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The power of purpose-
driven brands.
2 ta b l e o f co n t e n t s

03 Introduction

04 About the Research

05 Why Brand Purpose Matters

10 Sustainability

13 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

17 Brand Authenticity

22 Conclusion and Additional Resources

25 Appendix
3 introduction

Values-based marketing
is more than just a trend
—it’s a paradigm shift.
Explore the evolving relationships
consumers have with the brands in
their lives and what drives them to
form deeper connections.
4 introduction

What matters to consumers

should matter to brands.
We see an opportunity to help brands 
 Samples are representative of online
better understand the values that matter 
 populations aged 18-65 and weighted to
to consumers. By engaging and connecting 
 reflect the distributions of age range, gender,
based on shared values, brands can earn 
 and region, based on national population
the trust and loyalty that drives long-term census data for each country. Research was
relationships. That’s why we’ve commissioned conducted between April 19-30, 2022.
this research for a second year in a row. 

We want to examine the trends that inform
behaviors over time.
 United Kingdom 

Consumer sentiments are evolving quickly as 1,018 consumers 1,027 consumers
world events reshape our lives. To better
understand consumer needs and motivations,
Amazon Ads commissioned a survey from Germany 
 United States 

1,049 consumers 1,049 consumers
Environics Research of 5,131 consumers across
five key global regions.

1,022 consumers

Why Brand
Purpose Matters
6 W h y B r a n d P u r p o s e M at t e r s

It’s clear. Globally, consumers

have more choices and want
more control over their
experiences and the way they
interact with brands.
0% 100%

87% of consumers agree

“I want to be the one who decides when and
where I interact with a brand.”

69% of consumers agree

“I have recently modified my way of life to
concentrate more on things that are really
important to me.”

77% of consumers agree

“I am increasingly re-evaluating my needs in
order to shop more effectively.”
7 W h y B r a n d P u r p o s e M at t e r s

A number of global Authenticity is earned through

action, and consumers are
challenges are top of assessing whether your brand
represents the types of changes
mind for consumers. they care about.

The most important issues for

consumers globally

h e a lt h & s a f e t y 32%

c l i m at e c h a n g e 29%

H e a lt h c a r e & H e a lt h y L i f e s t y l e s 28%

m e n ta l h e a lt h awa r e n e s s 25%

environment 24%

human rights 23%

The impact of value-based decisions

64% 79​%
of consumers AGREE of consumers AGREE

“I make a point to 64% “I am more 

support brands who likely to purchase
donate money or products or services
supplies to causes from brands whose
that are important values align with 

to me.” my own.”
8 Why Brand Purpose M at t e r s

The data indicates that

Brands can no longer consumers are expecting brands

sit on the sidelines. to have a response to important

issues like sustainability and DEI.

of consumers agree

“Brands should do
more to encourage
people to be more
conscious consumers.”
9 W h y B r a n d P u r p o s e M at t e r s

Consumers want to Personal values are a powerful

lens through which consumers
see brand purpose globally develop expectations
and motivations when
turned into action. interacting with brands.

64% o f c o n s u m e r s a g r e e
“I am more likely to purchase
an item from a brand willing to
take a stance on social issues
and conflicts.” 64%

“Brand authenticity means providing something

valuable to consumers that satisfies more than
their wallets—it’s about supporting their causes
and driving meaningful
64% change in the world.”

Tom Burns

VP, Head of Standards and Partnerships,

EMEA, Publicis Media Exchange (PMX)

11 s u s ta i n a b i l i t y

Environmental responsibility is emerging

as a top-of-mind issue for many
consumers, especially younger adults.

Familiarity with sustainability Seeking out sustainability

6 in 10 consumers agree 

they “actively seek out 

brands that are sustainable 

77% in their business practices.”

82% Ages 25-44

Ages 18-24

70% SEEK out
s u s t a i n a b l e

Ages 45-65 BRANDS

Overall, younger adult consumers

globally are most familiar with the
concept of sustainability.

"Sustainability is a major part of brand integrity, and brands

should think about the many factors that go into it. Spanning
every point of the customer experience, brands should focus on
expanding product lifespans beyond their first owners, reducing
plastic waste, measuring carbon emissions, and thinking about
more sustainable processes for products they sell and how they
approach business transformation."

Yale Cohen

EVP, Global Digital Standards, Publicis Media

Exchange (PMX)
12 s u s ta i n a b i l i t y

While climate change is top of

Sustainability includes a mind for consumers globally,
range of challenges that other specific issues hold different
weights depending on where
consumers care about. consumers are in the world.

The environmental issues that matter most

to consumers, and the regions that over-
index on the top issues

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

C l i m at e c h a n g e

GLobal 35%

j a pa n 43%


Global 22%

Canada 27%

loss of wildlife

Global 19%

United Kingdom 27% “Cutting emissions, lowering

energy usage, sourcing
products from fair-trade
A i r q u a l i t y/ s m o g organizations, and ensuring
their physical waste is
Global 19% disposed of properly and
with a smaller carbon
U n i t e d s tat e s 23% footprint would all qualify
as moves toward
sustainability for brands.”
United States
global 18% consumer

Germany 25%

Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion (DEI)
1 4 D i v e r s i t y, E q u i t y, A N D I n c l u s i o n

Make DEI part of As institutions across the globe

reckon with a historic lack of
your brand DNA.
representation, consumers expect
a commitment to DEI.

The role of DEI in

consumer choice

o f co n s u m e r s
46​% 46%
o f co n s u m e r s
Are willing to pay Go out of their way
more for a product to choose brands
that reflects and that have corporate
promotes DEI. commitments to DEI.

"We believe that DE&I has to be built into solutions 

for our business. The actions we take for our own talent, 

as well as our efforts with our clients and partners, are 

only as good as the ways we hold ourselves accountable. 

In May 2021, GroupM announced the launch of the
Media Inclusion Initiative, partnering with over 20 of 

our largest clients to increase spending in Black and
diverse-owned media."
Kirk McDonald

CEO, GroupM
15 D i v e r s i t y, E q u i t y, A N D I n c l u s i o n

Globally, consumers are

paying attention to DEI.

Keywords most often associated with diversity, equity, and inclusion

fa i r t r e at m e n t/ fa i r n e s s

equalit y r ace

r e p r e s e n tat i o n

s e x ua l o r i e n tat i o n e m p loy m e n t


equal opportunit y

Representation around
the globe R ace/Ethnicit y 28%

Top areas related to DEI/

representation that are most
important to consumers in Gender equalit y 26%
the five regions surveyed.
16 D i v e r s i t y, E q u i t y, AND Inclusion

DEI has emerged as an important consideration

for consumers around the globe.

DEI factors strongly into purchasing

behaviors among consumers



20 42%

United States United Kingdom Canada

Consumers have indicated that factors related to DEI have become

more important to them over the past three years

United S tat e s 51%

United Kingdom 46%

canada 45%

germany 43%

68% of consumers agree

“It’s important that brands I buy from

take action to promote diversity, equity,

and inclusion.”

18 br and authenticit y

Authenticity of purpose is
a key factor for consumers
when making a purchase.

67% of consumers agree

“I am prepared to pay more for

brands, products, and services
that are truly authentic.”

“Brand authenticity is when a brand lives its

purpose out loud: putting out communications,
taking actions, and enabling experiences in 

the world that align with its purpose. 

Authentic brands operate in a manner that is
consistent with their true value proposition.
Authentic brands do not go a step too far or
over-project an attribute that is not factual or

Danielle Gonzales

CEO, iProspect America

19 br and authenticit y

Talk the talk. Brands everywhere should be

focused on building trust and
Walk the walk. credibility with consumers.

Global consumer trust in company/brand advertising

j a pa n

45% germany

u n i t e d s tat e s

united kingdom

20 br and authenticit y

It's important for brands to

align claims with trusted
sources across touchpoints.

Sources consumers are most likely to trust globally

S u s ta i n a b i l i t y DEI

Third-party certifications 33% 24%

Search engine results 32% 26%

Experts/advocates 28% 25%

Family/friends/colleagues 24% 24%

Online purchaser reviews 23%

Product descriptions on brand sites 22%

Retailer websites 16%

2 1 b r a n d au t h e n t i c i t y

When conveying When asked, these were the

brands of all sizes that felt most
authenticity, some authentic to consumers
brands stand out. throughout the world.

Conclusion and
Additional Resources
23 Conclusion AND Additional Resources

This is a new world,

a new moment.

The impetus is on brands to be the ones

who listen, understand, and even lead
conversations on the issues their customers
care about. By meeting customers where
they are, in their moment, we can create
connections that are truly built to last.

24 Conclusion AND Additional Resources

Explore brand
success stories
See how Amazon Ads is helping
customers share their brand stories,
including the ways they communicate
their efforts to engage in
sustainability and DEI—and build
brand trust with consumers.

View case studies

25 appendix


Why Brand Purpose Matters Global Canada Germany Japan Kingdom States

Which of the following causes or issues are most important to you?

Health and safety 32% 25% 36% 59% 15% 28%

Climate change 29% 33% 34% 21% 29% 27%

Healthcare or healthy lifestyles 28% 32% 20% 40% 24% 24%

Mental health awareness 25% 25% 12% 27% 36% 25%

Environment 24% 26% 30% 20% 26% 18%

Human rights 23% 23% 25% 19% 21% 28%

Do you agree with the following statements?

I am more likely to purchase an item from a brand that is willing to take

64% 67% 69% 44% 72% 67%
a stand on social issues and conflicts

I want to be the one who decides when and where I interact with a brand 87% 92% 89% 71% 92% 92%

I am increasingly re-evaluating my needs in order to shop more effectively 77% 82% 76% 64% 80% 81%

I am more likely to purchase products or services from brands whose

79% 81% 75% 81% 77% 81%
values align with my own

I am prepared to pay more for brands, products, and services that are
67% 67% 66% 61% 68% 74%
truly authentic

I make a point to support brands who donate money or supplies to causes

64% 67% 68% 47% 68% 70%
that are important to me

I have recently modified my way of life to concentrate more on things that

69% 76% 76% 39% 74% 81%
are really important to me

I trust company/brand advertising 48% 45% 36% 55% 48% 57%

Brands should do more to encourage people to be more conscious consumers 78% 80% 80% 69% 81% 81%
26 appendix


Sustainability Global Canada Germany Japan Kingdom States

Which of the following sources, if any, do you consider to be the most

trustworthy when it comes to researching sustainability or sustainable
options prior to making a purchase?

Third-party certification (e.g., Fairtrade, ENERGY STAR, Organic,

Certified Carbon Neutral, Animal Welfare Approved, Certified B Corp) 33% 36% 40% 24% 38% 29%

Search engine (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) to find general information 32% 34% 28% 38% 30% 28%

Sustainability experts, advocates, and groups 28% 36% 30% 13% 34% 30%

Family, friends, or colleagues 24% 24% 27% 24% 25% 23%

Online purchaser reviews/ratings (e.g. Amazon/ Walmart/Asda websites,

23% 22% 22% 26% 21% 26%
retailer’s website, manufacturer’s website, etc.)

Product descriptions on a company/brand’s website 22% 20% 19% 30% 22% 22%

Traditional media (e.g., newspapers, magazines) 17% 17% 20% 21% 14% 12%

Product descriptions on a retailer’s website (e.g.,,

16% 16% 17% 10% 14% 20%, etc.)

Which of the following environmental issues matter to you most?

Climate change/global warming 35% 35% 33% 43% 30% 30%

Water pollution/water quality 22% 27% 22% 19% 20% 24%

Loss of wildlife habitat/parks and wilderness area preservation 19% 20% 18% 12% 27% 18%

Air pollution/air quality/smog 19% 20% 15% 20% 17% 23%

Oceans 18% 18% 25% 12% 20% 15%

Do you agree with the following statements?

I actively seek out brands that are sustainable in their business practices 62% 66% 67% 44% 64% 68%

I am familiar with the concept of sustainability in general 75% 74% 83% 60% 79% 77%
27 appendix


DEI Global Canada Germany Japan Kingdom States

Which of the following sources, if any, do you consider to be the most

trustworthy when it comes to researching a company/brand's
commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (representation) prior
to making a purchase?

Search engine (e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) to find general information 26% 26% 23% 34% 25% 24%

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (representation) experts, advocates, and groups 25% 30% 25% 15% 27% 25%

Third-party certification (e.g., Fairtrade, ENERGY STAR, Organic, Certified

24% 24% 25% 21% 28% 22%
Carbon Neutral, Animal Welfare Approved, Certified B Corp)

Family, friends, or colleagues 24% 24% 25% 21% 25% 24%

Which areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion (representation) are

most important to you?

Race/ethnicity 28% 36% 21% 26% 29% 31%

Gender equality 26% 31% 27% 23% 24% 23%

Do you agree with the following statements?

It's important to me that brands I buy from take action to promote diversity,
67% 71% 68% 50% 75% 72%
equity, and inclusion

Factors related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (representation) have become

44% 45% 43% 33% 46% 51%
more important to me as a consumer in the last three years

I'm willing to pay more for a product that reflects and promotes diversity,
45% 42% 46% 41% 46% 50%
equity, and inclusion (representation)

I go out of my way to choose brands that have corporate commitments to

46% 42% 49% 44% 46% 49%
support diversity, equity, and inclusion (representation)

As a consumer, diversity, equity, and inclusion (representation) factors a

great extent or some extent into my own purchasing behaviors and
37% 38% 33% 23% 42% 49%
lifestyle, including the choices I make, products I buy (or don't buy), the
brands/companies I support, etc.

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