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Based on the scenario given, Clara is suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) (Types of Learning Disabilities: Discover 10 Common Learning Disabilities, 2022).
Clara would likely become attention seeking in class, unable to focus, unable to
accomplish complex learning goals, hyperactive, and unable to follow instructions.
Clara’s attention span would be very short.

In order to cater and deliver quality instruction to students with Learning Disability,
particularly ADHD like Clara, teaching strategies must also be suited to their learning
needs. Assuming that Clara is in my English 8 class, here are some adjustments I
would make in my instruction so that Clara can learn just like the rest of the

Classroom Management, Before the start of the lesson, I would see to it that Clara is
seated away from the things that might distract her like windows, doors and other
displays in the classroom. She is already struggling to focus, so any distractions in the
classroom should be away from her. I would seat her in the middle, and if possible,
near me so that I can keep an eye on her, this will compel Clara to slightly focus on
class. I would also explain the rules and expected behavior in class and the
consequences if rules are not followed. Clara will also be rewarded by her positive
behaviors and get consequences for not following the rules. According to an article 8
Simple School Strategies for Students With ADHD, students with ADHD get benefit from reward
and punishment reinforcement.

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