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Name (EY Period Date One-Dimensional Motion: Inclined Plane Objectives A cart is released from rest down an inclined track. Derive two of the fundamental kinematic equations using linearized forme of position versus time and velocity versus time data acquired during the cart's travel ‘The objective of this lab is to derive two kinematic equations that relate: ¢ Position and time for an object with constant acceleration ¢ Velocity and time for an object with constant acceleration Materials and Equipment For each student or group: ¢ LabQuest Data collection system ¢ End stop ‘ Motion sensor ¢ Large base and support rod Dynamics track Dynamics track rod clamp @ Dynamics cart ‘ LoggerPro Graphing Software Background According to Newton's first law, an object moving without the influence of a net external force maintains a constant velocity. The following equation is used to relate position and time mathematically for an object demonstrating constant velocity (zero acceleration): x=x,+t ® where xis the position of the object at time ¢ and xo is the initial position of the object. However, an object that experiences a net external force does not move with constant velocity, it accelerates. In this lab, you will derive two of the fundamental kinematic equations involving motion with a constant acceleration, Relevant Equations 1 a sexy butt sar @ Eq. 2 relates position x as a function of time # for accelerated motion. Assuming the initial velocity vo is zero, you will graph position versus time squared f” to derive the value for the slope, namely half of the acceleration, ‘sa. Theoretically, the vertical intercept of the graph is the initial position xo. v=vy tat @ Eq. 3 relates velocity v as a function of time # for accelerated motion. You will graph velocity versus time to derive the value for the slope, namely acceleration, a. One-Dimensional Motion: Inclined Plane Safety Follow all standard laboratory procedures Procedure ‘After you complete a step (or answer a question), place a check mark in the box (C1) next to that step. Set Up 4. 1 Attach one end of the dynamics track to the large base and support rod using the dynamics track rod clamp, inclining the track slightly. 2. (1 Mount the motion sensor to the inclined end of the track with the sensing element on the sensor pointing down the length of the track. 3. C1 Mount the end stop to the bottom end of the track. 4, 1 Connect the motion sensor to the LabQuest, and connect the LabQuest to a computer using a USB cable. Be sure to plug in the LabQuest and turn it on. 5. C1 Run LoggerPro from the computer. From LoggerPro, choose File, Open, Physics With ‘Vernier, and select the file "02 Cart.cmbl." 6. C_ InLoggerPro, choose Data Collection from the Experiment menu, and then make sure that the Sampling Rate is at least 30. 7. 0. On the screen you should see two graphs: Graph 1 will have position on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. Graph 2 will have velocity on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. Collect Data 4. O Hold the cart stationary on the track approximately 50 cm in front of the motion sensor. 2. O Simultaneously begin data recording and release the cart. Be sure to catch the cart before it reaches the end of the track. Before catching the cart, stop data recording. 3. O Save your data before proceeding to the analysis section. Be sure each group member can access hie or her own unique file. Student Worksheet (S) Data Analysis 2 Apply a Linear Fit to the velocity versus time data in your graph and determine the equation for that line, Record the result here. Be sure to use appropriate variables and units, Best fit line equation: “V = (0-303 myst} +O/IT3 m/s (velocity versus time) Linearize your position versus time data by creating a calculation to convert the time measurements to time squared. : Using the New Calculated Column from the Data menu create a new column for Time ‘Squared, where Time is defined as the time measurement from your data collection. On the data collection system, create a new graph with Position on the y-axis and Time? on the x-axis, Apply a Linear Fit to the data in your new graph and determine the equation for that line. Record the result here Best fit ine equation: X =(0.2otl ms) + + 0.350n/+ (position versus t) ‘You should print 3 graphs (velocity v. time, position v. time, and linearized position graph). Maximize each graph. Choose File, Print Graph for each graph. Staple these graphs to the back of your lab. One-Dimensional Motio! Analysis Questions 4. What is the physical meaning of the slope of your graph of velocity versus time for the cart traveling down an incline? “The slope of {He Velecity v, Time graph js acceleration 2. What is the physical meaning of the vertical intercept of the graph? Tho vertival mtercpt of the Veloity v. Tine _guaph ts daito! velocity. 3. Compare the slope of your velocity versus time graph to the slope of the graphs from other groups. What factors affect whether or not your value is greater than or loss than theirs? Groups that ost a ramp with « steeper slope had graphs with sleeper slopes (qveater aceolocations). 4, How does the slope of a velocity versus time graph compare to the slope of a position versus f graph? What relationship should exist between the two slopes? slope gf my Velocity y. Tiwe graph wor qreater than the slope ot He Position V. Tine? qvmph. Tf Should Ye tutte af Great 5. What is the meaning of the slope of the linearized graph from the position data? The slope ot Porition v. Time’ is Yea. 6. What is the physical meaning of the vertical intercept of that graph? the vertical mlercept ts Ye raitial position. 7. Use your responses from the previous questions and other information from your data to derive a mathematical equation relating velocity v at time t to the acceleration a experienced by the cart. Explain how you used your responses from the previous questions to derive this equation. Ve Ve rot By applying yemx+h fo the velo ty. Tae graph we see Hat He slope is acceleration and the yotalerenpt j pital veloc fy. 8. Use your responses from the previous questions and other information from your data to derive a mathematical equation relating position x at time ¢ to the acceleration a experienced by the cart. Explain how you used your responses from the previous questions to derive this equation. = Xe +vet + tat™ Applying ye web fo dhe Prcitionv. inet qvaph, the slope = You and He yint 1s the jaitiol position, The vit form is dcluchel smee vs FO Student Worksheet (S) Synthesis Questions Use available resources to help you answer the following questions. 4, In the above analysis questions the following equations should have been derived: x Lie fo tNyf +a!" and v=, +at Do the versions you derived include a vs term, why or why not? My versions Mreluded Vp Sirer ney graphs TMdivete an mitrel elec’ ty. 1 2 with one of the equations that you derived from this lab to derive a fourth equation: veueat xe (ues\(¥2*) +> EK Lars (Ve tv\(V-ve) = Vov tu vel “V4 3. Write out all 4 kinematic equations: xe b(Veve)t Ve ve tat K= Yorvet +h at* yte vot Zax 2, Another kinematic equation is: (v% +v)t. Use this equation in combination 4. A bicyclist accelerates from rest at a rate of 4.0 m/s, How far does he or she go after 5.0 seconds? Vi20 Ke wut +4 ot? as 40nfht ok \(s0,)* = Sia x= 4(40-/,)(5-05) Multiple Choice Questions Select the best answer or completion to each of the questions or incomplete statements below. 4. What does the slope of a position versus time graph represent? A. Acceleration D. Momentum, E. Displacement 2 One-Dimensional Motion: Inclined Plane 2. What does the slope of a velocity versus time graph represent? ® Acceleration B. Velocity ©. Jerk D. Momentum E. Displacement . What does the area of a velocity versus time graph represent? A. Acceleration B. Velocity G. Jerk ‘Momentum D. (©) Displacement 4, What does the area of an acceleration v. time graph represent? A. Acceleration ‘ © change in Vtoty cc. Jerk D. Momentum E. Displacement 5. Acar accelerates uniformly from rest and covers 12 m in 2.0 seconds. What is the acceleration? fea xe ste tet ati ae B. 10 mis? 2(e-) 7 zx , 2) (Gor ©. zim as 2a» ee oot] 6.0 m2 E. 0.5 m/s? 6. Starting from rest, a bus accelerates uniformly at a rate of 5 mvs? and reaches a velocity of 10 m/s. How much time did this take? inlapotttt sae - Be | OFSH/s* vow, at ©». Vz =10=[s fee aerate a 2 D. 4s fe? Ss BE. 058 oz (aun, cL s/W 12€900°0 ‘ASIWY €866'0 :uoHe|eu0D S/W | 29%00'0 -/+ BZS1'0 :(AdeoseqUJ-A) q_)- cee A S/S/WI 690€00'0 -/+ PEOE'O :(edo|s) W gyyw =A Ajooja, | SE} “04 14 LEU! — dwey e umog Burjessjasoy YeD Jo} atl) “A AO0|aQ, (sj) Ayoojan, oz (s) oui, st on 70 80 Ol i zh dwey umoq Bunjessjeooy Wed JO} awl] “A UOHISOg (uu) uonisog 70 w 00£900'0 ‘ASWY |, | 2666'0 ‘UOHe|eL0D W S6EZ00'0 -/+ €0SE"0 :(GdeoseqUl-A) q 298S/W SE/8000'0 -/+ L10Z'0 :(edojs) w Q+xXW = X-z1 UonIsog | Sa}e7 “OJ 4 Je8UlT i | l dwey umog Buneiajeooy We5 10 ZOU “A UONISOg (uw) uonisog

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