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DIVISION: ______________________________________
SCHOOL: __________________________________
School Head:


School Preparation Effort-25% Score Points (MOV)
A. Safe Learning Facilities
1. Conduct risk assessment of buildings and electrical wirings, in coordination with the Education Facilities
Division, and with support of other agencies and partners. 2
2. Undertake repair of minor classroom damages such as broken windows, doors, blackboards, roofs and
other furnitures. 3
3. Equip school with kits (first aid, go bags for learners, learner's kits, medical devices, teacher's kits, health
and hygiene kits, etc.), ensure availability of fire extinguishers and water source, and post safety measures
in strategic locations.
4. Ensure corridors and pathways are unobstructed or no presence of harmful objects and cordon off and
post safety signages for on-going constructions, unfinished, damaged and condemned buildings.
5. Clean and clear drainage, cover drainage canals and provide warnings, and ensure tree cutting or pruning
of hazardous trees to avoid potential harms to life and property. 2
B. School Disaster Management and School Safety/Security

6. Identify and post plans/directional signage of evacuation areas and classrooms that may be used as
temporary shelters during disasters, post directory of emergency contact numbers in various high traffic
areas in school, and ensure in-placed Contingency Plans during emergencies. 3

7. Ensure database of learners with contact details of immediate family members for contact tracing and
secure vital school records, textbooks, SLMs, computers, and other school equipment safely. 2
8. Establish coordination with LGUs, BLGUs, Local Gov't Agencies, and CHO/RHU/BHS for immediate actions
on emergency cases such as those COVID-19 related concerns/events for the safety and security of learners
and personnel. 2
C. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) in Schools (WinS) Facilities

9. Ensure supply of drinking water, adequate functional toilet facilities (1:50 toilet-student ratio) that are
gender-segregated, handwashing facilities (individual and group), WASH facilities for physically impaired,
and for menstruating women. 2
9. Provision of environmental sanitation through segregation of wastes and provision of disposal facilities
(compost pits, vermiculture pits, MRF, etc.) 2
10. Incorporate
D. For Continuousand constantly
School review Brigada Eskwela needs/activities in the School Improvement Plan
(SIP) and conform to the SBM practices of Principle III (Accountability and Continuous Improvement)
indicators. 2
References: DM 62, s. 2022 - 2022 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines
DO 24, s. 2022 - Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan 2030
DO 34, s. 2022 - School Calendar and activities for the School Year 2022-2023
DM 30, s. 2022 - Dissemination of the Revised Safety Assessment Tool for the Progressive Expansion of Face-to-face Classes
DO 10, s. 2016 - Policy and Guidelines for the Comprehensive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools
DO 14, s. 2020 - Guidelines on the Required Health Standards in Basic Education Offices and Schools
DO 33, s. 2021 - School-Based Disaster Preparedness and Response Measures

Name of Evaluator:________________________________________________

Brigada Eskwela Partnership Engagement Activities

Scoring Matrix (Number of Beneficiaries)
No. of Beneficiaries Equivalent Points
95-100% 10
90-94% 9
80-89% 8
70-79% 7
60-69% 6
50-59% 5
40-49% 4
30-39% 3
20-29% 2
10-19% 1

DIVISION: ______________________________________
SCHOOL: __________________________________
School Head:


Impact to School Performance -25% Score Points (MOV)

1. Comparative enrollment of SY 2021-2022 and SY 2022-2023.

2. No longer participating in learning activities (NLPA) based on School Form 2 or SF2.
3. School Performance per key stage per learning area in the Curriculum Management Support System
(CMSS) and/or the overall weighted average grades per learning area in the first 2 quarters.
4. Development of quality Weekly Home Learning Plan and Individual Monitoring Plan
5. Reproduction and Distribution of SLMs
6. Actual Learning Delivery Modalities (LDMs)
7. Learning Assessment Tools
8. Contextualized learning materials of all learners with inclusivity 3
9. Implementation of PAPs: 3
*Early Language Literacy and Numberacy (ELLN)
SUB-TOTALCNR/Reading Program 25
References: DM 62, s. 2022 - 2022 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines
RM 101, s. 2021 - Implementation of Cuuriculum Management Support System in the Light of BE-LCP

Name of Evaluator:________________________________________________

Brigada Eskwela Impact to School Performance

Scoring Matrix

Comparative enrollment of SY 2021-2022 and SY 2022-2023

Beginning Enrollment (BOSY)
of SY 2022-2023 - transferred in X 100% =

Enrollment of SY 2021-2022

96.00 - 100.00% Enrollment Rate - 3 points

91.00 - 95.00% Enrollment Rate - 2.5 points
86.00 - 90.00% Enrollment Rate - 2 points
81.00 - 85.00% Enrollment Rate - 1.5 points
75.00 - 80.00% Enrollment Rate - 1 point
Below 75% Enrollment Rate - 0 point

No Longer Participating in Learning Activities (NLPA)

Total No. of NLPA X 100% =
Current Enrollment (2022-2023)

1.00 - 2.00% NLPA rate - 3 points

3.00 - 4.00% NLPA rate - 2.5 points
5.00 - 6.00% NLPA rate - 2 points
7.00 - 8.00% NLPA rate - 1.5 points
9.00 - 10.00% NLPA rate - 1 point
Above 10.00% NLPA rate - 0 point

School Performance per key stage per learning area in the CMSS
For Elementary:
Kindergarten: Interval Score
Consistent (34.00-42.00%) 1
Developing (26.00-33.00%) 0.5
Beginning (Below 25.00%) 0
G1-G6 Key Stages: 96.00 - 100.00% over-all weighted average grade 3
91.00 - 95.00% over-all weighted average grade 2.5
86.00 - 90.00% over-all weighted average grade 2
81.00 - 85.00% over-all weighted average grade 1.5
75.00 - 80.00% over-all weighted average grade 1
Below 75.00% over-all weighted average grade 0

For Secondary:
96.00 - 100.00% over-all weighted average grade 4
91.00 - 95.00% over-all weighted average grade 3.5
86.00 - 90.00% over-all weighted average grade 3
81.00 - 85.00% over-all weighted average grade 2
75.00 - 80.00% over-all weighted average grade 1
Below 75.00% over-all weighted average grade 0

DIVISION: ______________________________________ Total Enrolment:_________

SCHOOL: __________________________________ Total No.of Teachers: ____________
School Head: Total No. of Non- Teaching Personnel_______
Number of Beneficiaries-5%
Weighted Actual
Partnership Engagement Activities-20% Score Points Learners Teachers NTP Total Equivalent
(20pts.) Points
1. Coordinate with the Local Government Units or other non-government organizations and volunteers for
intensive clean-up/sanitation drive and disinfection of school buildings, classrooms and facilities.
2. Engage partners for the provision of sanitation/hygiene materials, cleaning tools, disinfectant spray;
medical devices and equipment; food items and multivitamin supplements; face mask, washable
handkerchiefs/towels, surgical gloves; printing of COVID-19 advocacy materials and others.

3. Engage partners to raise the availability of learning materials and provision of supplies for
blended/distance learning and in support to the full implementation of face-to-face classes.
4. Conduct psychological first aid or other psychological interventions and debriefing in partnership with
stakeholders during the implementation of Brigada Eskwela. 1
5.Conduct Orientation with teaching and non-teaching personnel , PTAs, learners, and other partners on
transitioning to full implementation of face-to-face classes 1

6. Engage partners and parents in the promotion of new school system or the blended/distance
learning/transitioning to face-to-face delivery modalities to further augment resources and technology
such as local radio/TV stations and other available media to help deliver the curriculum. 1

7. Coordinate with the community on the development and implementation of Home Learning Spaces to
promote community participation and involvement on education continuity. 3
8. Strengthen Brigada Pagbasa consistent with DM No. 137, s. 2019 (Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa or 3Bs
Initiatives) in partnership with at least three (3) external stakeholders. 3
9. Forge partnerships for Gulayan sa Paaralan to be fully functional and sustainable and Gulayan sa
Tahanan or Urban Vegetable Gradening at Home as part of School-Family-Community partnerships. 2
9. Engage Partnerships for Wash in Schools (WINS), Health and Environmental Safety, and Disaster
Preparedness. 2
10. Conduct partnership appreciation and other school-based recognition of stakeholders' initiatives 1
References: DM 62, s. 2022 - 2022 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines
DO 24, s. 2022 - Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan 2030
DO 34, s. 2022 - School Calendar and activities for the School Year 2022-2023
DM 223, s. 2016 - Strengthening the Implementation of Gulayan sa Paaralan Program in Schools Nationwide

Name of Evaluator:________________________________________________ Date:___________

Brigada Eskwela Partnership Engagement Activities

Scoring Matrix (Number of Beneficiaries)
No. of Beneficiaries Equivalent Points
85-100% 5
75-84% 4
65-74% 3
50-64% 2
Below 50% 1
1.1 Coordinating with Local Government Unit Princess Kate Lasula (Sanguniang Kabataan Barangay Chairman) and (MSU-Marawi SPEAR) for sports development in school

Number of
1.2 Coordinating with Non-Government institution UGAT Foundation for Psycho-social Support Services Beneficiari actual
category es population
Learners 1044 1044
teachers 31 31
NTP 7 7
Number of
category es
Learners 1044
teachers 31

1.3 Coordinate with Barangay Officals for classroom facilities

er of
Benefi actual
category ciaries population percentage
Learners 1044 1044 100.00%
teachers 31 31 100.00%
NTP 7 7 100.00%
1.4 Coordinating with Local Government Unity in Health for Vaccination

Number of
Beneficiari actual
category es population percentage
Learners 1044 1044 100.00%
teachers 31 31 100.00%
NTP 7 7 100.00%

1.5 Coordinating Religious Groups

Number of
Beneficiari actual
categor es population percentage
Learner 1044 1044 100.00%
teacher 31 31 100.00%
NTP 7 7 100.00%

1.6 Coordinating with the students to help them with their business
1.7 Coordinating with Business in Iligan
1.8 Coordinating with Local Government Unity Police Force

1.9 Coordinating with Local Government Unit city councilor Hon. Atty. Pardillo and city school governance.

1.10 Coordinating with Local Government Unit (Philippine Science High School) BACK
2. Engage partners for the provision of sanitation/hygiene materials, cleaning tools, disinfectant spray; medical devices and equipment; food items and multivitamin supplements; face
Engage partners for the provision of sanitation / hygiene materials (Sanitary Napkin for montly period) BACK
2.2 Globe Telecom partners for the provision of medical face mask

3.3 Sanitation and hygiene materials from Police Force

3. Engage partners to raise the availability of learning materials and provision of supplies for blended/distance learning and in support to the full implementation of BACK
3.1 Teacher engaged in raising availability of learning materials for in-person learning.
3.2 Globe Telecom partner in the provision of learning materials for TVL

3.3 International partnership with Samaritan's Purse. Provided supplies for blended / distance learning. 3.4 Equiparqo signing the pledge of comm
3.5 Coordinate with City Community Affiars
4. Table Tennis psychological interventions and debriefing with Iligan City Table Tennis as partnership in cooperation with Green Paddle Philippines during the implementation of Brigad
4.1 BACK
4.2 Safety, Participation and Development are the main components of psychological intervention. The Police presence in partnership with Police Station 1 made it a reality.

4.3 Participated by listening and posting information about psychosocial support

5.Conduct Orientation with teaching and non-teaching personnel , PTAs, learners, and other partners on transitioning to full implementation of face-to-face classes
6. Engage partners and parents in the promotion of new school system or the blended/distance learning BACK
6.1 Faculty president Sir Manny Palisbo promots the new school system of SNHS at 95.1 together with the assistant school principal, brigada chairman and advocacy team
7. Coordinate with the community on the development and implementation of Home Learning Spaces to promotBACK
8. Strengthen Brigada Pagbasa consistent with DM No. 137, s. 2019 (Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa orBACK
8.1 Globe strengthen brigada pagbasa

8.2 Religious sector support SNHS Brigada Pagbasa by providing spiritual materials for reading.
8.3 Peer tutoring. Learner teaching learner how to read.
8.4 Parent engaging learners to read.
9. Forge partnerships for Gulayan sa Paaralan to be fully functional and sustainable and Gulayan sa BACK
9.1 Santiago National High School parner with City Agricultural Office for seedlings.
9.2 Providing learners germinated seeds for house planting.
9.3. Educating learners on mushroom production

10. Engage Partnerships for Wash in Schools (WINS), Health and Environmental Safety, and Disaster BACK
10. Conduct partnership appreciation and other school-based recognition of stakeholders' initiatives BACK








4 Ps

population percentage
1044 100.00%
31 100.00%
7 100.00%
Coordination with Philippine Army
ments; face mask, washable handkerchiefs/towels, surgical gloves; printing of COVID-19 advocacy materials and others.
ge of committement
on of Brigada Eskwela.

School Head: Level/Category:
Amount (based Amount
Resources (Intervention Type) Quantity on prevailing 15% MOV
market value)
1 Capacity Building/Webinars
2 Disaster prevention, Health and Emergency Kits
3 Teachers and learners' Kits
4 Blended Learning- gadgets/cellphones
5 Blended Learning- desktop,laptop,tablet
6 Blended Learning- Printed & Electronic modules
7 Blended Learning-TV/RADIO-Broadcast Airtime
8 Learning Modules' Distribution and Retrieval Services
9 Food Items and Food Supplements
10 Medical Services, Medicines, Supplies and Equipment
11 Mental health and Psychosocial Support Services
12 Personal Protective Equipment
13 Printing machines and Photocopier
14 Maintenance Supplies and Materials
15 WASH facilities or supplies
15 Other School kits and supplies

Reference: DM 62, s. 2022 - 2022 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines

DO 34, s. 2022 - School Calendar and activities for the School Year 2022-2023

Name of Evaluator:_________________________________________________________Date:____________________
BE Scoring Matrix
Elementary and Secondary Level
A.  Small School Category - P 99,999 and below
B.  Medium School – P 100,000.00

Generated Resources in Pesos Points

P 99 999.00 and below 7
P 100,000.00 – P 299,999.00 8
P 300,000.00 – P 499,999.00 9
P 500 000.00 – P 699,999.00 10
P 700,000.00 – P 899,999.00 11
P 900,000.00 – P 1,099,999.00 12
P 1,100,000.00 – P 1,299,999.00 13
P 1,300,000.00 – P 1,499,999.00 14
P 1,500,000.00 and Above 15
Elementary and Secondary Level
Large Category –Elementary Level- P 300,000- 499,000.00
Large Category – Secondary Level – P 300,000.00- P 999,999.00

Generated Resources in Pesos Points

P 299,999.00 and below 7
P 300,000.00 – P 799,999.00 8
P 800,000.00 – P 1,299,999.00 9
P 1,300,000.00 – P1,799,999.00 10
P 1,800,000.00 – P 2,299,999.00 11
P 2,300,000.00 – P 2,799,999.00 12
P 2,800,000.00 – P 3,299,999.00 13
P 3,300,000.00 – P 3,799,999.00 14
P 3,800,000.00 and Above 15

Elementary and Secondary Level

A.  Mega Category –Elementary Level- P 500,000 and above
B.  Large Category – Secondary Level – P 1,000,000.00 and above

Generated Resources in Pesos Points

P 499,999.00 and below 7
P 500,000.00 – P 1,999,999.00 8
P 2,000,000.00 – P 3,499,999.00 9
P 3,500,000.00 – P 5,999,999.00 10
P 6,000,000.00 – P 7,499,999.00 11
P 7,500,000.00 – P 8,999,999.00 12
P 9,000,000.00 – P 10,499,999.00 13
P 10,500,000.00 – P 11,999,999.00 14
P 12,000,000.00 and Above 15
DIVISION: ______________________________________
SCHOOL: __________________________________ Total Population:____________
School Head: ______________________________ Level / Category: ___________________

C. Bayanihan Effort to Support the Brigada Eskwela Implementation (10%)

C1. Number of Volunteers (7%)

NGAs,GOs NGOs & Private Religious

LGU( Brgy/ Sector&Pri
Parents Mun/Prov) &Public Professional vate Org.,Alumni,Priva (MOV)
Corp. Association Schools te individual
Nature of Bayanihan Effort

2 1 1 1 1 1

1.Disinfect and clean-up school buildings,

classrooms, and other school facilities
2. Minor repairs of damaged structures,
furnitures, and school facilities
3.Support the Brigada Pagbasa in response to
the 3Bs Initiatives

4. Provision of a functional and safe Home

Learning Spaces at home/ community

5. Implementation of Gulayan sa Tahanan

and Gulayan sa Paaralan
6. Cleaning/Maintenance Work

7. Coordination services in preparation of

safe return to face-to-face classes (e.g.
intensified vaccination, deployment of traffic
enforcers, presence of police security, etc.)

Total No.of Volunteers

Total No. of Enrollees

C2. Sustainability of the Aesthetic Aspect of

3% Score
the Learning
Physical Environment
Aspect (cleanliness /orderliness/
handwashing facilities / fence)
Classroom/ School buildings 1
Total Points 3

Reference: Enclosure 2 to DepED Memorandum 053 S. 2020 & DM 036 S. 2019

Name of Evaluator:_______________________________________________ Date:___________________

Computation of points for the number of volunteers


PARENTS =Total No. of parent- volunteers LGU( Brgy/Mun/Prov)
Total No. enrollees NGAs,GOs &Public Corp.
91.00 - 100.00% - 2 points NGOs & Professional Association
5 volunteers
6 volunteers up
5 volunteers
81.00 - 90.00% - 1.5 points Private Sector&Private Schools 6 volunteers up
Religious Org.,Alumni,Private
71.00 - 80.00% - 1 point individual
61.00 -70.00% - 0.5 point
Below 61.00% - 0 point
Err:509 0

Err:509 0

Err:509 0

Err:509 0

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