion which comes up with a lot of warnings but only about 6 errors. Now I don't know what changes to make to fix the errors but can try using trial and error. However, more importantly I haven't found in S5 to S7 conversion (or elsewhere) some means to make the changes either to the original S5 program or to the S7 conversion. I have tried S5 S7 for windows but it seems to find more problems than the Siemens S5 to S7 conversion. 7/12/2011 3:48 PM

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Converting from S5 to S7 - - Interactive Q & A

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Regards...............John Gaunt

October 13th, 2005, 12:35 AM



John, depending on where you are in Tasmania there is a Siemens Solution Provider with offices in Hobart & Launceston who might be able to save you a heck of a lot of heartache Regards, Dave

Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: Brisbane Posts: 15

October 13th, 2005, 04:14 AM



Hi John, after doing the conversion, create a new projekt in S7. Go to 'S7-Program-Sources' and choose 'insert a new object'--> external source. Choose the file which you have converted (???.awl) Doubleclick on it and you are in the editor. Click on 'File --> compile. You'll get an errorlist. For more details download the manual at this link: cheers Rolf

Join Date: Sep 2003 Posts: 119

October 13th, 2005, 05:11 PM

#14 S5 to S7 Conversion

John Gaunt

Thanks David.F, I will contact the company you refer to. Thanks RolfB I will give that a try.

Join Date: Nov 2004 Location: Tasmania, Australia Posts: 328

Regards..........John Gaunt

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