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Sagun, Eryne Mae D.

| A-234


On Choosing to be Virtuous

Write a short reflective paper (500 words) about a personal experience when you chose an action which would
lead you to forming a virtuous character rather than being influenced by other factors.

I was friends with several people in junior high who weren't actually as friendly as I thought
they were. They came across as quite extroverted and "fun" when I first met them. I entered a
circle that, at the time, I had no idea would influence my future choices. I recall going out with
them one weekend in 2014 to go shopping at the mall and spend some quality time together.
We wandered the mall, window shopping and spoke about various aspects of our lives. I
wanted to put on a gorgeous dress I saw when we first entered the department shop. When I
entered the dressing room, I was shocked to discover a wallet in one of the cells. When I
opened it, an identity paper was inside, and I saw that it belonged to a 64-year-old woman. It
had several photographs, debit and credit cards, as well as at least $6,000 in cash. I inquired
about where I might return the wallet after mentioning it to my pals. They screamed joyfully at
first, their faces showing obvious signs of enthusiasm as they fixed their gaze on the wallet
resting in my palms. They instructed me to keep it and treat them so that we could all "enjoy"
what I had discovered. Knowing who the owner of the wallet is and having the temerity to
consider stealing made me feel uneasy. I knew within myself that what they’re suggesting is
wrong, and if I were in the shoes of the old lady, I would have had the worst day of my life.
Because I believed they were moral enough to believe the conduct they were suggesting was
not significant, I was quite stunned by how they responded. I gave them a puzzled look and
informed them that I might not agree with what they were requesting. When I was firm with
them, they were upset and stated that I wasn't "fun" and that they didn't want to spend out
with someone who didn't share their opinions. While I searched for someone who could assist
me in bringing the wallet back, they continued on their way. A salesperson led me to the
directory's back, where I turned in the wallet to the "lost and found" department and added my
name to the "integrity list." After performing the deed, I felt really good, and I sincerely wished
that the elderly woman had it back in her hands. I immediately realized that my empathy and
consciousness had helped me make wise judgments throughout my life. I suppose that through
time, I've developed a moral character that is resistant to being swayed by negativity. I was
incredibly proud of the action I had accomplished. Even if others consider it as a small gesture, I
considered it as a big one for me. The ethical considerations I had within my senses helped me
become a person that’s upright and just. As Zig Zigler (an American author) stated “Integrity
gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing to hide”. If we
internalize this, we will be able to see past all of life's cynical practices.

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