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March the following abbreviations and acronyms (A-U) with the right word or
expression (1-10):

a) IT - 21. l) Corp
b) Acct. 20 m) E.g.

c) Ad/advert - 18 n) Ea.
d) Approx. 2 o) ETA
e) APR - 11 p) I.e.
f) ASAP – 1o q) LLC
g) ATTN 17 r) PO
h) Co. - 16 s) PS
i) COD - 15 t) Recd
j) CSR u) RSVP - 1
k) Dept.

1. Répondez si’l vous plait” French for 9. In other words

“please, reply”. 10. Department
2. Approximately 11. Annual percentage rate
3. Received 12. Estimated time of arrival
4. Limited liability company (a type of 13. Each
business which the owners are not
14. Example given
responsible for the liabilities and
debts of the company). 15. Cashon delivery
16. Company
5. Corporation
6. Customer service representative 17. Attention (used to indicate who a
letter is for)
7. Post script (a short message at the 18. Advertisement

end of a letter) 19. As soon as possible

8. Purchase order 20. Account

21. Information Technology

3. Choose the right verb in each sentence.

a) Our customers are paying / listening to us on

time. There’s no need to be worried.

b) The research department is developing / eliminating a new product for next

c) I want to introduce / summarize you the new clerk.

d) A visitor is coming next week. We’ll receive / follow him in the meeting

e) We need to search / order the internet and find more information about it.

4. How do you say in your language these verbs? Write five sentences using some of

lead schedulereviewadvisearrange
solveimproveassistupgrade Increase

Liderar - programar - revisar - asesorar - resolver – mejorar – asistir - actualizar

aumentar – gestionar - comprar – suministrar

I have to update my company profile

I don't like leading people
We have to attend class
I have to manage my money
We are going to program a game

4. Write the following numbers in words:

a) 13:
b) 15:
c) 85:
d) 139:
e) 782:
f) 1.245:
g) 9.020:
h) 12.475:
i) 1st: first
j) 12th:
k) 20th:
l) 48th:
m) 33rd:
n) 75th:
o) 92nd: ninety second

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