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Diana G.


The study of Ethics!
Direction: Read the question and write your answer in the box provided below.

Question: Write a 100 to 300-word essay on your first impression of the word “Ethics” based on
your own applied knowledge.

Ethics can be defined as established standards of right and wrong that prescribe what
people should do, usually in terms of human rights, responsibilities, advantages to social order,
honesty, or specific core values. Ethical principles also include those which enjoin the values of
authenticity, justice, and integrity.
Ethics entails demands for individual freedom, liberty, and the ability to choose and
privacy. These ideas are acceptable ethical rules since they are backed up by a clear and well-
founded explanation. A persistent effort to explore our spiritual ideals and moral behavior, as
well as a desire to ensure that we, and the organizations we help establish, perform up to fair
and ethical expectations, is required of ethics.
It's possible to define ethics as moral philosophy because it addresses topics like what's
good, what's wrong for society and individuals, and how a person should behave in various life
situations. When we consider how we should act, we consider ethical issues that determine
who we are as people.
In terms of ethics, asking ethical questions helps us figure out how to live our lives
appropriately, what obligations and rights we have as people, what is good and evil, and what
decisions we should make. Our ethical views are frequently based on religion and cultural
Learning Activities
Activity 1.Morally right or wrong

Question: What do you mean (what kind of standards do you use) when you say something
like that Is it morally right or morally wrong? Do all acts have a moral dimension to
them? If No, why do certain acts require moral decisions when others are morally
wrong, Is it neutral?

In other words, morality tells people to act in certain ways and avoid acting in other ones. It
ranks behavior as right or wrong, and it may include determining whether a person's activities
adhere to a code of conduct or set of values. When it comes to morality, it's all about how
people should behave, not how they actually do.
Activity 2. My morale hero

Question: One way to define what we mean by “moral” is to look at the lives of thosewhom we
regard to be good people. These people—be they parents, friends,sports figures, political
leaders, reformers, or even fictional beings—serve asour role models and heroes. Heroes used
to be important in most people’slives, but a recent survey found that 70 percent of Americans
nowadays haveno one they consider a hero.4 Some people would say that this is a reflection
ofthe moral malaise of our times. Do you agree? Do you have a hero? If so, whois your hero?
Explain why.

Everyone has someone they admire and aspire to be like one day, and everyone has a
different view of what constitutes a great hero. Mavis Dillon, my mother, has always been a
hero of mine. When I need her the most, she is always there for me, and I don't know where I
would be today if it weren't for her. She is my best friend. A wonderful life has been given to
me by her, and I will always be grateful for everything she has done for me. My mother is
unrivaled in terms of beauty. And that's why she's my heroine. She's the kindest, most genuine
person I've ever met.
To me, a hero is someone who will always be there for you no matter what; they will
always be there for you even when things are bad. If I'm upset and crying or celebrating a new
achievement in my life, I know my mother will always be there for me, and I know she will
always be there for me. She is the most unselfish person I've ever met. She has always
prioritized me in her life and has gone to great lengths to be the best mother and provide me
the finest life possible. It's not easy for you to put up with me. I'm irritable, obstinate, and
believe I know everything. My relationship with my mother isn't ideal. We get into disputes and
disagree on a lot of topics, but no matter how big of a fight we get into, we always make up at
the end of the day because we both know we can't live without each other.
My mother is a hero to me not only because of everything she gives and gives back to
me, but also because she is a wonderful wife, mother, and friend. I aspire to have all of the
traits she possesses as a person and to be like her one day. Because I know she would do
anything for me in a heartbeat if I were in need or harmed, my mother makes me feel like the
most important person in the world. I can't even put into words how much I adore her and how
fortunate I am to have such a wonderful mother. She has always encouraged me to be proud of
who I am and to embrace myself. My mum has always encouraged me to do what makes me
happy and strive to be the greatest person I can be. For a variety of reasons, she is a hero to
me. I've known her for 19 years, and I'm sure there will be many more. Nothing will ever be
able to match the impact she has had on my life. Without her, I wouldn't be the woman I am
Activity 1: React: How moral is moral

Question: Do you agree with Aristotle that having a moral virtues and behavior are more
important rather than studyingethics or moral theory? How might his approach be connected
or be relate into a college ethics course?

I agree. Studying ethics or moral theory isn’t as important to me as having a moral virtue
or behavior. Everything will follow if you have a moral virtue or behavior. They are the
fundamental characteristics that are required for our happiness and well-being. Understanding
the importance of moral virtues in our lives will increase our ability to communicate,
comprehend, and accept others. It’s also necessary to learn ethics or moral theory, but how can
you apply it to yourself if you don’t have any moral virtues or behavior? Because moral virtues
reside within us, studying ethics will not make you have them; it will only make you learn about

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