Aueleisina - Aidana - 11D - SAU 1 Persuasive Writing - Building An Argument.

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GPPW - Writing Assignment: Globalisation – Friend or Foe?

Write an essay of between 250 and 300 words on the topics that follows.

You will find a framework for planning. Please Note that you will have to submit both the planning sheet and final
essay for assessment.

Include everything you have learnt: SDGs, lenses and perspectives, arguments, etc

Globalisation – Friend or Foe?


Globalization is the main key

Globalization is a key for
for humanity to develop and
humanity’s development
stay together

developed countries each time

create more and more advanced Sharing new informational
technologies and people from all technologies with world
over the world adopt these
technologies and can work with the Globalisation has several pros
whole world on an equal footing Standardization of living

globalization enables countries

to fight against poverty and
improve the standard of living Extensions of market
Globalisation increases
of the people.
inequality and interference
Globalizations leads to competition of the most economically
appears, which leads to the fact that
developed states in the
international corporations introduce
more and more new and affordable internal politics of the less
products to the market. developed

Globalisation has its disadvantages, however they still be overlapped by many

cons and be the most powerful force for global development.
GPPW - Writing Assignment: Globalisation – Friend or Foe?

Globalization has become increasingly common in the modern world. This concept means that the world unites
its economy, politics, resources, technologies, cultures and society. With other words world is “shrinking”. To
my mind, globalization is a main key for world to stabile develop and make the world better place for everyone.

Firstly, transfer of technology is one of the most common sentence that used in describing pros of
globalization. Countries can change with their discoveries and improvements in technology development, for
instance, fair dedicated to the energy technologies of the future, which was held in Astana in 2017. The
exhibition was attended by representatives of 115 countries and shared their vision of the "energy of the

Globalization sets the world standards for people's lives, thanks to the fact that countries and politicians are
united. So, for example, in order to solve global problems, the United Nations created 17 sustainable
development goals and 163 countries agreed to them. Standardization leads countries to try to meet the
requirements of the world community. Standardization leads countries to try to meet the requirements of the
world community. The government is trying to improve the quality of life of people, for example, to eradicate
poverty, hunger, reduce child mortality and achieve gender equality in all sectors of society. For instance, to
achieve the goal of reducing poverty, the United Nations helped Kazakhstan distributed 6.6 million dollars (due

Globalization of markets is one of the most fascinating developments of this century. Its impact on economic
transactions, processes, institutions, and players is dramatic and wide ranging. Market expansion is one of the
most necessary parts of globalization. People from all over the world can see goods from all over the world on
their shelves. In this case, Apple became the world's largest smartphone retailer in the fourth quarter of 2020,
with a company-record share of 23.4%. It is reported by Reuters with reference to the research company IDC.

On the other hand, globalization has disadvantages for people’s life. Globalization can lead to an increase in
social inequality, due to the fact that the level of education and technology development in the world is
increasing. Thus, the number of highly qualified foreign workers is increasing, and they are willing to work for
lower wages. For instance, all dominated MNCs in the world are located in the United States, this companies
are buying cheaper labor from developing or underdeveloped countries for their manufactures. China, India and
Africa are common examples of this. It increases the employment of such countries, however they are lagging
behind relatively developed countries.

To conclude globalization has its disadvantages, however they still be overlapped by many cons and be the
most powerful force for global development
GPPW - Writing Assignment: Globalisation – Friend or Foe?


This must be complete as the evidence of your learning progress and submitted by SEPTEMBER 30.
In class, you have explored globalization and looked at it from different perspectives.
Subject Reference Learning Objectives Success criteria:
 Learners have met this Learning Objective if they have:
CO3 demonstrate that they have planned their argument
 develop an argument that is supported demonstrate that they have the skill of developing an argument that is supported
develop and with some reasons and evidence with reasons and evidence
present reasoning, written an argument with some structure
argument and
 present an argument with some
structure that is mostly clear written an argument that is mostly clear
claims reached conclusions that are generally related to their reasoning and evidence
 reach conclusions that are generally argued the point and supported their claim / conclusion through different
CO4 perspectives
related to reasoning and evidence
select and use used technical terms
appropriate  select and use some technical terms used prior knowledge and research to support their argument
technical terms
and cite  use some sources to support argument
TASK: Write an argument of between 250 and 300 words on the following topic:

Globalisation – Friend or Foe?

GPPW: Grade: 11 ARGUMENTS - Globalisation – Friend or Foe?

Beginning (1 pt) Developing (2 pt) Proficient (3 pt) Excellent(4 pt)

Planning Planning partially Planning completed, but not Planning completed and Planning is well thought
completed. well thought through and with thought through. Effort was through and shows that
minimal effort made. deconstruction and
reconstruction took place.

The argument Doesn’t say what the Arguable claim is buried, Makes an arguable claim but Clearly states an arguable
argument or claim is. confused and/or unclear. does not propose a solution, claim. Proposes a solution,
course of action or new course of action or a new way
approach to the topic. to approach the topic.

Claims in support of Does not give convincing Gives 1 or 2 weak claims that Outlines supporting claims, Gives clear and accurate
the argument claims in support of the don’t fully support argument but may overlook important supporting claims in support
argument. and/or irrelevant or confusing reasons. of the argument. Uses logic
reasons. with facts, statistics, research
and named sources.

Reasons against the Does not acknowledge or Says that there are reasons Discusses the reasons against Discusses the reasons against
argument or claim discuss the reasons against against the argument or overall argument or overall argument or
the argument or supporting supporting argument but supporting claim but leaves supporting claim and
claim. doesn’t discuss it specifically some reasons out and /or explains why it is valid
don’t explain why the claim anyway.
still stands

Organization, Writing is aimless and Writing is organised, but not Writing has a beginning, Writing has a compelling
Sentence fluency and disorganised. well structured and can go off middle and end. It is opening, an informative
Word choice Many run-ons, fragments topic Sentences are organized, but could be more middle and satisfying
and awkward phrasing sometimes awkward and/or compelling. conclusion.
makes for difficult reading. contain run-ons and Well-constructed sentences, Sentences are clear, complete
The same words are used fragments. Word choice or making use of routine word and of varied length. Words
over and over again. Some usage is often inappropriate or choices. used are apt, varied and
words may be confusing to wrong. effective.
the reader.

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