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Quiz a Quiz b

1 An increase in AP B 1 Increasing EquC

2 19 B 2 50.69 C
3 3 26.04
the C
Large D
4 investments in A 4 A
5 Lostinventory
of Sales B 5 probability of A
6 D 6 losing sales D
7 1,533.33 C 7 due to lack of
8 910 D 8 inventory D
9 60 days C 9 selection
Controller B
10 4.0604% A 10 9.31% B
Nomor 1
Source of cash An increase in AP B

Nomor 2
Operating Cycle = Inventory period + Receivable period 70
Cash Cycle = Operating cycle - AP period 19 B

Nomor 3
Inventory turnover = COGS / average inventory 6.86
Inventory period 53.23 D

Nomor 4
flexible short-term financial policies are costly in that
they require a greater investment in cash and Large investments
marketable securities, inventory, and accounts in inventory
receivable A

Nomor 5

Costs related to lack of safety reserves: These are

costs of lost sales, lost customer goodwill, and Lost of Sales
disruption of production schedules.

A restrictive
Nomor 6 short-term financial policy means a high
proportion of short-term debt relative to long-term
financing, and a flexible policy means less short-term D
debt and more long-term debt.
Nomor 7
AR period 60 days
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Beginning receivables 0 600 1,000 1,067
Sales 900 1,500 1,600 2,000
Cash collections 300 1,100 1,533 1,733
Ending receivables 600 1,000 1,067 1,333

Cash collections 1,533.33 C

Nomor 8
Jan Feb Mar Apr
Sales 800 700 1100 1300
Payments of accounts (70%) 560 490 770 910 D
Des Jan Feb Mar
AP Period --> 30 days

Nomor 9
Cleanup period 60 days C

Nomor 10
Annual Interest Rate (1+i/n)^n-1
Annual Interest Rate 4.0604% A
Nomor 1
Increasing Equity C
Bisa berupa penjulan saham, kasdari investor, dan sebagainya

Nomor 2
AP Turnover Rate 10 Inventory Turnover Rate 18 AR Turnover Rate 12
AP Collection Day 36.50 Inventory Period 20.28 AR Collection Day 30.42

Lenght of Operating Cycle 50.69 C

Nomor 3
Sales $890,000
COGS $578,500 Abaikan karna ini piutang
AR 1 Jan $62,000
AR 31 Dec $65,000
AR Period 14.02
26.04 C
Nomor 4

Nomor 5
Nomor 6
Increase the probability of losing sales due to lack of inventory selection D
*Strict policy hanya akan mengurangi penjualan karena keterbatasan current assets, dan lebih banyak pendanaan jangka pendek dibanding jangka panj
Nomor 7
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 AR Period 45
Beggining AP 0 $500 $950
Projection Sales $1,000 $1,400 $1,800 $1,400
Collected $500 $950 $1,375
Remaining AP $500 $950 $1,375

Nomor 8
Jan Feb Mar Apr
Sales 1200 1900 1300 1500
COGS (Purchase to Supplie 720 1140 780 900
Purchase 1140 780 900
AP 1140 1920 2820
Payment of AP 0 0 1140 *Karena 60 hari, dalam artian hutang bisa terbayarkan 60 hari kemu

*Karna AP Period 60 hari, bulan 1-2 tidak bayar hutang

Nomor 9

(Source: Financial Management by Ross ; Wessterfield page 584

Controller B

Nomor 10
Annual Interest Rate (1+i/n)^n-1
Annual Interest Rate 9.31% B
pendek dibanding jangka panjang
bisa terbayarkan 60 hari kemudian, sehingga hutang bulan januari bisa terbayarkan 60 hari kemudian = bulan maret

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