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1. I am bid forth to supper, Jessica:
There are my keys. But wherefore should I go?
I am not bid for love; they flatter me;
But yet I'll go in hate, to feed upon
The prodigal Christian. Jessica, my girl,
Look to my house. I am right loath to go:
There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest,
For I did dream of money-bags tonight.
(i) Who has invited the speaker to supper? What did the speaker think ab
the reason for him being invited to supper?- ·, .~; ~·."~a·'
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(ii) Give the meaning of : -,,
(a) The prodigal Christian y ,,...., , ,
- .......···•..•.•,...
{b) Tt1ere 1s some ill a-brewing towards my rest.
• • • • • • • • • •
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(iv) Comment on Shylock's dreaming ab~ut money-bags?
.... .............................................................................................................................
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(v) What were Shylock's reasons for refusing an invitation to dinner earlier in
the play? Why is it necessary in this ·scene to accept such an invitation?
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........ ... ... ................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................... .......
2. What, are there masques? Hear you me, Jessica:
Lock up my doors; ·and when you hear the drum
And the vile squealihg'·of the· wry-neck'd fife, f --

Clamber not you_up tQ the case~ents then,

Nor thrust your head into the public street
To gaze on Christian fools with varnish'd faces;
(i) What are masques? Why are masques introduced in the play at this
juncture? What is Shylock's attitude to masques?
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(ii) What directions does Shylock give to Jessica, when he iff tol,:l flhtl»~ tha
masques? · ,

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(iii) What is meant by 'wry~neck'd fife'? What arfl "varnished faces"? ·

♦ 11, .. , I ••t ♦••••• ♦ ll'I• •t • 'll•t tt• I I I I It• t•t• t t t • t t I tt •t tt• ttt t t ti It t I• ttt t tit 1119 t •ft I I ti I I! t t t I 9 t ! 1t t ~ t. I ' 1 ff., t f ',ff If' tt f 1, tt f ,,, ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " '
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(iv) Explain: "Let not the sound of shallow foppery enter My 13ober hm-l•Q,11
, , • • 11 • •" • • • •·• • 1 •• 111 ••, 111 •• 111 ,
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(v) Which aspects of Shylock's character ,do YQY ftgurtl _<l\lt from the qtffftf
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The patc h is kind enou gh, but a hug e feeder;
Snai l-slo w in prof it, and he slee ps by day
Mor e than the wild cat: dron es hive not with me;
The refo re I part with him ; and part with him
To one that I wou ld have him help to was te
His borrow'd purs e. Well, Jess ica, go in -
Perh aps I will retu rn imm edia tely -
Do as I bid you; shu t door s afte r you:
~as t bind , fast find',
A prov erb neve r stale in thrif ty 1mind.

ti) Who is the spe ~er ? Who is refe rred to ~s 'the

patc h'? Why?_ Why is he
compare d to dron es?
• • • • •- • • • •• • • • • - .- • . . . . . • • • • •
•••••• • • • ♦♦ ♦e♦ •e ♦♦ ♦♦-
• •• • • • • • -• • • ♦ • • ••• ♦-♦ ♦ e • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦
• ·• • ••••• ♦ e • ♦ e ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e e ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
• • • • •• ♦ •••• •••• ♦ e ♦ ♦ e • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ e I ♦ e • e e e

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······· ······· ······· ······· ······· ······· ······· ······· ······· ······· ··
(ii) Wha t reas ons does Shyl ock prov ide Jess ica
for part ing with Laun celo t? Why
is Shyl ock hap py to note that Laun celo t is now in
service to Bass anio ?
................ • ·• ................. ........................................................
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....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..... .
.... ...... ... ... . . ......... ... ..... ........ ... .. ..... . ...................................
.. ... ... ............ ............. .................. .......
(iii) Exp lain the mea ning : (a) snai l-slo w in
prof it (b) borrow'd purs e .
.. . ...... ... . ..... .. ..... .. .. ...... .. .... ..... ... ...... ............... ............. ..........
... ....... .. ............... ................... .......
.. .. ... .. . . . ..... ......... ..... .. ..... ..................................... .. .......
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. .. . . ...... . ......... . . ... .. ........ .. .. ... ............... ....... ................... .....
............ ......... .. ......... .. .. ..... .............. ...
(iv) Why does Shyl ock ask Jess ica to shut doors? Wha
t does Shylock mea n when
lie says "Fas t bind , fast find"?
.............. ..... ············· ........................................................
........................................................ .
. ... . .. . . . ....... .... ..... .. ....... ...... ... .. ..... ... ... .
.. .......... .. ......... .... .. .. ...... ... ... ... ............ ....................... .... .......
.. . . . .. . .... .·- ......................................................................
············· ·····••-..; ation: V•
.............................................................................................:ment of fate in this· LDC . B
(v) Explain clearly how Shylock becomes an lllS
t · ,Beene. scene 111: '
Lorenzo is ,
················································································· ...............................................:i~···· ...'1!~ ologizes. J
' . ap The'\)
............................................................................................... '················\·~···············~:t····· . ·~ inoneY• J

called offan
·············································································································;r,··············.~::_"'····•.... . a.s the wind
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(vi) What is Shylock's mental state in the scene?
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., d, l1 hrflO . • The a,
...................................................................................................................-............--·-~ • Gratia
••• •• ••• .. •••• .. •••••••••• .. •• .. •• .. ••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••• ••• ••••••••••·•• .. •u•••••• .. •••• .. • -_ , Loren:
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the a

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i._..t ,.b!ud J•.tfii" _,.v:s;; o.r(
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Albeit: although
1 pretty follies: small acts of foolishness
1tfl!,;011s. Q fus, t he classical
!,! l
ddt's~ of lovl' rode in O chariot drawn hold a candle to my shames: hold up
b., dove s Ve nu s is qui ck to sea l the a light to reveal the shameful dress
promises mudo by new \overs. Lovers that she is wearing as she is dressed
l\ t°l' always in a greater hurry to keep as a boy
,1n l'w engage1nenl t han they are to an office of discovery: it is a duty of
kee p their ma rriage promises (obliged a page to hold up the torch to light up
fo ith ) unbroken (unforfeited). and reveal things in a masquerade
ymu,ker: a young man lovely garnish: nice costume
wanton wind: uncontrolled wind gild: enrich
beggar'd by the wanton wind: my constant soul: my faithful heart
impoverished by uncontrolled wind

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Gratiano And it is marvel he out-dwells his hour,
For lovers ever run before the clock.
Salarino O ten times faster Venus' pigeons fly
To seal love's bonds new-made, than they are wont
To keep obliged faith unforfeited!
Gratiano That ever holds: who riseth from a feast
With that keen appetite that he sits down?
Where is the horse that doth untread again
His tedious measures with the unbated fire
That he did pace them first?
( i) Who "out-dwells his hour"? What is meant by "he out-dwells his hour"? What
does Gratiana mean when he says: "it is marvel he out-dwells his hour"?

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'llllltllltll Ill I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l t t 6 l l l l l f f l l l l l l l f l l f l l f l f f l . , . , , , ,1,, ,,,1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hw1111I, l'rlrn1dP4. you ,· 1,mLlonco (hr my long ubodo· ................... ...

Nut I huL Illy 1lffofrR l1t1vu rnudu you wutt : '
Wh,,n ,YOU nhnll plOnP40 to l)loy HIO thlovoij for wlvea
I'll w111d, 111 1 Ion~ fut· you Lhofl. /\ pprouch; '
I Inn, dw11ll1i 111,y f'ulhot' ,Jow. llol wli11'P1 wlthio ·1

, i, \\bo speaks these lines? Where is it spoken? Who are the "sweet friends"?
\\1-iy are they called so?

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.... ... ···· ·· ·..... ....... .... ....... ............................................

.......................................................................... .

························· .. ·········································································································
·· ··· ······ ······· ··········· .................. ..... ................... ........................................................................... . .

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iii ) What reasons does the speaker provide for being late? Is he justified in his

··········· ···································································································································
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1 iii) What is the meaning of 'playing thieves for wives'? How is the phrase
significant in the context?

... .. ............. ...........................................................................................................................

<iv) What are speakers future plans in regard to his beloved? Why did he finally
give up his plans?
........................................................ ········ ...................................................................................................... .
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.. . _... . ............ ........... _................................. -.................................................................... ................... .
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hd ~~t i.; mPnnt b~· dv• fthrnk• niv f◄1lh<•T ,Jc4,;. i About wttorn 11' th,~ l f.M!:.aL,,
r:-nqmnnl! m lbt ' >.J11 '- 1v11 Ho~ who',. .,.,,dun ,;'
- - .
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-- ........ ............. ....... .... ... . ... .... ................. .


............... . .............. . ...... ,.. ............. .

_ scene?
n \'\1ia.t op1D.10n do :;·ou form about the speaker fr om ·
..... ............. ....... ., . ... ... . . . ....... .._
... -· --··-···- ·····-····· .................... . ..... . ....... .. ....... ........ . ...... ......... ..... . ... ...... . ·······•·"·

\\bar~ must I hold a candle to my shames?

I'll€}- in iliEmseh·es. good sooth. are too too light.
Wn_:;·. ·tis an office of discovery. love.
And I m ould be olr...£UT'd.
Wno ha~ said ?.That which makes the speaker exclaim -what!: Which
•oPG1 f- is :;he supposoo w hold? \\nat are her 'shames ?

.................. .... ..... ... ........ .... ........ . .... .. .. .... ..... _
·· ······ ··· -············· . . ....... ... .... ... ... . ....... ... . ... .

_____ ,.., ..... _.,,.,,, . . ........ -........... -- -- -.... .............................. ·-- ...... -. .............. -· ........ .. ....... ..... . .. . . . ... . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . - ... ..... . ... .... .. .... .... ....
.. _.._

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= Gr.t ,,.,...fflning of th£. follmring ex:prtSsion a J 'too light': (b ) an office of


- --- ..
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ll! 7,naz J~---ica say that she should be ohseuroo?

. ........... ....................... ..... ... . ............ .... ...... .... ..... ... ... .... .
,. ' ' ' ' '

... ······ ···· ···· ··· ·· ······ ··· ···· ······ ···· ··· ·· ····· ··· ······ ·· ··· ··· ····· ··· ·· ······ ···

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1, 1 Gi v C' rc-nsons why 1rnrne · d 1a
. t e IY after the extract Lorenzo is anxious that
Jpss.ica must "come a t once "?.

·· ····· ···· ·· ···· ········ ······ ······ ····························· ······ ·············· ·············· ······························

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n Before joining others what does Jessica intend to do?

4. Gratiano Now, by my hood, a gentle, and no Jew.

Lorenzo Beshrew me, but I love her heartily~
For she is wise, if I can judge of her;
And fair she is, if that mine eyes be true;
And true she is, as she hath prov'd herself;
And therefore, like herself, wise, fair, and true,
shall she be placed in my constant soul.
<iJ What does Gratiano mean when he says: "Now, by my hood, a gentle, and
no J ew"? To whom does he refer to?

....... , ........................................................... .... ..........................................................................

. .. . . .. . , , ....... .... , ... ............................................................ .................................................... .... .

. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .,,. ................. .. ... .... .......... .... ....... ............... ....... ...................................... ............. .

- -------------------------------1 117
\\\ \ \~\\ \' th"' \\\ \'n \\\ l\~ \)\' ,ci•d ,11 my co nstn nt
\n'\ \\, ,!'\\H,,w nw , \h ) ~h
::-,\\\\ t1 I\ 11\w li1' P11

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... ........ ....... ... .. ... ...........odn1
\\'l\\1.:h \W'~ ~mn\ quaH\ \l'$ iro? Do you find out
of .ll' s!-l irn doPs Loronzo
"' ~·\hm~ unu~uu\ ,n hi :;;
L\d m,rnlion?
······· ········· ············ ······ ········
······· ········ ··· ···· ·· ·· ······ ···· ········ ········ ·· ···· ······· ······· ···· ·······
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• • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
• • .. •

......... ... . . .... ..............................

...... ................................... ....
\ w \ \Vhy ,s Lorenzo
.............. .... ................... .....
unxio us to leave Jessica 's
............... ................ ................
........ .... ...................................
.............. ... ... . . ........... ... .....
... . ......... ............................ ... .....
..................... ....... ................
.................. ..... ... .............. .... ... ....
........... ....................... ............
..... ........................ ....... .. ....
............. .. ... ....... . ........... .... ....... ..................
... .............................. ....................
...... ........ ..... ................ .......
... ...........
(v) Was th er e a masqu
e th at night? What purp
this context? ose does th e m as qu e se
rve in
........ ... . ........ ................ ............
........................ ........ ....... ........
... . ..... ............ .. .... ........ ..... ........
..... .......... ..... ........................
.... ......... ...... . ...... ... ....... ....... ..........................
.. ........ ................... ...... ........... ....
....... ............ .................. ....
. . ....... . . ...... . .. ... ....................... ..................
.... .... ............. ...... ...............
.................... .... ...................
( vi ) Je ssica is
sa id to be "wise , fair ........... .......
reasoned repl y. an d tru e" . Do you agree? Give
a brief
.... ......... ......... ..... ...... ............
..... ............ ...... ... ............ ....
... ........ .... ........... .. ............... ....
,, . ......... .......
... .. ... ...... ........ ..................... ..... .. ....
.... .... .... ...... . ........... . . . . ...........
, ........ ... , , ............ ... .............. ......................... .
.... ... ....... ......... ........ .... ....... . .......
................. .... .................... ........
,,, ,, ,,, ,,..,.. ..., ...... , .. ....... ............ ......................
..... .
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.... .... ..... . ............ .. ..... . ,

·················· ...... ..

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