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Marquez, Judie Lee M.


1st Year, A-113

December 16, 2019

I’m just a simple girl with a dream and goal in life. This life that God gave me is an

extraordinary gift, made up of beautiful breathes, unconditional love, and endless

gratitude. There is this quote that I can relate, it is from Bernard Kelvin Clive “You have

been waiting for a gift all the while but you forgot that you are the gift – unwrap the gem

and shine.” In that moment I realized that since I’m blessed with the gift of life, it is my

duty to help others. We are all responsible to one another.

I am Judie Lee M. Marquez the daughter of Pelita M. Marquez and Resty I. Marquez. I

have 4 siblings, 3 brothers and a sister. In our family I’m the one who wash the dishes

and clean the kitchen after we ate but sometimes when my mother is not around, I cook

and prepare a food. I may actually consider that I’m the hard working daughter of my

parents because even they do not teach me on how to do things, I will do it by my own

or the way I know. And with that I graduated in high school and now I’m in the middle of

1st year college taking a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, hoping that this course will

not give me a hard time.

My mother taught me how to be a responsible, so that every day when I woke up in the

morning she gave me a task to cook our breakfast. She also makes me realize that life

is not just easy, you need to work hard and appreciate the things that you have and do

not ask for something more than you work for. Our routine is that every Sunday we go

to church after the mass it’s our bonding time because Sunday is a family day; we eat,

buy groceries and enjoy the rest of the day.

Personally my interest may vary it depends on my mood. I like to try different things

because for me it allows me to further expand my knowledge about certain things that I
might find useful in the future. Aside from that, I like to listen to music and I love reading

wattpad stories, reading is my escape from reality it helps me relax and broaden my

imagination, I felt like I’m living a different life whenever I read. In my life there is a few

things that I dislike one of those is being ignored and being in a hot place because it

makes me uncomfortable. You know feeling sweaty makes me cringe. I don’t like it

when people stare at me it makes me anxious like what’s wrong? Is there something on

my face? I also don’t like intimidating people they make me nervous, I felt like being

judge for no reason. I don’t like failure, but it is part of life because without failure you

won’t grow and become a better version of yourself. Experiencing failure teaches you

lessons that can guide you to not make the wrong decision again. I don’t like plastic

people, those two faced, let’s face it no one likes them, it’s the same for me if you don’t

like me just tell me. I don’t like forcing myself to the people who doesn’t like me. And to

wrap it all up the things that I mentioned here can change, as I have stated it depends

on my mood and time. There’s nothing permanent in the world, everything changes

even the people you once knew can change.

Every one of us has the most unforgettable or memorable experience in life, in family, in

school, in loved ones or special someone. But for me one of my most memorable

experience is my elementary life because for me it is not just an elementary life that we

got to school every day and study the lesson but it’s like a field trip full of fun and

happiness that we go every day and see each other and never forget. And should I say

“memories never die”, not only for me, but also for all of my classmates that I still

treasure the most. I remember when we were in the grade 5, we have the time that after

class we play games like patintero, hide and seek. And it comes the time that we cry,
we laugh, we go anywhere, and build a lot of memories even though sometimes we

fight for a nonsense reason and a little understanding. Before we graduated in

elementary, we promise that even we are now in high school no matter will happen we

will still friends. And that promise we never broke it because until now we are still friends

and we treated each other as a family. We graduated in high school with honor, that is

one of our goal and we made it.

I know everyone should have a goal in their life that they are striving to get to. I

personally, have many goals that I would like to reach throughout my life. First, my goal

is to keep God first always. I learned that you can do nothing without him. No matter

how hard you may try, or keep him out, you can't. God is a big part of life and I take him

with me wherever I go. That's what everyone should do. My second goal is to just reach

all of my desired goals. If I reach all of my goals, I would be a great success in my life. I

would like to help and give money to charity. I would love to help everyone. That is one

of my top most goals in my life. In conclusion, you know that one thing about me I like to

help people. I give respect to everyone I possibly can. One thing I say is, "you have to

give respect to get it." And those people you helped will remember you eventually.

The worth and meaning of a gift do not come from the size of the box, it is monetary

value, or even the ribbon that adorns it. Its meaning comes from how it makes you feel

inside as the recipient and as a giver. The greatest gifts are not boxes filled with things,

but beautiful presents that hold so much more; love, kindness, selflessness, and

gratitude. They all make up the beautiful gift of life.

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