Official Test1

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32. broken in: đột nhập

33.set off
34. fall for sb: phải lòng ai
35. pull through: vượt
qua( bệnh tật, khó khăn)
52. they
53. which
54. the ( the vast majority of: đại đa số)
55. over
71. instead of taking
72. is not big enough
73. a large number of=
many: nhiều
74. be on sale/ be for
sale before
75. dont feel like going
 feel like doing sth:
muốn làm
76. used not to
77. would look into
78. prided herself in
79. has given the green light
--> give the green light to
sth: cho phép điều gì đó xảy
80. BĐ object
Objected to being asked

82. it is the most delicious mead I have ever

83. david on an excellently organized office
84. Đảo ngữ của nosooner tha
No sooner + had+ S+V3 than + s+v
 No sooner had she said it than she….
85. might have v3
 have taken the wrong road in the dark
86. find it difficult to do sth
= have difficulty doing sth
--≥ 86difficulty in persuading her boss .
87. make an effort to : cố gắng làm gì
 was made to free….
- Hostages: những con tin
88. would rather + V than + V
= s+ would prefer to +V rather than +v
 I WOULD PREFEWR to have the lesson on
wednesday rather than on Tuesday
89. enjoy= take an interest in : quan tâm
90. find time= get around to something

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