Activty 2 STS

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STS Activity no.

I. Answer the following:

1. Do you think the Science and Technology that we have at present is because of the influence of
the countries that have colonized us?

- Yes, the various countries that have colonized us have had a major influence on our science
and technology. During the Spanish rule in the Philippines, for example, the Spanish
instituted formal education and established scientific institutions. Additionally, both the pre-
Spanish and the American eras have made significant contributions to the improvement of
medicine and other fields of science. Although many scientists and intellectuals have made
significant contributions to scientific advancements throughout the years, we cannot deny that
the growth of science and technology was influenced by colonialism in our country.

2. Cite an example of conflict between the ID and Super Ego:

- For the ID, Jack is walking down the street and he is very hungry. When he sees an apple pie
cooling in a window, he takes it for himself, On the other situation, when Jack sees an apple
pie cooling in a window, his Super ego does nothing. His superego reminds him that it is
someone's pie, and that trespassing on someone's property and stealing is not appropriate. In
conclusion, the ID represents our immature personality, while the superego represents our
morals, principles, and ethics. It considers the social norms that control social behavior.

3. If you are Nicolas Copernicus, will you still publish your book (introducing the concept of
heliocentric theory) even if you will be a Heretic or an outcast of your religion?

- If I were Nicolas Copernicus, I would still publish it, even if it meant being an outcast by my
own religion. Even if I am still skeptical and afraid, I had put my trust in the scientific
revolution based on what I have learned and seen. Nicolas Copernicus was a great
mathematician and astronomer whose work was a turning point in the history of science. He
dedicated his entire life to science, and it was only on his deathbed that he published his idea
opposing the church's beliefs. His theories contradicted the teachings of Aristotle, which were
clearly endorsed by the Catholic Church and could not accept the scientific discoveries and
theories of Copernicus. His theory was later proved by more astronomers and was accepted as
a key part of modern astronomy.

II. Direction: If you were a scientist, help your fellowmen by creating your own invention. Your proposed
invention (device or equipment) can be any or combination of the following criteria:
a. will make work easier,
b. will help in food sustainability,
c. will aid in national security
d. will help in economic stability
e. will help the education sector
f. will help in solving environmental problems
Draw your invention inside the box and make a short description on how it will be useful to mankind:
This invention will help in solving environmental issues, particularly pollution and the current issue of
climate change. This botanical product contains seeds, which could be vegetables, flowers, or herbs.
Planting paper products is a cost-effective approach to reduce waste and reuse old materials. Planting
products can help the environment by promoting reforestation, which benefits soil and wetland condition,
water quality, and wildlife habitat. This product was named as “Grow Me” which encourages people to
plant home gardens, which provide more even home for other species while also being better for the soil
than perfectly maintained fields. Seed paper is typically manufactured from recycled materials and dyed
with natural plant colors. Seed paper is biodegradable and waste-free when used for its intended purpose.

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