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(Reduced syllabus – Full Portions)

2 Marks
1. Define Macro Economics.
2. Circular flow of income – Define.
3. What is GNP and GDP?
4. Define GDP deflator.
5. What is full employment and unemployment?
6. List out the assumption of says law of market.
7. What is effective demand?
8. What is consumption functions and Investment functions?
9. Define multiplier and Accelerator.
10. Define inflations.
11. What is commercial bank?
12. Define central bank.
13. What is international Economics?
14. Define international trade.
15. Define terms of trade.
16.What is meant by BOP and BOT?
17. What is exchange rate?
18.Define public finance.
19. What is public revenue?
20. Give two example of direct tax.
21.What are the components of GST?
22. What is public dept?
23. What is meant by Eco – system ?
24. Define Global warming.
25. Define Economic development.
26. Define Economics planning.
27. Write a short note on NITI Aayog .
28. What is Statistics?
29. What are the kinds of Statistics?
30. What is correlations?

3 Marks
1. State the important of macro economics.
2.Decribe different types economics systems.
3. What are the advantages of capitalism.
4. Two sectors circular flow model.
5. What is per capita Income?
6. Give short note on Expenditure method.
7. What is aggregate demand? Mention its components.
8. What is aggregate supply? Mentions its components.
9. Write any five difference between classism and Keynesianism.
10. Explain Types of investment with diagram and its difference also.
11. What is money supply?
12. What are the determinants of money supply?
13. Write types of inflation.
14. Explain Demand full and cost push Inflation.
15. Quantity theory of money ( Marshall and Keynes)
16. What are the functions of NABARD?
17. Specify the functions of IFCI.
18. Difference between Money market and capital market.
19. Mentions the objectives of Demonetizations.
20. Difference between BOP and BOT.
21. State the functions of SAARC.
22. What is Land pollution? And its causes.
23. Write short note on Climate Change and Acid rain.
24. Draw Vicious circle of poverty with diagram.
25. Trace the evolution of Economics planning in India.
26. Describe the case for planning.
27. What are the functions of NITI Aayog?
28. What are the functions of Statistics?
29. What are the Objectives of Econometrics?
30. Mentions Accelerator and Multiplier.

5 Marks
1. Compare between capitalism, Socialism and Mixedism.
2. Economics system – Features, merits and demerits.
3. Explain various methods of national Income.
4. Explain Types of unemployment.
5. Explain Say’s Law of Market.
6. Explain Multiplier and Accelerator – Full concept.
7. Explain Fisher quantity theory of money.
8. Explain functions of money.
9. Describe the phases of trade cycle.
10. Explain the role of commercial bank.
11. What are the functions of commercial bank?
12. Explain the functions of RBI.
13. Difference between internal trade and international trade.
14. Determination of Equilibrium Exchange Rate.
15. Explain the objectives of IMF.
16. Explain the functions of World Bank.
17. Explain the scope of public finance.
18. Explain the important of sustainable development.
19. Describe different types of planning.
20. What are the objectives of Econometrics?
21. Explain the types of correlations.

Presented by
A. Pandikumar MA., M.Phil. PGDCA
Ramsun’s Matriculation Hr. Sec. School,


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