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1. Assassin
2. Fighter
3. Gold/Marksmen
4. Mage
5. Support/Tank
Peeling is when you do everything you can to protect your vulnerable allied carries. Instead of focusing on killing one
person, you try to maximize and extend the lives of your team's main damage dealers by keeping them away from danger,
taking hits for them, and of course, being a threat yourself.

Carry can be anyone who is fed enough to carry the team.

MM, mage or Jungler.

1. Assassin:-
• Your Job : Kill enemy MM, Mage

• Target Priority : MM, Mage, Isolated People

Teamfight plan:- Assassin
1. Wait 5-10 seconds for ultimates and CC to get blown.

2. Enter the fight from the side and use Gap Closer on MM, Mage.

3. If CC’ed try and evade for as long as possible, then go back in.

If they attempt to flicker away, follow with flicker(optional).

2. Exp Lane/ Fighter / Tank:-
• Your Job : Peel, Soak Damage, Disrupt, Initiate (Situational)

• Traits : High HP, High Resists.

Teamfight Plan:-
Scenario 1 : Your carries are fed.

● Peel any divers off your carries.

● Attempt to disrupt the enemy team with slows and stuns to let your carries do their damage.
● Try and bodyblock as many skillshots as you can.

Scenario 2 : Their carries are fed. Yours are feeding.

● You must send everyone to kill their carry.

● Use your weak carries as bait.
● Attempt to disrupt their peelers as you don’t do much damage.
3. Anti Carry/ Tank Junglers:-
● Your Job : Kill enemy MM, Mage, Disrupt front line, Initiate (situational)
● Target Priority : MM(much preferred), Mage, Peel
Teamfight Plan:-
Scenario 1 : Your team is ahead
● Initiate on anyone out of position.
● Tank damage, but DO NOT use your CC.
● Wait until the MM/Mage comes into range, then use your gap closer immediately.
Scenario 2 : Your team is behind
● Initiate only if you can catch a carry and instantly kill them.
● Don’t get caught and hope that you can catch and kill their MM/Mage(Cooperate
with teammates).
Teamfight Plan:- Anti Carry in Double Bruiser/ Double Fighters
• If their MM is good they will never get caught by double bruiser.

• You will not have enough damage or reach to kill them.


• Anti carry in double bruiser is used to disrupt and incapacitate the enemy frontline.
This implicitly means peeling in an indirect way.

• Kill the bulk of the enemy team and the ADC won’t have a frontline.
Thought Process:-
• Can my team follow up on intiation? GOGOGO

• Are my carries dying faster than theirs? PEEL

• Are their carries open to one gap close? DIVE

• Never target the tank, unless the teamfight is won. This is your MM carry’s job.
4. Gold/MArksmen
• Your Job : Do constant DPS without dying.

• Target Priority : Closest Target.

Teamfight Plan: Marksmen
• Teamfight Plan
• 1. Wait 2-5 seconds for assassins to use their abilities.
• 2. Enter the fight from behind your tank line and attack anything in front of you,
while constantly repositioning to stay safe.
• 3. If there is an MM or Mage open AND there is no threat, then try to damage the
high priority target(Cooperate with your teammates).
5. Mage:-
• Your Job : Burst carries and/or heavily damage entire team.

• Target Priority : Carries, Whole Team

Teamfight Plan:- Mage/Backline Killers/Burst Damage.
• 1. Wait 2-5 seconds for the path to carries to open itself.

• 2. USE FLICKER !!(optional) Try and hit your stun, then dump your entire skillset on
their backline and hopefully burst them to death.

• 3. Ensure that you use everything, then pop FREZZE to keep yourself alive.
Teamfight Plan:- Mage/ AOE Nukers / Backline Mages.
Teamfight Plan

• 1. Initiate with your spells, then try and do as much damage to as many people as

• 2. Try and catch them off guard by entering from a strange angle, or using flash to
land your stun.

• 3. Aim to get them low enough they that run and your bruisers can chase alive.
• Your Job : Protect the Carry, CC, Tank

• Target Priority : Divers and Threats

Teamfight Plan:- Support - Protect the carry.
● Defend your carry with body blocks for skillshots.
● DO NOT FOLLOW TEAM !! Stick to your carry like Fatload to food.
● Do NOT use your CC to prevent them from reaching your carry.
● Instead, use your CC just as they are about to land their first attack
Teamfight Plan:- Support – CC Machine
• 1. DO NOT use your mass CC immediately. Waiting for 2 seconds for the enemy to
group up is far more crippling.

• 2. You should be standing between the tanks and the carries, so that you are in range

• 3. Your goal is to disrupt the enemy team and allow your team to hit their high
damage spells.
Teamfight Plan:-
● You will try to catch someone out and then use Ultimate to allow your team to
follow up on your initiate.
● You should be in the frontline, however make sure your team can follow up on
your initiate.
● Your goal is starting teamfights and soak as much damage as possible.

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