IoT-Lecture-3 Slides

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EEE F411: Internet of Things

Emergence of IoT Cont’d…

Instructor & IC:

Dr. Sandeep Kumar
Faculty, EEE Dept.
BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus.

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IoT Vs M2M
• In M2M, one machine directly communicates with the another machine without any
human intervention and such interactions may occur through a wired or wireless media.

• It offers a means for managing the machines, devices and their interactions while
collecting the sensor’s data in parallel.

• The IoT has a broader scope than M2M because it (IoT) comprises a broader range of
interactions including the interactions between things (machines)-and-things (machines),
things-and-people, things-and-applications, people-and-applications and much more.

• M2M can be considered as a subset of IoT.

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M2M: some examples
• Vending machines and Virtual stores that automatically report income and
request inventory from the automated transport centrals.
• Smart meters that track the energy consumption in real-time and report to the
service provider.
• Cars that publish their location & status to the control center.
• In the wearable technologies: smartwatches, Fitbit and other ‘wearables’ make
wide use of M2M technologies to send data about our physical activities, heart
rate and other important metrics to our smartphone, as well as receive texts,
push notifications and other communications about our day-to-day activity.
• MQTT and CoAP are two important protocols used in M2M communications.

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• The machines that communicate with each other using automated-collaborative processes whose
data is stored and analyzed by computer systems to generate some consolidated information,
which in-turn is again used by the machines to make some decisions or perform actions to affect
the behavior of entire system, are called the cyber-physical systems.

• Cyber physical systems (CPS) encompasses sensing, control, actuation, and feedback as a
complete package. Based on feedback by cyber component, the physical component is given
corrective directions and commands to obtain desirable outputs.

• In contrast, the IoT paradigm does not compulsorily need the feedback system. IoT is more focused
on networking than controls. However, some of the constituent sub-systems in IoT environment
(which are CPS-based) may include feedback too.

• Thus CPS may be considered as one of the sub-domains of IoT.

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CPS: some examples

• Driverless cars
• Planes/drones that automatically fly in a controlled airspace
• Implantable medical devices, pacemakers , insulin pumps
• Intelligent buildings, smart lighting systems, smart grid
• Smart heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
• Robots, industrial control systems, processes control, factory

5 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

IoT Vs Web of Things (WoT)
• The WoT is sort of web version of the internet of things which enables access and control over IoT
resources by using mainstream web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, Ruby n’
Rails etc.

• REST (representational state transfer) is one of the key enablers of WoT. The use of RESTful
principles and RESTful APIs (application program interface) enables the developers and deployers
to benefit from the recognition, acceptance, and maturity of existing web technologies without
having to redesign and redeploy solutions from scratch.

• Technically, WoT can be thought as a flavor of web based application layer over the IoT’s network

• The scope of IoT is much broader than WoT as it includes the non-IP-based systems which are not
accessible through the web such as wireless sensor networks, RFID etc.

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WoT: example

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WoT: example

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IoT Networking Components
• The broad components that come into play during the establishment of any IoT network, can be classified into
six types: 1) IoT node, 2) IoT router, 3) IoT LAN, 4) IoT WAN, 5) IoT gateway, and 6) IoT proxy. A typical IoT
network ecosystem highlighting the various components is shown in figure below:

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IoT Networking Components
(1) IoT Node: These are the networking devices within an IoT LAN. Each of these devices is typically
made up of a sensor, a processor, and a radio transceiver which communicates with the network
infrastructure (either within the LAN or outside it). The nodes may be connected to other nodes inside
a LAN directly or by means of a common gateway for that LAN. Connections outside the LAN are
through gateways and proxies.

(2) IoT Router: An IoT router is a piece of networking equipment that is primarily tasked with the
routing of packets between various entities in the IoT network; it keeps the traffic flowing correctly
within the network. A router can be repurposed as a gateway by enhancing its functionalities.

(3) IoT LAN: The local area network (LAN) enables local connectivity within the purview of a single
gateway. Typically, they consist of short-range connectivity technologies. IoT LANs may or may not be
connected to the Internet. Generally, they are localized within a building or an organization.

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IoT Networking Components
(4) IoT WAN: The wide area network (WAN) connects various network segments such as
LANs. They are typically organizationally and geographically wide, with their operational
range lying between a few kilometers to hundreds of kilometers. IoT WANs connect to the
Internet and enable Internet access to the segments they are connecting.

(5) IoT Gateway: An IoT gateway is simply a router connecting the IoT LAN to a WAN or
directly to the Internet. Gateways can implement several LANs or WANs. Their primary task
is to forward packets between LANs and WANs, and the IP layer (internet).

(6) IoT Proxy: Proxies actively lie on the application layer and performs application layer
functions between IoT nodes and other entities. Typically, application layer proxies are a
means of providing security to the network entities under it; it also helps to extend the
addressing range of its network.
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IoT Networking Components
In the figure (on previous slide), various IoT nodes within an IoT LAN are configured to talk
one another as well as talk to the IoT router whenever they are in the range of it. The
devices have locally unique (LU-x) device identifiers. These identifiers are unique only
within a LAN. There is a high chance that these identifiers may be repeated in a new LAN.
Each IoT LAN has its own unique identifier, which is denoted by IoT LAN-x in the figure. A
router acts as a connecting link between various LANs by forwarding messages from the
LANs to the IoT gateway or the IoT proxy. As the proxy is an application layer device, it is
additionally possible to include features such as firewalls, packet filters, and other security
measures besides the regular routing operations. Various gateways connect to an IoT WAN,
which links these devices to the Internet. There may be cases where the gateway or the
proxy may directly connect to the Internet. This network may be wired or wireless; however,
IoT deployments heavily rely on wireless solutions.

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EEE F411: Internet of Things

Evolution of New IoT Paradigms…

13 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Evolution of New IoT Paradigms
Internet of vehicles (IoV): This category of IoT is responsible for communications
among smart connected vehicles, usually through vehicular ad-hoc networks
(VANETs). Smart vehicles consist of a numerous sensors that include cameras, GPS,
infrared, and others. IoV facilitates these vehicles to communicate with other vehicles,
its drivers, roadside units (RSU), and other mobile and fixed infrastructures. The IoV
can support intra-vehicle, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I),
vehicle-to-cloud (V2C), and vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communication. Although IoV
faces a combination of challenges related to mobility, changing states, and dynamic
signal quality, it has several advantages. Developers design IoVs such that they are
environmentally safe, improve road safety, enhance user convenience, as well as,
increase revenue of manufacturers.

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Evolution of New IoT Paradigms
Internet of underwater things (IoUT): This category of IoT aims to interconnect
underwater sensors and communication infrastructure with the terrestrial Internet.
The sensor nodes in IoUT consist of smart devices and are usually powered by
batteries. They are also much smaller in size than normal sensors and support
wireless communication based on acoustic signals. The IoUT has a significant
lacuna in its communication model as radio waves do not fare well underwater
because of high attenuation and absorption. Optical signals also seem impractical
underwater due to the high absorption rate. Additionally, they can only cover short
distances. Mostly, the IoUT systems aggregate data from the sensors situated
underwater to a sink node at the surface of the water, which forwards it to the
terrestrial base stations in a multi-hop manner.

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Evolution of New IoT Paradigms
Internet of space (IoSpace): This category of IoT relies on low earth orbit (LEO)
satellites for providing seamless connectivity services over uneven demographic
areas. However, such satellites have disadvantages concerning development and
deployment cost, and loss due to failure in orbit. These satellites have the potential
to reduce network latencies significantly. Researchers have been recently working
hard toward the development of small cubic satellites called CubeSats (form factor
~ 10 cm, mass ~ 2 kg) to overcome the challenges mentioned here. In addition to
these difficulties, satellites also present challenges related to tracking,
synchronization, and handoff. We expect that technologies such as software
defined networks (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) will play a major
role in addressing these issues.

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Evolution of New IoT Paradigms
Internet of battlefield things (IoBT): This category is responsible for
connecting soldiers with IoT. Researches in IoBT aim to develop the
suites for soldiers with embedded biometric and location sensors. Data
from these sensors allows the soldiers to keep track of the troops and
also share information in real time which makes the whole team
situationally aware. However, IoBT also has its challenges, mostly
regarding energy constraints and data rates. Soldiers need to transfer
sizeable data with minimum delay, which mandates the need for
optimized consumption of bandwidth and battery.

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Evolution of New IoT Paradigms
Internet of services (IoS): This category is specific for manufacturers,
service providers and industries. With IoS, manufacturers bring hardware
and software under one umbrella. For instance, a car manufacturer builds a
car with installed sensors. They later release software updates over the
Internet to enhance user experience. The manufacturers may also charge
for the upgrades, which generates revenue for the company. Applications of
IoS extends to factory monitoring, sensing and actuation of factory units
and generation of remote alarms in case of emergency. IoS also reaches out
to smartphones that already have multiple sensors. Companies use these
sensors and develop Internet-enabled apps for users.

18 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Evolution of New IoT Paradigms
Internet of people (IoP): The Internet contains a plethora of profiles
representing people and interconnected links as relations among
them. Researchers in social computing extensively use social graphs
for representations and interpretations. The IoP supporting
applications facilitate direct device-to-device, people-to-people, as
well as company-to-people communications. IoP further opens scope
for crypto-currency as a means to transfer incentives/payments in
return for services. Such structures enable smooth interaction among
service providers and consumers.

19 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Evolution of New IoT Paradigms
Internet of nano things (IoNT): The interrelated systems in IoT, which usually include combinations of
sensors and actuators, can be miniaturized to tiny devices with dimensions in the scale of
nanometers. These devices are application-specific and occupy minimal space; they include
miniaturized sensors in vehicles, as well as those responsible for monitoring the environment.
Communication at the nano-scale is rendered possible in two ways: 1) electromagnetic (EM) and 2)
chemotaxis communications. Electromagnetic communications at the nano-scale typically use the
Terahertz band of the spectrum. However, this results in significant power issues, a limited range of
communication, and severe susceptibility to interferences. Parallelly, the use of chemotaxis as a
means of communication is achieved through exploiting the population dynamics of bacteria and
viruses. Messages are passed in the form of chemical signatures and molecules, which are often
facilitated by specifically cultured bacteria and viruses. Nano-scale IoT also finds scope in
healthcare, where researchers are working actively in fighting diseases with the help of
programmable bacteria/viruses/nanoparticles.

20 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Evolution of New IoT Paradigms
Internet of everything (IoE): The IoE comprises four pillars and concerns itself with the

communication among them. These four pillars are people, data, processes, and things.

• (i) People: Communication among people is analogous to the IoP mentioned earlier.

• (ii) Data: Data from sensors are analyzed for inferencing and making decisions.

• (iii) Process: Information is delivered to the concerned people/machine/ infrastructure.

• (iv) Things: This is analogous to the things in IoT.

The main difference between IoT and IoE is that IoT only concerns itself with the non-human aspects

of technology, while IoE consists of all the other factors, which include machine-to-people (M2P) and

technology-assisted peer-to-peer (P2P) interactions in addition to the existing features of IoT.

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EEE F411: Internet of Things

Thank you.

22 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

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