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An Effective Two Way Classification of Breast

Cancer Images

Article in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research · December 2015


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Balakrishnan S
Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology


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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 21 (2015) pp 42472-42475
© Research India Publications.

An Effective Two Way Classification of Breast Cancer Images

P. Palanikumar

Assistant Professor, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg, Chennai, palani. lect@gmail. com.

S. Geofrin Shirly

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vels University, Chennai geofrin55@yahoo. co. in


Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Sri Venkateswara College of Engg & Tech, Chittoor, AP.

Abstract recent years, the incidence rate of breast cancer has

Breast cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease and very considerably increased [1]. Simultaneously, breast cancer
common among western women. Mammogram is an survival rate has also improved over the past few years with
examination of a woman’s breasts using X-rays to check for the development of more effective diagnostic techniques and
cancer. Mammography is one of the first diagnostic tests to improvements in treatment methodologies.
prescreen breast cancer. Early detection of breast cancer has BREAST cancer screening has primarily taken an anatomic
been known to improve recovery rates to a great extent. In approach through X-ray mammography, which requires the
most medical centers, experienced radiologists are given the breast tumor to have developed to a stage where it is
responsibility of analyzing mammograms. But, there is always significantly denser than healthy tissue. As a consequence,
a possibility of human error. Errors can frequently occur as a mammography misses 5%-15% of nonpalpable breast lesions
result of fatigue of the observer, resulting in interobserver and that are not sufficiently denser than healthy tissue [2], [3]. In
intraobserver variations. The sensitivity of mammographic addition, increased density is not always tied to the presence
screening also varies with image quality. To offset different of cancer: dense lesions of tissue that are further investigated
kinds of variability and to standardize diagnostic procedures, via biopsy are often found to be benign [2]. Instead of relying
efforts are being made to develop automated techniques for on density changes, cancer can also be detected by using early
diagnosis and grading of breast cancer images. This paper molecular signatures.
presents a two way classification algorithm for the The American Cancer Society had predicted that about 230,
classification of breast cancer images into benign (tumour 480 new cases of invasive breast cancer and about 57, 650
growing, but not dangerous) and malignant (cannot be new cases of noninvasive breast cancer would be diagnosed in
controlled, it causes death) classes. Because of the sparse the United States in 2011 and around 39, 520 women would
distribution of abnormal mammograms, the two-way die from breast cancer [11]. The most popular diagnostic
classification data mining algorithms are used. First technique called mammography uses low-dose X-rays, high-
classification algorithm is k-means algorithm which is used to contrast and high-resolution detectors, and an X-ray system
partition a given dataset into a user specified number of designed specifically to image the breasts. Mammography has
clusters. Second classification algorithm is Support Vector found its application in both screening and diagnosis of breast
Machine (SVM) is used to find the best classification function cancer. There are two types of mammography systems: screen
to distinguish between members of the two classes in the film mammography (SFM), wherein the end recording device
training data. is a film screen; and full-field digital mammography (FFDM),
which uses digital detectors as the recording media. The
Keywords: Mammogram, Breast cancer, k-means, Support digital images provided by FFDM offer many advantages over
Vector Machine. its film counterpart in terms of ease of image processing and
enhancement [4]-[7].
Digital Mammogram is one of the important methods to
Introduction identify the Breast Cancer at an early stage at some extend.
CANCER refers to the uncontrolled multiplication of a group The advantages of digital mammography include the lack of
of cells in a particular location of the body. Cancer is a serious ionizing radiation, its non-invasiveness, the relatively compact
disease in which growths of cells, also called cancers, form in instrumentation, and its cost-effectiveness. While
the body and kill normal body cells. A group of rapidly mammography has been proven to be the most effective and
dividing cells may form a lump or mass of extra tissue. These reliable method for the early detection of breast cancer, as
masses are usually referred to as tumors. Cancer cells are indicated by Siddiqui et al. [29], the large number of
termed malignant tumors. Breast cancer is any form of mammograms, generated by population screening, must be
malignant tumor that develops from breast cells. Important interpreted and diagnosed by a relatively small number of
signs to look for in the case of breast cancer are clusters of radiologists. In addition, when observing a mammographic
microcalcifications, masses, and architectural distortions. In image, abnormalities are often embedded in and camouflaged

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 21 (2015) pp 42472-42475
© Research India Publications.

by varying densities of breast tissue structures, resulting in Then the algorithm iterates between two steps till
high rates of missed breast cancer cases as mentioned by convergence:
Wroblewska et al. [30]. Step 1: Data Assignment
Each data point is assigned to its closest centroid, with ties
broken arbitrarily. This results in a partitioning of the data.
Related Work Step 2: Relocation of “means”
Abou-Chadi et al. [23] used a neural network approach for Each cluster representative is relocated to the center (mean) of
detecting candidate circumscribed lesions in digitized all data points assigned to it. If the data points come with a
mammograms. The neural network trained using back probability measure (weights), then the relocation is to the
propagation algorithms. The procedure depends mainly on the expectations (weighted mean) of the data partitions.
major difference between the histogram of the normal tissue The default measure of closeness is the Euclidean distance, in
and that of the cancerous tissue. which case one can readily show that the non-negative cost
Brake et al. [22] studied single and multiscale detection of function,
masses in digital mammograms. Scale is an important issue in
the automated detection of masses in mammograms, due to
the range of possible sizes masses can have. In this work, it
was examined if detection of masses can be done at a single
scale, or whether it is more appropriate to use the output of the
detection method at different scales in a multiscale scheme.
Chan et al. [24] investigated a computer-based method for the B. Support Vector Machines
detection of microcalcification in digital mammograms. The In today’s machine learning applications, support vector
method is based on a difference image technique in which a machines (SVM) [10] are considered a must try—it offers one
signal suppressed image is subtracted from a signal enhanced of the most robust and accurate methods among all well-
image to remove structured background in the mammogram. known algorithms. It has a sound theoretical foundation,
Global and local thresholding techniques are then used to requires only a dozen examples for training, and is insensitive
extract potential microcalcification signals. to the number of dimensions. In addition, efficient methods
Karssemeijer [25] developed a statistical method for detection for training SVM are also being developed at a fast pace.
of microcalcifications in digital mammograms. The method is Support Vector Machines uses data from two classes to
based on the use of statistical models and the general determine a maximum margin hyperplane between the two
framework of Bayesian image analysis. classes. The hyperplane is determined in such a way that the
Nakayama et al. [26] used a filter bank for the detection of distance from this hyperplane to the nearest data points on
nodular and linear patterns. The filter bank is designed so that each side, called support vectors, is maximal. Support vector
the subimages generated the elements of a Hessian matrix at machine (SVM) classifiers can be extended to nonlinearly
each resolution level. By calculating the small and large separable data with the help of kernel function application on
eigenvalues, a new filter bank has the following three the data to make them linearly separable [8]. In this paper, we
properties. (a) Nodular patterns of various sizes can be used the linear kernel, polynomial kernel of orders 1, 2, and 3,
enhanced. (b) Both nodular and linear patterns of various sizes and the radial basis function kernel. An approach with wavelet
can be enhanced. (c) The original image can be reconstructed SVM was discussed in [9], which uses similar kernel
with these patterns removed. The filter bank is applied to techniques.
enhance microcalcifications in mammograms.
Yu et al. [27] proposed a CAD system for the automatic
detection of clustered microcalcifications through two steps. Proposed System Architecture
The first one is to segment potential microcalcification pixels Mammogram result is taken as an input and given to
by using wavelet and gray level statistical features and to preprocessing phase for filtering the data. Pre-processing is an
connect them into potential individual microcalcification important issue in low-level image processing. Using filtering
objects. The second step is to check these potential objects by it is possible to filter out the noise present in image. A high
using 31 statistical features. Neural network classifiers were pass filter passes the frequent changes in the gray level and a
used. Results are satisfactory but not highly guaranteed low pass filter reduces the frequent changes in the gray level
because the training set was used in the testing set. of an image. That is; the low pass filter smoothes and often
removes the sharp edges. A special type of low pass filter is
the Median filter. The Median filter takes an area of image (3
Algorithms Used x 3, 5 x 5, 7 x 7, etc), observes all pixel values in that area and
A. K-means algorithm puts it into the array called element array. Then, the element
The algorithm operates on a set of d-dimensional vectors, D = array is sorted and the median value of the element array is
{xi | i = 1,..., N }, where xi denotes the ith data point. The found out. We have achieved this by sorting the element array
algorithm is initialized by picking k points the initial k cluster in the ascending order using bubble sort and returning the
representatives or “centroids”. Techniques for selecting these middle elements of the sorted array as the median value. The
initial seeds include sampling at random from the dataset, output image array is the set of all the median values of the
setting them as the solution of clustering a small subset of the element arrays obtained for all the pixels [28]. Median filter
data or perturbing the global mean of the data k times. goes into a series of loops which cover the entire image array.

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 21 (2015) pp 42472-42475
© Research India Publications.

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