Preparing For An Argumentative Assignment

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Preparing for an Argumentative Assignment

Essay topic: cyber-crime and internet-crime are of equal importance to real-life crime

TASK 1: You will need to determine 3 items:

Main subject (what will you write about):

Main argument (do you agree or disagree with the statement):

Opposing Argument (what will the opposite argument be? How can you disprove it?):

TASK 2: Complete the chart below. For each “AGREE” argument, you must have an equal
“DISAGREE” argument.
EXAMPLE TOPIC: Research is a necessary part of academic studies.


EXAMPLE - Research helps to support our EXAMPLE: Research data is often

ideas using academically collected data out-dated or not relevant anymore

Your Essay topic: _cyber-crime and internet-crime are of equal importance to "real-life"


Everyone is the target of cyber crimes. They think they are not the target of

small businesses are confident that if they

suffered a hack, they would be able to
respond to it.
TASK 3: Creating an Outline
Use the brainstormed ideas above to determine a reasonable outline for your essay. Which
ideas do you want to speak, write, and research about?

Thesis statement (overall argument): Do you agree or disagree with your essay topic?

Reason/Perspective 1: Any small business that thinks patching their software and installing the latest
antivirus will be enough to protect them and their clients is not viewing
cybersecurity as a business risk

Reason / Perspective 2:

Counter-Argument: during covid-19 severely spread Criminals have been tricked into downloading
COVID19 Tracker, a mobile app that claims to be a real-time tracking service for
COVID-19 patients.

but actually Instead, the application is Ransomware, one of the malicious programs that
attack smartphones by locking them away from victims. with a ransom worth up to 100

Rebutta Cybercrime is on the rise every year, with a forecast that the cost of cybercrime damage could reach 15% per year to reach
l: $10.5 trillion. Government agencies, Public organizations or The general public should be alert and seek protection.

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