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ORDER №____
Kyiv “ ” 2020

On approval of the Regulations on certificate programs of the National

Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic

In order to ensure the quality and profile of higher education and to implement
the decision of the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute (protocol №4 dated 10.02.2020)

1. To approve the Regulations on Certificate Programs of the National
Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
(hereinafter - the Regulations) (Appendix 1).

2. Regulations apply to all educational departments of the National Technical

University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

3. To consider the Regulations as an integral part of the approved regulations on

the educational process of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute university.

4. I reserve the right to control the execution of this order.

Rector Michael ZGUROVSKY

The draft decree is submitted by:

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

______ Anatoliy MELNYCHENKO


Chairman of the Academic Council Mykhailo ILCHENKO

First Vice-Rector Yuriy YAKYMENKO

Chief Accountant Lyudmyla SUBBOTINA

Head of Law Department Yevhen DERHACHOV

Prepared by: Calculation of mailing:

V. Y. PRIAMITSYN 1. All structural units

Tel.. 204-81-34 2. Website

Appendix 1 to the decree

№____ dated __.__. 2020


on certificate programs

at the National technical university of Ukraine

“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Put into effect by the decision of the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv
Polytechnic Institute from “10” March 2020. Protocol № 4
1. General Regulations
1.1 Regulations on certificate programs of the National Technical University
of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (hereinafter - the
Regulations) compiled in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher
Education", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 27, 2010, №796 "On
approval of the list of paid services that may be provided by educational
institutions, other institutions, and institutions of the educational system belonging
to the state and communal form of ownership".
1.2 The regulations define the types, forms, content, order, and duration of
certificate programs (further - CP) by the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
students and other interested parties, the application of their results in the
educational process, scientific, organizational, methodological, and other work, as
well as the duties of students, teachers, heads of departments in this area of
educational activities.
1.3 Certificate programs are implemented in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute (hereinafter - the University) as a profiling component or supplement to
educational programs implemented at the University to meet the educational needs
of higher education students and external students (hereinafter - students), enhance
professional competencies as a form of more flexible response to the current labor
market and high-tech business needs.
1.4 Based on the results of mastering the certificate program by the student,
acquiring specific professional knowledge, skills and abilities, the Igor Sikorsky
Kyiv Polytechnic Institute certificate is issued to them. The information on
mastering the certificate program can be found in the supplements to the European
2. Basic terms and their definitions
2.1 Certificate Program (CP) is a specialized set of interconnected
components (educational components) of the established duration, which implies
professionally oriented training of students in accordance with these Regulations.
2.2 Student is a person who is trained within the certificate program
(students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and external students).
3. Implementation of certificate programs
3.1 The certificate program is developed by the Chair within the
educational program assigned to it (hereinafter – EP).
3.2 The Organization of the Educational Process Department accepts
the chair’s submission on the implementation of the CP, analyzes the packages of
submitted materials and raises the issue of the CP implementation to the
Methodological Council of the University.
3.3 The implementation of the certificate program is approved by the
Methodical Council of the University, which is issued by the relevant order of the
3.4 The Organization of the Educational Process Department enters the
introduced CPs in the register of programs.
3.5 The CP is implemented at the chair (several chairs) that provides
the program, as well as in other partner institutions of the chair (if necessary),
within the dual form of education.
3.6 The Head of the Chair who implements the CP is responsible for
the implementation of programs at a high professional level and for the preparation
for mastering the CP certificates printing
4. Certification programs requirements
4.1 The CP implementation requires a description of the CP and
syllabuses for each component of such a program.
4.2 The CP description is a document that indicates the educational
level the certificate program is created for, competencies that will be obtained by the
student of the program, learning outcomes, as well as the main forms of mastering
the program. The CP description involves the following structural components:
- Basic information (program title);
- Aim of CP;
- Students’ participation features of the CP (including enrollment terms of
the program);
- List of educational components with all ETCS credits;
- Expertise and expected learning outcomes;
- Specifics of learning outcomes assessment.
4.3 The list of CP educational components may include both
disciplines from the EP normative and selective components.
4.4 The CP educational components can be mastered by students of the
University within the EP, which they study in the way of creating an individual
educational trajectory. The choice of a certain certificate program is in accordance
with the approved regulations on the procedure for students to exercise their free
choice right to select academic disciplines.
4.5 The total study time of the CP for university students may be:
- 20-30 credits for the first (Undergraduate) degree of higher education;
- 12-16 credits for the second (Master’s) degree of higher education.
4.6 The students’ record for certificate programs is carried out on the basis
of the submitted application (Appendix 1) in the terms established by the Chair. The
applicants’ record for higher education National Technical University of Ukraine
"Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" is conducted on a general basis for the
disciplines of certificate programs and to enroll in elective disciplines in established
terms. The enrollment of external students in the CP disciplines is carried out by the
chair that provides EP. Recording takes place for the entire scope of the certificate
program by external students submitting the relevant application, on the basis of
which the student is attached to the specific CP group.
4.7 The students’ enrollment in CP is carried out by order of the dean/head of
the department / educational and scientific department on approval of the group of
students of the certificate program.
5. Material support of practice
5.1 Providing the target audience with support involves the University
students’ group development, as well as other persons in accordance with p. 2.2 of
this Regulations
5.2 The certification programs’ location is determined and provided by the
dean's office of the department. CP or some of its educational components can be
carried out in the way of online studying.
5.3 Educational, methodological, and logistical support of certificate
programs is provided by the chair that implements the CP.
5.4 Certificate programs are provided on a fee basis in the following cases:
- for students exceeding the number of credits provided by the EP they study;
- for external students.
5.5 The first ETCS credit fee for students who exceed the number of credits
planned within the curriculum is set by the relevant order of the National Technical
University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" annually (until the
beginning of the new school year). The calculation is developed by the planning and
finance department and implies the professors’ paycheck in accordance with current
legislation, based on their workload.
5.6 The certificate program fee for external students is set on the basis of
calculations developed by the planning and finance department. The planning and
finance department receives input data for these calculations from the head of the
chair responsible for the certificate program. The Planning and Finance Department
along with the dean of the department/director of the Educational and Scientific
Institute develops and approves the order on the estimate of the certificate program.
5.7 The educational services provided within the certificate programs of the
department are carried out by leading the scientific and pedagogical chair staff and/
or representatives of partner institutions within the existing cooperation agreements.
6. Accountability
6.1 Students of certificate programs are issued a university certificate signed
by the rector (vice-rector) in case of successful completion of training and
6.2 In case of involvement of partner institutions of the University in the
certification program according to cooperation agreements, students are issued a
certificate signed by the heads and seals of the University and the partner institution
(if any).
6.3 The production and printing expenses of the certificate are paid separately
according to prices approved for the current year.
Appendix 1 to Regulations

To the Dean of the Department/Director of Institute

(the name of a structural unit)
(head’s full name, SURNAME)
(applicant’s full name, surname and middle name)
(for students) group number and course name)

I ask you to attach the certificate program (the name of certificate program) to
me for (duration)__________________
The fee is guaranteed to be full paid1
Date Signature

Head of the structural unit __________________(signature) (name,
Head of the Chair ________________________(signature) (name, SURNAME)

in the cases established in p. 5.4. of Regulations
Appendix 2 to Regulations

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ORDER №____
Kyiv “ ” 2020

On approval of the students’ group members of the certificate


According to the students number ______________ of department/institute of

study full-time and correspondence study

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and on the basis
of the decision Methodical Council of National Technical University of Ukraine
"Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" protocol №____ from__.__.____,

That you should include the following sophomores of the first
(bachelor's/undergraduate) level of higher education in the certificate program
_______________ within the Specialties of the department/institute of:

Specialty 121 "Software Engineering",

Educational program (majoring in) Distributed Systems Software Engineering

Group _______

1. Marta Petrivna Alekseieva

2. Mykola Ivanovych Karpenko (tuition according to the contract at the
expense of physical (legal) persons)
Group _______

On a basis of: students’ applications agreed by the head of the chair

Dean/Director ___________ ______ ________________________

(structural unit) (signature) (name, SURNAME)
The draft decree is submitted by:

Head of the chair___________ ______ ________________________

(structural unit) (signature) (name, SURNAME)

Date ______________________________

Calculation of mailing:

Mailing copies:

1. dean’s office of the department/institute

2. the organization of the educational process department

(structural unit)


(name, SURNAME)


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