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This project is entitled as Online Discussion Forum Site which has developed in PHP
as front and MySQL server as back end.

This simple project is entitled Online Discussion Forum Site. This is a web-based
application project developed in PHP and MySQL Database. This simple project's main goal
is to provide an online platform for an organization where they can discuss any topic that is
related to the site or organization. The site allows users to post any topic under a certain topic
category. Users can post comments on each posted published topic. The system user interface
was developed with Bootstrap Framework and Amniote Framework. It also consists of user-
friendly features and functionalities.

This Online Discussion Forum Site is accessible to anyone and site management. As I
mentioned at beginning of this article, the project allows users to post or published certain
topics. Each published topic is visible to the public and registered users. The system requires
the users to register and log in with their credentials to gain access to posting topics and
comments. This project also contains an Admin Panel Site where the site management can
manage all the data on the system. This side of the project requires an administrator user
credential to gain access to the features and functionalities. On this site, the management can
overwrite, and delete users' posts and comments. The admin users also can create a new topic
on this site. The Admin Users are the ones who are in charge of populating the topic category
list. They can also update the system name, logo, etc.

Front end : PHP

Backend : My SQL

 Admin

 Category list Detail

 Comment list Detail

 Post list Detail
 Users Detail

 Login and Registration

 Home Page
 Topic Categories Page
 Add Post Page
 My Post Page
 Edit or Update Posted Topic
 Comment Section
 Delete Posted Topics
 Delete Posted Comments
 Update Account Details/Credentials
 Logout


 Home Page
 Category Management
 Post Management
 User Management
 Update System Information
 Update Account Details/Credentials
 Login and Logout

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