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Talk 4 of the Youth Camp Online Training

• To teach how to enhance creativity for online presenters (not necessarily speakers only, can be
moderators, game master, workshop givers, break-out facilitators, etc).
• To present tips and pointers for better online presentation.
• To endeavor participants to press on with evangelizing the young through creative means albeit

Our identity as a missionary entail thinking out of the box and beyond what we think we can do.
As we pursue the mission in the virtual world, it is important to also check the materials that we are going
to use for the presentation and our posture as we relay the message to the young. In this way, we are also
practicing a dynamic way to encounter the Lord through the internet.

A matured YFC/SFC brother or sister who is experienced in giving sessions online. He/she is
someone who can explain why we need to present ourselves properly every time we give a sharing
or a session.

(Note to the speaker: It is recommended that the speaker will dress properly in giving this workshop and he/she will
stand while giving the session to emphasize the given points. He/she should also go back and re-read the Online
Assembly Etiquette.)


The mission continues! The ministry’s battle cry is a reminder on how to pursue the mission that
has been entrusted to us. Today as we face different realities in our homes, in the community, in
our personal lives or wherever the Lord has placed us, we are called to press on. We are living the
“new normal”, it is time that we realize and utilize the gifts that God has entrusted to us.


The Cambridge English Dictionary defines etiquette as set of rules or customs that control accepted
behavior in particular social groups or social situations. As we shift from face-to-face to virtual
encounters, it is as well important to be reminded of the do’s and don'ts that we have to observe
thus, YFC Netiquette was developed. This YFC Netiquette, short term for internet and etiquette
combined is a suggested guideline in doing an online presentation before, during and after the
scheduled activity. This will also help the young to be more organized and excellent in doing
evangelization as we prepare for the Youth Camp Online.

One of the many blessings that the Lord has given us is technology. Being in the comfort of our
homes during this current health crisis allowed us to utilize more this gift. Nowadays, households,
assemblies and other activities are being offered, mostly, online. And the call remains, to be the
graphical image of Christ. With the changing times, we are called to practice the proper way of
presenting ourselves before God’s people. With that, we are to be reminded of basic etiquette
every time we are being invited to share or to give a session.

Talk 4 of the Youth Camp Online Training
A. Before the Youth Camp Online
• Print a copy of the outline or write down key points from the session.
• It is highly encouraged to prepare a PowerPoint presentation.
• Allot an ample time for preparations. In doing so, check the equipment (microphone,
camera, PPT) to be used.
• Do a dry run of your session to ensure the smooth flow of the session.
• Dress properly.
• Secure a good internet connection and, as much as possible, choose a quiet room. Choose
a clean background or choose a background from some video conference software.
• Ensure that the gadget to be used is fully charged or have the charger of the gadget to be
used for the session ready, in order to avoid battery drain and interruption.
• If new to the application/software, have time to familiarize the tools in the application.
• Connect to the app 15 minutes before the activity.
• Sharers must be oriented before the session
• Speaker and sharers must be prayed-over before the session and before the participants
come in.

B. During the Youth Camp Online

• Open your camera. This signifies presence in the online activity.
• It is advisable to use laptop in sharing screen to the participants. If using a phone, ask
assistance of someone to screen share, beforehand.
• The posture in giving a session during a Youth Camp Online is like giving a session physically.

These are the practical tips to observe in giving youth camp sessions online, but it is important to
note that our audience have a shorter attention span in the virtual world


In order for the message to be laid down effectively, even within the screens, these are 5S that to
know and understand as we strive to be a better speaker.

A. Stance and Space

When we are not in control of our body, our mind is working hard to cancel out the fact that
we are moving. It causes distraction. It is not wrong to move, but over-moving is. Our stance
says a lot about our credibility and competence as a speaker.

Even if the Youth Camp is done online, our stance and the mastery of the space that we have is
important. When giving the talk, remember to stand, as if, giving the session in front of a crowd.
Position should be one foot in front and one a little bit on the back. Isolate and manage
gestures, everything about the body compliments what is being said. The more solid, the more
confident it appears. The more engaging, the more message gets across.

Do not be afraid to conquer the center. Know how far to go, be aware of the size of the screen,
it is very easy to go beyond the screen size that we have. As much as possible, the camera
should be set at an eye-level angle. Know the distance between two people when
communicating and in this case, the camera of the gadget to be used.

B. Speech

Talk 4 of the Youth Camp Online Training
Speech is everything coming out of the mouth. Thinking before speaking is a rule. And be
very discerning in choosing the words to say. Have this one big message that everything will
revolve around, it helps filter what is important and not. Make sure to be in the best possible
volume of voice.

C. Surroundings
Be aware of the surroundings. Consciously manage surroundings and be in control of
the possible distraction.

D. Spirit
There are moments that fear will overtake us but we remember that we are His mouthpiece.
We note that we are to minimize the “me” and maximize the more for others, for His glory.

Speaking God’s Word is a gift and we are being challenged to let Christ’s voice be heard through
our humble yet bold shoutouts.


As a speaker, we are not just limited to our public speaking skills but we need to enhance our skills
in crafting our masterpiece. We need to have visuals that will attract and prolong their interest
while we share the Good News. Below are the Five Principles in Doing our Presentation to help us
further in storytelling to the participants:

A. One message per slide.

Most of us wants to put everything on our slide presentation, we want to share a lot of stories
and our tendency is to put every point in our slide presentation so that we cannot forget the
details of our story. One message in a slide is enough to make message noteworthy.

B. Working Memory
If the session will just narrate the sentences in the slide presentation, the learners may
experience cognitive overload. It overwhelms them with the visual channel and the redundant
on-screen text. What we can do is to put all script on the outline window of the PowerPoint
presentation and add images or animation and do the session.

C. Size
The biggest object in the presentation is the most important message in the slide. To put
emphasis on the message, be sure that it has a bigger size to other elements in the slide.

D. Contrast
Contrast always controls the focus of the audience. Play with contrast to direct the attention of
audience to the message and it is advisable to put a dark background in your presentation,
Bright backgrounds overpowers the presence of the speaker.

E. Objects
The maximum number of objects in a slide is six (6). Seven or more objects will make the
audience count and it means they will use 500% cognitive brain process. We need to help the
audience to see the presentation and not to make them think.

Talk 4 of the Youth Camp Online Training
Always remember that we are the presentation and our slides are just visual aids in storytelling.

“…But at your command I will lower the nets.” -Luke 5:5, NABRE

Today, the sea belongs to the wider scope of the online realm and our biggest tool to multiply the
harvest is through utilizing the cyberspace.

In this current health crisis, let us not box the Holy Spirit in how He can do wonders in our youth
camp online, rather, let us allow the Holy Spirit to flourish all the more as we embrace this online
mission that the Lord has entrusted to us.

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