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I believe the gospel is the POWER of God for my salvation through faith in the work of Jesus Christ & for the PURPOSE of God's glory in restoring all of creation to himself.


Because of the gospel I am now part of Gods family on mission sent to serve our world & continually learn to walk in his ways.

Family We are children of God who live and care for each other as a family. Servants We are servants of God who serve others as a way of life. Learners We take responsibility for our own discipleship & the discipleship of others. Missionaries We are sent by Jesus to make disciplemaking disciples in the West-Lodge Neighborhood.

Storyformed We understand, experience and
intersect with Gods Story.

Listen We set aside regular times to listen to God both

backward and forward.

Celebrate We regularly gather together to celebrate Gods extravagant blessing. Bless We intentionally bless others through words, gifts or actions. Eat We regularly eat meals with others to invite them into the community of God. ReCreate We rest, play, create and restore beauty in order to reflect God to others.
We will show & tell the gospel multiple times in multiple ways to one another & our neighbors to make disciple-making disciples by living out our gospel identities & tapping into the gospel rhythms in these specific ways:
1. As a MC look for specific ways to serve the Smith family. 2. As a MC keep Crossman Park clean. 3. As a MC one Sunday a month hold a neighborhood cleanup. (or join existing ones) 4. Eat 2 times a month at a restaurant in central Detroit. 5. As a MC hold 3 neighborhood holiday celebrationsJuly 4, Halloween, & Christmas. 6. Gather regularly with the church for corporate worship. 7. Gather weekly with the MC for a meal, prayer, study, training, & planning. 8. Regularly commune with God in personal devotions. (reading, memorization, prayer) 9. Give sacrificially of our resources for the advance of the gospel in Detroit & beyond. 10. Have a (non MC or church) neighbor over one time a month for a meal. 11. As a MC plan & participate in Friday Night Summer Cookouts with the specific goal of building friendship with people who can be part of a fall Story-formed Way session. 12. As an MC clean Clete's shop & surrounding area. 13. As a MC go on a one another camping trip. 14. As a MC pursue a deeper understanding of our context through movie nights, etc 15. As a MC serve & support the Saturday Sports & Ultimate Story Outreach.
As a follower of Jesus and a child of God, I covenant with my Missional Community to live out these Gospel Identities & Rhythms.




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