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ID NUMBER : 01204865D
This report is organized in the following order.

Chapter one: Introduction/Background

This chapter explains the purpose, scope and limitation. It also gives an
introduction to the Electrical Company of Ghana, including its background,
mission, vision and main business.

Chapter two: project Background

This chapter summarizes the background information of Directorate Engineer
service as well as the student’s responsibilities.

Chapter Three: Training, Research and Implementation

This chapter discusses the training and research done by the students, as well as the
result of the implementation.

Chapter Four: The Attachment Conclusion/recommendation

This chapter gives the overall conclusion of the industrial attachment and further
recommendation for improvement.

This report is a compilation of the four weeks’ industrial attachment I had at Directorate of
Engineer service, Electrical / electronic department at 49 Engineer Regiment, JUBA.
Burma camp, ACCRA. It summarizes the work done during this period, problems encountered
and include suggestion and recommendation on how to counter the problem in electrical field
It contains highlight of specific task performed, strong and weak point of the attachment as
compared to the curriculum. My assessor Mr. David Amedegbe Doe requested the report on 7th
October 2021.
The purpose of this report is to provide the details of the institution of attachment, a description
of all the activities undertaken during the attachment period, the lessons learnt skills and
experience in domestics and industrial installations and challenges faced during the same.
Boateng (2013) posited that improper electrical fitting, use of substandard electrical materials
defective generators, power fluctuations resulting from frequent power outages and illegal
tapping from the national grid are some of the possible causes of fire outbreak. The need to
conglomerate the old materials and modern technology has transformed the electricity landscape
dramatically a steadily swelling flow of materials through many channels and the goal to address
the increasing need to an enormous.
This project which contributed to part of the above allowed me to acquire the vast knowledge of
objective engineer and mainly focusing on obedient engineer with my master’s engineers when
we are on field.
I also thank the Director, Lt. Babilah for considering my potential in doing this attachment and
providing this wonderful opportunity.
I would like to express my gratitude to MR. Daniel Amenuvor my supervisor, Mr. Ishmael
Adams, and S/S Buabeng Michael, for their invaluable suggestion, motivation, guidance and
support throughout the training. Their methodology to start from simple and then deepen through
made me to bring out this attachment report without anxiety.
Thanks to all the Directorate of Engineer Services and 49 Engineer Regiment officials, operators
and all other members, yet uncounted for their help in completing the attachment and see the
light of success. I am very thankful to friends, colleague and all other persons who rendered their
assistance directly or indirectly to complete this attachment successfully.


It is indeed a great pleasure and privilege to present this report on attachment at

Directorate of Engineer Services (49 Engineer Regiment).
I am extremely grateful to my Head of the Department, Industrial Liaison officer
for issuing an attachment letter, which made my training possible at Directorate of
Engineer Services (49 Engineer Regiment).
First, I thank the Almighty God for strength me to complete this attachment.
I also thank the Director, Lt. Babilah for considering my potential in doing this
attachment and providing this wonderful opportunity.
I would like to express my gratitude to MR. Daniel Amenuvor, Mr. Ishmael
Adams, S/S Buabeng Michael and Lt. Babilah, for their suggestion, motivation,
guidance and support throughout the training. Their methodology to start from
simple and then deepen through made me to bring out this attachment report
without anxiety.
Thanks to all the Directorate of Engineer and 49 Engineer Regiment officials,
operators and all other members, yet uncounted for their help in completing the
attachment and see the light of success. I am very thankful to friends, colleague
and all other persons who rendered their assistance directly or indirectly to
complete this attachment successfully.

I cannot end this list without paying tribute to the entire Accra Technical
University lectures, particularly those from the department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering for their constructive training and the knowledge they
have imparted in me throughout the two years training. May God bless you all.


I wish to dedicate this work to my parent, MR and MRS Odoi and my lovely wife MRS
Akyamaa Odoi whose moral and financial support has remained unrelenting and finally the
director, industrial liaison MR. Prosper Agumey and MR. Adams who is my master since I went
there, Me and him go out for work and internal work too.

Intro is the first paragraph of a report.
An Industrial Attachment is a structure, credit-bearing work experience in a
professional work setting during which the student applies and acquires knowledge
and skills.
Company is in Burma Camp which is under the military commander is also under
government company. The company name is 49 Engineer Regiment, Juba. Burma
Camp, Accra
Activities is a kind of work I did and knowledge they imparted on me when we on
Point and Shoot camera is a camera specifically designed for still photography.
HDV Video Camera is high-definition video camera for quality videography.
This is a term used to refer to recording of sound programs that are used by student
in the school of Engineering and are later assessed by their lectures as coding
An electronics device used to send the appropriate signal to the correct speakers.
An electronic device that increases voltage, current, or power signal.
Routine checks up given to electronics equipment as a preventive measure.
To revamp old wiring connections to make it look new again
In electrical system, to convert or make a transition from one system to another.
An automatic device for stopping the flow of current in an electric circuit. To
restore service, the circuit breaker must be reset (close) after correcting the cause
of the overload or failure.


ECG. - Electricity Company of Ghana

ICT. - Information, communications and technology
HDV. - High-Definition Video
COD. - Chair of department
ADI. - Assistant director of information
FEST. - Faculty of electricity studies and technology
EE. - Electricity Equipment
EWS. - Electrical Workshop
SS. – Staff Sargent
Capt. – Captain
C. – Commandant
ESM. – Engineer Maintenance Squadron
GAF - Ghana Armed Forces
RSM. – Regimental Sargent Major
2IC. – 2nd In Command
Gen. – General
Lt – Lieutenant
CO – Commanding Officer
Adj. – Adjutant
PURC. – public utility regulatory commission
E.C.G – Electricity Company of Ghana

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ……………………………………………………………………….i
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………………...ii
AKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………………………………...iii
DEDICATION …………………………………………………………………………………..iv
DEFINITION OF TERMS ……………………………………………………………………….v
ABBREVIATIONS ……………………………………………………………………………







The industrial attachment training is an essential component of the curriculum of Accra

Technical University which is partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of
National Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Students are required to undergo an
industrial attachment program during which the students are expected to acquire
additional practical experience to supplement, their program of study in the Polytechnic.
They are also exposed to the real world of work and its challenges which will prepare
them towards their future careers.
This report is the outcome of the four weeks practical training I had at 49 Engineer unit –
Ghana Armed Forces, Burma camp. The duration of the attachment was from 13 th
September but I ended on 6th October, 2021. Work begins from 7:30 am and ends at 2:00
pm each working day.


The objectives of the Industrial Training program are as follows:
 To provide an opportunity for students to discover, learn about, and familiarize
with industry of their discipline, and with organizations within the industry.
Students will acquire interpersonal skills through meeting with professionals in
their field of study.
 To provide an opportunity for students to observe real-life practices and
implementation of theoretical lessons and principles. Students will acquire
practical skills and experience working on projects and alongside industry experts.
  To expose the students to work methods not taught in the Accra technical
university and to provide access to machines and equipment not normally available
in the environment of the Accra technical university
 To provide the opportunity for the industry to identify potential employees from
among the industrial trainees and to feedback comments on the programed.
Students will benefit from coursework tailored to meet training expectations of the
 To ensure coursework and training programs satisfy the expectations of the
industry, and ensure the programs are relevant and up to date.
 To assess the interest of the student in the occupation he/she plans to undertake.
 Overall, students will gain experience in the following:
 Organizational skills and professional awareness.
 Ability to work under supervision and directions.
 Efficiently completing tasks, fostering good relationship with seniors and
 Communication skills and contribution to company.
The Directorate of Engineer Services is under the General Headquarters of the
Ghana Armed Forces abbreviated as GAF. Under the GAF, we have the General
Headquarters, Army Headquarters, Navy Headquarters and the Air Force
Headquarters. Under the General Headquarters we have Departments and
Directorates, so the Directorate of Engineer Services is a directorate under the
General Headquarters.
The 49 Engineer Regiment was formed from the Field Engineer Regiment, at
Teshie, probably in about March 1991. The Engineer Regiment derives its origins
from the Gold Coast Field Companies which were raised in May 1943, 35/37 Field
Company in May 1947.
With the expansion of the GCR of two Battalions to the four Battalions of the Gold
Coast (2 WA) Brigade under Brig Gen Rose in November 1918, a Pioneer Section
was also formed along with other supporting elements. Even though the Pioneer
Section survived the disbandment in December 1918, it was finally under-
implemented in 1922.
The Gold Coast Engineer Cadre (with a Survey Section) was formed as part of the
European Reserve Force in 1933. In May 1939, Engineer cadre recruits from the
Diamond Mines and Public Works Department were used to form the Gold Coast
Field Companies (2nd and 3rdCompanies) at Akwatia and were jointly
commanded by Maj JS Thai and C Alderson. As part of the formation of 5 (WA)
Brigade, 81 (WA) Division, and 2 (WA) Brigade, 82 (WA) Division, one Field
Company each was formed to support the Brigades after 1942 for service in
Burma. Trade Training Wings were later established at Asuansi, Kibi and Elmina
in 1943 but were disbanded in 1946 after World War II.
The 37 Field Company was formed at Teshie from elements of 2 Field Company.
It was re-designated with the missing numbers 35 on 1 August 1948 during
reorganization of the RWAFF, hence the designation of 35/37 Field Company. It
was subsequently re-designated 1 Independent Field Engineer Squadron (Ghana
Engineers) after independence in March 1957 along with Works Services Ghana
Engineers. A Construction Squadron known as the Engineer Maintenance
Squadron (EMS) and a Construction Squadron (Garrison Engineers) were formed
at Teshie on 1 December 1964. They were amalgamated with the Field Park Troop
and Field Squadron into the Field Engineer Regiment on 5 November 1965.
The Field Engineer Regiment was established by merging the Field Park Troop
and Field Squadron and Construction Squadron with Lt Col V Coker-Appiah as the
first CO (3 February 1965 – 12 August 1966). A Light Aid Detachment (LAD) was
formed at Teshie on 18 March 1966 while the Construction Unit was detached and
formed into a separate Unit on 22 June 1966 but was disbanded on 1 March 1968
when it was placed once again under command of the Field Engineer Regiment. In
March 1991, the EMS was re-designated as the 49 Engineer Regiment.
For both 48 and 49 Engineer Regiments, the Motto is: “One Step Ahead”. Other
Engineer Slogans include “Sappers Lead the Way.”
Our vision is to be GAF’s leading Engineering and technical unit. We will be
competent in all areas of this work and apply our competence to other markets
whenever possible. We will maintain a high standard in our services and always be
one step ahead.
To satisfy customer and client needs in the manufacture, erection, testing,
commissioning and through life support of equipment in the engineering industry,
by building up our own capabilities and by maximizing the use of local resources
and to always lead the way.
49 Engineer Regiment is one of the unit under Ghana Armed Forces, Burma camp
which is basically an Engineering unit providing all engineering services to support
Ghana Armed Forces.49 Engineer Regiment constitute both soldiers and civilians.
The unit have a commanding officer name Ing. Lt Col Emmanuel Asia.49
Engineer Regiment have the following department under the unit and these are
Electrical department: this department takes care of all the electrical works in the
barracks and the various offices of all other units. Under the electrical department,
there are two units, (thus internal electrical unit and external electrical unit).
The internal electrical unit is responsible for all electrical related activities inside
the 49 Engineer Regiment (installation work, wiring, electrical appliance servicing
and repairs).
The external electrical unit is responsible for all electrical related activities outside
the 49 Engineer Regiment (transmission and distribution work).
 Carpentry department: this department also managed all the carpentry
work in the barracks and offices of all the other units
 Welding department: this department takes control of all the welding
aspect of the whole barracks
 Construction and building department: this department takes care of all
the buildings in the barracks, renovation of the old buildings and
construction of new structures in the barracks and all Ghana Armed Forces
 Painting department: this department takes care of all the painting works
the barracks and offices of the Armed Forces.
 Plant department: This department takes of all the plants in the various
offices, including servicing and maintenance of the plants
 Plumbing department: this department controls all the plumbing works in
barracks and offices of the Armed Forces

Since 49 Engineer Regiment is an engineering unit within Ghana Armed Forces,
all the engineering work in the various department are perform as major activities
and also the following military duties are also performing as a major activity in
addition to the engineering.
 Transmission and distribution works
 Electrical appliance repairs
 Electrical equipment maintenance
 Industrial and Domestic wiring including renovation.
 Replacement of service line.
 Peace Support Operations. With over 50 years in peace keeping.
 Internal Security Operations. The 49 Engineer Regiment together with Sister
unit undertake internal security operations for the safety of the general
 National Disaster Management.


49 Engineer Regiment is an engineering unit it has a responsibility to make sure
that engineering works within various barracks and offices are done correctly to
meet the demand of command.
On my arrival, I was warmly welcomed by the personnel manager of madam
patience, and the head of electrical department in person of Mr. Simon. I was
oriented on the rules and regulations within the department and the work.
The electrical department of 49 Engineer Regiment has two units that is internal
electrical unit and external electrical unit.
The nature of work of the electrical department is done by both the internal and
external electrical units. The description of the nature of work of the electrical
department are:
 Electrical wiring (domestic and industrial)
 Installation works: mounting and installing electric motors, generators,
plants and transformer for the GAF is also done by the electrical department.
 Power transmission and distribution: the electrical department also transmit
and distribute power for the GAF.
 Installing energy meters: the electrical department also install energy meters
for individual houses of the GAF personnel
 Repairs and maintenance work: the electrical department also repairs
electrical appliance that are spoilt or has fault and also maintain electrical
gadgets for the GAF.
 sub-station maintenance.
The following are the detailed account of work performed during attachment
 Fixing of 100A changeover switch.
 Replacing pole cut-out fuse.
 Installation of automatic changeover switch.
 Replacement of faulty cooker units and socket.
 Wiring of air condition lines into MCB (main switch).
 Installation of automatic remote control switch.
 Installation of photocell to control flood lights.
 Cleaning and servicing of 1ph motor.
 Rewiring of socket, fan and light circuit in three bedrooms.
 Connecting of service line to main switch.
 Knowledge on loose contact, low voltage on the LV line and phase off.
 Rewiring of single phase motor.
 Servicing of generator set (changing of oil, air filters).
 Installation of electric water pump.
During the attachment period I observed the following thing in relation to the
work assign to and the workers of the 49 Engineer Regiment
Make Sure the Power is Off
 Check the breaker or power source and make sure the power is always off
before starting any electrical work. Lock the breaker if possible or if cannot,
make sure everyone in the area knows it is turned off for a reason and leave
an easily noticeable note that you are working over there.

Always Test First

 Use a voltage tester to test the wires and connections before you begin
working on them to make sure they are indeed dead. This will allow you to
accurately judge the work that needs to be done and select the product and
tools you need to use.

Have the Right Tools On Hand

 As with any job, you need the correct tools to complete it properly and do it
with safety in mind. Having the right tools for a wire installation is
detrimental. Some tools include: a voltage tester, wire cutters, wire and cable
strippers, needle nose pliers, continuity tester, and others. For large scale
jobs such as installing ground cables, you may need a wire trencher or other
digging equipment or heavy machinery.
 The workers come to work on time and are always punctual.
 The workers respect their leaders and each other.
 The workers are friendly.
 The workers are willing to learn new things.
 The structures at the workplace are old and needs to be renovated.
 Some of the equipment are also old and needs to be replace.
 The workers follow instructions.
 Also, I observed that work is done on time.
 The military officers together with the civilians are discipline.


During the period of the attachment, in fact, my training in Directorate of
Engineers Service was very useful to me in acquiring new engineering skills that I
had not had before. These learned skills prove being very valuable by signifying an
impact in solving problems. It is well known that engineering skills have vital
importance in design problems specifically. Some of the areas, problems and
difficulties in which the engineering skills I learned signified an impact in solving
problems are the following.
 Damage in an electrical device, which may be very necessary, is a common
problem that occurs repeatedly and everywhere. An engineer having skills
of troubleshooting the device using simple equipment can solve such a
problem. I feel that I have improved this skill during the training period.
The work of technicians in engineers in 49 Engineer Regiment is not
limited to designing and prototyping military-related devices. They also
repair any device in the laboratory or elsewhere that goes faulty, if they can.
E.g., I have participated in repairing the timer in a paper cutting machine by
troubleshooting. This motivated me to try to repair any damaged electrical
device in my home.
 I have learnt how to use a voltage tester to test the wires and connections
before you begin working on them to make sure they are indeed dead. 

 I have learnt that covering your eyes is a must when dealing with electricity.
You do not want sparks or other debris to get in your eyes. Also, wearing
long shirts, pants, gloves, and thick soled shoes are also a good idea. 

 Whenever working on breakers, we have to make sure all contacts are firmly
tight to avoid sparks fire outbreaks which can occur due to loose contacts.

 Check the breaker or power source and make sure the power is always off
before starting any electrical work.
 I learnt how to install electric water pump.

 I have knowledge about the working principles of photo cell and also how to
connect it.
 I also learnt how to install hydraulic automated gate and it working

In as much as I acquired new knowledge and skills during my four weeks’
attachment at 49 Engineer Regiment, I also encountered few challenges. Below are
the few challenges I encountered during the four weeks’ attachment;
Old main switches and accessories
A lots of the main switches and accessories installed in the barracks were old and
because of that it makes it difficult to work with it.
Old age cables
Since the barracks was set up a lot of the building have not been rewired and
because of that a lots of the cables are weak and some of cable coats are peel off, it
makes it difficult to work with it.


To ensure and to prevent the barracks and offices from fire outbreak, there are few
contributions I made that will improve the organization. Below are the few
contributions I made to improve the organization.
 I suggested that all the old buildings that will be renovated have to be rewire.
 I suggested that they should use quality cables(kablemetal) and correct size
of cables for specific work.
 I also contribute that whenever new building or renovation take places they
should use quality electrical accessories (main switches, fitting etc.).


Since the experience for these one month was enormous I recommend that:
 The attachment is very beneficial to students as it assists them to blend
academic work with that of the industry therefore much importance must be
given to attachment by students.
 The periods for the attachment should be increased, that is to say; the Third
Trimester Field Practical Programed should be legally amended if not
completely given way to the Practical Industrial Attachment program.
 Since the attachment is a supervised program, visiting supervisors should
please visit students on their places of attachment to ensure proper assessments

Also in this chapter, I give my opinion about training in 49 Engineer Regiment

and in general. Since previous speech focused on advantages of training at 49
Engineer Regiment, I will focus here on the disadvantages and provide
recommendations concerning them.

As stated before, one main disadvantage of the training was the lack of a
precise training program as a result of the nature of work in internal sections.
The nature of work implies that the training plan cannot be independent from
what is being worked on in the section, so the plan is dependent on the
department work in the one months, which is not precisely planned. To resolve
these problems. I recommend that at the beginning of the training period the
training supervisor determines with the trainee which of the current main
projects in the section, or department, to involve him / her in according to his /
her tendencies. This should not be a time-distributed schedule but only a listing
of projects in which he/she will be submitted partial tasks. Otherwise, the
trainee would find himself disorganized or having nothing to do for a long
time. I think that partial tasks that are achievable the short period of training
are best fit to trainees. A trainee should not be submitted a complete project or
asked to start a new project.

Another problem was the negative effect of the large load of work on the
design engineers which caused them to ignore trainees totally for many days. I
think if they involve trainees well from the beginning to carry a partial load of
the projects, this would be helpful.

Furthermore, I see that some security procedures in GAF in 49 Engineer

Regiment are too strict and exaggerated that they effectively limit innovation
by engineers and trainees. For example, mobiles are prevented, internet service
is limited and even a necessary simple operation like transferring data between
two computers involves complications. I recommend that such strict
procedures be mitigated to facilitate innovation in an innovation-based
institution like 49 Engineer Regiment Service. The action and work of
trainees is also limited by the slowness of procedures of assigned personal
electrical equipment to them, creating their own installing technical problem
they want to work with.

Here is another point to say. Admitting the necessity of reading and acquiring
new knowledge in engineering installations, a trainee should not spend much
time in this. At the end, training aims at acquiring practical skills and so, the
trainee should be early involved in work, even if he/she will make mistakes.
Sometimes, asking the trainee to keep reading in the library is intended to
escape him!

However, the valuable benefits I gained from training at 49 Engineer

Regiment lets my overall evaluation of training there be: very good. Finally,
regarding the training program at university in general, I think there should be
more equity between students. The net training periods should be equal or
close. I think that if training days are three or two a week, training will not
achieve its goals. However, a general recommendation to training institutions
is to try to get maximum benefit from trainees instead of ignoring them.
Energy of the employees should be best invested since this will achieve
common interests of the trainee (practical expertise) and the company
(additional human resources).

In conclusion, the supervised industrial attachment of the Polytechnic gives
students the opportunity to apply knowledge in real work, exposing students to
work methods not taught in the Polytechnic and provide access to products
equipment not available in the Polytechnic as well as assessing students’ interest in
the occupation he/she plans to undertake.
Undoubtedly, the impact of this attachment with the Ghana Armed Forces -49
engineer’s unit cannot be quantified. The attachment has made me gain some
practical knowledge and experiences in my field of study (electrical) as well as
enriching me with the interaction with the business world. It has also instilled in
me some more integrity especially punctuality, being submissive to and taking the
views of superiors, more tolerant, respectful and hardworking, the programed
should therefore be maintained and the period extended.

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