Video Lecture Series Notes

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Because of series of excessive tax collection based on newly funded startups in india there is

constant increase in the economic boom in India, global supply chain shifting in india from china

Exports increasing because of supplychain shift

Forex 570b $ thus 1.5 yrs purchase capacity

Comparision of uk

So much dependency on Russia, gas price hike in uk, energy supply shortage,

In turn india increased its oil supplies from Russia, and also India became 2 largest oil consumer in
the world by grabbing thiss opp. And hence took adv of this particular situation very nicely. Recently
OPEC+ has reduced the oil barrel production by 2 bill barrels

Thus we have dealt with supply side issue, by reducing the dependability on US’s decision

We are visualizing a dec. in women workforce

5t$ relief package was sanctioned by US,


While others have fallen by 20(s)-33(nasdq)%

Sensex has fallen only 1.1% that is a very small fall

Because of our economic decisions in the past we are witnessing this turmoil as a very lenient

IMF is a bright spot

Apple TATA production in the indian market.


Us to block weapon sales to Saudi

Because of cut in oil production.


Price cap strat.

Supply demand mismatch thus increasing their profit.

Before COVID the cost of 1 barrel was 20$ but soon after it was found to be 85 and then after war it
was 119$.

Situation in Europe is getting worse.

Oil bubble is


Biggest importer of arms from us

Deal that Saudi will sell oil in dollars only

If Saudi starts to sell oil in ruble then they are fucked

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