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Sadie - The Contemporary World

Crim 2-1B Wed 8:00-11:00

Expound your answers in 50 words per

1. What do you think is the importance

of defining globalization?

Defining globalization is very indispensable because it enables

one to acquire grasps and understanding. Understanding the
concept of Globalization entails one to know how globalization
impacts and affects lives of people, behavior of societies, politics
of governments and market and economy of countries. Defining
globalization also endow understanding of its processes and
interactions that happen between people, markets, society,
governments and countries worldwide.

2. How have you experienced

I have experienced globalization in a lot of ways.
Examples are with the interests, hobbies and leisure
that I enjoy. In example, with the devices that I use
such as mobile phones, laptops and tablets. These
gadgets involve processes and interaction between
markets, companies and countries who develop such
devices. In addition, through this, I am able to interact
Communicate from people all over the world through
different platforms. All these things involve activities
and processes that are related to GLOBALIZATION.

3. Do you agree with the idea that the

contemporary world is characterized by
high liquidity? Why or why not?

I agree with the idea that the contemporary


world is characterized by high liquidity. With the

fast phase of life that we have today, with the
interaction and competition in the market, the
rising of demands and needs of people which
results to increase of prices, with the trend in the
market system, these all entails high liqquidity.

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