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po joy Ha 8 yen igh ons of square mattX. Ee i so trices, Diagonalization of matrices, rarity of matrices, 54 sail degree polynomial matrix. characteristic Equation, Eigen +t Values and Eigen Vectors 411. Characteristic Equation 1a A= [tila xn be am Xn square matrix. 2 be a alsrend I, be a identity matrix of order n, Then the nutrix (A-2 1 a] is called characteristics matrix. ‘The determinant |A—21| is a polynomial of degree sinhiscelled characteristic polynomial of matrix A. ‘The equation |A- A I| = 0 is called characteristic eqution of the matrix A. 512. Eigen Values The roots of the characteristic equation [Ail] = 0 are called characteristic roots as eigen ‘eles of matrix A, Stepsto find eigen values of 3 x3 matrix My Aig Ays Me A=] or oe tas Far Bsa Mg SOI: Consider the characteristic matrix, A ay ayy 100 Wratl =| a, agp ay |g] 0 10 fa Msp Ogg eno. MA ayy Ss eo 83) Bq gg) srilton theorem (without proof): Application to find the ir Hvers@ ofthe given square matrix and to determina Step II: Find the characteristic equation [A -2) = 0 ‘ich sa polyuomial equation of degree 9 of the form 2 +a)? + bh +e=Owhere a,b, care constant, Step III: The roots (i) of the above characteristic ‘equation are called characteristic roots or eigen values, Note }1, The characteristic equation fr 2x2 mati given by] 22 [Trace of AJA+IAl= 0, J2 The characteristic: equation of 3 x 3. matix as| 32 — [Trace of A] 22 + faum of miner along agonal A=lal=0. Ex. 5.1.1 : Find the characteristic equation and eigen values 31-1 | ofthe matixA=| 22 -1 22 0 Soln. : 31-1 Given Az[22-1 220 Consider the characteristic equation [A~AI| =0 g-A 1 1 Weg, | 2 2-2 1 2 2-2 yo? 48-4 = 0 is a characteristic equation 2122 ‘The roots ofthe equation are A= 12,2 a ‘The eigen values are A «1422 iy : ; + ij t | | + 21-17f4 -R, 1] fo a [ee [+ 0 01 odlx 0 Engineering Mathematics (MU-Mech ICM) 5.1.3. Eigen Vectors Let A be a nxn square matrix then a non-zere column vector X is ealed an eigen vector of A if AX = AX, where Ais a eigen value of A: jie for the eigen 2 = Ay a non-zero column vector X js called eigen vector such that [A ~ 2 X= 0- \Note : By definiion of eigen vectors are non-zero vectors while eigen values may be 2 ‘tops to find eigen vector of 3 x 3 matrix Step 1: Let 2, i= 1, 2,9 be eigen values of matrix Aoforder 3x3. Step 2: Consider the matrix equation [A ~ AUX=0 For i = 1, 2, 3 where X, be the eigen vector corresponding to >; Step: Reduce the matrix equation in Echelon form and find the unknown vector X, which is the required eigen vector. Ex. 6.1.2 : Find the eigen values and eigen vectors of the matrix 34-4 o(: 2 “| 2200 Soin. : From Ex. 5.111, eigen values of the matrix are 2 = 1, 2, 2 To find eigen vector consider matrix equation (A-4,DY, = i= 1,23 1. Foriy=11A-2,1X=O gives 21-19f% 0 alle 0 22-1) Ls 0 52 Note that here ‘unknown are 3, Hence, we have +. Putting xy = t We get, m=0 x 2x, = x = U2 x=)% { o l Xy t [ Hence, the eigen vector is | 2 () Method 2: As first two rows = Weget, by using Cramer's Rule, 2x, +%-¥, = 0 And 2x, +2x,-x3 = 0 ys = te, 1 =O =Batsy x = It, x, =0t 1 Hence, the eigen vector +) 2 a 3-251 ting solution 1 ide redundant, solving the first and thing ( of matic oy eatin xy=2 my rey yy x= [= /-[a}-4o x] Lay Le Engineering Mathematics-Il (MU-Mech (Civil) 53 Matices (i Ford® 3-92 +16 0 Consider matrix equation [A ~) 1] X= 0 ‘The rots ofthe equation are. = 1, 1,7. ri -1 4% o «1, The eigen values are). = 1, 1,7. 2o-1ialelo 1. For}. 1, consider matrix equation [A ~A1] X =0 22-2 ILx 11 ijn 0 Reducing to Echelon form, 222\1q|2|0 11 -14[% 0 4-2 0-2 1 S 0 poe nok, - a |= TR 0 0 ollx 0 By p,-an,+ Weert Xyt%y-%y = 0 piiifs 0 = 2x xy = 0 oo0\\m}=|0 | Note that here rank of matrix is 2 and no. of 00 0ll% o ssknowns are 3, amtmtn = 0 Henee, we have = 1 linearly independent | there sank of matrixis 1 and no, of unknowns sslution, «Putting x3 = i 1B X3 linearly independent Weget = Oxy and x \ reget, x ] : Henee, the eigen veetor is | 1 2 + Find the eigen values and eigen vectors of f Ba 4 || 5. ‘The eigen vectors corresponding to) = 1 | As| 232 pall [. 334 are] 1Jand| 0 aie [Es ol tt Soln, : 2 eT Consider the characteristic equation |A~M Consider the matrix equation (A~MIX-=0 QA 1 4 311m) [° Weg | 2 3-2 2 | =0 a4 2i\"]=/° 3 3 4-2 3 33d 0 Viokewes VARS TRT Tas Teh RH peers & We get 5x +X 4% = 0 =3n, +24, = 0 Here the rank of the matrix is 2 and no. of unknowns are 3. Hence, we have 3 - 2 = 1 linearly independent solution. putting 3% 2 n= N23 And+55, = y+ xy2gtetedt () ; F 2 ams 5t 1 Method 2: By Cramer's Rule solving first two equations, -bxy ty tH = 0 and 2x, - 45, + 2x5 Find the eigen values 46 6 aoa) 1-5 2 and eigen Soln.: Given A Consider the characteristic equation |A 31). 4-26 6 1 AS- 507 484-4 = 0 ‘The roots of the equation are A = 1, 2,2 =1,2,2 <. The eigen values are ‘To find eigen vector consider the matrix tig (A-AX=0 1. Fora=1, [A-All X= Ogives a 6 6)Tx 0 -1 -5 -3 SLs 0 12 2 xy 0 EEE Solving first and third equation by using Cnet Rule, xy +2x) 42% = 0 5x,—Sry = 0 Ex. 61.5: Find the eigen values and eigen vector of 25 4 575 452 25 4 575 45-2 Consider the characteristic equation |A~Al| = 0 1 oO ak [:22]: ai -t-n 5 4 eh eile We get 5 1-2. 5 |=0 13 3)fny] 7° 4 5-2-2 0-2 -1||m |=] 0 hth o o Olly} Lo 3312-90 4-216 =0 xy +x) + 3x5 = 0 ‘The roots of the equation are A= ~3,~6,12. wl tx -% = 0 . The eigen values are i =~3,~6, 12. sere, rankof the matrix is 2 and no, of unknowns ‘To find eigen vector consider the matrix equation. a8 (A-aNX=0 eae, we have 9 —2.= 1 linearly independent | 1 pop, =—3 ution. 15 4)[s 0 Puting aE We get, |: 0 5|[u |=] 45 11L% o Solving first two equations by using Cramer's Rule, And x, = -3x-3x ayt5mt4y = 0 =0 xy = Pte at andr, + 10%, +5ty oe weet, Jb a7 724) (2 Seah |v lsal [5 il vet Hence, eigen vector corresponding toh =~ 6 = Ogives, iq (2 2)E)-[) 3 A212, [A-Al] Solving first two equations by using Cramer's Rule, ence, eigen vector corresponding 02.» 125, 1 ] 1, vedosats matrix ee [2 23] 2-1 3 soln. : 6-2 2 Given [2 3] 2-13 Consider the characteristic equation |A~2I] <0 6-2 -2 2 -2 3-2 -1]=0 We get, 2 -1 3-2 ‘The characteristic equation is 4° -124? + 364~32=0 ‘The roots of the equation are A = 2,2,8 ,, 2, 8 , The eigen values are % To find eigen vector consider the matrix equatie IA-al|X=0 1, Ford =2,[A-2] X= 0 gives 4-2 27[% 2 1-1//% 2-1 1d/L% 2-1 17/1 2 1-1//%/= 2-1 1JL% " — cos woo 0 ByRyp, 0 ° 22177" 0 R, Be [e 0 || -[*] 0 0 OSLs 0 ¥ 1 i =2 are|2 tor corresponding to : specge ve p allo |e. 1 Furhe6, [A211 X= 0 gives, 2-2 270% 0 4as-1l}% |=] 0 2-1-61L% 0 stag ist two equations by using Cramer's rule, -thy= by +g = 0 betyfig-ay = 0 | We get, -3 3 “5-2 3 eg ~6 4 B02 1-16 = 9 ‘The rots ofthe equation are = 4,-2,-9, + The eigen values are), = 4,-2,-2, To find eigen vector consider the matrix equation lA-m1X=0 L Ford =4, (A-21X=0 gives, -3-33 [x] fo 3-93 ]m|=/0 6-solln} Lo ‘Solving first two equations by using Cramer's rule, 85, - 8,43 = } ) ) ) WH _Engineering Mathematics: (MU-Mech Civil) 6-66 Ils 0 By Ry~Ry, Ry—2R, 3-3 37[x 0 o oo|fy|=|o 0 oolly 0 ‘Here, rank of the matrix is 1 and no. of unknowns are3. Hence, we have 3-1 =2 linearly independent solution. 3-85, + 85 = 0 «+ Puttingx, = tandx,=s 2 4, = 3x31, HEH nes-t s-t] [s] [-t =] 8 s }+] 0 t ° t el ‘The eigen vector corresponding tok = ~ 2 are 1 -1 1Jand) 0 0 1 Propertios of Eigen Values 1, Any square matrix A and its transpose A’ have the same eigen values. 2 The eigen values of a triangular matrix are the iagonal elements of the matrix. 3. The sum of the eigen values of a matrix is a sum of the elements of the principal diagonal i.e. trace of the matrix. — o_—o——A ee TT 58 The product of the eigen values equal to the determinant of A, 5. Wy ao hy a eigen value ot, ‘ «KA, are the eigen values of ka. MR 8. Thy ta Bo AO values ofA gas 1 ci = are the eigen values of 4-1. hype my AF een Values OFA then, 22 are the eigen values of A. ates 8. If hy 2g «By are eigen values of values ofadj Aare HAL JAL Jay at 9, IfA is an eigen value and X is the eigen values of A then F()) is a cigennt is the corresponding eigen vector of (ay Ex Find the eigen values and eigen veaaray A? +2A+1 where os ofa 7] 24 3 8-6 2 674 24 38 Consider the characteristic equation |A~2I] =0 §-- -6 2 Tok -4 2-4 3-2 We get, 15-18? + 452 = 0 The roots of equation 4 = 0,3, 15 ~. The eigen values of Aare’ = 0,3, 15 . The eigen values of A? are 2? = 0,9, 225 :. The eigen values of A? + 2A +I are First eigen value = 0+2(0)+1=1 Second eigen values = 9 + 2(3)+1=16 ‘Third eigen values = 225 + 2(15)+1=258 ‘The eigen values of A? +2A +I are 1, 16,256 To find eigen vector of A, consider the matrix equstit jiven A= [A-aX=0 v 59 i) For =15, 182 X =0 gh =O gives, ESE Solving first two equati equation by usi == 62, +22, mn by using Cramer's Rale, ok a x3 : Hence, Eigen ° . . jence, Eig ‘vector correspanding to = 15 is -2 nl ; ns . By using the property of eigen values and eigen pane X OE vector #1 and X are ge ele and ermespndtg p82 0 igen vector of A then F (i) is eigen value and Xs the 6 4-4 |[% |= 0 corresponding eigen vector of F (A). We get, the eigen 2-4 odLss 0 vector corresponding to eigen values of A? + 24 + Tie 1 2 2 hig ist two equations by using 41, 16, 256 -[:}[ 1 Je: | respectively. cnaer's Rule, 2st 1. 6x, +25 = 0 Sara * 8 Za B19: Find the eigen vale of A= 3A" # Awhere win, +42) 485 = 468 6 RR -y xy 132 alae ae Le lenis) 4-4 |-6 -4 -6 4 Soln.: n 46 6 3 “76 = B GivnA =| 1 8 2 1-4-3 1 25 Consider the characteristic equation ja-al] = x) [2 4. 6 6 2x =] f=] t ya-a 2 |=? xj Lt a1 74 -8-% ¥F Engineering Mathematic-ll (MU-Mech /Ciil) We get, -4i2- 244 = 0 :. The required eigen values ofA are ‘The eigen values of A? are 1, 1, 16 and the eigen values of A® are 1, ~ 1, 64. :, The eigen value of A°-3A?+ A are: igen value corresponding to 1: 1-3 (1) +1 -30) +12 -5 and eigen value corresponding to 4is : 64-316) +4=20 - The eigen values of A’—3A* +A are -1, ~5, 20. igen velueenrresponding to~1: Ex. 6.1.10: Find the eigen value of adja (24a + 24-1 Gi) AP +APR-2A+1=0 123-2 024 6 here A= weal og 4-5 oo0 6 123-2 0 Soin:Girn az | >> 4 & 004-5 000 6 (@ By using the property 2 of eigen values : The igen values of triangular matrix are diagonal elements: eigenvalues of Aare 1,2 4,6 (id). By using the property of eigen values : If, Joy axe the eigen values ota then, dab AL Ig! Ay tre cgen values ofa A We know |A| equal to multiplication of diagonal elements s0 [Al = 48 * The eigen values of adj A are ie, 48, 24, 12,8 (ii) The eigen values of A are 1, 2, 4,6. + The eigen values of A“! are: Pe igen values of are 1, 1, 1,1, * The eigen values of24 A! 4 2A are 5-10 Mattes 2442-1 meen 13 24x te 8-1 1 2x 6* 12-1 = 15 «The eigen values of 24A~! + 2A-I are 25, 15, 13, 15, (iv) The eigen values of I are 1, 1, 1, 1. ‘The eigen values of A are 1, 2, 4, 6. ‘The eigen values of A? are 1, 4, 16, 36. ‘The eigen values of A’ are 1, 8, 64, 216. :. The eigen values of A°+A?-2A+I=Oare eigen values corresponding to 1 is : 14+1-2+1= eigen values corresponding to 2 is : B+4-4+1 = eigen values corresponding to 4 is : 64+16-8+1 = and eigen values corresponding to 6 is : 216 +36-12+1 = 241 “2 The eigen values of A'+ A?—2A +1 =O are 1,9, 4, Find the eigen values and eigen vectors for the following matrices. 2-1 4 wm] 1 2-1 1-1 2 8 78, 241. 221 @) 134 122 3-1 1 56 a2) ol 2] al a 1-13 Oe) 2-3 1 of 3 oma. :| o[e s J 2-4 et aisha 2-22 ala] fs a 003 “ geting Mathematcs-Il(MU-Mech (Givi) Sat Matices ea iin “| of i ‘| 2, WA=[} 2] wen td tn ves and open o-1 1 6-6 4 ‘vector of 4A“ 4-1 6 74 6 lac “| ofa aa] te 2-1 8 oo 4 reste dgen vale and eigen vetrsctatsai | 1 @ h=,4,5; B-tO}Lo-tl 11 4p 8-8 -2 yeeAs| 4-3 -2 3-44 fied he eigen value of A? + 6A"' — a1 for 2 00 5-10 2.33 Find the eigen Values of SA? 6A + I for the matrix -1 59 Ae] 0-3 4 0 02 Find the eigen value of A? - 2A +1 for 234 af 04 :| : 003 Find the eigen value of 3A? ~ 2A + 51 where 1-23 Ae] O 3 | 0 02 123-2 024 6 004-5 0046 Find the eigen value of adj Aif A= Find the eigen values of A? + SA + Bl if 1203 00-2 “2.203 on] 24 -t fom find eigen values and “1-2 0 ‘eigen vector of A? ~ 41 24 WAS i s}- then find eigen values of 6A +A? +21 1-4 tA + 5 ah then find eigen values a eigen vector of 6A" + A + 21 ) 4=1,2,3; 11,01 00m (© 222,55 (11 0,0 -11,11 -1 ay (@) 4=0,8,15;(1 2 2),1-2-12),(2 - 2 yp (©) 4=0,-21;6-10-3 11, 4-37-1017 @® 42115; 1 0) (@ 4=2,3,4;11 0 OF,1-2 -2 11,13,2, of (h) 4=1,2,3; (2 10,19 4 4,121 oy @ 450,135 110,610 0-2 (42 4,-2-25 10,1,20511,1,07, 1,0, 17 (e) = 9,2,25 (1,1, 11, 11,2, 0151-3, @ 2=1,1,5; (2,3, 01,1-2, 1,01 5.2 _Cayley-Hamilton Theorem Theorem : Every square matrix satisfies its own characteristics equations. Lot Abe any nn square matrix. The characteristics equation of Ais |A~ al] = 0 fem +k + ky ae tk, hth, 20. (1) then a satisfies characteristics Equation (1) Le ateke etek? wth, hk =0 (2) Finding inverse of « matrix by using Cayley Hamilton theorem Premultiplying Equation (2) by A, we get, ATER AM HAM eth tT tat Tek AT ek al) ‘Which is the (n ~1) degre polynomial in A gives another method to obtain inverse of A. ‘This method is usefl for compoting the inverse of large matrices. ‘Also Cayley-Hamilton theorem is useful is finding power fA. ) ) ) ’ W_Engineering Mathematics (MU-Mech Civil) 512 Matrices 2114 and hence find A-'and A‘ where A E 1 :| We get, 2°-517+ 72-8 = 0 = () Cayley Hamilton theorem states that A satisfies Equation (1) E2 ne ; ‘ a i.e, to show A®—5A?+7A~3I = 0 211 2117721177544 viszoan [010] epee} fes) 112 ri2tlir2atlaags Consider the characteristics equation |A~ A] = 0 e.[e ' el: ; | me 445]l112 2-2 1 1 14 13:13 0 1-2 0 |=o0 {ere 101 2-2 40 40 41 WB 13 B44 zit 100 Neon ta 1 ack 1 ole 1 vale 1 | 40 40 41 445 aa 2 oo1 ae 13-2047 18-2047 [: a | = 0 1-547-3 0 ] 000 40-2047 40-2047 41-25+14-3] |g 9 9 «; Equation (2) holds, Hence, Cayley Hamilton theorem is verified. 2 AN-5A?+7A-31 = 0 Pre multiplying above equation by A! We get, A?-5A+ 71-347! =0 29h 2 A 5A4-71 544 21d =/010)-s)010|47 445 lig 2-141 sat=| 0 3 9 -1-1 2 2-1-1 \ -1-1 2 Tofind A‘ premultplying Equation (2) by A Woget, A*-5A"+ 7A? 34 2 9) 100) (5-10+7 4-5 4-5 o1o0|=| 0 1-847 0 ] ner 4-5 4-55-1047 Meus M4 13 13 544 211 “A= 5-7a?+3a= 5] 0 1 0 |-7] 01 0|-3] 010 445 112 40 40 41 -35-6 6528-3 . 0 5-7-3 200-28-3 209-28-3 esas 8) 29 34 34 0 |: 0 -5 0 205-35-6) | 169 169 164 anna ee as a hy 2h Weeeh Hamilton theorem states the A satisfies ppb +9120 ~) cst sai gaesabegaeT = 0 [: 2-2 (2) 3 », Bauation (2 AB 5AP 9A. Al A : a 1 2-2 13 0 0-2 1 FE 42 | [" w4 12 100 ° 134549-1 42 10 -22 3 Now consider LHS, = AY—5A2 4.99 _ ug wls)-4 7 9 10-2 -3 2-8 -2 ‘ l-1 3 ollorg 9-2 1]loo, “142-9 gmap yy, 72420~ at 10-10 i 10. 0 Hence, Cayley’ -1=0 To find A‘ premultiplying Equation (2)by A We get, At-5A°+947- A. = BAY -13 42-2 “1 {a 30 O-2 1 ‘55 104 000 000 000 0 ) hold. Hamilton theorem is verified. premultplying above equation hy A We get, Ar-5A49I-AT= 0 Ate a-5At 91 -1 W-4 1 2- -4 7 2/-8)-1 3 0 2-8 1 0-2 1 100 010 001 | | 326 112 225 AEA ? en 9 10 |-9)/-4 7 2 2-81 10-22 -3 | 4 2 B 1 2-2 20-15 82 42 Engineering Mathematics-Il (MU-Mech Civ) (Consider the characteristic equation |A-41] = QA -1 1 -1 2-, -1}20 1-1 2-2 Weget,i°-6? +9.-41= 0 =D Cayley Hamilton theorem states that A satisies Equation (2) ie. A'-6A7+9A—41 = 0 -@ 2a ipetd Now, tonnes vif | ra alia 2 6-5 5 |: 6 +| 5-5 6 6-5 5 2-1 1 teva 6 +l 2 3] 5-5 6 1-1 2 21 2 =| -21 22 -21 M21 22 Now, consider LH.S = A°-GA?+9A-41 2-2 a = | 2 ni 2-2 22 6-5 5 [- ‘| 5-5 6 2-11 100 fs ral fers] 1-1 2) Loot 22-96+18-4 -21430-9 21-3049 =21430-9 22-96+18-4 ~21+30-9 21-90+9 21490-92296 + 18- 00 | 000 000 «: Bquation (2) holds, Hence, Cayley Hamilton theorem is verified. AS~6A*+9A-41 = 0 Premultiplying above equation by A”? Wo get, A?-6A 491-447" = 0 4A? = A -6A4 91 (8) 54 ah Tofind A? Wee 24a 6-5 5 5 6-5|-6/-1 24 5-5 6 lag +9) a4 “faa 3 pre multiplying Equation) 2 4,442 = A-6l+987 2 = 1 g +4 113 are 3 aoe “14g IT -1 + 5 4 ¥ 100 010 001 31-1 131 113 gael 131 -1 1) [100 2-1|-6) 010 -1 2 001 gi-k 131 9 ar 8 $y 2-84 1G I ete He a sin af roe & slr aio thematics-lll (MU-Mech (Civil) the characteristic equation [A~ a]=0 =0 w y-62 +6h-11= 0 Cayley Equation (1) je A-6A7 + 64-111 = 0 wn (2) 4g 1y4gol Now A?=A af? 1-2 : 1-2 12 ijli2 1 23 17 -1 |: 3 =] 9 7-2 wgiw-17743 1 Alea? .[! 3 “al: a ] 9 7-212 1 125 84 -12 | 23 "| 48 30 -7 Now consider LHS = A°-6A? + 6A-11L 125 84-12 23:17 -1 | 23 vhs 3 =| 48 30-7 97-2 4g. 100 21-2 | pated) : 00 000 Equation (2) holds. o10 ool Hee 2 000 Hence, Cayley Hamilton theorem is verified AS-6A?+6A-1IT = 0 Pre multiplying by At We get, A*-6A+61-11A™ » MATT= AP-6A + 6L Hamilton theorem states that A satisfies ices 515 Matrices 23:17 -1 431 100 =| 8 3 -2|-6| 21-2 |+6 010 97-2 12 1 001 5-1-7 =| -4.+3 10 3-5 -2 5-1 -7 D| step] -4 8 10 3-5 -2 a2 15.2.5 : Apply Cayley Hamiton theorem to A [ 2 ‘al 2 ‘and () Deduce A® = 6251 (i) Find ae ] Consider the characteristic equation |A-M| = 0 1-22 | Q 1h #0045) 2-5 =0 Soln. 1 2 Given A -[; - =0 (0) By Cayley Hamilton theorem, A satisfies Equation (1) 1 1. We get A?-5I = 0 ie A? = SI (i) Taking 4" power on both side We get, (A%)* = (61) AS = 6251 + (2) (ii) To find A®, taking 8% power on both side 8 We get, (a8) = (6251) = AM 52.53 x 1071 10 AM = 2.83 x we ] o1 Ex. 6.2.6 :Apply Cayley-Hamilton theorem to find 12 Bineneamerl? | win ¥F_Engineering Mathematics. (MU-Mech /Civi) 518 Soln.: Consider the characteristic equati 1-2 2 Equation (2) | 2 2,179 7 2A‘ 5A9—7A46 = 164 + 201 Weget, 2-3-2 = 0 @) By Cayley Hamilton theorem, A satisfies Equation (1) =, We get, A?-3A~-21 =0 = @) pare eee by AP-3A. = thematic represeriedby = mth ~ AW GAP + AE AAS — 1202 4 24 | Weeet, 30 5 . | 2047 seven 3 -3 «| q MAR-21) 208 5° taal 7 2a" 6A°— 4A? Sede. ea Be i RAP 28 , ° 5 7 -2 -3-2 4 0 7A°-5A461 a 5 Ima 1216-1 We get, 1GA +201 238-732 + 16.-12 = fy Cayley-Hamilton theorem states that A sa cera Equation (1) oa 2a-5AS—7A +6 = (A? - 3A - 21) (2A? +A + 7D) aes +(16A +200) ©, We get, A®- 7A? + 16A - 121 = 0 alt) 3010 5 310 5 4° 2 10 Ata] -2 -3 -4|]-2 -3 -4 2] -2 -31 -26 305 «7 3°05 #7 20 50 44 4 0 10 3010 5 -8 15-10 A’sA.A =] -2 -31 -26 || -2 -3 -4 |2] -52 -157 -118 2050 4d 3.05 «7 92 270 208 Now, Consider L1H.S of Equation (2) -8 15-10 4 2% 10 3°10 5 sie AY-7AY+16A-121 = | -52 -157 -118 -2 -31 -26 |+16] -2 -3 -4 92 270 208 20 50 44 305 7 100 ooo -2}/010}/s/000 ool ooo Equation (2) holds, ee Matrices “pamilton theorem is verified. Cayley + as—6a® + 9A* 44a — 128? + 2A Thy AS- 7A? + 16A- 121 wea! Alara 6A 12) pe ea oe' AA” *y2A°+ 28-1 ETAL ABA 1280 _ Ab-6aS4 9A + 4A8— 124? + 24-1 = = 2A-[=2 meee a 7A + 6A) 128 4 2A-1 Ae ra 168-1280 at 2A-1 (a8-—7ats 164-120) (a8 +A) + 2A~D 3 10 5 100 5 20 10 -2 -3 -4 o10 -|-4 -7 -8 3 5 7 ool 6 10 13 x 5:2.8:Appy Cayey-Hamitn theorem finde matic represented by 12 10 soln. ioe oie? a1 1-8 10 2-2 We get, 9-40? +42-9 = 3 3 2 + Consider the characteristic equation |A~M] = ol) Cayley-Hamilton theorem states that A satisfies a Equi We get, A°- 4A? +4A-9T = Now divide A’-6A® + 1087 -3A° +A +I by AS-4A? 444-91 5 Rn +4091) 92 gn? Gan . 1A-91) 96a + 10R'- 3% At T an +48’ on 2n's6n’ +6R' + Aa =2n'v en! - BA's 188° = 2A 14S 188+ AL (2) rem for the following | jl Verify Cayley - Hamilton theor matics. 2-11 1 @ [- 2 “| ol? 4-12 0 3 Jel; ° tt o(- 5-1 14-13 Jel: 53 -3 “6 -2 2 o[? 1 “1-20 3 1 2 4 6 5 5 3 4 2. Verify Cayley - Hamilton theorem for the following matrices and hence find A. 234 102 ® 12| of: 5 "| 203 311 13 1-23 5-24 24 a] a mr 2 © -2 44 Pian Existing Maheratie MU Mech i) Vetfy Cayley ~ Hamiton theorem. Hence, find A“? ° and AY 113 137 of! 3 3] ol 42 | 244 124 1-19 alt v4] 246 14, Verly Cayley “Hamilton theorem for the matrices. 120 val © land toe 00-1 5 OWA [} 4] ‘apply Cayley-Hamilton theorem to [a Je find AT + 310 +1. 6. Use Cayley Hamiton theorem for hence find A? ~ 542, -30 2 “126 1 2 @|- wi] 8 u-t0 are 4-187 107-8 1-6 1 p25 8] wy 4 16-13 618 6 13 1 16 6 7 2-10 was 2] wee 1-10 6. -114 4-2-1 301 ya aal mp] oso A124 -11-1 246 88 -160 -240 3 3} 6 -1-3],) 200 432. 120 <1 -1-1, 40 40 432. ans 975 1173 1633 yl 1-625 |; | 1000 n162 1677 6 1 -10 475 554 759 518 Mat 8 20-7) [4889 1684 5751 (@ 5] 40 50-10 |,| 6276 2181 7594 22-30 13] Loiss 3514 1445 100 4. 010 oo1 1249 2936 5. 609A +6401 [0 vas | ; [78 8] * L-10 -8 5.3 _ Similarity of Matrices ee eee [Definition : A be a square matrix of order n then Isquare matrix B of order n is called similar to A iften| lexists a non-singular matrix P of order n such tha} PIAP. 5.3.1 Algebraic Multiplicity and Geometric Multiplicity [Definition : Algebraic Multiplicity = If the cig lualue 4 of a matrix A is repeated m-times then m i lcalled algebraic multiplicity of 2 Example : If eigen values of 3 x 3 matrix A are 1, 1, 2 then 1 is repeated twice 50 algebraic multiplicity of eigen value 1 is 2 and 2 occurs once so algebraic multiplicity of 2is 1. [Definition : Geometric Multiplicity : The number] Hinearly independent vectors corresponding to eigen loalue A of the matrix is called geometric multiplicity of What eigen value 2 Let A be an xn square matrix and r be the rank of a matrix A then number of independent vectors corresponding to eigen value 4 aren ~r. Theorem 1 : The algebraic multiplicity of 2 is always greater than geometric multiplicity. Theorem 2 : Similar matrices have the same characteristic polynomial, eigen values, algebraic and geometric multiplicities. However, the eigen vectors are different. & Enjneeng Mathematics MU-Mech Cv) 519 Matrices 53.2. Diagonalization of Matrix ie, If A is a square matrix A of order n A is diagonalizable if there exists a non-singular matrix P such that D P APis a diagonal matrix of order n. Here P is called transforming matrix or iagonalising matrix and D is called spectra matrix of A ‘Theorem 1: A square matrix A is diagonalizable and only if for every its eigen value 2 the geometric multiplicity is equal to the algebraic multiplicity of. Theorem 2 : For every distinct eigen value 2 of the matrix A, geometric multiplicity is equal to the algebraic multiplicity, of 2. In particular is equal to 1. Note : I. A square matrix A whose all eigen values are distinct is diagonalizable, 12. A square matrix A whose eigen values are repeated is} diagonalizable only if ts algebraic multiplicity is equal to ‘geometric multiplicity for repeated eigen value. [3. A square matrix A whose eigen values are repeated may| ormay not be diagonalizable. 2, Find the eigen vectors x), x)... corresponding to the eigen values hy, gy. ye 3, Find algebraic and geometric multiplicity for each , (@ If algebraic multiplicity is not equal to geometric multiplicity for any eigen value (A) then the matrix is not diagonalizable. (i) If algebraic multicity is equal to geometric multiplicity for every eigen value (2) then the matrix is diagonalisable. 8, IfA {is diagonalizable then find D, a n x n diagonal matrix with eigen values 2j, 29 ... A, om main diagonal 00. 0 02 0m 0 D= : 000 dy 6, Find invertible matrix M with eigen vectors x), Xp, ..x, of A as columns of M from left to right in the same order corresponding to eigen values 2, 2 hy Modal Matrix If A square matrix A is diagonalizable then the ‘modal matrix M for the matrix A is formed with eigen vectors of A as columns in M. When n x n square matrix A is diagonalizable then by similarity transformation D = M“' AM, Where Dis an n 1 | 1 2-a] * (2-2 rorvest oaths = 1,3, Since the eigen values are distinct. The matrix is diagonalizable HB) & wately allel GE] mtn =0 @ Fork= unknowns are 2. «The number of independent solution = 2~1 = 1 let m=t =m %)_[-t]_,[-r exe []-He] “. The eigen vector corresponding to the eigen -I value = 1i8[ 1] (i) Ford =3,(A-2] X=O gives, ah [208-0 [3 1-0 Here, rank of matrix is 1 and number of unknowns are 2. . The number of independent solution = 2-1 Leta, et Boy Alpe T fC) ‘The eigen vector corresponding to =3 is| (i) AS A is diagonalisable, A = M DM diagonal matrix and transforming matrix is, 1 | 03 [1 Joel 2 vt] ra. M Here [Mj dat. Y and Mf { A= Mpa Se ve AA. SS SRE SS 54 S7_Engineering Mathematics (MU-Mech Chi) i WF _Engineering r < The eigen veetor corresponding to « ‘Taking 100% power on both sides, We get, A? = MDI? M rip u® 0 ye] Lull 0 wl ont 1 3 )ard | . [3 oo La 1 af 143" el 110 Ex. 642: m2 2 + et ooo Soln. : 110 Az| 0 2-1 |is upper triangular matrix. 000 igen values of A are 1, 2,0 ‘To find eigen vector, consider a matrix equation [A-aX=0 @ Ford=1,(A-All X= 0 gives, 01 on] To 010 |)x [0 oo-ally} lo Solving first and third equation by Cramer’s Rule, x)= and-x,=0 Weeet, ive. Oxy +3) + Oxy = 0 0x, +0xy-x, = 0 1 ‘gen vay, a= lis| 0 0 (i) Fork =2, -11 0}fm] f° 00 1//% =| 0 oo 2dlsJ Lo Solving first two equation, by Cramer's Rule nx, +5) + 0%, = 0 Ox, +0, +%) = 0 We get, my) pi X=] % |= J] Lo 1 «. The eigen vector corresponding to 4 = 2is| 1 0 (ii) For i =0, [A-Al] X= 0 gives, 110)f4] fo o21i/m |=] 0 00 OJL% 0 Solving first two equations by Cramer's Rule, We get, x, #%, 40x, = 0 Ox, +2x, +x = 0 1 a 2 “The eigen veetor corresponding to 2.= 0s | | | As the eigen values of Aare distinct, the matrix is | diagonalizable. 111 «, The transforming matrix M=] 0 1 -1 00 2 100 ra and. : 2 Jaan 12 000 oon ‘The similarity transformation is D= MAM nA = MDM? eh = Me Mt 11 1jfe0 Oia =}o1-rfloeo lio 12 00 2tloo elo ow e¢ P iypia-a oe-a1i)o 12 oo 2jlo ow © -ere o 0 0 1 e Pe @x+12 0 0 eres en-12 & @-e Consider characteristic equation |A~AI] = -4-2 6 0 -1-2 20 ‘The roots of the equation are 4.=—1,9 ‘The eigen ‘To find eigen vectors, consider the matrix equation (A-aNX=0 [2 Sl-0 By Ry-Ry (2 e)-0 :, Here, rank of matrix is 1 and number of unknowns are 2. «. The number of independent solution = 2—1=1 2 Putz, = t ~8x, = - 6x, = -6t 2m = 2 x [E}-C)-C] eral Gi) For4=2, IA-21) X = 0 gives, (e-O mks =[ 5 5 ell) Here, the rank of the matrix is 1 and number of unknowns are 2, ++ The number of independent solution = 2 -1=1 ~ 6x, +6x, = 0 iex-x, = 0 Putay=t EH As the eigen values are distinct, the matrix is iagonalizable, | | | 3 5-2 | ‘ | | ¥H_Enginecring Mathematic-Il (MU-Mech Civil) 5.36 Matrices «. The transforming matrix RR [- ‘| *] -(] (°] 10 are La a dln) © 10. Me] yy Jae? [ rfl Ry+Ry 1a -11)[]_ fo AlsoM™ =| 1 7 [ 0 se) -8 «The similarity transformation is D = MAM A=MDM @ 4h MPT m1) st 0 [23] “Liidlo #jl-1 2 ree 1M °T Pa) rillo wJl-+1 2 nm al 1 | “Lu i ll-a 2 302 a) he 68/4 12714 wi) A=MDM™ ache Me Mt eto 0 ols a 13] a2 {il (nel pomtH 20 Here rank of matrix is 1 and number of unknown are 2, :, The number of independent solution = 2~1=4 Letxy=t nome 0 sy x (00 _ The eigen value corresponding to 2 = 3 is i (i) Fora =-3,1A- MIX = Ogives, (: )-f Soln.: Consider the characteristic equation |A~AI| = 0 a4 | 2 1a] 7 49 = 0 4233 @ 44 2-2 Fork =3(A~Al) X= 0 gives, Ie) 2 47[m]_ fo =F [G ‘le (2) Here rank of matrix is 1 and number of unknown are 2 “The number of independent solution = 2—1=1 2x, +4xy = 0 Let = t dey = Ay any = 72 xy]_f-2t]_ [2 ake Ef J-[ 4] «The eigen vector corresponding to the eigen value s=-3i8| 4 “Ascigon values of Aare distinet A is diagonal, 2 «The transforming matrix M [ tt ] 8) 0-3 wot d= [ cjnering Matermats- (MMech Civ) i Also M7 = 3 507 Matrices —————————————— Z qn +1 +2 ] Using this value in Equation (3) 1 ‘the similarity transformation is, D= MAM oA = MDM? f(A) = tan A= MAD) M7 Par irae 0 ~tan3 4 3 af 12 Ra) tan3 2tan3 12 tan3 ee Lal if 3 n14 una 21 —2tan3 ‘eas | 2tan3 tan3 1 ] gtan3-A Se eneasitAz| > [Finda® Soin: Consider the characteristic equation |A 21] = 9 2-2 3 =0 rae 02424120 Mester ‘The eigen values are repeated, Let $(A) = AM QA sag. =a) Assume that Equation (1) is satisted by eigen values of A 1 = ah+ay a Fork=1, We get, (0 = a 14a, 1s =a, 405 8) Since eigen values are repeated to obtain ae er equation. Differentiating Equation (2) We get, 502" = a, 50(- =a, 2-80 = ay For). Weget, ay = 1+ sg = 1-50 ay = -49 Putting these values in Equation (1) Trae bel We get, = ~50A-491 [ 23 Ol 4 [ 149 18) “L150 161 | Fracee aE 10 o1 ] Soln, : Consider the characte mh ong 0 waaay, (~a) 1) se theds istic equation |A ~All = =0 * The cigen values aren. =§, \ hs "80 eave ) sume Values org. * Equation (1) ig satisfied by eige” Porneg ET Atay @ =o coe ek . 15+ a Forge, 2% = 0 @) an we oe ag te tay 5 Soli 51 A) 8 Equation 8) a We gt, ind (4) SS Engineering Mathematics (MU-Mech Civ) 538 Mat a army] 110 2 + Lo wa]*lo1 +(2cos 1-3sin1-2cos2)| 0 1 0 [21] 002 “Lo ad*tloi 110 -l 2 , oa =[ 0 0 ] +(cos)+sin1+cos2)} 0 1 0 004 TT10 exsacte|® 1 +n Exercise 5.4 ma 1 no 0 Soin. : Since, the matrix is upper triangular the eigen 2a Fran values are 2= 1, 1,2 A 12 Let §(A) = cosreadtar+aa? (1) L + Fda. ‘Assume that eigen values of A. satisfies | 2. [; 4 |Fa ‘x10, ‘Equation (1) 3 4 1 2 9(A) = cosh=agtayrtayd? — (2) | 4 [ 1 JFna & = Mt oj +ay ~@ 122 = a) +204 + Oy + 2a + dag (4) | 5. [: 21 | Find a'oo Since eigen value 1 = 1 repeated ‘twice to got oo another equation differentiating Equation (2), 7 34 was Pen We get, 1 3 | Findet, 5%, wsink = a, +20) Ford=1, sind = a, +20, ou (B) ‘Solving Equation (3), (4) and (5) 1 50 i Weget ay = 2sin 1 +0052 a, = 2cos 1-3 sin1~2 cos 9 2 ap } COP +3" Capt y ge ay = 008 1+ sin 1 +0082 COMES Cay ge Putting these values in Equation (1), Sami} 245m 14 5100 Weeet, ~2 42,5100 ae | cous Qsin1 +0082) +(2e081-3sin1~20089)4 | 24862 68 _ ge + (+08 1+ sin 1 +005 2)4? BeP— Gert | 1 100 5 Atco 300 100 = (2sin1+cos2)| 0 1 0 =] 0 151 59 Oo1 90 4 eS

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