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Building a comprehensive climate for the in

an unexpected way abled individual is one of the fundamental beliefs behind a
common and compassionate society. On account of the endeavors of the
individuals from Icha establishment, who are endeavoring to fabricate a haven for
the neglected children with physical and mental handicaps. Based out of
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Icha Foundation is committed towards working

for youngsters from poor and minimized foundations, particularly the individuals
who have been disposed of by their own folks for being conceived debilitated.
Situated on the banks of Konda Karla Ava, a new water lake, almost 50 kilometers
from Visakhapatnam, the plain climate of Icha establishment expects to encourage
security and respect for the in an unexpected way abled kid.

Each unwanted child with inability, who has

been saved by this establishment, accompanies his own difficulties. However, the
volunteers and guardians at Icha grounds run after furnishing all that they require
with sheer commitment and sympathy.

It was Set up in 2010 with 3 kids, the foundation today gives food, clothing and
treatment almost to 20 children with evolving handicaps. Icha is planning to
expand its capability by adopting another 5 children in the near future.
The main objective of the foundation is to give a long-lasting
home/cover for abandoned children. By and by every one of the youngsters we
care for have critical physical or mental handicaps. We mean to accommodate
"ordinary" deserted kids too.

The foremost Misson of ICHA works around Andhra Pradesh to save

the existences of disposed of offspring of desperate guardians who would I’ll be
able to manage the cost of their childhood. We wish to grow with similar
accomplices who can accomplice us to oblige the interest for such child care.

Nature is to trust in encouraging handicap with tolerance, love and sympathy. At

present the establishment is a home to 15 kids with differing handicaps, but in
not-so-distant future it intends to grow its ability to embrace 5 additional cases.
The functioning model depends on giving work and abilities to local people
having a place with low-pay foundation to help at the sanctuary. Also, a
definitive vision is to work for the rise of oppressed ladies and kids utilizing a
methodology that tends to the physical, instructive, natural and financial
government assistance of this local area.

Funds were raised from family and well-wishers and companions.

Gathering pledges occasion coordinated in Visakhapatnam as a team with
razzmatazz occasion the executives organization. Present doners are Feel Well
pieces of clothing, Flash Forge, Affiliation with kind from NAWA and Indian

Accommodates deep rooted home/cover alongside food, apparel and

treatment to kids with huge measure of physical and mental handicap. The point
is to help youngsters with inabilities whose families can not accommodate their
childhood and subsequently the establishment guarantees their physical and
mental restoration. It expects to foster a local area of resistance and social equity
for crippled youngsters to save them from double-dealing, badgering,
remorselessness and unfavorable passing. Further, they plan to teach the
youngsters with abilities like sewing, weaving and cultivating to assist them with
investigating pay openings.
Our gathering reasoning depends on giving work to grown-ups from
lower pay bunches from Vizag and its encompassing regions. Except for
bookkeeping, organization and interchanges, we have focused in building a
group dependent on every individual's capacity and enthusiasm to serve the
reason for deserted youngsters.
The foundation is been running their operations since past 10 years From 2010
to 2021, successfully helping the handicapped Childs and the little orphans very
carefully, hygienically and educating them with full support but are been out of
Icha Foundation embraced 5 intellectually and actually
tested vagrant and deserted children Established a ground of 1 sections of land in
town Konda Kurla around 54 kms from Visakhapatnam. Assets were raised from
family and well-wishers and friends. Shifted the Foundation to the Campus and
added one all the more exceptionally abled youngster from the close by town of
Konda Kurla. Built and set up affinity with the Village and local area and
pioneers in town Konda Kurla Got Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
Installed Solar Power Renewable for the Total Campus needs Built and set up a
Physiotherapy Center with a running office and in-house Physiotherapist
working all day for Icha Foundation for every one of the children. Facilities like
language instruction presented in 2014 Built and extended the staff and offspring
of the Icha Foundation inside a long time from 3 to 15 intellectually and
genuinely tested vagrant kids. Severe Physical obliteration of the grounds during
Hud-Hud and assets were raised for fix and improve. Nearby gift of 1 section of
land by Spanish support in 2015 for foundation of a school with incorporated
country kids and kids with serious inability.

10. Volunteering initiatives

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