Points For Mathematics Program Implementation Review

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Mathematics Curriculum

School Year 2020-2021

I.  In what ways have you been successful in implementing modular
A. Implementation of instruction/online distance education in Mathematics?
Distance Learning
Answer: I gave them WHLP for them to be guided on the activities to be
answered for the week. Also, I shared some videos that can simplify the
process on the abstract topics. Moreover, I responded all their queries
when they were confused on a topic in the learning modules thru our
group chat. In those little things they become fully active in participating
distance learning.

B. Distance Learning  What learning resources are used in your school?

Answer: The school used offline and sometimes online distance learning.
But most of the time modular distance learning were preferred in the
school because most of the students do not have accessibility and
connectivity at home. Though often we do online teaching during COTs but
then the students who can joined were those who can access on the
internet. Therefore, the school favored on modular learning all throughout
the quarter.

 (Include Number of distance learning resources developed and

quality-assured from quarters 1-4)

Answer: The first quarter of the school year I have 41 students that I need
to prepare learning materials every week. For the second quarter one of
my student dropped in my section and for the third quarter a student
transferred out. Therefore, I have a total of 39 students that I need to
prepare for this fourth quarter. Sorting and binding were my task every
week because the printing process was made by the school administration
to reach the total number of copies for each grade level and section in a
quarter. Although the quantity was achieved excellently but the quality
was sometimes not good.

 (Include a report on the percentage of learners utilizing these

distance learning resources)

Answer: One hundred percent (100%) of my students utilized these

modules however twenty percent (20%) of them can access through online
or onscreen recording teaching because most of my learners lack devices
and do not have internet connection.

 How did you use the official SLMs/LDM/activity sheets?

Answer: I used it to give emphasis and supply understanding on the
different topics that needs thorough clarification for the learners. It also
helped me to check if there are any improvements on their understanding
of the topics for the quarter. Activity sheets were given after the learning
modules and written works answered and submitted. So that there’s no
gap and they wouldn’t stop leaning while waiting for the learning modules
to be completed for distribution on the next quarter.

C. Support to Learners  How did you ensure that all learners have access to the
devices/modules they need to fully participate in distance

Answer: I do some reinforcement like follow-up through phone calls or text

messages and asked them the problems if ever they can’t take the learning
materials for the week. But sometimes if they were out of reached, I do
home visitation for me to check their situation, condition and motivation
of the learners in answering the learning materials. To find solutions on the
present problems being encountered by them just to ensure that they still
continue participating in distance learning.

 How did you ensure that the instructional needs of slow

learners/non-readers/learners who are not yet
independent/learners and who have nobody to help/facilitate
learning at home are supported?

Answer: I always confront the parents/guardians on late submission of

answer sheets because as I observed they were the learners who are
academically challenged otherwise they were sick. I talked to the concern
parent/guardian the probable cause of being late and if I find out that their
children were having difficulties then I give extra time to help them out like
chatting them directly on messenger.

 How did you support the social and emotional well-being of

learners, their parents/learning facilitators and teachers during
access and capability?


D. Support to Teachers  How did the school heads support the teachers in developing
Weekly Home Learning Plan to meet the needs of learners with
varying levels of access and capability?


E. Support to School  What kind of support and professional development provided to

Leaders school leaders and teachers to prepare them for distance
education and to related tilts?


F. Innovations  In what ways have you been successful in minimizing the number
of learners at risk of dropping out from the different learning


G. Monitoring Results  How did the teachers establish and maintain regular
communication with learners and families – particularly the most


 How did the teachers measure the learners’ progress to ensure

that learners and families have an accurate picture of the learners’
performance for this school year?


 What did the teachers do when a learner is not progressing or not

completing assigned tasks/modules?


 How did they use the assessment results? ( those found in the
SLM/teacher made)


H. Findings on  How can the utilization of the SLMs be improved? WHLP?

Utilization of SLMs and
WHLP Answer:
I suggest that SLMs would be best utilized if it is grouped by subject for
every quarter and be given to be accomplished for a week so that the
learning of the students will be continuous since mathematics topics were
spiral. Maybe we could test it next school year if face to face is still not

WHLP should be given ahead of time and subject teacher must consider
that learners need to read and understand the topic and process well. So,
teachers must choose activities that the learners can reasonably
completed it in time allotted.
 Implementation of the different learning modalities in your


II. Component Challenges/ Actions Responsible

A. Challenges and Gaps Gaps Taken/Recommendations Persons

III. Planned Activities Target Dates Responsible Persons

A. Plans/Next Steps


This is to capture initiatives, interventions and other concerns in the Mathematics program
implementation following the template mentioned above.

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