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The Problem and its Back Ground


Every child has the right to have a proper education. This will be their stepping stone
for their brighter and promising future. In reality, not every child has the privilege to live
a comfortable life. Some students are forced to work while studying. Working student
are student who are permitted to work while studying for them to pay for their own
expenses. They are those individuals who find ways to support themselves to help their
parents cope to constant rise of tuition fees and a way to fulfill their needs while
studying (Ramos, 2019).According to Loanzon (2012), school work and work-work are
not easy things to do on their own. Putting them together can almost overwhelm
everyone. If you are not used to working and studying at the same time, take your time
getting used to your new responsibilities and be realistic with what you can handle.
Time management is a crucial aspect for theses student to keep their priorities in life.
Everyone has time, but few people use it effectively (Pehlivan, 2013).Being a working
student requires a lot of adjustment and good time management .Time management
refers to the development of processes and tools that increase efficiency and
productivity (Adeojo, 2012). According to Claessens, Roe and Ruttle (2009), time
management is a method for managers to increase work performance effectiveness.
Throughout the history, there has been great emphasis on the effective and efficient
management of time, which also been considered the key to success (Pugh &
Nathwani, 2017).

According to Tracy (2014) effective time management is the act of taking a

moment to think about your time before you spend it to increase your productivity and
achieve your work-life balance. Understanding the difficulties of working student in
everyday life and how important time management in their daily routine will be the focus
of this study. Our team will try to help working student by giving tips or ways on how to
maximize their time and be more efficient on their studies.

As a student, the key to success is recognizing the importance of time management, so you can
keep on top of your studies when work gets busy. This research about how does a Humss 12
senior high students of Dasmariñas Integrated high school management their time.


This research based on the What Working Students Learned about Time Management
by Kyle Curtis (2021), according to Curtis Time Management is the most challenging
life skill you have to learn. It’s also indispensable. People who never learn how to
manage their time well often have a hard time. They miss out on personal events, work
opportunities, and classes that could advance their careers. There are many reasons
why students also have to work while studying. Some need it to finance their selves.
Others attend on-the-job training degrees so they can learn and gain experience at the
same time. Still, some also go back to school way after they’ve already started working.

There are numbers of theories which have been developed in relation to time
management. This paper provides an analysis of these theories and demonstrates how
they can be applied to increase our studying efficiency. The first theory used is the
Bucket of Rocks Theory (also referred to as The Pickle Jar Theory) by Jeremy Wright
(2002) which offers insight into the order in which a person should work on his activities.
The second theory discussed is Lakein’s ABC Method originally by Alan Lakein which
involves categorizing tasks in order of priority. The third theory discussed is the
Inventory System which involves reviewing actions in retrospective and learning from
them. Another theory used is the Time Management Grid which identifies tasks to be
done and categorizes them in different quadrants based on their importance. Goal
setting theory which involves coming up with challenging and achievable goals is also
suggested as one of the means through which time can be managed. Another time
management principle is the Time Management Windows Principles which borrows
from Johari’s window. This principle considers that time can be wasted in a group
setting if effective communication is hindered. Pareto’s 80/20 rule which identifies that
only 20% of our activities produce 80% of the results we desire is also utilized. Finally,
the paper discusses Assertiveness which can assist an individual to avoid wasting time.
These theories were tested and the results reported in my bid to maximize on my study
time. From the usage of these theories, I discovered the best way to manage my time
and gain optimum results.

One of the must do is discipline yourself. Time management is all about self-discipline.
You have to follow and do what you signed up. You can take a break but you can’t take
a break while doing your thesis or while in the middle of a big project at work. Make a
schedule no one will be able to achieve anything without a clear schedule. Make a
schedule from the moment you wake up until you sleep in the evening. You need to
keep to this schedule, except for real emergencies. To be successful at it, you have to
work on yourself and allow yourself to learn from others.



The Bucket of Lakein’s ABC Time

Rock Theory Theory Management Grid


This case focuses on the Time Management of working grade 12 Humss students of
Dasmariñas Integrated High School.

Particularly, this study attempts to answer the following questions.

1. Demographic Profile of Grade 12 Humss student.

2. How difficult to be a working student?
3. How do working students balance their time?

This study focuses on Time Management of working grade 12 Humss student of

Dasmariñas Integrated High School. We aim to grasp the essence and entirety of a
working student’s life. We are trying to find out how the student creates ways to
maximize their time in working and in studying. The said study also aims to investigate
and identify student experiences while working. Next, the problem they encounter.
Then, how they deal and cope with such difficulties. Finally, to provide a solution that
might help the working student. The fact that these working student are not certain to
continuing their studies until year 2023 is the basis why we set our time frame until the
last quarter of 2022. The result of this study will benefits all working student who
became part of this research, all


This study hopes to establish on understanding on how will the working student will
manage their time management skill while working. Furthermore, this study will be
contributed to the following:

To senior high Students - The study of working student and time management be a
learning paradigm in the senior high students. To increased their knowledge on how to
use time management skills.

To The Faculty Members - This study would also help the teachers and the professors
on how to understand their students on why other students don’t deal with time

To The Future Researchers - This study would also help the future researchers, the
ideas presented may be used as reference data in conducting new researches or in
testing the validity of other related findings. Since there are many possible conclusions,
the researchers have to see the lapses of this work so that the researcher will be able to
explore the experiences of the working students and to be able to understand fully what
a working student is. This study will also serve as their cross-reference that will give
them a background or an overview of the study on how the working students deal with
time management

The following terms are further defined either operationally or conceptually:

Management - it is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal.

Respondents - it is the Grade 12 HUMSS students of Dasmariñas Integrated High


Working Students - is often used to refer to someone who mainly works and is also
studying (part-time).

Grasp - to take or get (something) in an eager or desperate way.

They were ready to grasp at any possible solution. He grasped at the opportunity to
speak with her. (Merriam-Webster)


Review of Related Literature

Life of Working Student

There are many reasons while student have to work while studying. Some need it to
finance their selves. Others attend on the job training so they can learn and gain
experience at the same time. // (Curtis, 2021) What Working Student Learned about
Time Management.

The basic problem of working student face is the scheduling of routine. These students
are considered as hard workers. Working hard sometimes leads to over- commitment
and can result in the fear of losing the game. // (Nancy, 2017) Challenges Working
Students Encounter in Daily Life.

Let’s always remember that in every situation there is a hidden purpose. Don’t be too
focus with the hardship. Focus on how you can be and what you become along the
process. // (Grace, 2021) Life of a Working Student
The pickle jar theory is based on the time management techniques that prioritized task
and responsibilities in specific order. This theory (also referred to as The Bucket of
Rocks Theory or The Jar of Life Theory) was developed in 2002 by Jeremy Wright with
the notion that time is a finite space that has limits. // (Mraovic, 2021 )The Pickle Jar
Theory In Time Management

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