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RPH – Unit Test Reviewer

Lesson 1: Introduction to History

• Historians give meaning to these facts and
organizes them chronologically.
History – the study and interpretation by historian
• A person who must be able to recognize the
on the data and other source of the past human
evidences, decide how useful it is and come
activity, people, societies and civilizations leading to
to a conclusion used on what he has found out.
the present day.
• Historians are responsible for reconstructing
Three Important Concepts in Defining History the past.
- In reconstructing the past, a historian
1. Based on past events.
can be subjective; after all he is
2. Interpreted by someone usually by historian.
human, fallible and capable in error.
They gather, discard, and interpret the
- Historians influenced by his own
sources that they encounter.
environment, ideology, education,
3. The most important history relies on data and
and influence.
documents which historians call as historical
- His interpretation of historical fact is
affected by his context and
History’s Subject Matter circumstances.

• The life of people and humanity. Historiography – study of how history was written,
- How people lived, what kind of by whom, and why it was recorded a such. It is
language they use, culture, religion, concerned with how historians have presented
clothing, ethnic groups, races, and history.
kind of living.
Historical Methodology
• History is study of the past. This definition of
history is not wrong, it is incomplete. • A way for historian to be objective.
• Etymologically, history came from the Greek • It is the core protocols that historians’ use for
word “historia” which means inquiry, handling sources.
interviews, and investigations. • Objective historian must verify sources, to
• Historia clearly does not mean past events. It date them, locate the place of origin, and
denotes asking question or investigation by identify their intended functions.
historian. • It is important for historians to base their
• A version of the past that cannot be supported accounts on source materials.
by the evidence is worthless.
Sources of History
➢ Primary Sources
• Is an expert or student of history, especially - A testimony of an individual who was
that of a particular period, geographical a participant in or a direct witness to
region or social phenomenon. the event.
• Seeks not only historical evidence and facts - A document or physical object which
but also to interpret these facts. created during the time under a study.


Five Main Categories of Primary Sources ➢ Tertiary Sources
- It provides third hand information by
1. Written sources
reporting ideas and details from
- Written or printed materials that have
secondary sources.
been produced in one form or another
- It includes potential for an additional
in the past.
layer of bias.
- Published materials such as
- E.g., encyclopedia, almanac,
travelogue, transcription of speech,
dictionaries, social media sites, and
autobiographies, journals or
other search sites.
- It can be also manuscript form, e.g., Lesson 2: Historical Criticism
archival materials, memoirs, diaries,
personal letter or correspondence. Historical Criticism
2. Numerical records
- Includes any type of numerical data in - Is also known as historical-critical method.
printed or hand written form. - A branch of criticism that investigates the
- E.g., printed numerical graph. origin of text or source in order to
3. Oral statements understand the word behind text.
- Includes any form of statement made Goals of Criticism
orally by an eyewitness. It may be
through video and audio recordings, • To discover the test primitive or original
or transcribed. historical context and its literal sense.
4. Relics • To establish a reconstruction of historical
- Any objects contain physical or visual situation of the author and recipients of the
characteristics that can provide some text.
information about the past.
- E.g., artifacts, ruins, and fossils. Additional Goal
5. Images • Seeks greater understanding of the texts by
- It includes photographs, posters, analyzing the historical and social contexts
paintings, drawing cartoons and maps. in which they developed.
➢ Secondary Sources • Tries to understand the text’s meaning in
- It interprets and analyzes primary its original context and to answer
sources. questions such as:
- It is prepared by an individual who - Who made it? When it was
was not direct witness to an event, but written?
not who obtained his/her description - What else is happening at the time
from someone else. of its writing?
- E.g., biographies, newspaper, works - How did it come to be in the form
of criticism and interpretation, today?
magazine, journals, and historical - What did it mean to the people who
textbook. first read or heard it?


- it has also often sought answers to the
Test of Credibility
ever-elusive question of what is called
“authorial intent”: What did the author 1. Identification of the author.
intend for this text to mean in his/her 2. Determine the approximate date.
time and place? 3. Ability to tell the truth.
4. The willingness to tell the truth.
Two types of Historical Criticism
5. Look for corroboration or other connections to
External criticism – investigates the documents form event (testimony).

Internal criticism – investigates the content of the Content and Contextual Analysis of
Selected Primary Source
External Criticism
Content and Contextual Analysis ensures that the
• Looks for the obvious sign of forgery or
source and the information it contains is credible and
logical. Context analysis determines the credibility of
• It tests the authenticity of the sources.
the source.
Test of Authenticity
A. Background of the Author
1. Determine the date of the document to see • The researcher must provide brief
whether it is anachronistic. biographical sketch of the author of the
2. Determine the author’s handwriting, signature primary source. E.g., family and
or seal. educational background, religion,
3. Look for anachronistic style. It will examine birthdate and place, death, and age.
the idiomatic expression or the orthography • Special attention must be given to the
used in the document. first four steps of the test of credibility.
4. Look for the anachronistic reference of the B. Background of the Document
events. • Basic background of the source. (Type
5. Look for the provenance or custody of the of primary source, how many parts and
document. chapters, root of the document)
The other two test of authenticity is the semantics and • Locate where the primary source can
hermeneutics. be found.
• Check the provenance or origin of the
Semantics – is the linguistic study of meaning.
said document.
Hermeneutics – is the theory and methodology of • Determine the intended audience.
interpretation. • Look for the purpose or motive of the
Internal Criticism
• Look for important event during the
o Looks for the deeper or more intense study of document it was written.
o It investigates the content or substance of a
document and the author’s point of view.


C. Content Analysis of the Important First Voyage Around the World
Historical Information found in the
• Look for corroboration between the
Background of the Author
research you gather from the internet Francisco Antonio Pigafetta or Antonio Lombardo
and the primary source that your
instructor has given. Comparing the • Born between the 1480s and the late 1490s
documents that you gather. • Wealthy family in the Vicenza Republic of
• Look for bias. Venice (Italy in the present time)
o Strongly positive – in favor of • Died in 1531 at the same place; the cause of
o Strongly negative – against his death is still unknown.
• Analyze the historical perspective or • The eldest child among his half-siblings of 2
point of view a creator described the Father's name: Giovani Pigafetta
event. Known mother: Angela Zoga (Giovani’s second
• Analyze the historical context of the wife).
document. (Reason for writing,
difference in present and past events, However, based on other documents, his real
language used in the document) mother is the noblewoman named Lucia, Giovani’s
first wife.
D. Contribution and Relevance of the
Document in Understanding the Grand Elisabetta – Aunt of Pigafetta, who married
Narrative of Philippine History Valerio Chierecati – the Monsignor and husband
• Look for the cause and consequences of of Elisabetta. He is the patron of Pigafetta and was
the primary source. the reason why Pigafetta is in Spain.
• Look for the turning point that was Antonio Pigafetta
cause by the event. Changes from the
event after the document was written. • Served on board the Galleys of the Knights
E. Relevance of the Document to the Present of Rhodes at the beginning of the 16th
time Century.
• Look for the historical significance or • In 1519, he accompanied Monsignor
what modern people consider to be Chiericati when he was appointed as the
important from the past. papal Nuncio in Spain.
a. Novelty – when something is new or • Participated in Ferdinand Magellan's voyage
never been seen before. to the Spice Islands, which was sponsored
b. Applicability – when it is relevant to by Emperor Charles V. He accompanied
the present Magellan on the journey and kept an
c. Memory – how it has been accurate journal, which came in handy when
remembered over time. he had to translate the Cebuano language
d. Effect – how people have been later. This document makes the first mention
affected. of the language.


Educational Background Background of the Document
The First Voyage Around the World by Antonio
• Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian researcher
Pigafetta is a travelog and it was written on board
and explorer.
one of the five ships that were first to
• He studied: astronomy, geography, and
circumnavigate around the world.
Armada de Molucca – ships that circumnavigate
Other Information
the world.
• Pigafetta was one of the 18 soldiers who
completed the entire journey out of the about
235 men returning to Spain in 1522 under Ships Crews Captains
Juan Sebastián Elcano's command.
• These men completed the first Trinidad 55
circumnavigation of the earth.
• The journal of Pigafetta, which has survived, Victoria 43 Luiz Mendoza
contains much of the material of Magellan
and Elcano's voyage. Gaspar de
Concepcion 45
• A destroyer of the Navigatori class that Quesada
served as at least one of the Italian Navy's Juan de
San Antonio 60
vessels was named after him in 1931. Cartageña

Other Works Juan Rodriguez

Santiago 32
Relazione del primo Viaggio intorno al mondo
Victoria – was the only one to return to Spain, and
• He narrated his experiences in the "Report on first ship to circumnavigate the globe.
the First Voyage Around the World" (Italian:
Relazione del primo Viaggio intorno al Trinidad – was attacked by a Portuguese ship and
mondo), which was composed in Italian and left shipwrecked.
was distributed to European monarchs in the Concepcion – already leaking before the first
handwritten form before it was eventually attempt at the voyage. Hobbling along in poor
published by Italian historian Giovanni repair.
Battista Ramusio in 1550–1559.
San Antonio – the ship turned and fled across the
Regole sull'arte del navigare (1524-1525) Atlantic Ocean back to Spain.
• A detailed account of the expedition. Santiago – the ship was lost while searching for the
Pigafetta made it back to Spain.


Account of the Voyage April 8, 1521 (Originally April 7, 1521)
The original diary was lost. - Fleet enters at port of Zubu (Cebu in
The libretto survives in four manuscripts version:
- King of Zubu (Raja Humabon) wanted
• One in Italian Magellan and his men to pay tribute to them.
• Three in French: two French versions at the - Good relation established between Magellan
Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, and third and Raja Humabon.
French version usually referred to as the
April 15, 1521 (Originally April 14, 1521)
Nancy Manuscript.
- Mass was held with Raja Humabon.
Motive of the Author - 800 souls were baptized by Father Pedro
• Their main goal was to reach the Spice Island. Valderamma.
• To prove that the globe could be - The Santo Niño de Cebu, also known as the
circumnavigated. “Child Jesus”, was given to wife of Raja
Humabon by Ferdinand Magellan.
Analysis - Hara Humaymay or Juana – wife of Raja
Enrique Humabon
- Child Jesus is the oldest Christian artifact in
• A slave and interpreter of Magellan during the Philippines.
the expedition.
• Bought by Magellan in Spain before the April 27, 1521 (Originally April 26, 1521)
voyage started. - Datu Zula and Lapu-Lapu were the two
chiefs of Mactan.
Dates Mentioned in the Document
- Datu Zula wanted Magellan to do the
March 17, 1521 (Originally March 16, 1521) Spaniards three demands:
1. Recognize them
- Arrival in Zamal (Samar in present)
2. Locals should pay a tribute
- Island called Humunu (Homonhon)
3. Establish a friendship
- Watering place of good signs – first sign of
- Lapu-Lapu opposed them.
- Naming of Archipelago of St. Lazaruz. April 28, 1521 (Originally April 27, 1521)
April 1, 1521 (Originally March 31, 1521) - Battle of Mactan
- Native men shot the captain through the
- First mass in the Philippines that was held in
right leg with poisoned arrow, knocked his
Mazaua (Limasawa).
helmet twice.
- Attended by Magellan, Rajah Colambu,
- Magellan, 8 of his men (Spaniards), and 4
Raja Siaui, Spanish Voyagers, and locals.
Indians were killed by mortars.
- 15 were slaughtered in Lapu-Lapu’s men.


Contribution in Understanding the Grand How did it Started?
Narrative of Philippine History
• Revolution started when Filipinos had
• The lifestyle, customs, and traditions of the enough of the violent Spanish rule.
native Filipinos was presented. • Revolution – serves as the start to claim back
• Only known document about Lapu-Lapu’s the freedom of the Filipino people.
life. • Katipuneros – revolution taken by the first
• Visayan words were first recognized. Governor-General Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.
• Considered as the best source today of the • General Emilio Aguinaldo – leader of the
customs and usages of the Filipinos in the revolution in 1897 after Andres Bonifacio
early 16th century. allegedly accused of sedition.

Added Information What happened?

• August 10, 1519 – the starting point of the December 15, 1897
first expedition around the world of Pact of Biak-na-Bato – A truce between Philippine
Magellan. Revolutionary Army (Emilio Aguinaldo) and the
• September 6, 1522 – the end of the Spanish Government (Governor-General Fernando
expedition in returning to Spain. Primo de Rivera).
• World is round and not flat.
The truce was failed.
• Magellan discovered Pacific Ocean means
calm and serene. • Emilio Aguinaldo sent to Hongkong for his
• It is proved that there was a way to the east exile while the Spaniards paid and indemnity
by sailing west. for the damages of the war.
• Guns and ammunitions were purchased by
Declaration of Independence by Aguinaldo during his exile, for them to
succeed in their battles.
Ambrosio Bautista
General Emilio Aguinaldo returned in the
Philippines with the help of the U.S. Navy
Background of the Author
commodore George Dewey.
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista
May 1, 1898
• One of the officers of La Liga Filipina and
• Philippine Revolutionary Army defeated the
wrote the article for La Independencia. Spanish fleet in the Battle of Manila Bay.
• Arrested and jailed at the outbreak of the
revolution. After successfully defeating the Spanish, Filipino
• Adviser of Emilio Aguinaldo and was faces a new enemy, the United States as they view
the Philippines as a price for defeating the Spaniards.
appointed auditor-general de Guerra.


The three Filipino priest that sought to reclaim their Ferdinand Marcos, Sr. – issued proclamation 2364
country for their people were: GomBurZa on July 4, 1984 which states that July 4 will be
known as Filipino-American friendship day to
• Mariano Gomez commemorate the efforts of United States in helping
• Jacinto Zamora the Philippines from Japan during World War II.
• Jose Burgoz
Old Philippine Flag
Aguinaldo’ Mansion in Kawit, Cavite
• Site of historic Proclamation of Philippine
Independence on June 12, 1898.
• Declared a national shrine in June 1964.
• Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista waved the
Philippine flag from the central window.
• He declared the independence of the Filipinos
and the birth of Philippine Republic under the
protection of the almighty and humane North White Triangle – symbolizes the distinctive
American Union. emblem of Katipunan.

Apolinario Mabini – objected the original 3 Stars – Islands of the archipelago: Luzon,
proclamation because it placed the Philippines under Mindanao, and Panay.
the protection of United States. Panay – center of the revolution.
Another proclamation done in Malolos, Bulacan. Sun – symbolizes the steps of our countrymen to
In 1964 progress and civilization.

President Diosdado P. Macapagal signed the 8 Rays – 8 provinces active in revolution since the
Republic Act 4166 designating June 12 as the first revolt: Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga,
Philippine Independence Day. Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna, and Batangas.

July 4 – date was used to celebrate the Philippine Bataan instead of Tarlac – Bataan is more active
Independence. than Tarlac during the first revolt.

June 12 – official Independence Day to give Red, Blue, and White – symbolize the
recognition to Filipinos who stood up against the commemoration of the U.S. flag and as a sign of
Spanish rule. gratitude to them.

Some are arguing that it should be celebrated in July The flag was designed by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo
4 to align with international records and receive during his exile in Hongkong.
proper recognition. Mrs. Agoncillo, together with her daughter,
Some are proposing that August 1896 is more Lorenza, and Mrs. Delfina Herbosa de Natividad
appropriate date to remembered as this was when the (niece of Dr. Jose Rizal and a wife of Gen. Salvador
cedulas were torn in the Cry of Pugadlawin. Natividad) – made the flag in 535 Morisson Hill,
Mrs. Marcela Marino de Agoncillo – wife of the
first Filipino diplomat, Don Filipe Agoncillo.


Marcha Filipina Magdalo Speech Before the Joint Session of the
United State Congress (1986)
- National hymn composed by Juan Filipe.
- Without lyrics with tempo of 2/4 Background of the Author
- Later known as “Marcha Nacional
Filipina” Maria Corazon “Cory” Sumulong Cojuangco
Year after the composition of the anthem, the lyrics
were adopted from Jose Palma’s poem “Filipinas”, • Was a Filipino politician who served as the 11th
which was Spanish. President of the Philippines, first woman to
hold that office.
- In 1920s the signature was changed to 4/4 • Most prominent figure of the 1986 People
because the music was too fast for singing. Power Revolution, which ended the 21-year
During Magsaysay Administration rule of Pres. Ferdinand Marcos.
• Widow of Senator Benigno Aquino, the
Educational Secretary Gregorio Hernandez – oppositionist of former Pres. Marcos Sr.
commissioned the revisions of the lyrics to Tagalog. • Widely accredited as the “Mother of Asian
In Julian Filipe’s Memoir Democracy”

The National Anthem was based on three musical Born: January 25, 1933, Paniqui province of Tarlac.
pieces: Died: August 1, 2009, Makati Medical Center.
1. The Marcha Real Presidential term: February 25, 1986 – June 30, 1992
2. The Grand March from Giuseppe Verde’s
Aida Mr. Teodoro Locsin Jr.
3. La Marseillaise
• Filipino politician, diplomat, lawyer and
Second National Anthem written former journalist who served as congress for
the 1st District of Makati from 2001 to 2010.
“Marangal na Dalit ng Katagalugan” –
• Served as Philippine Ambassador to the United
commissioned by Andres Bonifacio and composed
Nations from 2017 to 2018.
by musician Julio Nakpil in 1897.
• He was secretary and speech writer of Cory
Together with the Philippine flag, they were Aquino speech.
presented during the proclamation of
Born: November 15, 1948 (70 y/o), Manila
Independence in June 12, 1898 in Cavite el Viejo
(Kawit, Cavite). Education: Ateneo de Manila University
It was played by the band of San Francisco de Parents: Teddy Boy Locsin
Party: PDP – Laban
May 26, 1956
Historical Background of the Document
- The national anthem was finally sung in
Filipino September 21, 1972 – Marcos declared Martial Law
- Minor revisions were made in the 1960s, the 1980 – Ninoy was 8 years jailed by Marcos, and
version that we sing today. Corazon accompanied him into exile in the United


February 1986 – Corazon run for the opposition’s Thomas P. O’Neill – House Speaker Tip, called it the
presidential candidate with Salvador Laurel as her “finest speech I’ve ever heard in my 34 years in
running mate for vice president. Congress.”

February 25, 1986 – People Power Revolution Robert Dole – Senate Majority Leader, told her, “Cory,
you hit a home run.”
September 1986 – Corazon visited America and
delivered her speech before the joint session of the Whip Trent Lott – House Minority, he said, “Let’s just
United States Congress. say the emotions of the moment saved the day.”

• In her speech she sought help in addressing • She narrated her husband’s struggles, the painful
the 26 billion dollars of foreign debt and death of Ninoy, and how honored she is to deliver
communist insurgency that grew from 500 her speech.
armed guerillas to 16,000 during Marcos’ • She became a widow at the age of 50.
regime. • First female president of the Philippines and
• She called on America to help Philippines in restored democracy to the country, promulgated
preserving the freedom a new constitution, and served until 1999.
• She became the center of anti-Marcos’s politics
Speech writer: Teddy Locsin Jr. in the Philippines – a movement known as
Time written: Assumed between April – September “People Power.”

Time delivered: September 18, 1986 Relevance of the Speech

o Months after the EDSA Revolution (Feb. Cabinet members, diplomats, senators and congressmen
25, 1986). honored Aquino’s signature color (yellow) by
o 3 years after the assassination of Senator displaying the color themselves.
Benigno Aquino (1983) The chamber was sprinkled with yellow shirts, blouses,
o Managed to influence the votes to favor 200 ties, handkerchiefs and some 200 yellow roses flown in
million dollars financial aid towards from Texas by House Majority Leader James C. Wright
rebuilding the Philippine Economy. Jr. (Democrats-Texas).
Content Analysis Robert Dole escorted Aquino up to the House aisle to
Cory quoted: the tumultuous applause and told her “You hit a home
run.” Without pause between handshakes, Aquino
“We fought for honor, and, if only for honor, we replied, “I hope the bases were loaded.”
shall pay,” agreeing to pay the debt stolen by
Marcos. Her U.S. visit will not diminish the problems Aquino
must face when she returns that week to Manila.
“And yet, should we have to wring the payments
from the sweat of our men’s faces and sink all the A luster of political sophistication to her image as an
wealth piled up by the bondsman’s two hundred fifty honest, principled leader added. And that she should
years of unrequited toil?” Filipino are the ones who by her time to increase the loyalty of the Filipino,
is responsible for paying it. especially in the difficult months ahead.

The speech was impassioned, deeply personal, and Lesson: We cannot entrust our redemption to another
effective; interrupted 11 times by applause and sovereign state. The only solution is to address the
bookended with standing ovations. causes and solving the root problem will encourage
everything to inevitably fall into place.


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