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1. Ethics

To be able to understand fully the importance of ethics and values, recall a significant
problematic experience you had in the past and how you were able to handle it.

Brief description of my experience of a moral

dilemma How I was able to solve the dilemma
1. I promised my other to go home early I called my mother immediately to inform her that I
from school for her birthday. As I am will be late for the celebration because I need to
packing my things, my friend called help my friend who’s in a critical condition. Good
me that she got into an accident and thing she understands the situation.
she needs to be rushed to the
2. I saw my friend being bullied by my I told my aunt and uncle what my cousin did to my
cousin but I am afraid to tell my friend because as parents they definitely know how
cousin’s parents what he did to my to handle their child.
friend because they too will punish
my cousin. My friend is badly affected
by the actions of my cousin. What
should I do?
3. My friends and I were playing soccer. I told her the truth and she scolded my friend. She
When my friend hit the ball, it went also told my friend to pay for the vase. Since we
inside the house of our neighbor and were all playing, it means that my friend should not
broke one of her flower vases. Our take all the blame. So we decided to divide for the
neighbor asked me who among us payment of the flower vase.
kicked the ball. T struggled to decide
whether I should tell the truth or I
should cover up my friend.
4. Last year there was a shooting Even though the one involved in the shooting
incident happened in front of our incident was a close family friend, I cannot risk the
house that involves a family friend of safety of our neighborhood so I told the police
ours. I witnessed the whole incident everything I saw sacrificing our family’s friendship.
so the police asked me regarding who
were involved in the incident.
5. I applied for a summer internship Since I haven’t started the job in the first one yet, I
program and had gone through called them immediately to decline the offer to
different interviews at two business accept the 2nd one. I explained them my reasons
establishments. After a week, I and they respectfully accepted my decision. After
received a call from one of the all, the first employer probably doesn’t want me to
businesses and accepted the job. work for them knowing that I will reject accepting
Shortly after accepting the first offer, their job offer.
the second one comes in. It’s the
better of the two offers and from my
preferred employer.
6. I was asked by the police to be the I came up to a decision to accept the offer because
President of Kabataang Kontra Droga if I will be the president of KKDAT Camalaniugan
At Terorismo (KKDAT) in our Chapter, I know what is right or wrong and good or
municipality. I did my research on the bad for my fellow youth. If I would let this position
organization and saw online posts of slide, the police might find someone whose pro red
officers from other municipalities tagging and who can be easily swayed by the
participating in rallies in support to higher ups.
the Anti- Terrorism Law. That’s when
I had second thoughts about the
organization because I personally am
against to some sections of the said
law. I had difficulty deciding whether
or not accept the presidency.
7. A friend of mine from another section The decision I made was wrong but is also good for
is struggling with his grades and the my friend. I didn’t took a picture of the test
only way to pass the subject is to questions but I gave him all my answers. Luckily no
pass the final exams. Our section was one caught us and we both passed the exams. After
scheduled to be the first one to take that, I gave him a warning that I will not do it again
the exams so my friend asked me to for the second time and gave him a reminder that
take a photo of the exam questions he should focus more in his studies. He is now
and give it to him. It was a really hard doing well in his class and never failed a single
decision to make because I also don’t subject.
want my friend to fail because it is
also our final year in senior high
8. I was eating lunch with my boyfriend It was a hard decision for me but I never told my
in a fast food restaurant when I saw aunt’s husband what I saw. My relationship with
my aunt having lunch with her my aunt is stronger than what it would cost me
rumored “boyfriend”. From the way when I tell them what I saw, so I acted as if it’s one
they behave, it is obvious that they of my business to meddle in their relationship.
are more than just friends. I couldn’t
believe that the rumors were true
because she is my favorite aunt and
she disappointed me a lot.
9. Our teachers asked us to collect I didn’t tell our teacher what I found out. Instead, I
donations for the typhoon victims in talked to our treasurer about my suspicions and
our community. I was in charge of the gave him a chance to pay the money back before
cash donations. After a week, our purchasing the relief goods. Good thing he
teacher asked me if the donations are returned the money before our teacher finds out
enough to buy relief goods. She also what happened. But if not, I would definitely tell
added that she gave our class the truth.
treasurer additional P5, 000.00
donation which was never remitted
by the treasurer to me. Later, I
realized that he spent the money for
his own personal gain.
10. While I was shopping at a grocery I didn’t tell the workers what I saw, instead I told it
store, I saw an old woman stealing a to my mother to ask the old woman that what she
box of vitamins with her sick-looking did was wrong. My mother also offered her help by
grandchild. I don’t know if I should buying the vitamins for the old woman instead.
tell the workers what I saw or let her
steal the medicine for her grandchild.

2. Social Responsibility

How are you going to specifically apply this quotation to your life? Make a short reflection on it.

“A machine has value only as it produces more than it consumes- so check your value in the

As I was scrolling my facebook newsfeed, I came across a post criticizing the Duterte administration’s
steps in combating COVID-19. My friend commented “ano bang ambag mo?” in the said post and
that’s how I realized something.

“Ano nga bang ambag ko?” have I done any good for the community? Or am I just one of those futile
parasites dependent on the host?

All of us start as “learners”. We learn everything from how to walk and talk to how to play complex
games and read complex sentences.

When we’ve learned whatever our community thinks of as “the basics”, we decide what we’re to do
with the rest of our lives – how we’ll find and fill our roles in the community. We may be farmers or
carpenters or teachers or managers of one sort of another. We may be musicians or painters or
filmmakers or athletes. And we may humbly accept the role assigned to us or insist on choosing one
for ourselves.

Today, citizenship requires that people be knowledgeable about public issues and possess the
capacity to work toward solution by acting together. History records voluntary actions by private
citizens working together to right injustices, change directions and pursue benefits for the common
good. This list includes the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, the civil rights movement. In every
case, people voluntarily came together with a shared sense of purpose for the common good.

As a student, I do the basic roles that citizens must do like maintaining a clean surrounding. I
participated in clean up drives and tree planting activities. I also joined community meetings and open
forums to offer improvements in the society. It is no use sulking in your own house and mutter
complaints of the society to your family. Go out, talk to the right people. Lastly, I follow the rules of
the community. Each society has certain rules define. And every individual must respect and abide by
them. In case any rule is proving difficult, it should be brought forward in the society meetings.
Breaking them is no solution.
Looking back, I don’t have much “ambag” as others do. But one thing is certain – I am not a machine
that produces less than it consumes.

3. Business Ethics

The business seems to be bankrupt and has no other way to get through it is to hold the two
months salaries of the employees just to it, is it OK to get the salaries of the employees? Why or
why not?

No. It is unethical to get the salaries of the employees, moreover, it is not beneficial for the business
in the long run. Getting their salaries would affect their living and you my face more charges in court
for violating your contract with your employees.

The best way is to file a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Contrary to popular belief, declaring bankruptcy
doesn’t automatically mean a business is a failure. Chapter 11 bankruptcy takes its name from the
American Bankruptcy Code 11. Essentially it is a means for corporations to reorganize itself and follow
a debt repayment strategy while still being allowed to continue to operate. In other words, when a
company declares Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the debtor retains ownership and control of the company
while it moves to negotiate and complete payment plan.

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