How Will Pot Legalization Affect Medical Marijuana

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How will pot legalization affect medical marijuana?

he federal government’s plan to
legalize marijuana means there
may soon be two markets for
cannabis in Canada: medical and recre-
ational. How will the introduction of
consumer pot affect the existing medical
marijuana industry? Some licensed pro-
ducers view it as a tremendous opportu-
nity to tap into a new market, but others
worry it will only lead to confusion.
Recreational and medical markets
are totally separate, said Brent Zettl,
CEO of CanniMed in Saskatoon. “From
our vantage point, it makes it more of a
challenge to educate people so they
understand that what we do is truly sci-
entific and not a recreational nirvana. …

This other noise really serves to confuse

the matter and, frankly, it doesn’t help
our cause at all.” Some licensed producers will enter the recreational market if marijuana is legalized but
CanniMed will remain strictly med- others will remain strictly medical.
ical, said Zettl. There is still much to
learn about how the different cannabi- Still, Wayne thinks legalization is a Another advantage that medical pro-
noids in marijuana can be useful in good thing. Over the past decade, there ducers have is their experience. They
treating various conditions, he said, has been a shift toward greater accep- have call centres and customer services
and his company plans to participate tance of marijuana, he said, and this will and scientific knowledge. A new com-
in studies to “slice through and get to only “take it to the next level.” Legal- pany that forms to serve the recreational
the real meat of it.” The recreational ization may also remove the gatekeeper market may not only struggle to ramp
market, on the other hand, is unlikely burden from doctors, as recreational up their production by the time legaliza-
to be as interested in research. users posing as patients move to the tion occurs, it would also take them
“The recreational purpose, getting consumer side, getting “rid of that grey years to build up similar expertise.
high, is an overdose response. Func- area.” And Wayne isn’t worried about “If you are looking to alleviate ail-
tional treatment is usually 10% of that,” losing legitimate medical users, even if ments or symptoms, and you don’t
said Zettl. “People who want to use it as retail pot purchase is more convenient, know about dosages, you need the secu-
a medicine take just enough to manage because he doubts the recreational mar- rity blanket of speaking to someone
their symptoms and get on with their ket will be able to provide marijuana who is knowledgeable on the subject,”
day. They don’t want to get stoned.” that is of equal quality and consistency. said Denis Arsenault, CEO of Organi-
Bedrocan Canada, based in “We’ve built our company around Gram in Moncton. “We have become
Toronto, also plans to remain solely standardization of production,” said very knowledgeable on medical mari-
medical. Company President Marc Wayne. “We provide the same cannabis, juana and it only makes sense that this
Wayne anticipates a split in the medi- the same chemical profile, every time, resource continue to be utilized. Buying
cal sector after legalization — between and only a few companies can do that. marijuana at the corner store might be
legit, science-based companies and Most of the cannabis produced, even in good for a person who has already
those more interested in moving prod- the medical market, is not standardized learned how to self-medicate and knows
uct. “The first layer, as you peel the and varies from one batch to another.” which strains work for them, but others
onion away, is seeing which compa- Medical marijuana will also likely need knowledge from a place other than
nies are truly medical marijuana com- be cheaper than consumer cannabis. a street corner or the Internet.”
panies and which ones aren’t,” said The Canada Revenue Agency consid- Unlike CanniMed and BedroCan,
Wayne. “You have companies that are ers medical cannabis purchased under however, OrganiGram does have plans
in the medical marijuana space now prescription to be an eligible medical to expand to the consumer side. Arse-
because they, perhaps, are looking to expense. Licensed producers are also nault believes many other licensed
go into the consumer space down the lobbying the government to exempt producers will do the same.
road, and then you have your truly their products from sales tax, and “We will clearly be on the recre-
medical marijuana companies. From some experts predict that medical can- ational side also,” said Arsenault. “I
our perspective, we are truly a medi- nabis will one day be covered under think that for licensed producers, their
cally focused cannabis company.” insurance benefits. focus right now is serving their medical

792 CMAJ, August 9, 2016, 188(11) © 2016 Joule Inc. or its licensors

marijuana patients. And the second juana became legal on Jan. 1, 2014, tions and tax rate. There have also
thing is preparing both their production and recreational sales began exceeding been calls in Oregon to combine the
capacity and human resources to be medical sales by August of the same recreational and medical markets to
able to position themselves in recre- year. Despite higher costs, recreational “avoid expensive duplication in legal
ational marijuana.” marijuana continues to outpace medi- sales settings and complication in
Of course, one needn’t rely purely cal cannabis in sales growth in Colo- tracking potentially more than one sup-
on speculation to anticipate how legal- rado, and some analysts predict that ply chain.” — Roger Collier, CMAJ
ization will affect the medical cannabis the state will eventually combine the
industry. In Colorado, the sale of mari- two markets under one set of regula- CMAJ 2016. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-5286

Accessibility to physician offices a “significant problem”

ou might think that doctors’ could not self-transfer to an examina- patients. According to Lagu, however,
offices, of all places, would be tion table. buying something like an accessible
among the most accessible facil- A May 2014 article in the New Eng- table could also be useful in treating
ities for people with disabilities that limit land Journal of Medicine noted that, elderly patients, women near the end of
mobility. Yet, despite provincial disabil- despite federal acts in the US that man- pregnancy and patients too sick to climb
ity acts that call for health care accessi- date accessibility for people with disabili- onto a regular examination table.
bility for all, that isn’t always the case. ties, “research has shown that patients The lack of consequences for failing
“Accessibility to physician offices with disabilities may be transferred in an to accommodate patients with disabilities
is a significant problem in Canada,” unsafe manner onto examination tables is also a problem, said Lagu. The only
Craig Bauman, project manager of the and other equipment, receive less preven- way to punish inaccessible practices in
Mobility Clinic, said in an email. tative care and fewer examinations, and the US is through lawsuits, which tend to
“Often what physicians consider acces- report longer waits to see subspecialists.” be expensive, undesirable to patients and
sible does not fulfill best practices.” Improving physical access to health not always successful. Lagu and her col-
The Mobility Clinic was developed care environments, the paper states, leagues have argued for systemic
by the Centre for Family Medicine would include ensuring elevators are changes, such as removing accreditation
Family Health Team in Kitchener, functional, hallways are clear, buildings or stopping government payments to
Ontario, to enhance access to primary can be easily entered, bathrooms are inaccessible practices. “Of course, this is
care for patients with mobility impair- accessible, examination tables are height- a controversial suggestion that is likely to
ments. The clinic’s physical space was adjustable, specialized equipment is avail- be unpopular with physicians.”
designed with accessibility in mind, able for diagnostic imaging and other pro- In Canada, accessibility to health care
providing plenty of space for wheel- cedures, and policies and procedures are is a provincial issue. In Alberta, it’s cov-
chairs to manoeuver, accessible parking in place to promote accessibility. ered under the Alberta Human Rights
and bathrooms, a wheelchair scale and According to Dr. Tara Lagu, first Act. British Columbia has an initiative
an examination room that includes a author of both US papers, there is a called Accessibility 2024, which purports
height-adjustable table and a ceiling lift. combination of factors that contribute to make BC the “most progressive prov-
“Although there are sometimes lim- to poor accessibility. One is that physi- ince in Canada for people with disabili-
itations to structural changes that can cians are not trained in medical school ties by 2024.” In Ontario, the Accessibil-
be made given the existing physical or residency on how to provide access ity for Ontarians with Disabilities Act sets
environment, leaseholder agreements, to care for people with disabilities. out accessibility requirements.
or financial constraints, simple strate- “This lack of knowledge is in turn The College of Physicians and Sur-
gies such as installing grab bars, ensur- transferred to the clinical and administra- geons of Ontario directed CMAJ to its
ing appropriate waiting room space tive staff of those physicians’ practices,” Professional Obligations and Human
and chairs, and informing staff of Lagu, a research scientist at the Center Rights policy. Physicians should take
patient needs can help improve acces- for Quality of Care Research in Spring- “reasonable steps to accommodate the
sibility,” members of the health team field, Massachusetts, said in an email. need of existing patients, or those seeking
wrote in Canadian Family Physician. “Because there is not clear direction to become patients, where a disability or
Accessibility to medical facilities for from the practice leaders [the physi- other personal circumstance may impede
people with disabilities is also an issue cians], there is an assumption by the clin- or limit their access to care,” states the
in the United States. One study of ical and administrative staff that accom- policy, while noting that doctors “do not
access to subspecialists, published in modating these patients is not a priority.” have to accommodate beyond the point
the Annals of Internal Medicine, found Another issue is that some physicians of undue hardship, where excessive cost,
that 22% of the 256 facilities surveyed who are knowledgeable on the topic still health or safety concerns would result.”
in four US cities could not accommo- appear hesitant to make changes, likely — Roger Collier, CMAJ
date a fictional patient with obesity and because of a perception that it will be
hemiparesis who used a wheelchair and too expensive and benefit only a few CMAJ 2016. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-5289

© 2016 Joule Inc. or its licensors CMAJ, August 9, 2016, 188(11) 793

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