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1. what is ultraviolet ray? -what is the application of UV light?

2. what is visible light? -what are the different application of visible light?
3. what is infrared? -what are the uses of infrared?
4.what are light source? -what is natural light? -what is an artificial light?

1. Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes black-light posters

glow, and is responsible for summer tans — and sunburns. However, too much
exposure to UV radiation is damaging to living tissue. 

Electromagnetic radiation comes from the sun and transmitted in waves or particles at
different wavelengths and frequencies. This broad range of wavelengths is known as
the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. The spectrum is generally divided into seven
regions in order of decreasing wavelength and increasing energy and frequency. The
common designations are radio waves,microwaves, infrared (IR), visible light, ultraviolet
(UV), X-rays and gamma-rays.

Ultraviolet (UV) light falls in the range of the EM spectrum between visible light and X-
rays. It has frequencies of about 8 × 10 14 to 3 × 1016 cycles per second, or hertz (Hz),
and wavelengths of about 380 nanometers (1.5 × 10 −5 inches) to about 10 nm (4 ×
10−7 inches). According to the U.S. Navy's "Ultraviolet Radiation Guide," UV is generally
divided into three sub-bands:

The uses for UV light include a broad range of applications in commercial, industrial,

and healthcare settings. Ultraviolet (UV) light is separated into three basic categories of
UVA, UVB, and UVC based on the nanometer or wavelength of UV emissions.  UVC
light is the shortest wavelength emitted by the sun and is mostly absorbed by the ozone
UV technology allows for lighting engineers to replicate UVC radiation which provides
highly effective disinfection properties. UV lamps provide germicidal effectiveness in
many applications along with a host of other purposes and uses in a wide range of
industries worldwide. Some of the most common uses of UV light include:

Illumination – of course the original purpose of lamps is to illuminate, with UV lamps

offering energy efficient, bright light in many industries such as manufacturing, clean

room production, quality inspection and many other applications which require a well-lit

Lighted signs – lighted signs are required for many purposes like illuminating
emergency exits in public places and for marketing and brand awareness purposes. 
LightSources and our valued partner Voltarc provide fluorescent and neon lighting
solutions with decades of experience in custom designed solutions.

Backlighting – UV lamps provide backlighting to the avionics and aerospace industry,

providing reliable lighting in airplane cabins and cockpits.  LightSources and our valued
partners offer experienced backlighting solutions with high-quality UV lamps designed
for backlighting found in many demanding industries including the NASA space shuttle.

UV curing – used in many manufacturing applications, UV lamps for curing of inks,

coatings and finishes provides a strengthened outer coating.  Adhesives, varnishes and
lacquers cured with UV lamps are more durable and last in demanding environments
such as industrial, automotive, and aerospace applications.

Tanning – UV lamps are the core technology in tanning salons, offering clientele a way
to enjoy a sun-kissed look from man-made technology.  LightSources offers many
benefits to the tanning industry with the introduction of proprietary technology designed
strictly to improve tanning performance and safety.

Phototherapy – UV lamps provide many medical benefits for a host of conditions such
as skin diseases including acne, jaundice, psoriasis, eczema and other conditions like
seasonal depression.

Germicidal – UVC germicidal lamps are designed to replicate UVC radiation which is

proven to have immense sterilization and disinfection properties. Today, germicidal
UVC light applications are the first choice for many industries worldwide that require
water, air or surface sterilization.

2.What is the visible light spectrum?

The visible light spectrum is the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the
human eye can view. More simply, this range of wavelengths is called visible light.
Typically, the human eye can detect wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometers.
All electromagnetic radiation is light, but we can only see a small portion of this radiation
—the portion we call visible light. Cone-shaped cells in our eyes act as receivers tuned
to the wavelengths in this narrow band of the spectrum. Other portions of the spectrum
have wavelengths too large or too small and energetic for the biological limitations of
our perception.
As the full spectrum of visible light travels through a prism, the wavelengths separate
into the colors of the rainbow because each color is a different wavelength. Violet has
the shortest wavelength, at around 380 nanometers, and red has the longest
wavelength, at around 700 nanometers.


Visible light is extremely important to humans, we use it TO SEE! Without light, our eyes
would not be able to see images of anything. Aside from sight, there are other important
uses for visible light. We concentrate visible light to make lasers to use in
everything from surgery, to CD players to laser pointers.
UV Phototherapy Lamps – UV lamps are used for medical phototherapy purposes,
which is also called light therapy, where UV lamps are specifically designed to treat
certain medical conditions
Visible light is the light we can see, so is used in photography and illumination. It is
also used in fibre optic communications, where coded pulses of light travel through
glass fibres from a source to a receiver.

Aside from sight, there are other important uses for visible light. We concentrate visible
light to make lasers to use in everything from surgery, to CD players to laser
pointers. Visible light waves also make our TV, computer and cell phone screens work.

3..Infrared radiation (IR), sometimes referred to simply as infrared, is a region of the

electromagnetic radiation spectrum where wavelengths range from about
700 nanometers (nm) to 1 millimeter (mm). Infrared waves are longer than those of
visible light, but shorter than those of radio waves. Correspondingly, the frequencies of
IR are higher than those of microwaves, but lower than those of visible light, ranging
from about 300 Ghz to 400 THz.

Infrared light is invisible to the human eye, although longer infrared waves can be
sensed as heat. It does, however, share some characteristics with visible light --
namely, infrared light can be focused, reflected and polarized.

Wavelength and frequency

Infrared can be subdivided into multiple spectral regions, or bands, based on
wavelength; however, there is no uniform definition of each band's exact boundaries.
Infrared is commonly separated into near-, mid- and far-infrared. It can also be divided
into five categories: near-, short-wavelength, mid-, long-wavelength and far-infrared.

The near-IR band contains the range of wavelengths closest to the red end of the visible
light spectrum. It is generally considered to consist of wavelengths measuring from 750
nm to 1,300 nm -- or 0.75 to 1.3 microns. Its frequency ranges from about 215 THz to

400 THz. This group consists of the longest wavelengths and shortest frequencies, and
it produces the least heat.

The intermediate IR band, also called the mid-IR band, covers wavelengths ranging
from 1,300 nm to 3,000 nm -- or 1.3 to 3 microns. Frequencies range from 20 THz to
215 THz.

Wavelengths in the far-IR band, which are closest to microwaves, extend from 3,000 nm
to 1 mm -- or 3 to 1,000 microns.  Frequencies range from 0.3 THz to 20 THz. This
group consists of the shortest wavelengths and longest frequencies, and it produces the
most heat.

Infrared radiation uses

Infrared is used in a variety of applications. Among the most well-known are heat
sensors, thermal imaging and night vision equipment.

In communications and networking, infrared light is used in wired and wireless

operations. Remote controls use near-infrared light, transmitted with light-emitting
diodes (LEDs), to send focused signals to home-entertainment devices, such as
televisions. Infrared light is also used in fiber optic cables to transmit data.

infrared radiation (IR)

Infrared radiation (IR), sometimes referred to simply as infrared, is a region of the

electromagnetic radiation spectrum where wavelengths range from about
700 nanometers (nm) to 1 millimeter (mm). Infrared waves are longer than those of
visible light, but shorter than those of radio waves. Correspondingly, the frequencies of
IR are higher than those of microwaves, but lower than those of visible light, ranging
from about 300 Ghz to 400 THz.

Infrared light is invisible to the human eye, although longer infrared waves can be
sensed as heat. It does, however, share some characteristics with visible light --
namely, infrared light can be focused, reflected and polarized.

Wavelength and frequency

Infrared can be subdivided into multiple spectral regions, or bands, based on
wavelength; however, there is no uniform definition of each band's exact boundaries.
Infrared is commonly separated into near-, mid- and far-infrared. It can also be divided
into five categories: near-, short-wavelength, mid-, long-wavelength and far-infrared.

The near-IR band contains the range of wavelengths closest to the red end of the visible
light spectrum. It is generally considered to consist of wavelengths measuring from 750
nm to 1,300 nm -- or 0.75 to 1.3 microns. Its frequency ranges from about 215 THz to

400 THz. This group consists of the longest wavelengths and shortest frequencies, and
it produces the least heat.

Visible and invisible light

The intermediate IR band, also called the mid-IR band, covers wavelengths ranging
from 1,300 nm to 3,000 nm -- or 1.3 to 3 microns. Frequencies range from 20 THz to
215 THz.

Wavelengths in the far-IR band, which are closest to microwaves, extend from 3,000 nm
to 1 mm -- or 3 to 1,000 microns.  Frequencies range from 0.3 THz to 20 THz. This
group consists of the shortest wavelengths and longest frequencies, and it produces the
most heat.

Infrared radiation uses

Infrared is used in a variety of applications. Among the most well-known are heat
sensors, thermal imaging and night vision equipment.

In communications and networking, infrared light is used in wired and wireless

operations. Remote controls use near-infrared light, transmitted with light-emitting
diodes (LEDs), to send focused signals to home-entertainment devices, such as
televisions. Infrared light is also used in fiber optic cables to transmit data.

Electromagnetic spectrum and visible light

In addition, infrared is used extensively in astronomy to observe objects in space that

can't be detected in whole or part by the human eye, including molecular clouds, stars,
planets and active galaxies.

History of infrared radiation technology

Infrared was discovered by British astronomer Sir William Herschel in 1800. Herschel
knew sunlight could be separated into separate components, a step accomplished by
refracting the light through a glass prism. He then measured the temperatures of the
different colors that were created. He found the temperature increased as the colors
progressed from violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red light. Herschel then went a
step further, measuring the temperature in the portion beyond the red area. There, in
the infrared area, he found the temperature to be the highest of all.

4.Light Sources

A light source is anything that makes light, whether natural and artificial. Natural light
sources include the Sun and stars.Artificial light sources include lamp posts and
Without light sources we could not see the world around us, however not every object
we can see is a light source. Many objects simply reflect light from a light source.
Light Sources is an activity that invites students to investigate where light comes from,
how it travels and how it can be used, before they use the power of light to explore the
The light sources which are members of are accelerators that produce
exceptionally intense beams of X-rays, ultra-violet and infrared light, making possible
both basic and applied research in fields ranging from physics to biology and
technology, which are not possible with more conventional equipment.

‘Light’ refers to the breadth of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes visible light,
yet also includes light with wavelengths that we cannot see, such as: radio waves,
microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. These different types of light
are used in everyday life, however. For example, airport scanners use X-rays to inspect
the contents of your suitcase. Likewise, the right kind of light and the right equipment
can help us see things in much finer detail than the human eye could possibly make out.
This capability holds the key to answering some of the fundamental questions about the
world around us, such as: what is our planet made from? What are the processes that
sustain life? How can we conquer viruses?

Natural light

In simple terms, natural light is light that is generated naturally, the common source of

which is the Sun. This is as opposed to artificial light, which is typically produced
by electrical appliances such as lamps.
Natural light is received during daylight hours and coves the visible spectrum with
violet at one end and red at the other. Not only is natural light beneficial
for health, wellbeing and a good source of Vitamin D, it is required by plants to carry out
Other sources of natural light include fire and, on clear nights, the moon.
Natural light can play an important role in creating a comfortable environment, helping
to regulate the body clock, improve concentration and create a calm, tranquil setting. It
can reduce the energy consumption of a building compared to artificial light and can
also help prevent mould or mildew from developing in buildings since these spores
thrive in darkness.
For more information, see How to maximise natural light.
Typically natural light is transmitted to the interior of a building through glazing such
as windows, or through other openings. More complex 'daylight systems' collect natural

light and deliver it deep into the heart of buildings. They use collectors in the roof to
harvest light, then transport it to diffusers in interior spaces.
Exposure to too much natural light can be a problem for workers on a construction site,
particularly during the summer, with the risks of sunburn, heatstroke,
and glare obstructing vision.
A right to light is a type of easement referring to the right to receive
sufficient light through an opening (such as a window), allowing ‘ordinary’ comfortable
use and enjoyment of a dwelling, or ‘ordinary’ beneficial use and occupation of
other buildings. The levels of acceptable light have not been objectively quantified and
are instead assessed on a case-by-case basis by the courts.

Natural light

In simple terms, natural light is light that is generated naturally, the common source of

which is the Sun. This is as opposed to artificial light, which is typically produced
by electrical appliances such as lamps.
Natural light is received during daylight hours and coves the visible spectrum with
violet at one end and red at the other. Not only is natural light beneficial
for health, wellbeing and a good source of Vitamin D, it is required by plants to carry out
Other sources of natural light include fire and, on clear nights, the moon.
Natural light can play an important role in creating a comfortable environment, helping
to regulate the body clock, improve concentration and create a calm, tranquil setting. It
can reduce the energy consumption of a building compared to artificial light and can
also help prevent mould or mildew from developing in buildings since these spores
thrive in darkness.
For more information, see How to maximise natural light.
Typically natural light is transmitted to the interior of a building through glazing such
as windows, or through other openings. More complex 'daylight systems' collect natural
light and deliver it deep into the heart of buildings. They use collectors in the roof to
harvest light, then transport it to diffusers in interior spaces.
Exposure to too much natural light can be a problem for workers on a construction site,
particularly during the summer, with the risks of sunburn, heatstroke,
and glare obstructing vision.
A right to light is a type of easement referring to the right to receive
sufficient light through an opening (such as a window), allowing ‘ordinary’ comfortable
use and enjoyment of a dwelling, or ‘ordinary’ beneficial use and occupation of
other buildings. The levels of acceptable light have not been objectively quantified and
are instead assessed on a case-by-case basis by the courts.

What Does Artificial Light Mean?


Artificial light, as opposed to natural light, refers to any light source that is produced by
electrical means. Artificial lighting has many different applications and is used both in-
home and commercially. Artificial lights are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes,
colors of light emitted, and levels of brightness. The use of artificial lighting is crucial in
agriculture and gardening, particularly in indoor cultivation.
There are several different types of artificial light sources. Some of these sources are
incandescent bulbs, halogen lamps, metal halide, fluorescent tube, compact florescent
light, and LEDs. All lights emit energy in the form of photons. Light is absolutely
essential to plant growth and vitality as it is a key component in photosynthesis.
Different types of plants, both indoor and outdoor, require different amounts of light.
Although sunlight is best for most plants, they can still be successfully grown using only
artificial light.
According to Advanced Nutrients, LED grow lights are more efficient to plants because
they run at cooler temperatures. This stands in contrast to HID systems that can
overheat and pose significant risks to crops. Other types of indoor grow lights include
metal halide, halogen lamps, incandescent bulbs, compact florescent lights, and
fluorescent tubes.
Artificial lights, when used as grow lights, can be used to help in both in-home and
commercial plant growth. Artificial lights can provide supplemental light to some plants,
or can be used as the only light source available. Some growing methods, like
hydroponics, almost exclusively rely on artificial lighting, particularly in large-scale,
indoor commercial operations.
When working with grow lights, it is important to determine the plant’s exposure needs
in advance. For example, according to Aggie Horticulture, flowering plants absolutely
need infrared light to thrive. The majority of plants also need red and blue lights for the
process of photosynthesis.
Another aspect of lighting that should be noted is the intensity of light. This is
determined by the wattage of the bulb and how close the plant will be to the source of
light. Aggie Horticulture also states that foliage plants develop best when exposed to
white and cool fluorescent lights. Blooming plants, on the other hand, may require some
extra exposure to infrared lamps.
Care should be taken when deciding on the amount of lights to expose plants to as all
plants have different light intensity needs. Some plants, such are flowering ones, need
varying amounts of light and darkness for proper growth. It is recommended to expose
long-day plants to at least 18 hours of light per day. On the other hand, 12 hours of daily
light exposure is sufficient for shorter-day plants.

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