Amiliarization of Construction Activities and Project Resources - PRADO

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Civil Engineering Department

Familiarization of Construction Activities and

Project Resources


Prado, Randolf Joseph C.



Engr. Reyman Solas

NCE-3202 Construction Methods and Project 2022
1. What are the major project documents necessary during the project implementation?
Give at least three most important and explain its purpose in preliminary take-off.

The necessary major project documents during the project implementation are

A. Construction Plans

B. Safety and health program

C. Construction Schedule (Master Plan)

D. Contract Agreement

E. Bid Documents

F. Work Specifications

G. Quality Management Plan

H. Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

The 3 most important Project Documents during the preliminary take-off are the Construction
Schedule, Construction Plans, and Safety and Health Program. One of the most important
Documents during the preliminary take-off is the Construction Schedule, good planning in a
construction project is must for there you will identify and provide solutions to potential
problems that you may face during the construction which would save everyone involved a lot
of time, money, and provide maximum efficiency to the project. Construction schedule also sets
the schedule of work in the project setting the order and phase of the construction so that
there would be less errors and failure in the project. Construction plan is one of the most
important because it is the plan that everyone will be following in the project. Safety and
Health is also one of the most important parts of project implementation because the safety
and health of everyone involved in the project should be the upmost priority. Every work
environment should be a safe and healthy work environment especially in construction.

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NCE-3202 Construction Methods and Project 2022
2. During the mobilization to the project, what are the preliminary activities you will

The preliminary activities that you will undertake are:

A. Clearing and Grubbing

B. Layout of building foundation

C. Excavation of Footing foundation

D. Construction of Footings and footing tie beams

A. Formwork

B. Rebar Work

C. Concrete Work

D. Construction of Septic tank

A. Formwork

B. Rebar Work

C. Concrete Work

D. Construction of Ground slab

A. Backfill and Compaction

B. Gravel Bedding and Compaction

C. Rebar Work

D. Concrete work

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NCE-3202 Construction Methods and Project 2022
3. What document will you use when preparing a Work Schedule?

The document that will be used when preparing a Work Schedule is the

Master Schedule.

4. What are the basic elements of a project? How are these related to the project

A. Resources

B. Time

C. Money

D. Scope

These basic elements of a project is related to project requirements because these are
the most minimal requirement to a construction project. You must have resources
because that is were you will get all the assets that you will need for the project. Time
because you cannot rush a project, every step in a project has a minimum and very
specific amount of time needed to be finished properly and safely. Money because you
will have to pay for the materials and labours that will be used for the project. And Scope
because you have to know and understand completely the goal of every project so that
there is a unified understanding of what they want to achieve and accomplish it.

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NCE-3202 Construction Methods and Project 2022
5. What are the different type of project resources?

The different types of project resources are:

A. People

a. Project Staff

i. Project Manager

ii. Construction Manager

iii. Construction Superintendent

iv. Field Supervisor

v. General Foreman

vi. Material Technician\

vii. Project Accountant

viii. Project Nurse

ix. Field Engineer

x. Material Engineer

xi. Safety Engineer

xii. Office Engineer

xiii. Field Foreman

xiv. Procurement Officer

xv. Personnel In-charge

xvi. Office Staff

b. Project Workers

i. Carpenter

ii. Steel-man

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NCE-3202 Construction Methods and Project 2022
iii. Electrician

iv. Steel Fabricator

v. Painter

vi. Aluminium/Glass Installer

vii. Air-con Technician

viii. Truck Driver

ix. Utility Worker

x. Mason

xi. Plumber

xii. Pipe Fitter

xiii. Welder

xiv. Tinsmith

xv. Tile-setter

xvi. Equipment Operator

xvii. Field Worker

xviii. Security Guards

B. Equipment

a. Building Construction

i. Backhoe

ii. Tower Crane

iii. Transit Mixer

iv. Generator set

v. Pump-crete

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NCE-3202 Construction Methods and Project 2022
vi. Concrete Vibrator

vii. Dump truck

viii. Compactor

ix. Pay-loader

x. Bar cutter

xi. Alemac

xii. Bar bender

xiii. Welding Mce.

xiv. Pipe threader

xv. Water pumps

b. Road Construction

i. Backhoe

ii. Road Grader

iii. Dump truck

iv. Asphalt distributor

v. Concrete spreader

vi. Road Scraper

vii. Water pumps

viii. Payloader

ix. Road Roller

x. Water truck

xi. Asphalt spreader

xii. Bulldozer

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NCE-3202 Construction Methods and Project 2022

6. Define the following:

Change in scope – agreed change to the scope of the project that are
not originally in the


Cost overruns – cost increase or budget overrun is the unexpected

increase in cost that

cause the cost of the project to exceed to its original agreement.

Change order – agreement between 2 construction parties to change

the scope of work

in the original construction agreement.

Contract duration – total time that it takes to complete the project

measured. It depends

on the availability and capacity of resources.

Contract Quantity – quantities of products that buyer is obligated to

purchase from the

seller during the term of agreement.

Contract Cost – the tracking of cost associated with a specific contract

with a customer.

Physical accomplishment – Known as target days of schedule to be

accomplished. The

accomplishment in everyday of plan schedule in project site.

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NCE-3202 Construction Methods and Project 2022

Financial accomplishment - same with the Physical accomplishment

that has a content

giving us a valid record chart that presents the accomplishment of work

and the financial.

Project operating cost – all cost and expenses relating to the

maintenance and operation

of the project.

Work budget – estimation of the total cost of a project. It includes a

detailed estimation of

all the cost that are likely to be incurred before the project is finished.

Overhead cost – costs that are generally treated as fixed costs across
the company.

Work slippage - A positive or negative difference in work progress

evaluation express in


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