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FAQs in Conducting Youth Camp Online

Today’s realities may rob us in doing our usual routine and has even made us confine within the
four walls of our homes but this should not allow us to be paralyzed in fulfilling our vision, to be and bring
Christ wherever we are. Now that we are embracing this new normal, we are being challenged to make
our activities more dynamic in front of our screens in different platforms as we uphold our battle cry, “The
mission continues!” With this, the call to be an Alter Christus extends in the digital world leading each of
us to be a graphical image of Christ.

As a response in continuing our mission and our contribution in the vision thus, introducing the
Youth Camp Online. This online activity aims to develop a personal relationship with the Lord of the
participants, the service team and the Couple Coordinators and listed below are questions which are being
asked often in doing the Youth Camp Online. The following may serve as guidelines in doing the said
activity in different areas.

1. Is Youth Camp Online allowed?

Yes, due to the current health crisis and given that most of our attendees are minors who are not
yet allowed to go out. This entry point of the young for them to be an official member of the
community is only allowed during this pandemic thus, expanding our reach to where the young
are present.

2. How do we do the Youth Camp Training (YCT) this time?

The Youth Camp Training (YCT) will be done online, too. This will be done at least one to two
months before the scheduled Youth Camp. A YCT Online will also be done to address the needs
and questions in conducting the Youth Camp Online. This is a pre-requisite in conducting Youth
Camp Online. Just like what we have been practicing for the past that everyone who will serve in
the Youth Camp, everyone should also undergo a Youth Camp Training.

3. How about the Household Leaders Training (HLT)?

It is recommended that participants from the Youth Camp Online will be endorsed to the
existing household heads. Given that they are still not officially part of the ministry, we need
matured leaders to pastor them. If the area wanted to conduct HLT Online, they can do so given
that they will still follow the Guidelines in Conducting Activities Online. (Conducting HLT is
optional. New HLT Manual to be used will be to follow.)

4. What about the Tongues Workshop?

We can do this a week before the date of the Youth Camp Online using the same outline that we
have. This can be done online, too and the Etiquette in Doing Online Activities should be observed.

5. Who are the service team in the Youth Camp Online?

The Youth Camp Online will still be done per chapter and therefore, the household heads of the
chapter will be the service team of the Youth Camp Online. It is also necessary that the Couple
Coordinator of the chapter will be present in all the Youth Camp Online sessions in order to assist
both the participants and the service team.

The service team should undergo needed training for them to be equipped enough as they
conduct the Youth Camp Online. They will also be responsible in coordinating the activity to their
immediate leaders and to the CFC in the area along with the Couple Coordinators. It is also
recommended that the Couple Coordinator in-charge will also relay to the Provincial Mission
Center that the chapter will conduct a Youth Camp Online.

FAQs in Conducting Youth Camp Online

6. Who can attend the Youth Camp Online?

The Youth Camp Online is open to the young ages 13 to 21 still and we can stick to how we have
been inviting participants from the past. For the Youth Camp Online, there should be a minimum
of five (5) and a maximum of ten (10) participants. It is recommended that the invited participants
are living in the same vicinity so that they may belong the same household eventually.

A maximum of ten (10) participants is also manageable in terms of online set-up given that the
service team will also join the said Youth Camp Online. If in case there is a possibility to gather
given that they will follow the necessary health protocols, it would be easier for them to gain
pastoral support and distance will not be a hindrance.

7. What are the necessary preparations to be done before conducting Youth Camp Online?
We all know that all Youth Camps should be prepared carefully and if the local Church nearby
already allows confession, better grab the opportunity to do so to everyone who will serve the
Youth Camp Online. If confession is not yet available in the area, make sure to have a confession
as soon as there is already a chance to do so.

Aside from spiritually preparing for the Youth Camp Online, a Youth Camp Training (YCT) is
required to everyone who will serve the said Youth Camp Online.

8. What are the materials that we are going to use?

We will be using the updated Youth Camp materials. This contains the tailor fitted sessions and
activities for the Youth Camp Online. Because of this, the prime movers of the Youth Camp online
are required to undergo a training in order to download this to different areas. It is important to
note that these materials can be used only this time that we are to conduct the Youth Camp

9. How long the Youth Camp Online should be held?

The duration of the whole Youth Camp Online is 8 hours but this doesn’t mean that it would be
done in one sitting. We are being reminded that the activities in the ministry are to be done for a
maximum of 2 hours. With this, the Youth Camp Online should be held the same way that we are
doing our activities online but we have to remember that we are not to conduct any activity on

The area or the service team can set a comfortable time for both the participants and service
team when they could commit themselves in doing the Youth Camp Online.

10. How long should each session run?

The whole session for a day of the Youth Camp Online will run for a maximum of 120 minutes or
2 hours. Suggested flow in conducting sessions 1 and 2 can be as follows:
Gathering/Registration/Teaching of Songs 10 minutes
Opening Prayer and Orientation 15 minutes
Ice Breaker 5 minutes
Session 1 15 minutes
Activity 5 minutes

FAQs in Conducting Youth Camp Online
Discussion Group Sharing 15 minutes
Break 5 minutes
Session 2 15 minutes
Activity 5 minutes
Discussion Group Sharing 15 minutes
Recap and Announcements 5 minutes
Closing Prayer 5 minutes

Suggested flow for third session:

Gathering/Registration/Teaching of Songs 10 minutes
Opening Prayer and Welcome Spiels 10 minutes
Ice Breaker 5 minutes
Session 3 20 minutes
Activity 20 minutes
Break 5 minutes
Recap and Announcements 5 minutes
Closing Prayer 5 minutes

Suggested flow for fourth session:

Gathering/Registration/Teaching of Songs 10 minutes
Opening Prayer and Welcome Spiels 10 minutes
Ice Breaker 5 minutes
Session 4 30 minutes
Recap and Announcements 5 minutes
Closing Prayer 5 minutes

Suggested flow for fifth session:

Gathering/Registration/Teaching of Songs 10 minutes
Opening Prayer and Welcome Spiels 10 minutes
Ice Breaker 5 minutes
Session 3 20 minutes
Activity 20 minutes
Break 5 minutes
Recap and Announcements 5 minutes
Closing Prayer 5 minutes

The whole Youth Camp Online can be conducted once a week to give way for other priorities of
the young and the Couple Coordinator who will also attend the Youth Camp Online. A maximum
of two (2) absences is allowed and if participants are absent, a make-up session can be done prior
to the next schedule. The team leader, assistant team leader, facilitator and Couple Coordinator
are to ensure that this will be done before proceeding to the next session. With that, it is
suggested that each session is to be recorded given that the team will inform the people involved
that the session will be recorded.

FAQs in Conducting Youth Camp Online

11. Can we merge the Youth Camp sessions?

Only for this time, we are merging Talks 1 and 2. The rest of the Youth Camp sessions are to be
done separately.

12. What about the discussion groups?

Discussion groups is one of the non-negotiable in conducting Youth Camp Online. This can be done
through different ways, depending on the agreement of the people who belong in one group. Soft
copy of handouts can be also given as part of the Youth Camp Online kit.

13. Can we also conduct one-on-one with the participants?

Definitely and this is one of the major roles of the facilitators in the Youth Camp Online. This
should be done after the third session. The facilitators are to find ways how to communicate with
the participants. It is also suggested that one-on-one be done through video call and not phone
call to somehow still assure of personal encounter.

14. How do we conduct the pray over session during the fourth session?
There will be no praying over the participant individually this time like we used to. A general pray
over will be done by the team leader and once allowed in the local area, individual pray over of
the participants may be scheduled.

15. Can we still do teaching of songs, ice breaker and worship?

Fun is one of the four elements of Youth for Christ and definitely, all these are allowed in
conducting Youth Camp Online. We can also recommend the participants to listen to our songs
over different music platforms.

16. How do we do the Entertainment Night this time?

Sadly, Entertainment Night will not be possible this time but we can tweak this idea a bit. After
the fifth session, the service team can prepare a short program to showcase the different talents
of the young.

17. When will the participants become official members of Youth for Christ?
The “graduates” from the Youth Camp Online are not yet officially members of Youth for Christ.
They will become official members of the ministry once they have prayed over face-to-face and
are done with the Dedication Ceremony.

18. Should the participants be assigned to their households after the Youth Camp Online?
It has been our practice that after the Youth Camp, the facilitators will be the household heads of
the participants and we can still do this one this time. They can conduct household with them
after the completion of the Youth Camp Online.

19. Can we conduct the Pastoral Formation Tracks after doing the Youth Camp Online?
No because technically, the participants from the Youth Camp Online are not yet full pledged
members of YFC because pray over is not yet still possible because of the current health crisis but
it is recommended to include them in different household groups and invite them during
assemblies in the area and conferences in the ministry.

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