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Chapter III


This chapter presents the data needed to identify the packaging elements that influences the

brand preference of Carcar chicharon consumers. Every gathered data was analyzed and

interpreted in order to come up with result. The data was captured from the questionnaires onto

Microsoft Excel where it was coded. Once coded, the data was inputted in Statistical Package for

Social Science (SPSS) Software where the data was further analysed accordingly. Percentage

Analysis was conducted to convert the number of respondents and responses for each factor into

percentages. Further, in determining the relationship between the Consumer’s Brand preference

with regards to Chicharon Packaging, Multiple Regression Analysis was employed. Lastly, Mean

Rank was utilized to rank the elements on their ability to influence the consumer’s brand


3.1 Reliability


Brand Preference 2 .736 Acceptable
Color 3 .918 Excellent
Typography 3 .790 Acceptable
Material 3 .889 Good
Font Style 3 .908 Excellent
Size 3 .857 Good
Information 3 .932 Excellent
Innovation 3 .872 Good

Cronbach's alpha is used to measure the instrument's internal consistency during the

reliability test. The questions about packaging elements and brand preference were calculated

separately. The reliability statistics for the brand preference are 0.736, which is acceptable.
Cronbach's alpha for the packaging element color is.918 and is interpreted as excellent.

Typography is acceptable because it has an alpha of.790. Packaging material with an alpha of.889

has a Good level of reliability. With an alpha of.908, font style has an excellent level of

reliability. Size had an alpha of.857 and a Good reliability level. Packaging Information has a

excellent level of reliability, with an alpha of.932. Finally, with an alpha of.872, innovation is

good. The test demonstrates the reliability of variables. Furthermore, it demonstrates that the

hypothesis test and level regression are suitable.

3.1 Demographics

A questionnaire was administered amongst sixty-seven (67) individuals. We asked the

participants demographic details about age, gender and if they are a tourist or a local resident of

the City of Carcar. Sixty-seven (67) respondents answered the questionnaire.

Twelve point one percent (12.1%) were from ages 20 and below, fifty-seven point one

percent (57.2%) for ages 21-30, 31-40 years old covers twenty-four point one percent (24.3%) of

the respondents and six percent (6.4%) were from ages 41 and above. The participants answered

the questions pertaining to packaging elements and its influence on their chicharon brand



20 and below 7 10.45 %

21-30 32 47.76 %

31-40 17 25.37 %

41 and above 11 16.42 %

Total 67 100 %

Table 3.1. Age




20 and below 21-30 31-40 41 and above

Figure 4. Age

Fifty-two point two percent (52.2%) of the respondents were male and forty-seven point

eight percent (47.8%) are female.


Male 35 52.2 %

Female 32 47.8 %

Total 67 100 %

Table 3.2. Gender



Male Female
Figure 5. Gender

Seventy-five point eight percent (75.8%) of the respondents were tourists and the remaining

Twenty-four point two (24.2%) were local residents of Carcar.


Local Tourist 58 86.6 %

Local Resident 9 13.4 %

Total 67 100 %

Table 3.3. Status of Residency

Status of Residency



Local Tourist Local Resident

Figure 6. Status of Residency

The researchers asked them what Brand Element is the most influential to them- Brand

Name, Logo, Slogan and Packaging; Moreover, they were asked details about the elements of the

Carcar chicharon packaging such as Color, Typography, Material, Font Style, Size, Information

and Innovation; and let them rank what element is the most influential when they choose a brand

of Chicharon to purchase. Furthermore, the researchers inquired what packaging material-

Plastic, Paperbag, Eco-friendly Bag or Brownbag would they want if Carcar Chicharon

repackaging would take place (Appendix 1).

3.2 Brand Elements

Which brand elements influence a chicharon consumer’s buying decisions?

Respondents were asked which brand element most influence their decision in choosing

what brand of Chicharon to purchase.

Packaging having the highest percentage of sixty-one point two percent (61.2%), is the

most influential brand element among the other elements; followed by the Brand Element chosen

by thirty-one point three (31.3 %) of the respondents. Logo with a percentage of four point five

percent (4.5 %) is the third most influential brand element and Slogan is the least influential

brand element in the purchase decision of the Carcar chicharon consumers, having three percent

(3%) of the respondents.


Packaging 41 61.2 %
Brand Name 21 31.3 %
Logo 3 4.5 %
Slogan 2 3%
Total 67 100 %
Table 3.4. Brand Element

4.50% 3.00%



Packaging Brand Name Logo Slogan

Figure 7. Brand Element

3.3 Packaging Elements

What is the most influential element of packaging that impacts Carcar consumers’ brand


This table shows the packaging elements that helps the consumer on deciding which

chicharon brand to purchase.

The result shows that Typography in the chicharon packaging is the most influential when

making purchase decision, which received the highest mean score of two point seventy-eight (

μ=2.78¿ . It is followed by the package Innovation with a mean score of two point sixty-five (

μ=2.65¿ , then package Information having a mean score of two point sixty-four ( μ=2.64 . ¿.

With a mean score of two point forty-nine ( μ=2.49¿ , package Material is the fourth most

influential packaging element, followed by package Size that has a two point twenty-four (

μ=2.24 ¿ mean score. The sixth influential element is the package Font Style with its mean score-

two point fourteen ( μ=2.14 ¿. Packaging Color with a mean rank of two point zero nine (

μ=2.09¿ ranked as the least influential packaging element that would affect the consumer’s

brand decision when purchasing chicharon.

Packaging Element Mean Rank

Typography 2.78 1st

Innovation 2.65 2nd

Information 2.64 3rd

Material 2.49 4th

Color 2.24 5th

Font Style 2.14 6th

Size 2.09 7th

Table 3.5. Ranked Packaging Elements

Packaging Element with the most infl uence

in Consumer Brand Preference
3 2.78
2.65 2.64
2.14 2.09



Typography Innovation Information Material Color Font Style Size


Figure 8. Ranked Packaging Elements

The researchers then use a hybrid research framework as seen in the Figure (blank) from

Silayoi and Speece’s (2004) and Syed and Muhammad’s (2020) research models. This

framework's main objective is to quantify and assess consumer purchase behavior in perspective

of their preferred brand. This framework develops the relationship between packaging

components and consumer brand preference for Carcar chicharon.

Figure 1. Conceptual framework

Is there a positive relationship between the packaging element and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference?

Hypothesis Statement 3.1:

H o :There is no positive relationship between the packaging color and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

H a :There is a positive relationship between the packaging color and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

The dependent variable which is consumer brand preference was regressed on preceding

variable Color to test the hypothesis- H o :Colo r ( p ≥ 0.05) . The results from Table 3.6.1 shows

a significance level of .003 which is less than the alpha level 0.05, therefore the null

hypothesis is rejected. Moreover, R2=.125 depicts that Color affects twelve point five percent

(12.5%) of the brand decision of the consumers. Hence, there is a positive relationship

between the packaging color and the Carcar Chicharon consumers’ brand preference.

Hypothesis Statement 3.2:

H o :There is no positive relationship between the packaging typography and the Carcar

Chicharon consumers’ brand preference.

H a :There is a positive relationship between the packaging typography and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

To test the hypothesis- H o :Typography (p ≥ 0.05) consumer brand preference was regressed

with the independent variable Typography. Results from Table 3.7 states that the significance
level of the model is .001 which is less than the alpha level 0.05, this supports the alternative

hypothesis, and thus, the null hypothesis should be rejected. Furthermore, Table 3.7 shows that

R2 is equal to .855, indicating that Typography affects eighty-five point five percent (85.5 %) of

the brand decision of consumers. Therefore, there is a positive relationship between the

packaging element typography and the Carcar chicharon consumers’ brand preference.

Hypothesis Statement 3.3:

H o :There is no positive relationship between the packaging material and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

H a :There is a positive relationship between the packaging material and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

The dependent variable which is consumer brand preference was regressed with the

independent variable- packaging Material to test the hypothesis- H o : Material( p ≥ 0.05) . The

results from Table 3.8 shows a significance level of .000 which is less than the alpha level 0.05,

therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. Moreover, R2=.356 as shown on Table 3.8 depicts that

Material has a great impact of thirty-five point six percent (35.6 %) of the brand decision of the

consumers. Hence, the results clearly directs that there is a positive relationship between the

packaging material and the Carcar Chicharon consumers’ brand preference.

Hypothesis Statement 3.4:

H o :There is no positive relationship between the font style and the Carcar Chicharon consumers’

brand preference.
H a :There is a positive relationship between the font style and the Carcar Chicharon consumers’

brand preference.

The dependent variable which is consumer brand preference was regressed with the

independent variable- packaging Font Style to test the hypothesis- H o :¿( p ≥ 0.05). The results

from Table 3.9 shows a significance level of .004 which is less than the alpha level 0.05 which

supports the alternative hypothesis, thus, the null hypothesis should be rejected. Moreover,
R =.124 as shown on Table 3.9 depicts that Font Style affects twelve point four percent (12.4%)

of the brand decision of the consumers. Hence, the results directs that there is a positive

relationship between the packaging Font Style and the Carcar Chicharon consumers’ brand


Hypothesis Statement 3.5:

H o :There is no positive relationship between the packaging size and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

H a :There is a positive relationship between the packaging size and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

To test the hypothesis- H o :¿ p ≥ 0.05 ¿ consumer brand preference was regressed with the

independent variable Size. Results from Table 3.10 states that the significance level of the model

is .165 which is greater than the alpha level 0.05, this supports the null hypothesis, and thus, the

null hypothesis should be accepted. Furthermore, Table 3.10 shows that R2 is equal to .029,

indicating that Size affects only two point nine percent (2.9 %) of the brand decision of
consumers. Therefore, there is no positive relationship between the packaging element size and

the Carcar chicharon consumers’ brand preference.

Hypothesis Statement 3.6:

H o :There is no positive relationship between the packaging information and the Carcar

Chicharon consumers’ brand preference.

H a :There is a positive relationship between the packaging information and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

The dependent variable which is consumer brand preference was regressed with the

independent variable- packaging Information to test the hypothesis- H o : Information( p ≥ 0.05) .

The results from Table 3.11 shows a significance level of .014 which is less than the alpha level

0.05, therefore the null hypothesis should be rejected. Moreover, R2=.336 as shown on Table

3.11 depicts that Information has influences thirty-three point six percent (33.6 %) of the brand

decision of the consumers. Hence, the results directs that there is a positive relationship between

the packaging information and the Carcar Chicharon consumers’ brand preference.

Hypothesis Statement 3.7:

H o :There is no positive relationship between the packaging innovation and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

H a :There is a positive relationship between the packaging innovation and the Carcar Chicharon

consumers’ brand preference.

Consumer brand preference was regressed with the independent variable Innovation to test

the hypothesis- H o : Innovation( p ≥ 0.05). Table 3.12 shows that the model's significance level

is .001, which is less than the alpha level of 0.05. This supports the alternative hypothesis, and

thus the null hypothesis should be rejected. Furthermore, Table 3.12 shows that R2 is equal

to .153, indicating that Innovation influences fifteen point three percent (15.3%) of consumer

brand decisions. Therefore, there is a positive relationship between the packaging element

Innovation and the brand preference of Carcar chicharon consumers.


H o :Colo r ( p ≥ 0.05) Color → Consumers’ .125 .003 Ha
H a :Colo r ( p<0.05) Brand Preference
H o :Typography (p ≥ 0.05) Typography → Consumers’ .855 .001 Ha
H a :Typography ( p <0.05) Brand Preference

H o : Material( p ≥ 0.05) Material → Consumers’ .356 .000 Ha

H a : Material( p<0.05) Brand Preference

H o :¿( p ≥ 0.05) Font Style → Consumers’ .124 .004 Ha

H a :¿( p<0.05) Brand Preference

H o :¿ p ≥ 0.05 ¿ Size → Consumers’ Brand .029 .165 Ho

H a :¿ p <0.05 ¿ Preference

H o : Information( p ≥ 0.05) Information → Consumers’ .336 .014 Ha

H a : Information( p<0.05) Brand Preference

H o : Innovation( p ≥ 0.05) Innovation → Consumers’ .153 .001 Ha

H a : Innovation( p<0.05) Brand Preference

Table 3.6. Packaging Elements

3.4 Packaging Design

Based on the findings, what packaging design should be implemented?

The results shows that Packaging has the most impact on Carcar Chicharon consumers’

among other brand element- Brand Name, Logo, and Slogan. Further, the packaging elements

that are influential to them are the packaging Color, Typography, Material, Font Style,

Information, and Innovation. Packaging Size does not influence Carcar Chicharon consumers’

brand preference. Moreover, the mean scores were ranked to identify which brand element is the

most influential to the Carcar Chicharon consumers and which brand element is the least

influential. Packaging Typography has the highest mean score, followed by Innovation, then

Information, Material, Color Font Style, and the packaging Size ranked the least. This infers that

the Carcar Chicharon consumers give much importance to the Typography, Innovation,

Information, Material and Color of the packaging. On the other hand, they focus less on the Font

Style and the packaging Size of the Chicharon.

All Carcar chicharon brands utilizes transparent plastic as their packaging. The respondents

were asked what type of packaging material they would prefer. Eco-friendly Bag is the most

preferred packaging material with a percentage of sixty-seven point two percent (67.2%),

followed by Plastic that covers twenty-three point nine percent (23.9%) of the response.

Brownbag and Paperbag are least preferred Type of Material, both having four point five percent

(4.5%) of the response.


Eco-Friendly Bag 45 67.2 %

Plastic 16 23.9 %

Brownbag 3 4.5 %

Paperbag 3 4.5 %

TOTAL 67 100 %

Table 3.12. Type of Material

Type of Material



Eco-Friendly Bag Plastic Brownbag Paperbag

Figure 9. Type of Material

With the results shown, the most effective packaging design to be implemented is an Eco-

friendly packaging. The design should be modified based on the found results. It should focus

more on the Color, Typography, Material, Font Style, Information, and Innovation of the

packaging and less of the Size.

Chapter IV


The findings and conclusions from the focus group discussions and questionnaire analyses

were summarized in this chapter, along with suggestions for further study.


Carcar City is most known for its delicious delicacies, specifically the Chicharon. The

location has various Chicharon stores as well as Carinderia where it is known that many tourists

stop to buy food and snacks.

Considering the Scope and Limitations of this study, the researchers chose to focused on

the food packaging in general and particularly the Chicharon. This study would then provide

necessary information to the researchers on developing a new packaging design.


This study used Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Software to help

researchers in analyzing the data easily. Presented below are the findings based on the survey

conducted on the Chicharon Customers.


According to the respondents, Packaging is the most influential brand element garnered

forty-one (41) votes or sixty-one point two percent (61.2%) among other elements. This is

because, Packaging is the most looked-up when purchasing a product, most especially when it

comes to food. It is the material that preserved foods from bacteria that the environment might

brought. It is followed by the Brand Name which has twenty-one (21) votes or thirty-one point

three percent (31.3%). Third in line is the Logo which only got three (3) votes or four point five

percent (4.5%) and lastly, the Slogan only got two (2) votes or three percent (3%). These data

showed the most and least influential Brand elements. These showed that only Packaging and

Brand elements were the ones that matter when having purchase decision.


According to the respondents, Typography as one of the packaging elements received the

highest mean score of two point seventy-eight ( μ=2.78¿ which indicates the most influential

packaging element in purchasing decision. It is followed by Innovation as the 2 nd influential

packaging element which has a mean score of two point sixty-five ( μ=2.65¿ , then package

Information having a mean score of two point sixty-four (μ=2.64.). With a mean score of two

point forty-nine (μ=2.49), package Material is the fourth most influential packaging element,

followed by package Color that has a two point twenty-four (μ=2.24) mean score. The sixth

influential element is the package Font Style with its mean score- two point fourteen (μ=2.14).

Packaging Size with a mean rank of two point zero nine (μ=2.09) ranked as the least influential

packaging element that would affect the consumer’s brand decision when purchasing chicharon.
Based on the results in using Multiple Regression Analysis, Packaging Size is the only

packaging element that did not or the least affects the customer’s brand preference, having only

two point nine percent (2.9%). Typography, on the other hand has the highest percent of eighty-

five point five (85.5%) that indicates it affects the customer’s brand preference.


According to the respondents, Eco-friendly Bag is the most preferred packaging material

which it gained forty-five (45) votes or sixty-seven point two percent (67.2%). This only

indicates that people wants to use less plastic.


The evaluation of the Chicharon Customers was conducted from Carcar City, Cebu. There

were 67 Chicharon Customers who answered the questionnaire based on their brand preferences.

Based on the results and findings and by using Multiple Regression Analysis, most of the

packaging elements affected the customer’s chicharon brand preference. Knowing all of these

helped the researchers to understand how customers perceived physical packaging elements and

how these influenced their brand preferences.


This study will serve as a basis for the improvement of the Carcar’s Chicharon Packaging.

Based on the findings, the researchers have recommended to Develop a new packaging design
that will differentiate Carcar’s Chicharon from other competing brands, attract more customers,

and gain a competitive advantage.

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