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Programme : B.Tech. Semester : Fall 2022-23
Discrete Mathematics and Graph
Course Name : Course Code : MAT2002
Faculty Name : Dr. Sheerin Kayenat Slot / Class No : B11+B12+B13 / 0141
Time : 1½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer all the Questions

Q. No. Question Description Marks

PART - A ( 30 Marks)
1 (a) Design a circuit that implements majority voting for five individuals. 10

(b) Translate in two ways each of these statements into logical expressions using 10
predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives. First, let the domain consist
of the students in your class and second, let it consist of all people.
a) Someone in your class can speak Hindi.
b) Everyone in your class is friendly.
c) There is a person in your class who was not born in California.
d) A student in your class has been in a movie.

2 (a) Show that isomorphism of simple graphs is an equivalence relation. 10

(b) Use paths either to show that these graphs are not isomorphic 10
or to find an isomorphism between them.

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3 (a) Draw the given graphs and find two spanning trees for each of these graphs. 10
a) 𝐾5 b) 𝐾4,4 c) 𝐾1,6
d) 𝑄3 e) 𝑊5 .

(b) Find a minimum spanning tree for the given weighted graph. 10

PART - B (20 Marks)

4 For each of these arguments, explain which rules of inference are used for 10
each step.
a) “Doug, a student in this class, knows how to write programs in JAVA.
Everyone who knows how to write programs in JAVA can get a high-
paying job. Therefore, someone in this class can get a high-paying job.”
b) “Somebody in this class enjoys whale watching. Every person who
enjoys whale watching cares about ocean pollution. Therefore, there is a
person in this class who cares about ocean pollution.”

5 Find a shortest path between a and z in the given weighted graph using 10
Dijkstra's algorithm.


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