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Leading the Modern Quality

Movement in Pakistan

PIQC Online Certification Courses

Guidelines for writing Project Report


The guidelines describe procedures regarding report format and style, and provide instructions for
submitting electronic report copy to PIQC.

You are advised to bring into your project reports the concepts and ideas covered in the class,
where appropriate along with other relevant reference material; however the discussion based on
your own study, experience, and intuition. In-depth findings and conclusions shall be addressed.
You are also requested to mention proper referencing throughout the report. The Report should be
appropriately formatted in a presentable form, and submitted in soft copy online through MS Teams.
Data should be factual.

Report Structure:

The report should include the elements specified below, and addressed in the following order:

1. Title Page
2. Acknowledgment
3. Validation ( Sign and confirm that report is original and prepared by participant)
4. Table of contents, including list of figures and tables
5. Abstract
6. Introduction
7. Body of the Report
8. Conclusions and Recommendations & Annexure (formats/ forms used in the project.)

Additional specific guidelines, including non-optional requirements, for each report are detailed

Title Page

The title page must include the following items:

 Project Name
 Applicant Name
 Name of Project Supervisor
 Program session
 Date of completion
 Company Name/ Logo

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Title Page Font

The Title page should be written in a standard font (e.g. Times Roman or Georgia; Arial or
Verdana). It is preferred that the same font or combination of fonts is used throughout the report.


Each copy of the report includes a brief acknowledgement and additional sources, partners or
organizations participating in the study.

Table of Contents:

The table of Contents must list major section titles, with page numbers for each major section.
Sections should be clearly divided by relevant categories, for example, features analyzed, tools
used in the analysis.


A report summary is required immediately following the Table of Contents and immediately
preceding the report findings. The report summary (or the executive summary or report overview)
should not exceed 500 words and should be written for a general audience to give all readers a
basic understanding of the report’s topics and findings.


Footer should be included at the bottom of each page of the report, indicating the project title,
project name (e.g. CHRP, CQAP etc.) and page number.


Margins should be at least 1” left and 1” top and bottom

Main headings should be a legible 14 pt font.
Body of copy should be a legible 12 pt font. Spacing should be 1.5 lines


In this section you should describe the project background, objective of the study, scope of the
study and Project Methodology etc. This section should not be more than one page.

Body of Report:

This section includes all the details of the project. It should consist of minimum 15 pages.

Conclusion/ Recommendations

This section includes the conclusion of the project report and Recommendations/ suggestions.
Plagiarism: (copying, illegal use, breach of copy write)

It is strictly prohibited do not use the downloaded data from the internet as a final project.

Proper references should be given in the text, e.g.

Deming provided 14 points (Deming, 1985)

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The purpose of a reference list is to help the reader find the items you cited in your paper. An
entry in a reference list contains these important facts:
Author(s) (if no author is known, you use "Anonymous" or "---" for the author)
Title, Publication Information (how to find it), Date of Publication
Page numbers or chapter numbers Example:
Example: Humphrey, W.S., "Characterizing the Software Process: A Maturity Framework," IEEE
Software, Vol. 5 #2 (March, 1988), pp. 73-79.

Note: in case of plagiarism found in the participant’s report; zero marks will be given.

Report Marks: 100

Marking Criteria:


Understanding of project theme/objective

Use of appropriate Concepts and Techniques of the subject 70

Effective Analysis and interpretations of results
Value of Conclusions and recommendations 20

Report Write up (layout/format) 10

Total Marks 100

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Part Project Title Project


1 You have been hired as a Quality Manager. Carry out a gap analysis
of your organization / departments. Identifying the missing part of a
Quality Quality Management System (QMS). To interpret and suggest how
Management would you implement each clause of ISO 9001:2015 in your
ISO 9001:2015 organization / departments (For those not working in any organization
may consider implementing ISO 9000 in a School/College or

You have been hired as a Quality Manager. Carry out the actual
measured data from your organization / department make use of the
STATISTICAL Seven Basic QC tools. Include data, calculations, and use of tools
interpretation and analysis of each Quality Tool being used. Draw your
conclusion and findings and recommend an improved SQC Tools,
Practices Plan/Polices with modern SQC concepts and approaches.

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