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Name: Paul John Wayne N.

Pacheco Date: 10/14/22

Course/Year/Section: BSME 2-B
GEC-LWR (Life and Works of Rizal)


Instructions: Answer briefly the questions below. Submit your answers in our GClassroom on or
before October 17, 2022.

1. What current significant event in the country fueled or awakens your Filipino nationalism?
Cite at least two (2) examples and share how can you express your Filipino nationalism.
- Let's just say that the Philippines is now dealing with a number of economic, political,
and situations in the government, education, environment, health, and socials, among many
others. Each day we read newspapers, listen to the radio, watch television, and use the internet.
The most popular topic is the ongoing reports of certain politicians' corruption.
-My first example is that I can express my Filipino nationalism as a student and as a
citizen, the only thing I can do for now is to choose the right people to handle the Philippine
-Second, it is when a calamity comes like Odette, what we did in our place is that among
our neighbors, we share waters and food for those who didn’t have it. Also, fetch water (Tubod)
in a mountain place near here in our place that can be used for everyone.

Instructions: Create a 5- 10-minute reflection video on the movie “Ganito Kami Noon, Paano
Kayo Ngayon? (1976)” by answering the guide questions below. Submit your videos on our
Facebook group page on or before October 17, 2022. Be creative, make sure that your audio is
clear and your face is visible throughout the video.

(See Private Comment For the link to the Video reflection)

Guide questions:
1. Describe the 19th-century Philippines as represented in the film.
- The 19th-century Spanish colony of the Philippines is depicted in the movie "Ganito
kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon."It was demonstrated that the priests were influential at the
time due to their ample wealth and close ties to the Spanish government. Because of the
barbarism of the Spaniards, Filipinos were living in fear, and as a result, some of them fled to
mountainous regions to hide.

2. What is the main question that the film seeks to answer?

- In my understanding, the main question that the film seeks to answer is the question
“Who is the Filipino?”. Because in the movie, we tend to follow our colonizers. It is evident in
the movie the inferiority of the Filipinos which made the Filipino nationality obscured and

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