Info Lab Compilation (PPT'S)

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I. General format
1. Margins
a. Left- 1.5
b. Top. Bottom. Right- 1 inch
2. Font type and size- times new
roman or arial, size 12
I. General format
3. Spacing – double spacing except for
figures., tables and abstract ( single
4. Paragraph indention five letter
5. Pagination- one inch from the right
edge of the paper on the 1st line of
every page
II. Preliminary parts
1. Title page- it is center- justified and
ALL CAPS, follows the inverted
pyramid style and is single- spaced.
a. Title
b. Classification of paper: Thesis
II. Preliminary parts
1. Title page
c. department to which the paper is
presented and the college to which
it belongs
d. degree program: Bachelor Of
Science In Nursing
II. Preliminary parts
1. Title page
e. Name/s of the research proponent/s
f. month and year of graduation
II. Preliminary parts
2. Approval sheet. It is placed
immediately after the title page.
a. Generally it contains statements of
recommendation and acceptance.
b. The approval of the adviser that the
thesis proposal is complete and the
recommendation of the same for
oral examination.
II. Preliminary parts
2. Approval sheet
c. The approval of the panel of the
examiners that the thesis proposal
has been examined
d. The acceptance of the department
of nursing and of the academic
II. Preliminary parts
3. Acknowledgement sheet. This
reflects the researcher/s expression
of appreciation for the assistance
and encouragement extended to
him/them in making the research
paper. Pronouns used must be in
third person
II. Preliminary parts
4. Abstract
a. It is brief yet comprehensive summary of the
b. It describes the
– problem research on
– The number and kind of participants or respondents,
– the hypothesis,
– summary of procedures and methods
– Instrumentation, Results , Conclusion, Implication,
II. Preliminary parts
5. Table of contents
• This is an ordered and paginated
listing of the different parts of the
• It must show the chapter and
section titles in full and must have
entries for the references and
appendices sections.
II. Preliminary parts
5. Table of contents
a. The heading TABLE OF CONTENTS
should be typed centered and in all
capital letters.
b. Spacing should be 1.5 in.
c. Preliminaries should be listed first.
II. Preliminary parts
5. Table of contents
d. The heading Chapter should be
flushed left on the same line with
Page flushed right. Only the first
letters of the words are capitalized.
e. Below the heading Chapter are the
tittles of the different chapters in
upper case.
II. Preliminary parts
5. Table of contents
f. Opposite each chapter title is the
corresponding page number led by
II. Preliminary parts
5. Table of contents
g. Chapter and section tittles should
not extend beyond the right margin
of the leaders(dots). If a chapter/
section tittles occupies more than
one line, the second line on wards
must align- left with the first.
II. Preliminary parts
6. List of tables. It appears on the page
immediately following the table of
a. LIST OF TABLES should be typed
centered and in all capital letters.
II. Preliminary parts
6. List of tables.
b. The heading Table should be typed
three lines spaces below the title
and flushed to the left margin;
opposite the word Page which is
flushed to the right margin.
II. Preliminary parts
6. List of tables.
c. Arabic numerals are used for the
table numbers which are placed
right under the heading Table. A tab
is inserted after each table number,
Then the little of the table appears.
II. Preliminary parts
7. List of Figures
• It is placed on the separate page
right after the list of the tables
a. LIST OF FIGURES is typed centered
and in upper case.
II. Preliminary parts
7. List of Figures
b. The heading Figure should be typed
three line spaces below the title and
flushed to the left margin: opposite
is the heading Page which is flushed
to the right margin.
II. Preliminary parts
7. List of Figures
c. Arabic numerals are used for the
table numbers, which are placed
right under the heading Figure. A
tab is inserted after each table
number, followed by the title of the
figure from the corresponding page
III. The body of the proposal
1. Each chapter should have heading
that is center justified. The chapter
numbers should be in arabic
numerals, e.g., “Chapter I.”
2. The chapter number is followed by
the title in all capital letters and
encoded at the center.
III. The body of the proposal
3. All element/s title should be flushed
IV. End Matters
1. References
a. all should appear on the new
page, separate from the body of
the thesis.
b. All references cited on the body of
the research paper must appear on
the References section.
IV. End Matters
1. References
c. The heading References is
centered –justified on the first line
below the page header.
d. The entries with changing
indentions, begin on the line
following the heading References
IV. End Matters
1. References
d. Entries begins with the surnames of
the authors and are arrange
IV. End Matters
1. References
Components of a reference entry;
1) Author’s Name- type the surname first
followed by a comma, then the first
name and the middle initial. If there
are to six authors, all their names are
written. If they are more than six, the
remaining authors can be represented
by the words “et al”
IV. End Matters
1. References
Components of a reference entry;
2) Year Of Publication. It should
follow the period after the
author’s name and should be
enclosed in parenthesis
IV. End Matters
1. References
Components of a reference entry;
3) Book Title. The complete title and
book edition should be written.
The entire book title must be
italicized. Only the first letter of
the first word and of proper
names must be capitalized.
IV. End Matters
1. References
Components of a reference entry;
4)Journal title. The title of the article,
in roman face and sentence case(
only the first letter of the first
word and of proper names are
capitalized), appears first. The
title of the journal itself appears
IV. End Matters
1. References
Components of a reference entry;
in italics and in the title case ( the
first letter of each substantial
word is capitalized.
IV. End Matters
1. References
Components of a reference entry;
5) Place of publication. The city
where the book is published should
be written followed by a colon.
IV. End Matters
1. References
Components of a reference entry;
6) Publishing house. The name of
the publishing house follows the
place of publication
IV. End Matters
2. Examples of reference entries:
a. Book revised edition
Example 1:
Burns, n. & Grove, S. K. (2005). The
practice of nursing research:
Conduct, critique and utilization (Rev.
ed.).Philadelphia: Saunders.
IV. End Matters
2. Examples of reference entries:
a. Book revised edition
Example 2.
Smeltzer, S. C., Bare, B. G., Hinkler, J. L.,
& Cheeves, K. H. (2008). Brunner and
Suddart’s text book of medical-
surgical nursing (11th ed).
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and
IV. End Matters
2. Examples of reference entries:
b. Journal Supplement
Example :
Houinard, M. C.,& Robichaud-Ekstrand, S
(2005)The effectiveness of a nursing
impatient smoking cessation program
in individuals with cardiovascular
disease. Journal of Nursing Research,
54(4), 243-254
Microsoft excel
Microsoft excel
• Electronic Spreadsheet Computer
program created by Microsoft inc.
• Used for storing, organizing and
manipulating data
• Composed of grid rows and columns
Microsoft excel
• The horizontal row are identified by
numbers (1,2.3) the vertical column
with letters of the alphabet(A,B,C).
• For columns beyond 26, columns are
identified by two or more letters
such as AA, AB,AC.
Microsoft excel
• Cell
• The intersection point between a
column is a small rectangular box
• The basic unit for sorting in the
spread sheet
Microsoft excel

• Cell
• An excel spreadsheet contains
thousand of cell
• Each is given a cell reference or
address to indentify it.
Microsoft excel
1. Open up a new spread sheet and
click your cursor in the cell B2.
2. Note that the cell B2 is seen in the
left hand corner
3. Type 1 into the cell and press the
enter key
Microsoft excel
Or :You can move around the
spreadsheet by either clicking on
the cell with your mouse cursor or
by using the arrow keys on the key
Microsoft excel
Note: text are on the left hand side of
the cell and numbers are on the
right side of the cell.
Microsoft excel
• A feature that allows the user to
extend ( and fill) a series of
numbers, dates or even text to a
desired number of cells.
In an active cell of the spreadsheet,
the drag handle is a small black box
at the bottom right corner.
Microsoft excel
B. The Drag Handle
a. Dragging to copy cells
• In the bottom right corner of the
highlighted cell is a small square.
• By clicking and holding down the
left mouse button you can drag the
contents of the cell across other
cells and copy into the new cells.
Microsoft excel
B. The Drag Handle
b. Filling numbers in the cell
• not only can you copy cells across
cells, you can also have numbers
added consecutively across cells
Microsoft excel
B. The Drag Handle
b. Filling numbers in the cell
• To do this the computer needs to
know how much you want the
numbers to increase.
For example: 1,2,3, or 1,3,5 or more
Microsoft excel
a. Changing cell widths by dragging
1. Moving your cursor between A and
B on the Column row as shown left.
2. Click and hold down your left mouse
button and drag the cell A out to
make more room in the cell.
Microsoft excel
a. Changing cell widths by dragging
Note : What happens if if you move
the cell boundary in too far and the
words can not fit into the cell?
What happens when you move the
cells with the numbers too close?
Microsoft excel
b. Changing cells with automatically
by double clicking on the lines
between the columns A and B. The
columns then will increase or
decrease to fit the biggest entry
Microsoft excel
a. Cut and copy
b. Click and drag
1.mark a whole column from the
heading to what’s written bellow.
Microsoft excel
b. Click and drag
2. Move your cursor to the edge, or
boundary of the highlighted area.
3. Click and hold down the left mouse
button and drag the cells back into
their original place.
Microsoft excel
a. Inserting a new column
1. Click column marker to highlight the
entire column.
2. Right click your mouse button and
choose insert.
Microsoft excel
a. Inserting a new column
3. A new column will be inserted,
moving the total column over one.
Microsoft excel
a. Inserting a new row/s
1. Click row marker to highlight the
entire column.
2. Right click your mouse button and
choose insert.
Microsoft excel
a. Inserting a new row/s
3. A new row will be inserted, moving
the total row over one.
Microsoft excel
a. deleting a column/s
1. Click column/s marker to highlight
the entire column.
2. Right click your mouse button and
choose delete.
Microsoft excel
a. deleting a row/s
1. Click row/s marker to highlight the
entire column.
2. Right click your mouse button and
choose delete.
Microsoft excel
D. Formulas.
– Are calculation created on the
– Formulas range in complexity from to
extremely complicated to easy ones
Microsoft excel
D. Formulas.
Use the following buttons to create
mathematical symbols In the spreadsheet.
- + to add
- - To subtract
- / to divide
- * to multiply
- = to make equals
Microsoft excel
D. Formulas.
It is important to note the order of the symbols
when creating formula;
() brackets are the 1st priority
/ division is next
• Multiplication
+ addition
- Subtraction
Microsoft excel

D. Formulas.
= 3+ 10 / 2
Microsoft excel

D. Formulas.

= 4+2 *6
Microsoft excel

D. Formulas.

= (3+4)/5
Microsoft excel

D. Formulas.
=(5-3) + (9-6)/3
Microsoft excel

D. Formulas.
= ((5-3) + (3+1))/2
Microsoft excel

D. Formulas.
= ((4 +5)/2)/(8-3)
Microsoft excel

D. Formulas.
= (6-1)(2+3)
Microsoft excel
D. Formulas.
a. Formulas with numbers
1. Type in the formulas into the
formula bar
2. Always include an = before the
Microsoft excel
D. Formulas.
a. Formulas with cell reference
b. Inserting cell references
Microsoft excel
D. Formulas.
a. Formulas with cell reference
b. Inserting cell references
c. Auto sum/averagec
d. If- then
e. ranking
Microsoft excel
Microsoft excel
• Formula: weight (kg) / [height (m)]2
• With the metric system, the formula for BMI is
weight in kilograms divided by height in
meters squared. Since height is commonly
measured in centimeters, divide height in
centimeters by 100 to obtain height in meters.
• Example: Weight = 68 kg, Height = 165 cm
(1.65 m)
Calculation: 68 ÷ (1.65)2 = 24.98
Microsoft excel
• Formula: weight (kg) / [height (m)]2
• Example: Weight = 68 kg, Height =
165 cm (1.65 m)
Calculation: 68 ÷ (1.65)2 = 24.98

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