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RULES Prime sets during battle mode include a

battlefield role (including an applicable specialty),

INTRODUCTION and up to one power trait from each equipped TEK
This is an idea that originated from a random component.
comment on Reddit – that folks were playing a mecha Optional trait sets in both modes include (when
game using Fate Accelerated for social interactions, but applicable) signature assets, scene assets, and your
D&D 4e for tactical combat. This was nothing short of opponent’s stress and complications.
brilliant, but I realized something similar could be
done, using a unified system.
If you are familiar with the earlier Cortex Plus
games, you’ll see and appreciate the similarity this Each of your three distinctions has a specific
game has with both Smallville and Marvel Heroic focus. One leans positive, one leans negative, and you
Roleplay. coreTEK combines two explicitly different can make what you want of the third.
styles of play into a single game. These stark scene ⬢ What sets you apart as a TEK pilot?
shifts between dramatic personal interaction and epic ⬢ What kind of trouble always finds you?
fight sequences are played out consistently in the ⬢ What made you who you are?
inspiration material (Gundam, Voltron, Pacific Rim,
Evangelion, Escaflowne, Bubblegum Crisis, etc). VALUES
To play coreTEK, you’ll need the Cortex Prime There are six values that guide your character’s
Game Handbook by Fandom Tabletop. path. Each has a trait statement, which can in the
Blank Character Sheet • Discord Server course of play be challenged.
⬢ Ambition
Where do you see yourself in five years?
General? Top gun? Retired on a farm?
⬢ Duty
Who holds your reins?
What does it take to maintain your loyalty?
⬢ Hope
What keeps you coming back day after day?
What makes everything worth it?
⬢ Individuality
When jacked into your TEK, are you still you?
How tightly-knit is your team?
coreTEK uses a different group of prime sets for
⬢ Peace
each play mode. No matter what, your character will
Do you fight so others don’t have to?
be able to include a distinction, at d8 or d4 + pp.
What will you do when and if the fighting ends?
While interacting in story mode, using their force
⬢ Sacrifice
of personality, conviction, and connections, your
What are you giving up to do this?
character will also use a value and a relationship.
What is worth risking your life for?
RELATIONSHIPS Players and the GM will work together to build
In pathways, you’ll build relationships with your these, and their general power level and capabilities
team members, GMCs important to you, and factions will depend on the scope of the campaign, the needs
in your game world. While factions are a general of each mission, and the results of roleplaying out
catch-all for interacting with folks you don’t already faction responsibilities and rewards.
have a trait for, if you do you’ll use their trait rating
instead of any faction they belong to. SIGNATURE ASSETS
Relationships also have trait statements, and These are actually a superset of signature assets
these can also be challenged. and resources. When acquiring the trait, you choose
to give it one die as an asset, or two as a resource. If
BATTLEFIELD ROLES another character adds a resource you already have, it
There are five roles which define your adds a die, and you both pull from the same pool.
performance in the field, no matter the capabilities of These can represent anything signature assets
your equipped mech frame or specialty modules. and resources can represent, with the addition of
Each can also have d6 specialties attached. skills and training that might be useful in story mode.
⬢ Assist They can also carry SFX – up to one for a rating of d6
How well do you support and help others? and up to two for a rating of d8 or d10.
ex: Repair, Distraction, Augment
⬢ Blitz STRESS
How much damage and destruction do you reap? Your character has five types of stress, which are
ex: Melee, Surface-to-Air, Environmental mostly gained in story mode, but might still hinder a
⬢ Command TEK pilot in battle. Being stressed out by any of these
Can you lead? Make snap decisions in the field? traits puts you out of the scene.
ex: Speeches, Intimidation, Subterfuge ⬢ Afraid
⬢ Guard Stressing out looks like fleeing the situation or
How’s your defense? Can you handle your armor? completely freezing in fear.
ex: Rescue, Deflect, Dodge ⬢ Angry
⬢ Hustle Your capability for rational thought and action
Do you have fast reactions? See the best paths? leaves, and if you’re smart you do too.
ex: Pilot, Urban, Interstellar ⬢ Exhausted
Maybe you pass out, start making too many
TEK COMPONENTS mistakes, or excuse yourself for sleep.
Outside of your actual character (so these are not ⬢ Insecure
influenced by pathways), these are power sets, each Thinking yourself to be useless, or second
with a number of power traits, at least one SFX, and guessing every choice leads to inaction.
at least one Limit. ⬢ Injured
Your TEK components are interchangeable – they You’re hurt – unable to move or function beyond
can be chosen in preparation for a battle mode scene, the pain, until you can be treated.
but also if your mech frame gets stressed out a field
replacement isn’t out of the question.
In addition to your character’s stress traits, TEK GROWTH AND TAG SCENES
frames have three types of their own, which are Any time you challenge a trait statement, you add
targeted during battle mode. You won’t be out of a its pre-challenge rating to your growth pool. Also, at
scene if a frame is stressed out, but you’ll certainly the end of a session, the highest rating any of your
lose access to your frame’s power traits and SFX. story mode stress tracks reached is added to your
⬢ Coolant growth pool. The growth pool is persistent from
The mech cannot keep from overheating, putting session to session.
you and any modules in danger. Once growth is calculated, and before a session
⬢ Structure ends, you may spend dice from your growth pool to
It’s broken. Armor plates split off, limbs advance your character traits. (this need expansion and
detached, locomotive devices shattered. playtesting – afaik it hasn’t been done this way yet at all.
⬢ Systems but honestly, rolling the growth dice strikes me as… utterly
Your control and sensory core shut down, leaving minimizing a character’s effort and change on a failure)
you without eyes, ears, and manipulation. You then play out short tag scenes explaining or
exemplifying your advanced traits.
What happens when someone in a mech frame is HERO DICE
interacting with someone outside of one? Well, if Standard hero dice are in play here. They can be
you’re talking or otherwise sharing a dramatic collected, such that you could have several of them,
moment, it’s handled as a story mode interaction. with more than one of the same die rating. At the end
This is the kind of scene where you might see a single of the session, you move your largest remaining hero
person talk down the rampaging TEK pilot, by die into your growth pool and discard the rest.
targeting one of their character stress traits.
If it’s a battle mode interaction however, the TEK
pilot gets to use a scale die, keeping a third die in
Needs development. Obviously need different types of
their total. The scale die might be fixed for the
threats for different modes.
campaign (in the case of all TEKs being of similar
power level), or it might be a scalable trait possessed
by mech frames.
The regular person is already at a disadvantage,
only able to use distinction + role (without power
sets), so this just highlights the discrepancy.


The doom pool is used by the GM as both an
unopposed pool and as their plot point analog. Use
the same doom pool for both story and battle mode.
Add your lead ☐
TOOLS Add an NPC ○
Each element you add to the board has a shape to Connect your lead to the NPC ☐→○
help distinguish it. Your lead characters are squares ⬢ Family
(☐). Circles are other characters and organizations ↥ Assist or Guard
(○). Diamonds are signature assets (🝔). Arrows (→ and ↥ Hope or Peace
←) create connections. Sometimes trait ratings are ⊕ location resource (☐→🝔)
stepped up (↥) or back (↧), or added entirely (⊕). ↥ a relationship with another lead
Start your lead character with a d4 rating in every ⬢ Phenom
role and value. Give them a d4 rating in relationships ↥ Blitz or Command
with each other lead character. If the GM has specific ↥ Ambition or Individuality
organizations in mind that will be important to ⊕ ability resource (☐→🝔)
everyone, add those as d4 relationships as well, and ↥ a relationship with another lead
place them on the board as double circles (⌾). Any ⬢ Privileged
time you connect your lead character to an NPC or ↥ Command or Guard
organization, you gain a d4 relationship with them. ↥ Ambition or Peace
Creating a new asset means it’s either a d6 ⊕ prop resource (☐→🝔)
personal asset, or a 2d6 personal resource. Any time ↥ a relationship with another lead
you are directed to step up an asset, you may add an ⬢ Rescue
SFX to one instead. When creating a new asset, you ↥ Assist or Hustle
may instead choose to connect to another player’s ↥ Duty or Sacrifice
resource: you add a die (so 2d8 becomes 3d8 for ⊕ location resource (☐→🝔)
example) and those dice are shared between the ↥ a relationship with another lead
characters. Any SFX added to that resource is ⬢ Trauma
accessible by both characters. Location and ↥ Blitz or Hustle
prop-based resources make good choices for sharing ↥ Hope or Sacrifice
(ability or personality assets and resources are very ⊕ personality resource (☐→🝔)
personal). ↥ a relationship with another lead
No trait may be rated above d10 during these
seven stages. If you’re told to make a choice between
stepping up two traits you already have at d10, choose
any other trait in the same set to step up instead.
Connect any ○ or 🝔 to any other ○ or 🝔 Connect any ○ or 🝔 to another player’s lead →☐
Connect your lead to any NPC ☐→○ (they define the connection)
⬢ Life ⬢ Disastrous
↥ Assist or Guard ↥ Blitz or Hustle
↥ Peace or Sacrifice ↥ Hope or Sacrifice
↥ personal relationship (do this twice) ↥ personal relationship
⬢ Money ↥ any relationship
↥ Command or Hustle ⬢ Glorious
↥ Ambition or Individuality ↥ Blitz or Command
⊕ or ↥ any resource (do this twice) ↥ Ambition or Individuality
⬢ Status ⊕ or ↥ any resource
↥ Assist or Command ↥ any relationship
↥ Ambition or Duty ⬢ Hidden
↥ organization relationship ↥ Guard or Hustle
⊕ or ↥ any resource ↥ Hope or Peace
⬢ Technology ⊕ or ↥ location resource
↥ Blitz or Hustle ↥ any relationship
↥ Hope or Individuality ⬢ Just
⊕ or ↥ ability or prop resource (do this twice) ↥ Assist or Command
⬢ The Enemy ↥ Duty or Individuality
↥ Blitz or Guard ↥ organization relationship
↥ Duty or Sacrifice ↥ any relationship
↥ relationship ⬢ Safe
⊕ or ↥ ability or location resource ↥ Assist or Guard
↥ Duty or Peace
⊕ or ↥ personality resource
↥ any relationship
Add an NPC ○ ↥ Assist or Blitz
Connect your lead to the NPC ☐→○ ↥ any role
⬢ Nihilism ⊕ specialty for a role you just stepped up
↥ Individuality or Sacrifice ↥ Hope or Individuality
↥ any value ⊕ location resource (☐→🝔)
↧ any relationship ↥ ability or location resource
⊕ or ↥ personality resource ↥ relationship that’s not a lead or the parent
⬢ Others organization (do this twice)
↥ Hope or Peace ⬢ Scion
↥ any value ↥ Command or Guard
↧ any resource ↥ any role
↥ personal relationship ⊕ specialty for the very first role you stepped up
⬢ Self ↥ Duty or Individuality
↥ Ambition or Individuality ⊕ ability or prop resource (☐→🝔)
↥ any value ↥ any resource
↧ personal relationship ↥ parent organization relationship
⊕ or ↥ ability resource ↥ personal relationship
⬢ The Cause ⬢ Shot-caller
↥ Ambition or Duty ↥ Assist or Command
↥ any value ↥ any role
↧ personal relationship ⊕ specialty for Assist or Command
↥ organization relationship ↥ Duty or Sacrifice
⬢ The World ⊕ personality resource (☐→🝔)
↥ Peace or Sacrifice ↥ location or personality resource
↥ any value ↥ any relationship (do this twice)
↧ personal relationship ⬢ Slacker
⊕ or ↥ location resource ↥ Guard or Hustle
↥ any role
⊕ specialty for a role at d6
coreTEK ↥ Hope or Peace
Connect your lead to their parent organization ☐→⌾ ↥ location or personality resource (do this twice)
(or another organization if this is already done) ↥ personal relationship (do this twice)
⬢ Head of the Class ⬢ Specialist
↥ Blitz or Hustle ↥ Blitz or Guard
↥ any role ↥ any role
⊕ specialty for highest-rated role ⊕ specialty for highest-rated role
↥ Ambition or Sacrifice ⊕ specialty for any role at d6 or higher
⊕ ability resource (☐→🝔) ↥ Ambition or Peace
↥ any resource (do this twice) ⊕ any resource (☐→🝔)
↥ organization relationship ↥ any resource (do this twice)
Double back a connection ⇄ (do this twice) Connect any non-lead element to any element
⬢ Family & Friends (○/🝔)→(○/🝔/☐)
↥ Assist or Guard Swap the ratings of two relationships (optional)
↥ Hope or Sacrifice Remove a d4 relationship to:
↥ personal relationship (do this twice) ↥ any relationship or ↥ any resource (optional)
⬢ Looking Back Change the name of an asset/resource (optional)
↥ Assist or Hustle ⬢ The Rebel
↥ Duty or Peace ↥ Blitz or Hustle
⊕ or ↥ location or personality resource ↥ Hope or Individuality
↥ any relationship ↥ any value
⬢ Moving Forward ⊕ or ↥ personality or prop resource
↥ Command or Hustle ↥ any resource
↥ Ambition or Hope ↥ personal relationship (do this twice)
⊕ or ↥ ability or personality resource ⬢ The Romantic
↥ any relationship ↥ Command or Guard
⬢ Performance ↥ Hope or Peace
↥ Blitz or Guard ↥ any value
⊕ specialty for any role at d6 or higher ⊕ or ↥ location or personality resource
↥ Ambition or Individuality ↥ personal relationship (do this twice)
⊕ or ↥ ability or prop resource ↥ any relationship
⬢ Work ⬢ The Steadfast
↥ Blitz or Command ↥ Assist or Guard
↥ Duty or Sacrifice ↥ Duty or Sacrifice
⊕ or ↥ ability or location resource ↥ any value
↥ organization relationship ↥ any resource
↥ personal relationship
↥ any relationship (do this twice)
⬢ The Sycophant
↥ Assist or Hustle
↥ Individuality or Peace
↥ any value
⊕ or ↥ ability or location resource
↥ any resource
↥ organization relationship (do this twice)
⬢ The Vanguard
↥ Blitz or Command
⊕ specialty for any role at d6 or higher
↥ Ambition or Duty
↥ any value
⊕ or ↥ ability or prop resource (do this twice)
↥ any relationship
If you’ve built power sets for Marvel Heroic
TRAIT STATEMENTS Roleplay, you know what you’re doing here. In
These don’t always have to include the actual trait general, your mech frame will have at least three
name, but it sometimes helps to focus that theme. power traits – reflecting its movement, attack, and
⬢ Ambition got me where I am today. defense. Anything else is gravy, or part of a specialty
⬢ I don’t work well with those who have too much module (like a mobile repair station, for instance).
⬢ It is my solemn Duty to protect the enclave.
⬢ There is no Duty greater than to improve oneself. S7R “Sprinter”
⬢ Hope is what keeps me both alive, and sane. Hypermotive Turbine d10
⬢ You can’t rely on Hope to actually win the war. Rocket Punch d6 • Basic Plating d6
⬢ Don’t lose your Individuality in the drift.
SFX: First On Scene • Spend a plot point to act first in
⬢ Individuality is a lethal liability in our a conflict. Reroll spoilers during your first action.
organization’s chain of command.
Limit: Glass Rocket • Each time you take stress, step
⬢ Peace is just a lie to get chumps like me enlisted
back Hypermotive Turbine to gain 1pp. Activate an
to the cause.
opportunity or recover the stress to recover
⬢ I strive for Peace, even as I fight. Hypermotive Turbine.
⬢ Sacrifice is the core of salvation.
⬢ I don’t Sacrifice my time for anything.
⬢ Senpai may never notice me. 8R-1CK “Brick”
⬢ The Commander taught me everything I know. Nucleon Ablative Armor d10
⬢ My Mother has always been my anchor. SAMs d8 • All-Terrain Treads d6
⬢ I could never forget My First Love.
SFX: Reactive Shielding • sfx text here
⬢ My Frenemy should be listening to my advice.
SFX: Missile Barrage • sfx text here
⬢ The Police couldn’t care less about us.
⬢ Our last best hope for humanity is the Limit: Sitting Duck • sfx text here
Pan-Pacific Defense Corp.
Missile Platform
SIGNATURE ASSETS Heat-seeking Missiles d10
⬢ Ancestral Daisho d8 (prop) LADAR d8
Court Appearance: sfx text here
Final Cut: sfx text here SFX: Targeting Algorithms • sfx text here
⬢ Training Room 3d6 (location) Limit: Auxiliary Module • sfx text here
Push For Excellence: sfx text here
Bonding Moment: sfx text here
Service Module
⬢ Winning Smile d6 (personality)
Not To Worry: sfx text here Nanotech Repair Swarm d8
Flash Those Pearly Whites: sfx text here SFX: Field Repairs • sfx text here
⬢ Psychic Premonitions 2d10 (ability)
Limit: Auxiliary Module • sfx text here
Prepare Yourself: sfx text here
I Know What You’re Thinking: sfx text here

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